BootstrapX popover and close button - javascript

I'm developing Joomla 2.5 site with template based on Twitter Bootstrap v2.1.1.
I'm also using BootstrapX - clickover, a Bootstrap extension to allow popovers to be opened and closed with clicks on elements instead of hover or focus:
In popover I'm calling a HTML file with simple AJAX currency converter.
This is HTML which triggers popover with currency converter:
<a class="pretvornik withajaxpopover" href="#" rel="clickover" title="Pretvornik valut" data-load="">Click here</a>
This is content of the HTML file (
<p>V okence vpišite znesek v britanskih funtih, ki ga želite preračunati v eure.</p>
<div id="currencyBox">
<div class="currencyInner">
<div class="data">
<input type="text" name="znesek" id="znesek" value="1" /><span id="gbpsign">£</span>
<div class="data">
<select name="fromCurrency" id="fromCurrency">
<option selected="" value="GBP">GBP</option>
<div class="data">
<select name="toCurrency" id="toCurrency">
<option value="EUR">EUR</option>
<div style="currencyInner" id="calcresults"></div>
<div class="clr"> </div>
<div class="data">
<input class="btn btn-primary" type="button" name="convert" id="convert" value="Pretvori »" />
<button class="btn" class="clickover" data-toggle='button' data-dismiss="clickover">Zapri</button>
This is javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
//Add close button to bootstrap popovers
//Load data
var el=$(this);
el.unbind('click').popover({content: d}).popover('show');
Right now when I click on a link which triggers popover, two popovers appear.
One popover has content from static_converter.html, but it's missing clickover class "popover fade right in".
Other popover, which is hidden behind first one has correct class "popover clickover fade right in", but it has no content except title which is taken from a.pretvornik.withajaxpower title tag.
So when I click close button in the first popover it actually closes second popover (because it has clickover class).
I can't figure out what I'm I doing wrong.
You can see it here: (click on the "£ » €" in the first semicircle in the top left part of the page).
Any help would be appreciated.

It appears the plugin is inheriting from the Twitter Bootstrap popover plugin : it means you don't need to call .clickover() if you call .popover() (or rather the opposite).
You should try that
<script type="text/javascript">
//Load data and bind clickover
var el=$(this);
$.get(el.attr('data-load'),function(d){'click.ajaxload').clickover({content: d}).clickover('show');
I took the liberty of changing bind and unbind to on and off because it's preferred since 1.7.
I also added an event name click.ajaxload to avoid conflict, but you should look into .one() because it does the unbinding for you.
If you have clickovers that don't have the ajax loading part, you should make two separate selectors and enable the clickover plugin differently on each.
You can for example remove the rel="clickover" attribute on the .withajaxpopover elements, and keep both $('[rel="clickover"]').clickover(); and the code above.


How to trigger data-* event in JQuery/JS?

I'm actually new to JQuery, and i am trying to trigger a quick view from the css framework Bulma, you can get documentation on the quickview here:
The quickview is set like this:
<div id="quickviewDefault" class="quickview">
<header class="quickview-header">
<p class="title">Quickview title</p>
<span class="delete" data-dismiss="quickview"></span>
<div class="quickview-body">
<div class="quickview-block">
<footer class="quickview-footer">
And i can call it with this button (as saw on the wiki):
<button class="button is-primary" data-show="quickview" data-target="quickviewDefault">Show quickview</button>
So far its working, but i want to create a second button that ll call the quickview with JQuery, how can i do it ?
So far i've tried to click on the button who work great with JQuery when i click on my second button.
<!-- First button, work great -->
<button class="button is-primary" data-show="quickview" data-target="quickviewDefault">Show quickview</button>
<!-- Second button, doesn't work yet -->
<button class="clickmeplz">></button>
The first button is working well, and the second one should call the same quickview as the first one but with JQuery.
This is the code i've tried so far with my second button.
Unfortunately, it seem that the method click() cannot trigger the event of my first button like this.
Hello !
Let's try this:
if($('').length) { //If the quickview is showed
$('').removeClass('is-active'); //Remove the class to hide
}else {
$('div#quickviewDefault').addClass('is-active'); //Add the class to show

HTML element in button prevents disabled in the wrapper element

Angular stackblitz link:
I have a complex case which i need some enlightenment. (For angular developers, you can think the wrapper div as a host selector, <my-button></my-button>)
As you can see in the fiddle I have a disabled button with a wrapper div which has a click event.
<div onclick="alert('hey')" style="display:inline-block">
<button disabled>
What I expect is that when I click on that area, nothing will happen but alas I get the alert. If I remove the span element and put plain text inside the button, this works.
<div onclick="alert('hey')" style="display:inline-block">
<button disabled>
How can I make the div unclickable in this case? I found out that pointer-events: none does the trick but then I lose the curser-event which I need for accessibility
I stumbled upon this issue while creating a custom button component with an ng-content in Angular but then realized this is bigger than the framework.
Some links i checked:
Can you prevent an Angular component's host click from firing?
Add CSS cursor property when using "pointer-events: none"
How to stop event propagation with inline onclick attribute?
Maybe this example will be useful
function clickHandler() {
<div onclick="return false;">
<button onclick="clickHandler()">
You can use this css property to avoid click event be fired in the span tag. It could be a workaround.
<div onclick="alert('hey')" style="display:inline-block">
<button disabled>
<span style="pointer-events:none;">Click</span>

Find out which close button closed an alertbox

I have an alert box with multiple close buttons:
<div data-alert class="alert-box cookies-consent">
<div class="informative-text">
Using cookies...
<div class="close-buttons">
Opt Out
I registered a handler for the close event as the docs suggest:
$(document).on('close.fndtn.alert', function(event) {'An alert box has been closed!');;
But unless I've missed it, the event doesn't seem to indicate which of the buttons was clicked.
How should I modify my HTML/JS to find out which of the close buttons was clicked? I don't want to modify Foundation's own JS, and I do want the UI behavior to remain consistent for both buttons, nice transitions and all.
Here is working spinet as #Panomosh mentioned above:
<script src=""></script>
<div data-alert class="alert-box cookies-consent">
<div class="informative-text">
Using cookies...
<div class="close-buttons">
Opt Out

HTML bootstrap popover function

I was wondering for the popover given by bootstrap I have the following thing -
<img src="femaleprofilepicture2.jpg" class="img-polaroid">
As of now when I click on the image I get both Co-President and on the same line. How do I make them appear on different lines.
One way you can do this is by making the bootstrap popover content an html and setting html to true and provide a <br/> in between:
data-content="Co-President <br/>" and data-html="true"
<img src="femaleprofilepicture2.jpg" class="img-polaroid"/>
But it is always better to create the html content separately and populate it in the popover via the options.
Something like this:
<img src="femaleprofilepicture2.jpg" class="img-polaroid"/>
<div class="mycontent"> <!-- Here i define my content and add an attribute data-contentwrapper t0 a selector-->
Co-President <br/>
return $($(this).data('contentwrapper')).html();

Are there known performance issues using jQuery's insertAfter() with select boxes?

I have two "pages" (basically two div tags; only one is shown at a time). Depending on what "page" the user is on, the select box will either appear in a jQuery UI dialog on page 1 (as a slider), or on page 2 as a normal select box. My question is, can I use insertAfter() to move the select box from one page/div to another? Or, more specifically, is there any reason I shouldn't? I've shied away from the clone() function because it creates duplicate IDs, and basically making a copy of each select box and trying to sync their values seems like overkill, unless there is a good reason to not use insertAfter().
Here's a mock-up of the code, in case my explanation lacked clarity:
<div id="page1">
<select id="tango">
<div id="page2">
<div id="dialog">
<!-- Select Menu would be inserted/moved here -->
Using the $('select#tango').insertAfter('#dialog'); script would actually result in:
<div id="page2">
<div id="dialog">
<!-- Select Menu would be inserted/moved here -->
I think what you'd really want to have it placed where you wish would be:
My question is, can I use insertAfter() to move the select box from
one page/div to another? Or, more specifically, is there any reason I
No, there's no reason why you can't or shouldn't do this.
There's nothing wrong with it. Here is a working demo
HTML code
<div id="page1">
<div id="page2">
<div id="dialog">
<!-- Select Menu would be inserted/moved here -->
<input type="button" value="Dance for me !" />
Javascript code
var clicks = 0,
$select = $("select"),
$targets = [ $("#dialog"), $("#page1") ];
$("input").on("click", function() {
var $target = $targets[ clicks++ % 2 ];
$select.appendTo( $target );

