GWT/CSS - styling part of a label - javascript

Is there a way to style part of the text in a label - change color, boldness, size, etc?

Use HTML widget instead of Label. Then:
HTML label = new HTML();
label.setHtml("Brown <span class=\"brown\">fox</span>");

I was a little bored, and I thought I might be able to offer something useful, so, that said, I offer this:
function elemStyle(el, needle, settings) {
// if there's no 'el' or 'needle' arguments, we quit here
if (!el || !needle) {
return false;
else {
// if 'el' has a nodeType of 1, then it's an element node, and we can use that,
// otherwise we assume it's the id of an element, and search for that
el = el.nodeType == 1 ? el : document.getElementById(el);
// if we have a 'settings' argument and it's an object we use that,
// otherwise we create, and use, an empty object
settings = settings && typeof settings === 'object' ? settings : {};
// defining the defaults
var defaults = {
'class': 'presentation',
'elementType': 'span'
// get the text from the 'el':
haystack = el.textContent || el.innerText;
// iterate over the (non-prototypal) properties of the defaults
for (var prop in defaults) {
if (defaults.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
// if the 'settings' object has that property set
// we use that, otherwise we assign the default value:
settings[prop] = settings[prop] || defaults[prop];
// defining the opening, and closing, tags (since we're using HTML
// as a string:
var open = '<' + settings.elementType + ' class="' + settings.class + '">',
close = '</' + settings.elementType + '>';
// if 'needle' is an array (which is also an object in JavaScript)
// *and* it has a length of 2 (a start, and stop, point):
if (typeof needle === 'object' && needle.length === 2) {
var start = needle[0],
stop = needle[1];
el.innerHTML = haystack.substring(0, start) + open + haystack.substring(start, stop) + close + haystack.substring(stop);
// otherwise if it's a string we use regular expressions:
else if (typeof needle === 'string') {
var reg = new RegExp('(' + needle + ')');
el.innerHTML = haystack.replace(reg, open + '$1' + close);
The above is called like so:
// a node-reference, and a string:
elemStyle(document.getElementsByTagName('label')[0], 'Input');​
JS Fiddle demo.
// a node-reference, and a start-stop array:
elemStyle(document.getElementsByTagName('label')[0], [6, 8]);​
JS Fiddle demo.
// an id (as a string), and a string to find, with settings:
elemStyle('label1', 'Input', {
'elementType' : 'em'
JS Fiddle demo.
This could definitely do with some error-catching (for example if an array is passed into the function that's less, or more, than two-elements nothing happens, and no error is returned to the user/developer; also if the el variable is neither a node-reference or an id, things go wrong: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'textContent' of null).
Having said that, I felt dirty, so I added in a simple error-check, and reporting, if the el doesn't resolve to an actual node in the document:
el = el.nodeType == 1 ? el : document.getElementById(el);
// if 'el' is null, and therefore has no value we report the error to the console
// and then quit
if (el === null) {
console.log("You need to pass in either an 'id' or a node-reference, using 'document.getElementById(\"elemID\")' or 'document.getElementsByTagName(\"elemTag\")[0].");
return false;
JavaScript regular expressions.
typeof variable.


Removing nulls from html popup

I would like to format the content of my popup so that null values are completely removed. At this point, my popup is filled with the array. There are 20 elements in properties, and depending on the queried feature, many of those values will be null.
var feature = features[0];
// Populate the popup and set its coordinates
// based on the feature found.
.setHTML('<div><b>' + + '</div></b>' + '<div>'
+ + '</div>' + '<div>'+ + '<div>' + + '</div>')
At this point, an example popup with some null values looks like this:
My aim is to eliminate null values and not to display them in the popup.
So far I've tried the JSON.stringify option instead of listing each element in separate <div> element.
function replacer(key, value) {
// Filtering out properties
if (value === "null" || value === null) {
return undefined;
return value;
JSON.stringify(, replacer, "\t").replace(/\"/g, "").replace(/,/g, "")
This produces the desired result but then formatting is the problem.
The JSON object does not display well in a popup even when encasing it in <pre> tags, which produces:
I would like to know if there is a solution to format my popup so that it looks like the first image - but excludes null values. How can one do this is html by listing all of the property elements (course1, course2, course3, etc...) without producing a bunch of empty <div> s?
Here's one way using classic Javascript:
var features = {
properties: {
city: "Salzburg",
course1: "DCLead",
course2: "null",
course3: null,
field_1: "Hello"
function htmlFromProps(props, exclude) {
var html = "";
var i = 0;
for (p in props) {
if (props[p] && props[p] != "null" && exclude.indexOf(p) === -1) {
html += "<div>" + (i === 0 ? "<strong>" : "");
html += props[p];
html += (i++ === 0 ? "</strong>" : "") + "</div>\n";
return html;
popup.innerHTML = htmlFromProps(, ["field_1"]);
#popup {
width: 80%
<textarea id="popup"></textarea>
Use it by calling .setHTML(htmlFromProps(, [])) where the second argument is an array of fields you want to exclude.
You could try filtering your properties, see the example below:
var feature = {
properties: {
city: 'Salzburg',
course1: 'test',
course3: 'test3'
var html = Object
.map(key =>[key])
.filter(value => value)
.map((value, i) => i === 0
? `<div><strong>${value}</strong></div>`
: `<div>${value}</div>`
The crucial part is .filter(value => value) where filter makes sure that only truthy (non-null) values remain in the array. is what a strange object is a instance of CSSStyleDeclaration , I wanna use this property to check out whether the browser support some specify css property
Like this
if("border-width" in{
//do sth. if supported
I found a strange thing["border-width"] //"""border-width") //true
"border-width" in //true
//iterating from Object
for( var i in{
if( i == "border-width" ){
console.log("found it")
but couldn't log "found it" last time, it means we didn't find "border-width" in iteration.
Even[1111] return "" but not undefined , are 1111 is a property too?
It's so strange and confused.
If you want to test whether or not a property is available, use typeof. For example
var out = document.getElementById('out');
['background', 'backgroundColor', 'background-color', 'backgroundColour',
'-moz-border-radius', '-webkit-border-radius'].forEach(function(prop) {
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.innerHTML = '<code>' + prop + '</code> is ' + (typeof[prop] === 'undefined' ? '<strong>not</strong> ' : '') + 'available';
<ul id="out"></ul>

How do you set the display value of any DOM element?

Sometimes I want to update the value of a random DOMNode but I don't really know what type of element it is for sure. I am assuming I will need some block of code that checks to see what type of node it is.
if(el.tagName == 'input' ) el.value = "foo";
if(el.tagName == 'div') el.innerHTML = "foo";
Or even if certain properties exist:
var value = "foo";
if(el.value != "undefined" && el.value != value) {
el.value = value;
if(el.innerHTML != "undefined" && el.innerHTML != value) {
el.innerHTML = value;
The el.nodeType does list several basic types, but they are just basic node types.
What is the best way to update any type of elements display?
Update: #dfsq had a good idea.
el["value" in el ? "value" : "innerHTML"] = value;
However, it doesn't seem to work with just any element:
["value" in document.createElement('li')] // true
Update 2 strict type checking might be a solution:
Note: No jQuery solutions unless you want to point out how jQuery does it
Seems type checking on the el.value is the way to go:
var els = ['p', 'div', 'li', 'a', 'input', 'textarea'];
for (var i in els) {
var el = document.createElement(els[i]); el.value = 'foo'; console.log(el.value);
el[typeof el.value === "string" ? "value" : "innerHTML"] = value;

Find and replace specific text characters across a document with JS

I'm wondering if there is a lightweight way I could use JavaScript or jQuery to sniff out a specific text character across a document; say € and find all instances of this character. And then! Write an ability to replace all instances of this with say a $.
I found this snippet for starters:
var str = 'test: '';
str = str.replace(/'/g, "'");
Essentially; I am wanting a solution for a one page document. Grab all instances of X and make it XY. Only text characters.
How about this, replacing # with $:
$("body").children().each(function () {
$(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/#/g,"$") );
ECMAScript 2015+ approach
Pitfalls when solving this task
This seems like an easy task, but you have to take care of several things:
Simply replacing the entire HTML (e.g. using innerHTML) causes the affected subtree of the DOM to be entirely deleted and replaced, however event listeners are attached to the existing, now deleted elements, so they’re deleted with them. Similarly, WeakMap entries for the existing elements will all be deleted. This is because all of these things need the exact references to the elements or nodes; a replaced innerHTML will create entirely new references and discard the old ones.
Replacing the HTML may also replace <script> or <style> contents, or HTML tag or attribute names, which is not always desired.
Changing the HTML may result in an xss attack.
You may want to replace attribute values, e.g. for title and alt, in a controlled manner as well, but those all-or-nothing approaches as well as regexes are ill-equipped to do so.
Guarding against xss attacks generally can’t be solved by using the approaches below. E.g. if a fetch call reads a URL from somewhere on the page, then sends a request to that URL, the functions below won’t stop that, since this scenario is inherently unsafe.
Replacing the text contents of all elements
This basically selects all elements that contain normal text, goes through their child nodes — among those are also text nodes —, seeks those text nodes out and replaces their contents.
You can optionally specify a different root target, e.g. replaceOnDocument(/€/g, "$", { target: someElement });; by default, the <body> is chosen.
const replaceOnDocument = (pattern, string, {target = document.body} = {}) => {
// Handle `string` — see the last section
].forEach(({childNodes: [...nodes]}) => nodes
.filter(({nodeType}) => nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
.forEach((textNode) => textNode.textContent = textNode.textContent.replace(pattern, string)));
replaceOnDocument(/€/g, "$");
Replacing text nodes, element attributes and properties
Now, this is a little more complex: you need to check three cases: whether a node is a text node, whether it’s an element and its attribute should be replaced, or whether it’s an element and its property should be replaced. A replacer object provides methods for text nodes and for elements.
Before replacing attributes and properties, the replacer needs to check whether the element has a matching attribute; otherwise new attributes get created, undesirably. It also needs to check whether the targeted property is a string, since only strings can be replaced, or whether the matching property to the targeted attribute is not a function, since this may lead to an xss attack.
In the example below, you can see how to use the extended features: in the optional third argument, you may add an attrs property and a props property, which is an iterable (e.g. an array) each, for the attributes to be replaced and the properties to be replaced, respectively.
You’ll also notice that this snippet uses flatMap. If that’s not supported, use a polyfill or replace it by the reduce–concat, or map–reduce–concat construct, as seen in the linked documentation.
const replaceOnDocument = (() => {
const replacer = {
[Node.TEXT_NODE](node, pattern, string){
node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(pattern, string);
[Node.ELEMENT_NODE](node, pattern, string, {attrs, props} = {}){
attrs.forEach((attr) => {
if(typeof node[attr] !== "function" && node.hasAttribute(attr)){
node.setAttribute(attr, node.getAttribute(attr).replace(pattern, string));
props.forEach((prop) => {
if(typeof node[prop] === "string" && node.hasAttribute(prop)){
node[prop] = node[prop].replace(pattern, string);
return (pattern, string, {target = document.body, attrs: [...attrs] = [], props: [...props] = []} = {}) => {
// Handle `string` — see the last section
].flatMap(({childNodes: [...nodes]}) => nodes)
].filter(({nodeType}) => replacer.hasOwnProperty(nodeType))
.forEach((node) => replacer[node.nodeType](node, pattern, string, {
replaceOnDocument(/€/g, "$", {
attrs: [
"onerror" // This will be ignored
props: [
"value" // Changing an `<input>`’s `value` attribute won’t change its current value, so the property needs to be accessed here
Replacing with HTML entities
If you need to make it work with HTML entities like ­, the above approaches will just literally produce the string ­, since that’s an HTML entity and will only work when assigning .innerHTML or using related methods.
So let’s solve it by passing the input string to something that accepts an HTML string: a new, temporary HTMLDocument. This is created by the DOMParser’s parseFromString method; in the end we read its documentElement’s textContent:
string = new DOMParser().parseFromString(string, "text/html").documentElement.textContent;
If you want to use this, choose one of the approaches above, depending on whether or not you want to replace HTML attributes and DOM properties in addition to text; then simply replace the comment // Handle `string` — see the last section by the above line.
Now you can use replaceOnDocument(/Güterzug/g, "Güter­zug");.
NB: If you don’t use the string handling code, you may also remove the { } around the arrow function body.
Note that this parses HTML entities but still disallows inserting actual HTML tags, since we’re reading only the textContent. This is also safe against most cases of xss: since we’re using parseFromString and the page’s document isn’t affected, no <script> gets downloaded and no onerror handler gets executed.
You should also consider using \xAD instead of ­ directly in your JavaScript string, if it turns out to be simpler.
My own suggestion is as follows:
function nativeSelector() {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll("body, body *");
var results = [];
var child;
for(var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
child = elements[i].childNodes[0];
if(elements[i].hasChildNodes() && child.nodeType == 3) {
return results;
var textnodes = nativeSelector(),
for (var i = 0, len = textnodes.length; i<len; i++){
_nv = textnodes[i].nodeValue;
textnodes[i].nodeValue = _nv.replace(/£/g,'€');
JS Fiddle demo.
The nativeSelector() function comes from an answer (posted by Anurag) to this question: getElementsByTagName() equivalent for textNodes.
I think you may be overthinking this.
My approach is simple.
Enclose you page with a div tag:
<div id="mydiv">
<!-- you page here -->
In your javascript:
var html=document.getElementById('mydiv').innerHTML;
html = html.replace(/this/g,"that");
Similar to #max-malik's answer, but without using jQuery, you can also do this using document.createTreeWalker:
button.addEventListener('click', e => {
const treeWalker = document.createTreeWalker(document.body, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
while (treeWalker.nextNode()) {
const node = treeWalker.currentNode;
node.textContent = node.textContent.replace(/#/g, '$');
<div>This is an # that we are # replacing.</div>
<div>This is another # that we are replacing.</div>
<span>This is an # in a span in # div.</span>
<input id="button" type="button" value="Replace # with $" />
Vanilla JavaScript solution:
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(/Original/g, "New")
The best would be to do this server-side or wrap the currency symbols in an element you can select before returning it to the browser, however if neither is an option, you can select all text nodes within the body and do the replace on them. Below i'm doing this using a plugin i wrote 2 years ago that was meant for highlighting text. What i'm doing is finding all occurrences of € and wrapping it in a span with the class currency-symbol, then i'm replacing the text of those spans.
$.fn.highlightText = function () {
// handler first parameter
// is the first parameter a regexp?
var re,
argType = $.type(arguments[0]),
defaultTagName = $.fn.highlightText.defaultTagName;
if ( argType === "regexp" ) {
// first argument is a regular expression
re = arguments[0];
// is the first parameter an array?
else if ( argType === "array" ) {
// first argument is an array, generate
// regular expression string for later use
reStr = arguments[0].join("|");
// is the first parameter a string?
else if ( argType === "string" ) {
// store string in regular expression string
// for later use
reStr = arguments[0];
// else, return out and do nothing because this
// argument is required.
else {
// the second parameter is optional, however,
// it must be a string or boolean value. If it is
// a string, it will be used as the highlight class.
// If it is a boolean value and equal to true, it
// will be used as the third parameter and the highlight
// class will default to "highlight". If it is undefined,
// the highlight class will default to "highlight" and
// the third parameter will default to false, allowing
// the plugin to match partial matches.
// ** The exception is if the first parameter is a regular
// expression, the third parameter will be ignored.
argType = $.type(arguments[1]);
if ( argType === "string" ) {
hClass = arguments[1];
else if ( argType === "boolean" ) {
hClass = "highlight";
if ( reStr ) {
reStr = "\\b" + reStr + "\\b";
else {
hClass = "highlight";
if ( arguments[2] && reStr ) {
reStr = reStr = "\\b" + reStr + "\\b";
// if re is not defined ( which means either an array or
// string was passed as the first parameter ) create the
// regular expression.
if (!re) {
re = new RegExp( "(" + reStr + ")", "ig" );
// iterate through each matched element
return this.each( function() {
// select all contents of this element
$( this ).find( "*" ).andSelf().contents()
// filter to only text nodes that aren't already highlighted
.filter( function () {
return this.nodeType === 3 && $( this ).closest( "." + hClass ).length === 0;
// loop through each text node
.each( function () {
var output;
output = this.nodeValue
.replace( re, "<" + defaultTagName + " class='" + hClass + "'>$1</" + defaultTagName +">" );
if ( output !== this.nodeValue ) {
$( this ).wrap( "<p></p>" ).parent()
.html( output ).contents().unwrap();
$.fn.highlightText.defaultTagName = "span";
})( jQuery );
Use split and join method
$("#idBut").click(function() {
$("body").children().each(function() {
here is solution
In javascript without using jquery:
document.body.innerText = document.body.innerText.replace('actualword', 'replacementword');
You can use:
str.replace(/text/g, "replaced text");
For each element inside document body modify their text using .text(fn) function.
$("body *").text(function() {
return $(this).text().replace("x", "xy");
As you'll be using jQuery anyway, try:
Then just do
$("p").replaceText("£", "$")
It seems to do good job of only replacing text and not messing with other elements
This replaces all instances of replacetext with actualtext
Here is something that might help someone looking for this answer:
The following uses jquery it searches the whole document and only replaces the text.
for example if we had
and we wanted to add a span with the class overpop around the word overpopulation
<span class="overpop">overpopulation</span>
we would run the following
function() {
return $(this).find("*:contains('" + str + "')").length == 0
).html(function(_, html) {
if (html != 'undefined') {
return html.replace(/(overpopulation)/gi, '<span class="overpop">$1</span>');
the search is case insensitive searches the whole document and only replaces the text portions in this case we are searching for the string 'overpopulation'
$.extend($.expr[":"], {
"containsIN": function(elem, i, match, array) {
return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || "").toLowerCase().indexOf((match[3] || "").toLowerCase()) >= 0;

Check if an element contains a class in JavaScript?

Using plain JavaScript (not jQuery), Is there any way to check if an element contains a class?
Currently, I'm doing this:
var test = document.getElementById("test");
var testClass = test.className;
switch (testClass) {
case "class1":
test.innerHTML = "I have class1";
case "class2":
test.innerHTML = "I have class2";
case "class3":
test.innerHTML = "I have class3";
case "class4":
test.innerHTML = "I have class4";
test.innerHTML = "";
<div id="test" class="class1"></div>
The issue is that if I change the HTML to this...
<div id="test" class="class1 class5"></div>
...there's no longer an exact match, so I get the default output of nothing (""). But I still want the output to be I have class1 because the <div> still contains the .class1 class.
Use element.classList .contains method:
This works on all current browsers and there are polyfills to support older browsers too.
Alternatively, if you work with older browsers and don't want to use polyfills to fix them, using indexOf is correct, but you have to tweak it a little:
function hasClass(element, className) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + className+ ' ') > -1;
Otherwise you will also get true if the class you are looking for is part of another class name.
jQuery uses a similar (if not the same) method.
Applied to the example:
As this does not work together with the switch statement, you could achieve the same effect with this code:
var test = document.getElementById("test"),
classes = ['class1', 'class2', 'class3', 'class4'];
test.innerHTML = "";
for(var i = 0, j = classes.length; i < j; i++) {
if(hasClass(test, classes[i])) {
test.innerHTML = "I have " + classes[i];
It's also less redundant ;)
The easy and effective solution is trying .contains method.
In modern browsers, you can just use the contains method of Element.classList :
var testElement = document.getElementById('test');
'main' : testElement.classList.contains('main'),
'cont' : testElement.classList.contains('cont'),
'content' : testElement.classList.contains('content'),
'main-cont' : testElement.classList.contains('main-cont'),
'main-content' : testElement.classList.contains('main-content'),
'main main-content' : testElement.classList.contains('main main-content')
<div id="test" class="main main-content content"></div>
Supported browsers
If you want to use Element.classList but you also want to support older browsers, consider using this polyfill by Eli Grey.
According to MDN Web Docs:
The Element.matches() method returns true if the element would be selected by the specified selector string; otherwise, returns false.
Therefore, you can use Element.matches() to determine if an element contains a class.
const element = document.querySelector('#example');
console.log(element.matches('.foo')); // true
<div id="example" class="foo bar"></div>
View Browser Compatibility
This question is pretty solidly answered by element.classList.contains(), but people got pretty extravagant with their answers and made some bold claims, so I ran a benchmark.
Remember that each test is doing 1000 iterations, so most of these are still very fast. Unless you rely extensively on this for a specific operation, you won't see a performance difference.
I ran some tests with basically every way to do this. On my machine, (Win 10, 24gb, i7-8700), classList.contains performed super well. So did className.split(' ') which is effectively the same.
The winner though is classList.contains(). If you're not checking for classList to be undefined, ~(' ' + v.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + classToFind + ' ') creeps ahead 5-15%
Since he wants to use switch(), I'm surprised no one has put this forth yet:
var test = document.getElementById("test");
var testClasses = test.className.split(" ");
test.innerHTML = "";
for(var i=0; i<testClasses.length; i++) {
switch(testClasses[i]) {
case "class1": test.innerHTML += "I have class1<br/>"; break;
case "class2": test.innerHTML += "I have class2<br/>"; break;
case "class3": test.innerHTML += "I have class3<br/>"; break;
case "class4": test.innerHTML += "I have class4<br/>"; break;
default: test.innerHTML += "(unknown class:" + testClasses[i] + ")<br/>";
Here is a little snippet If you’re trying to check wether element contains a class, without using jQuery.
function hasClass(element, className) {
return element.className && new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(element.className);
This accounts for the fact that element might contain multiple class names separated by space.
You can also assign this function to element prototype.
Element.prototype.hasClass = function(className) {
return this.className && new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + className + "(\\s|$)").test(this.className);
And trigger it like this (very similar to jQuery’s .hasClass() function):
className is just a string so you can use the regular indexOf function to see if the list of classes contains another string.
This is a little old, but maybe someone will find my solution helpfull:
// Fix IE's indexOf Array
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
Array.prototype.indexOf = function (searchElement) {
if (this == null) throw new TypeError();
var t = Object(this);
var len = t.length >>> 0;
if (len === 0) return -1;
var n = 0;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
n = Number(arguments[1]);
if (n != n) n = 0;
else if (n != 0 && n != Infinity && n != -Infinity) n = (n > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(n));
if (n >= len) return -1;
var k = n >= 0 ? n : Math.max(len - Math.abs(n), 0);
for (; k < len; k++) if (k in t && t[k] === searchElement) return k;
return -1;
// add hasClass support
if (!Element.prototype.hasClass) {
Element.prototype.hasClass = function (classname) {
if (this == null) throw new TypeError();
return this.className.split(' ').indexOf(classname) === -1 ? false : true;
A simplified oneliner:1
function hasClassName(classname,id) {
return String ( ( document.getElementById(id)||{} ) .className )
.indexOf(classname) >= 0;
1 indexOf for arrays is not supported by IE (ofcourse). There are plenty of monkey patches to be found on the net for that.
I know there a lot of answers but most of these are for additional functions and additional classes. This is the one I personally use; much cleaner and much less lines of code!
if( document.body.className.match('category-page') ) {
I've created a prototype method which uses classList, if possible, else resorts to indexOf:
Element.prototype.hasClass = Element.prototype.hasClass ||
var hasClass = 0,
className = this.getAttribute('class');
if( this == null || !classArr || !className ) return false;
if( !(classArr instanceof Array) )
classArr = classArr.split(' ');
for( var i in classArr )
// this.classList.contains(classArr[i]) // for modern browsers
if( className.split(classArr[i]).length > 1 )
return hasClass == classArr.length;
// TESTS (see browser's console when inspecting the output)
var elm1 = document.querySelector('p');
var elm2 = document.querySelector('b');
var elm3 = elm1.firstChild; // textNode
var elm4 = document.querySelector('text'); // SVG text
console.log( elm1, ' has class "a": ', elm1.hasClass('a') );
console.log( elm1, ' has class "b": ', elm1.hasClass('b') );
console.log( elm1, ' has class "c": ', elm1.hasClass('c') );
console.log( elm1, ' has class "d": ', elm1.hasClass('d') );
console.log( elm1, ' has class "a c": ', elm1.hasClass('a c') );
console.log( elm1, ' has class "a d": ', elm1.hasClass('a d') );
console.log( elm1, ' has class "": ', elm1.hasClass('') );
console.log( elm2, ' has class "a": ', elm2.hasClass('a') );
// console.log( elm3, ' has class "a": ', elm3.hasClass('a') );
console.log( elm4, ' has class "a": ', elm4.hasClass('a') );
<p class='a b c'>This is a <b>test</b> string</p>
<svg xmlns="" width="100px" height="50px">
<text x="10" y="20" class='a'>SVG Text Example</text>
Test page
Here's a case-insensitive trivial solution:
function hasClass(element, classNameToTestFor) {
var classNames = element.className.split(' ');
for (var i = 0; i < classNames.length; i++) {
if (classNames[i].toLowerCase() == classNameToTestFor.toLowerCase()) {
return true;
return false;
Felix's trick of adding spaces to flank the className and the string you're searching for is the right approach to determining whether the elements has the class or not.
To have different behaviour according to the class, you may use function references, or functions, within a map:
function fn1(element){ /* code for element with class1 */ }
function fn2(element){ /* code for element with class2 */ }
function fn2(element){ /* code for element with class3 */ }
var fns={'class1': fn1, 'class2': fn2, 'class3': fn3};
for(var i in fns) {
if(hasClass(test, i)) {
for(var i in fns) iterates through the keys within the fns map.
Having no break after fnsi allows the code to be executed whenever there is a match - so that if the element has, f.i., class1 and class2, both fn1 and fn2 will be executed.
The advantage of this approach is that the code to execute for each class is arbitrary, like the one in the switch statement; in your example all the cases performed a similar operation, but tomorrow you may need to do different things for each.
You may simulate the default case by having a status variable telling whether a match was found in the loop or not.
If the element only has one class name you can quickly check it by getting the class attribute. The other answers are much more robust but this certainly has it's use cases.
if ( element.getAttribute('class') === 'classname' ) {
See this Codepen link for faster and easy way of checking an element if it has a specific class using vanilla JavaScript~!
hasClass (Vanilla JS)
function hasClass(element, cls) {
return (' ' + element.className + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1;
This is supported on IE8+.
First we check if classList exists if it does we can use the contains method which is supported by IE10+. If we are on IE9 or 8 it falls back to using a regex, which is not as efficient but is a concise polyfill.
if (el.classList) {
} else {
new RegExp('(^| )' + className + '( |$)', 'gi').test(el.className);
Alternatively if you are compiling with babel you can simply use:
To check if an element contains a class, you use the contains() method of the classList property of the element:*
*Suppose you have the following element:
<div class="secondary info">Item</div>*
To check if the element contains the secondary class, you use the following code:
const div = document.querySelector('div');
div.classList.contains('secondary'); // true
The following returns false because the element doesn’t have the class error:
const div = document.querySelector('div');
div.classList.contains('error'); // false
I think that perfect solution will be this
if ($(this).hasClass("your_Class"))
I would Poly fill the classList functionality and use the new syntax. This way newer browser will use the new implementation (which is much faster) and only old browsers will take the performance hit from the code.
This is a bit off, but if you have an event that triggers switch, you can do without classes:
<div id="classOne1"></div>
<div id="classOne2"></div>
<div id="classTwo3"></div>
You can do
$('body').click( function() {
switch ([0-9]/g, '') ) {
case 'classOne': this.innerHTML = "I have classOne"; break;
case 'classTwo': this.innerHTML = "I have classTwo"; break;
default: this.innerHTML = "";
.replace(/[0-9]/g, '') removes digits from id.
It is a bit hacky, but works for long switches without extra functions or loops
As the accepted answer suggests, Element.className returns a string, so you can easily check if a class exists by using the indexOf() method:
element.className.indexOf('animated') > -1
If you are interested in the performance difference between indexOf vs classList.contains, using indexOf seems to be slightly faster. I did a quick benchmark performance test to check that. Here are my findings: ClassName.indexOf vs ClassList.contains.
Try this one:
document.getElementsByClassName = function(cl) {
var retnode = [];
var myclass = new RegExp('\\b'+cl+'\\b');
var elem = this.getElementsByTagName('*');
for (var i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) {
var classes = elem[i].className;
if (myclass.test(classes)) retnode.push(elem[i]);
return retnode;
in which element is currently the class '.bar' ? Here is another solution but it's up to you.
var reg = /Image/g, // regexp for an image element
query = document.querySelector('.bar'); // returns [object HTMLImageElement]
query += this.toString(); // turns object into a string
if (query.match(reg)) { // checks if it matches
alert('the class .bar is attached to the following Element:\n' + query);
jsfiddle demo
Of course this is only a lookup for 1 simple element <img>(/Image/g) but you can put all in an array like <li> is /LI/g, <ul> = /UL/g etc.
Just to add to the answer for people trying to find class names within inline SVG elements.
Change the hasCLass() function to:
function hasClass(element, cls) {
return (' ' + element.getAttribute('class') + ' ').indexOf(' ' + cls + ' ') > -1;
Instead of using the className property you'll need to use the getAttribute() method to grab the class name.
I created these functions for my website, I use only vanilla javascript, maybe it will help someone.
First I created a function to get any HTML element:
//return an HTML element by ID, class or tag name
var getElement = function(selector) {
var elements = [];
if(selector[0] == '#') {
elements.push(document.getElementById(selector.substring(1, selector.length)));
} else if(selector[0] == '.') {
elements = document.getElementsByClassName(selector.substring(1, selector.length));
} else {
elements = document.getElementsByTagName(selector);
return elements;
Then the function that recieve the class to remove and the selector of the element:
var hasClass = function(selector, _class) {
var elements = getElement(selector);
var contains = false;
for (let index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {
const curElement = elements[index];
if(curElement.classList.contains(_class)) {
contains = true;
return contains;
Now you can use it like this:
hasClass('body', 'gray')
hasClass('#like', 'green')
hasClass('.button', 'active')
Hope it will help.
Tip: Try to remove dependencies of jQuery in your projects as much as you can - VanillaJS.
document.firstElementChild returns <html> tag then the classList attribute returns all classes added to it.
// <html> has 'your-class'
} else {
// <html> doesn't have 'your-class'
Since .className is a string, you can use the string includes() method to check if your .className includes your class name:
Using the classList is also ideal
<div id="box" class="myClass"></div>
const element = document.querySelector("#box");
For me the most elegant and faster way to achieve it is:
function hasClass(el, cl) {
return el.classList ? el.classList.contains(cl) : !!el.className && !!el.className.match(new RegExp('(?: |^)' + cl + '(?: |$)'));

