Javascript: How to modify global variables within functions? - javascript

Below is the code I'm working on. I'm wondering why, when I change the variable ttt in the function, the changes do not stay outside of the function? I've declared it as var ttt = new Array; at the very top.
Also, why can't I use the variable i in the function?
client.on('connection', function()
var sss;
var aaa;
for (i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
ttt[i] = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++)
client.getMatchHistory(434582, function(err, result)
sss = JSON.stringify(result);
var myObject = eval('(' + sss + ')');
console.log ([i].object.value);
for (i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
console.log ("Record" + i + " Successes: " + ttt[i]);

As you pointed out, there are two separate problems with your code, and they're both somewhat related. First, ttt is being modified globally. The problem is that you're checking for the modifications before they happen. I suspect that client.getMatchHistory() is making an asynchronous call. There's no guarantee that all the asynchronous operations in the second for loop will be done executing by the time you execute the third for loop, where you read the array.
The second problem is one of scope, but it's not global scope that's your problem. Since client.getMatchHistory() is asynchronous, the callbacks will be called once the loop is done executing. Once the loop's done executing i will have a value of 10. Likely this is not what you intended. You need to create a callback generating function, that takes the value of i, and returns a function that can be used as a callback. Like this:
function make_callback(i) {
return function(err, result) {
// The body of your callback in here
And then you should use it like this in the body of the loop:
client.getMatchHistory(434582, make_callback(i))
This will capture the value of i in the current iteration and the generated callback will use that value when executed. That should fix your problem with i.

First of all, all globals variables are effectively 'window' object fields, so you can use window.ttt to be sure you are using global variables instead of local. This code should work, so did you try it in developer tool? what does debugger say about presence of such variable?
As for variable i: sure, you can use it, but it better to use it locally, defining 'var i;' on the top of the function to not spoil global namespace.

The client.getMatchHistory probably asynchronous request, you expect that after loop, you will have filled ttt array, to acheive this you have to make a handler which run after last loop step:
var afterloop=function() {
for (var i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
console.log ("Record" + i + " Successes: " + ttt[i]);
for (var i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
ttt[i] = 0;
var i_final=0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++)
var i=i; //localise i
client.getMatchHistory(434582, function(err, result)
sss = JSON.stringify(result);
var myObject = eval('(' + sss + ')');
console.log ([i].object.value);
if (i_final>8) {afterloop();}
in the sample, i_final counts done requests, they can be done in random order, due to async, so you can't refer to i when deciding to run afterloop() , when i_final count to more than last executed request, you run function that should be executed after last request is done.
Note: please use global vars as less as possible, in your code you used global i without any reason


What happens if you put an iteration count of a for loop as a variable?

I want to make a program in javascript in which a person inputted the iteration count for a for loop(they could input x++, or y--), but I don't know if I am using the right method.
Here is my code:
var x = prompt("iteration count")
// x should equal something like, i++, or x--
for(var i = 0; i < 10; x){
But when the code ran the program kept crashing.
Why is it crashing and how do I fix this?
Please Help
you need to parse the int value of x because it's a string and use it to increment i
var x = parseInt(prompt("iteration count"))
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i += x) {
based on the question edit and the comments, you can use eval(), but :
Do not ever use eval!
eval() is a dangerous function, which executes the code it's passed with the privileges of the caller.
So before you use it, read the MDN page and check : eval isnt evil it's just misunderstood
where there's this comment from Spudley :
From a security perspective, eval() is far more dangerous in a server
environment, where code is expected to be fully trusted and hidden
from the end user.
In a browser, the user could eval any code they wanted at any time
simply by opening dev tools, so as a developer you can't get away with
having anything on your client code that could be insecure against
eval anyway.
to test the snippet below, type i++ in the prompt
var x = prompt("iteration count");
for (var i = 0; i < 10; eval(x)) {
an alternative to eval() would be new Function or check the answers here : Programatically setting third statement of for loop
var input = 'i++';//Or whatever condition user passing in
var conditionProgramatically = () => new Function(input)() ;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; conditionProgramatically()) {
For for-loop, third statement will be invoked/executed on every iteration, and hence we set a function call, and in that function, we execute whatever user passing in as you've mentioned i++
That is an endless loop because the variable i never incremented. Try this one.
var x = prompt("iteration count")
for(var i = 0; i < x, i++){
You forgot to increment the index variable, it result to endless loop and maximum stack error, you can also use + for parseInt shorcut.
var x = +prompt("iteration count")
for(var i = 0; i < x;i++){
You have to parse the input value and then make it as a condition to stop iterating after the given value.
var x = parseInt(prompt("iteration count"))
for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {

Strange behaviour of for loop in Heap's algorithm in JavaScript

I'm trying to implement Heap's algorithm to find different permutations of a string and found a strange behaviour with a for loop, here's the code
function permAlone(str) {
var strArr = str.split(''),
permutations = [];
function swap(strArr, x, y) {
var tmp = strArr[x];
strArr[x] = strArr[y];
strArr[y] = tmp;
function generate(n) {
if (n === 1) {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i != n; i++) {
generate(n - 1);
swap(n % 2 ? 0 : i, n - 1);
return permutations;
In the for loop within the generate function, if I put i = 0 the output of the script is ['a,a,b', 'a,a,b'] but if I put var i = 0 the output is ['a,a,b', 'a,a,b', 'a,a,b', 'a,a,b', 'a,a,b', 'a,a,b'].
I understand that var i would create a local variable for the loop, but don't understand in this case why it would change how the loop functions as there is no i variable declared anywhere else in the script.
Thanks any help appreciated.
The reason the behaviour changes if you have a global i variable is that you have multiple recursive calls to generate() all trying to control their own partially complete for loops with the same variable, and all setting i back to 0 when they start.
Picture what happens on the second iteration of the for loop: i is 1 because it has just been incremented, but then immediately a recursive call to generate() starts its own loop and sets i back to 0 again.
If you create a local variable with var then each for loop in each recursive call is independent of all the others.
Try stepping through the code with the debugger, or try adding the following as the first line inside the for loop and watch what happens to the variables when the code runs:
console.log('n:' + n + '; i: '+i);

Javascript returns negative number for index

Getting the negative value when i perform the onclick function in javascript
function sun()
var d,i;
var t = document.getElementById("table");
var rows = t.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
console.log("inside............." + i);
rows[i].onclick = function() {
d = (this.rowIndex);
Though I'm not sure it's what's causing the exact issue you're noticing, you've encountered a pretty common JavaScript pitfall here by using a closure (anonymous function) inside of a loop. JavaScript, like many other languages that support functional programming, has the convenient property that functions can "close scope" around any variables visible to them at the time of their creation. So, as you've done there, you can use the value of d (or i) inside your function so long as it can see them when your function is declared.
Something funny happens inside a loop, though: every function you create within the loop shares the same scope, meaning they all share the exact same copies of d and i. As a result, when you click on any of your rows, the values of d and i used will be their values at the end of the loop, not the particular iteration you're targeting.
This is ordinarily fixed using something known as the "generator pattern," where you create a separate function that returns new functions closed over your desired scope. For example, in your code, you might do something like
function generateClickHandler(i, d) {
return function() {
d = (this.rowIndex);
function sun()
var d,i;
var t = document.getElementById("table");
var rows = t.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
console.log("inside............." + i);
rows[i].onclick = generateClickHandler(i, d);
The new function generateClickHandler returns a function itself, but the important thing to notice here is that the returned function closes over the local arguments i and d, not the shared i and d values used in the loop — their values get copied when you call generateClickHandler. In this way, your code won't be subject to strange closure effects.

add multiple charts d3, nvd3 using for loop

I'm trying to generate multiple charts using nvd3 and d3. I have the right amount of divs.
If I remove the forloop, then I get a chart in #chart1. If I put the for loop then I get a chart ONLY in #chart2.
Can anyone see why?
for (var j = 1; j <= 2; j += 1) {
var s = '#chart' + j.toString() + ' svg';
nv.addGraph(function() {
var chart = nv.models.lineChart();
chart.xAxis.axisLabel('Time step').tickFormat(d3.format(',r'));
chart.yAxis.axisLabel('eig(' + j.toString() + ')').tickFormat(d3.format('.02f')); {
var sin = [], cos = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
x : i,
y : Math.sin(i / 10)
x : i,
y : .5 * Math.cos(i / 10)
result = [];
values : sin,
key : 'sin',
return result;
return chart;
Firstly it's not common to use a for loop like you have (Data Driven Documents). In d3 it is preferred to select all the elements you want and use .each() like so
d3.selectAll('.chart svg')
// Do what you would have done in the loop here
Secondly it looks like there is an issue with using an anonymous function the way you have (not sure why and not spent too much time looking). By calling it as an actual function it works.
See this JSFiddle
Stumbled upon this when I was facing the same issue. Hope this helps another beginner like myself.
nv.addGraph() takes a function as callback. This function you passed is not executed immediately but is instead pushed onto the event loop and executed some time later. Internally nv.addGraph is actually quite simple and it makes use of setTimeout.
The reason why for-loop didn't work is because of Javascript scoping. It's the same reason why this code prints 5 5 times instead of 0,1,2,3,4.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
In JS, the var keyword declares a variable to the enclosing function scope (it ignores block scope - for or if curly braces). If you put all the above code in $() then the i variable would be available everywhere inside the $().
When the callback function is executed, it has access to the parent environment where it was first declared.
Inside the callback function, it encounters i. Since i is not declared inside the callback function, it goes one level up to look for i. It finds i in the enclosing function scope but i variable has already been updated to 5 before the callback function was even run.

JS setTimeout Not Delaying

Alright guys, I'm trying to add numbers on my page every 1/4 second or so. So the change is visible to the user. I'm using setTimeout and all my calculations are occurring correctly but without any delay. Here's the code:
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
I've also tried capturing the return value:
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var t = setTimeout(addNum(i),250);
I've also tried using function syntax as part of the setTimeout params:
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
var t = setTimeout(function(){array[j].innerHTML + 1},250);
I've also tried putting code in a string & the function call in a string. I can't ever get it to delay. Help Please!
How about:
var i=0;
function adder() {
if(i>=10) {return;}
When you did setTimeout(addNum(i),250); you executed the function straight away (function name followed by () will execute it right away and pass the return value to the timeout to be executed 1/4 second later). So in a loop that would just execute all 10 immediately. Which is what you saw.
Capturing the return value var t = setTimeout(...); is helpful, but not in your use case; the value is the timer id number, used for cancelling the timeout.
Not sure what your last attempt is, although presumably it's the function body of your addNum routine, so the same logic applies as above.
Perhaps instead, since you're running the same method multiple times, you should use the setInterval method instead? Here's an example of how you might do that.
Try setTimeout("addNum(" + i + ")", 250); the reason its not working is because its evaluating the parameter and executing it and changing it to something like setTimeout(result of addNum(i), 250);

