Is there any javascript engine for doing file operations - javascript

Like to know is there any javascript engine for doing file operations such as create, reads, write , and parse file in file system.

You can use the File System API, but this is for a virtual sandboxed filesystem you need to create yourself (by making your own files or having user select them from their filesystem). Obviously you can't just access the real file system directly in a browser.
For node.js, use the fs module.

Javascript has no such thing as file operations natively.
The word engine is a bit vague here. There are a couple of different javascript interpreters. V8, Spidermonkey, JavaScriptCore, etc. These implmement only Javascript.
What you need is an extension - a library (typically written in C) which exposes this functionality through the interpreter into the script scope as javascript objects and functions.
node.js is a good example of a suite of javascript extensions with support for this. It is based on the V8 javascript interpreter.


Is it possible to take a WASM file and go back to a JS file?

Although I suspect the answer is no, I'll ask anyway. Given a Web Assembly file (.wasm), is it possible to de-compile that file into a Javascript file?
No. (Web) assembly is not compiled from JS in the first place, that's the whole point.
No, you cannot.
JavaScript doesn’t compile to WebAssembly, although you can use the experimental AssemblyScript compiler to compile Typescript (which is a JavaScript superset) to WebAssembly.
This point aside, decompilation to the original source is not possible. Much of the information is lost in the process of compiling to WebAssembly.
However, this might become possible in the future. The sourcemaps technology allows you to map between code in different formats. It is typically used for mapping transpiled and minifed JavaScript back to its source. This technology could potentially be used for WebAssembly. This is not decompilation, rather, it is a mapping.

Is there a way to read a local netcdf file from a web application?

We are building a web service for data analysis and would like to access netcdf files from the local machine where the browser is running. Javascript offers a file browser, but (for security reasons as I learned) it will automatically upload a file after selection, instead of allowing (read-only) access to it. This presents a show-stopper, because the netcdf files can be HUGE. Note, that the netcdf format and API explicitly allow slicing and extraction of individual variables, which is one reason why the format is so popular.
Now, some research into this issue revealed that the server-client architecture normally doesn't allow access to the local file structure to prevent spying. On the other hand, in HTML5 there is a file API which supports exactly the kind of operations we need -- except that you can access portions of a file by specifying byte ranges, but there is no netcdf API available; hence one would be left again with copying the entire file before being able to slice it on the server.
Of course, the other option are web services such as OpenDAP which are meant to do exactly what we want, i.e. access parts of a netcdf file over the internet. However, this of course requires that every user would have to install the OpenDAP server before they could access their local files from within the web service. (Or, at a minimum they would have to install a web server so that one could access the file via http://localhost/...).
So: does anyone know of a solution to read specific portions of a local netcdf file from a web application? Specifically, are there javascript tools available for this?
Currently you can use netcdfjs, that it's a javascript library that allows to read NetCDF v3 files. Because it's a NodeJS package you can run it server side, and for regular size files you can read it online, here you have an example.
There are no Javascript tools to read NetCDF, but there are Java libraries:
You could deploy a Java Applet to read the NetCDF file locally. From there you could have the Applet try to process the file, or communicate with a backend service, or even try to call on the Applet from Javascript:
There are no specific Javascript libs for reading NetCDF, as far as I know. But let me drop some thoughts:
As you say, you can install a local webserver, and use a server-side language to execute a program that reads the file in your disk. You could use a command-line software called ncdump-json. I intentionally wrote this software for that purpose.
You say that you don't want to install software like OpenDAP or webservers, but maybe a desktop app, a standalone .exe would be OK for you. Using node.js plus chromium (this is called nw.js) you have a program that is at the same time a nodejs server, and a chromium browser. This way you can write a web application that reads the data (e.g. using the embedded nodejs server and spawning ncdump-json...).
And now the simplest scenario, a 100% client-side solution... I think this can only be achieved using Javascript... or anything that can "compile to" Javascript. We need to have the netCDF libraries in Javascript, is that possible? I guess so. Emscripten is a LLVM-to-Javascript compiler, and netCDF is C so it has to be possible to compile it with clang/LLVM, therefore it has to be possible to use Emscripten to have a netCDF JS library version with almost no effort, without having to write from scratch (and also maintain) a JS port. If I'm not wrong, to random access the files there's the method slice in the html5 file api, so that should not be a problem.
Hope I helped.

How to traverse the AST generated by spidermonkey (Javascript file)

I am very very new to Spidermonkey Parser and I have two questions. The first one is to have a good documentation (for beginners) about how to generate the AST of a Javascript file with spidermonkeyParser. And the second one is to know how to traverse the AST. My goal is to use the information in the AST to do some static analysis of the JS files (Type analysis, String analysis).
Thank you
The AST of Spidermonkey is exposed as Javascript objects. That means you should write a small Javascript script, use that script to read and parse the actual Javascript source file your want to parse and obtain the AST as Javascript objects.
This feature is available in the standalone SpiderMonkey shell (probably not in the version that comes with Firefox). You need to download the full Spidermonkey source and build it using the bundled python scripts. A Shell will be built along with your standalone Spidermonkey Javascript engine. This shell is just a small console program accepting user commands. The shell can read and execute standalone Javascript scripts. In particular, those Javascript scripts executed by this Shell have access to an extra global object called Reflect which has a method called parse(). The Shell also support extra file I/O functions which is the way you read in the target Javascript source you want to parse.
The description of the full AST is here:

What is a JavaScript pre-compiled library?

I'm learning how to use Magento e-commerce system, and I'm reading its documentation, but I don't understand some term, a "pre-compiled JavaScript library". What do they mean by that? How can JavaScript code be compiled?
The web downloader for upgrading and installing Magento without the
use of SSH (covered in Chapter 2). • js—The core folder where all
JavaScript code included with the installation of Magento is kept. We
will find all pre-compiled libraries of JavaScript here.
I do not know what Magento e-commerce uses, but I know what JavaScript Compilers are.
Pre-Compiled JavaScript is not practical as the various JavaScript interpreters will have their own method of compiling. Therefore, when most people talk about Compiling JavaScript, they are usually referring Minified JavaScript.
However, the latest minifiers go way beyond. A good example is Google Closure Compiler Advanced Mode. It is related to Google Closure Library and Tools, but is well designed even when used by itself.
There is an Online Demo of Closure Compiler.
It is called a Compiler because it is more than a minifier and the name JavaScript Compiler is not used for anything else. For example: This code
function hello(name) {
alert('Hello, ' + name);
hello('New user');
compiles to alert("Hello, New user"); in advanced mode. Single-use functions are removed, variable names are shortened, and even re-used.
It is very thorough. Simple mode assumes that there might be other JavaScript involved. in which case it would preserve the hello function. Advanced mode assumes that there is only a single JavaScript file, or that it is properly exported.
The one thing that keeps this from really being compiled is that it is not bytecode like compiled C or Java would be. It still has to be compiled at run-time like Perl.
Magento has an configuration option in the admin at
System -> Configuration -> Developer -> JavaScript Settings
named Merged Javascript Files.
When this setting is on, Magento will take all the javascript files it knows about, "compile" them to a minified version to product smaller files sizes, and then combine all the javascript files into a single javascript file. This way, instead of opening multiple network connections to download multiple files, Magento will open a single network connection to open one file.
So, when the documentation says that folder contains the pre-compiled versions, it means that's where the individual javascript files are stored, and where the files are loaded from when Merged Javascript Files
The term compilation comes from Computer Science. A compiler takes source code, and transforms it from one language into another language.
Traditionally, it's meant taking code from a higher level language (C, .NET, Java, etc.), and transforming it into the machine code (assembly code) that's understood by the computer chip. However, the term is generic and more modern usage includes taking the source code written in one language (Javascript) and transforms it into a different form (minified javascript).

Javascript for command line utilities

Given a need to write command line utilities to do common tasks like uploading files to a remote FTP site, downloading data from a remote MySQL database etc.
Is it practical to use JavaScript for this sort of thing? I know there are JavaScript interpreters that can be run from the command line, but are there libraries for things like FTP and database access the way there are for e.g. Java? If so, what's the best place to look for them? (Google searches with JavaScript in the keywords always seem to return many pages of browser specific things.)
And is there a way to package a JavaScript program up as a standalone executable on Windows?
Update: I've decided Python is a better tool for this kind of job, but the answers to the original question are still good ones.
Standalone executable?
By the way you ask the question, I'm not sure if you are aware, but the Windows Script Host - included in Windows - allows you to run .js files from the command-line. Your javascript will not be an executable, it will remain a script, a text file. The script runs within cscript.exe, which is provided by WSH. There's no compilation required. Maybe you knew all that.
I use Javascript this way for various utilities on Windows.
I think your instinct is right on the availability of libraries. You are sort of on your own to find all those things. Although, once you find them, it's not hard to package Javascript libraries as COM components and allow re-use from anywhere. See here for an example of packaging the Google Diff/Patch/Match Javascript library in COM.
Addendum: Once a bit of code is available within COM, it can be consumed by any Javascript running on the machine. Some examples of COM objects available to Javascript scripts running in WSH:
MSXML2.XMLHTTP object - used in AJAX, but can be used for any HTTP communication. There also an object for the XSLT engine so you can do transforms from script.
Excel.Application - allows you to open up Excel spreadsheets and automate them from Javascript.
Communicator.UIAutomation - automate MS Communicator (send IM's via script)
COM objects for Google Earth.
SlowAES - an all-Javascript implementation of AES encryption.
You can use Rhino to compile Javascript into Java byte code, and get access to all Java libraries.
Or you could use, and get access to the .net libraries. .net includes a jsc.exe that produces exe-files.
Both of these requires the respective framework to be installed to be able to run.
Node.js is by far the best environment for running non-browser JS. I've used Rhino and SpiderMonkey, and there's a pretty huge difference in everything from the basics like how errors are handled to the size of the community using the tool. Node is pitched for "server-side" JS - building server apps in JS. It's great for this. But it works equally well for building command line tools.
The NPM package manager (bundled with Node) provides a nice global directory for finding and installing packages. It works much better than other language equivalents like PECL / Pear / CPAN / etc. Several high quality tools like JSHint, The Jade templating language, and the CoffeeScript compiler are all already available through NPM/Node:
npm install -g jshint, coffee-script, jade
jshint my_code.js
jade < my.jade > my.html
For args parsing, there are packages like commander.js. I currently use a heavily extended version of Commander in my underscore-cli command-line tool.
For messing with JSON or for doing command-line JS work (similar to "perl -pe"), check out underscore-cli - It's a really powerful tool for processing JSON data, processing underscore templates, and running JS expressions from the command-line. I use it for 1001 different things that would otherwise be really annoying to accomplish.
Rhino is bundled with JDK 1.6, jrunscript.exe in the bin directory will allow you to run any Javascript you want. Since it runs under Java you get access to any Java libraries that you may have.
We use it from the command line extensively. It's very good at that.
One way is to write these utilities as AIR applications - They can be written in JavaScript and need not have a UI. They have access to the command line, and there are existing ActionScript 3 libraries that can handle FTP etc. These ActionScript APIs can be called from JS, in AIR applications. AIR applications also have access to a sqlite database.
jslibs is a good standalone JavaScript runtime that support many 3rd party open source libraries like zlib, SQLite, NSPR, libiconv, libTomCrypt, OpenGL, ...

