Can I provide default "context" to jQuery? - javascript

The second "context" argument to the jQuery selector call (e.g: jQuery(selector, context)) can be provided to give the selector engine a starting point from which to descend.
This is often useful if you need to control content in an IFRAME (in the same domain). You simply pass iframe.contentWindow.document as the "context" argument.
If any JavaScript code is loaded in the IFRAME which makes use of jQuery, and is CALLED FROM THE SCOPE OF THE OUTER WINDOW, then any reference to $ or jQuery in that code will actually be the instance of jQuery from the outer window.
The problem comes when that JavaScript code in the IFRAME (say Bootstrap.js) does something like $(document) (or does some other selector without a "context" argument). When that code (defined inside the iframe) is called from the outer window, document refers to the HTMLDocument element from the outer window - which is usually not the desired outcome.
It would be super useful to be able to create a lexically-scoped copy/wrapper of jQuery that has a default "context" argument, provided by whomever creates it.
// jQuery already exists out here
var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME');
iframe.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
// code in here can already refer to $ for 'outer' jQuery
// code in here can refer to $local for 'inner' jQuery by virtue of...
var $local = jQueryWithContext($, iframe.contentWindow.document);
// code loaded with IFRAME will use $local by virtue of ...
iframe.contentWindow.jQuery = iframe.contentWindow.$ = $local;
iframe.src = '/path/to/iframe/content.html';
The question is, is it possible to write something like jQueryWithContext above?
Sometimes you want to isolate 3rd party HTML components which (while you trust them from a security perspective) are misbehaved from a CSS / JavaScript pollution perspective.
Bootstrap.js is a good example. It calls $(document) a fair bit, and does other similar context-less selector calls. If jQuery could be re-scoped in the way I describe, then this 'not optimally' written libraries could be isolated quite easily.
Additionally, it can be very helpful to use the same $.data(el, ...) collection from both frames, and this is quite tricky without some context management.

Actually, it would be rather simple:
function jQueryWithContext( selector, context ) {
// I added the possibility to overwrite the context here, but you could delete
return $( selector, context || iframe.contentWindow.document );
jQueryWithContext( '#main' ).show();
But to force it to plugins, you'd probably need to go like this:
jQuery.noConflict(); // keep the real jQuery for now
$ = function( selector, context ){
return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context || iframe.contentWindow.document );
$.fn = $.prototype = jQuery.fn;
jQuery.extend( $, jQuery ); // copy static method
// Then override default jQuery
jQuery = $;
This kinda work, but it could break some usage of $() (Maybe not now, but it's possible in future jQuery version, or anytime the presence of a context parameter break the normal behavior).


What is the difference between (function(){/*.....*/})(); and (function($){/*.....*/})(jQuery);

Is there difference between :
(function() {
and :
(function($) {
Other people explained what the difference is, but not why you use the latter.
The $ variable is most often used by jQuery. If you have one script tag that loads jQuery and another that loads your code, it's perfectly fine. Now throw prototype.js into the mix. If you load prototype.js and then jQuery, $ will still be jQuery. Do it the other way around and now $ is prototype.js.
If you tried to use $ on such a page, you'd likely get errors or weird behavior.
There are many questions on StackOverflow about this problem. Plugins shouldn't assume much about the page they're loaded in, so they use this pattern defensively.
i am asking if there is difference between (function(){/…/})(); and (function($){/…/})(jQuery);
A little difference. In case of (function($){/*…*/})(jQuery); and absense of jQuery you'll get an error message immeditally after page loads. It's a simpler to detect jquery absense or incorrect order of scripts inclusion, when jquery-based code included before jQuery.
In case of (function(){/*…*/})(); you'll get an error message when code inside this construction actually call one of jQuery methods. It's harder to detect this error, but on the other side you can include your jquery-based scripts before jquery.
I prefer first case.
The second form, (function($){/*…*/})(jQuery); can be slightly safer when working in an environment where you don't (or can't) strictly enforce what code gets put on your site.
I used to work on a large site with a lot of third-party ads. These ads would often unsafely inject their own version of jQuery and occasionally they would override jQuery's global $ object. So, depending on how we wrote our code, we might be calling methods that no longer existed or had slightly different behaviour from what we expected. This could be impossible to debug, since some ads would never appear in our area or were excluded from our environment. This meant we had to be extremely protective of scope, inject our dependencies before any ad code had a chance to load, namespace anything that had to be global and pray no ad screwed with us.
Other answers are quite fragmented so I'd like to give a more detailed answer for the question.
The main question can be self-answered if you understand..
What does (function(argument){ /*...*/ })(value); mean?
It's a quick hand version of:
var tempFunction = function(argument){
/* ... */
Without having to go through the hassle of conjuring up a new terrible name for a function that you will only call once and forget. Such functions are called anonymous functions since they aren't given a name.
So (function(){/*...*/})() is creating a function that accept no argument and execute it immediately, while (function($){/*...*/})(jQuery) is creating a function that accept one argument named $, and give it the value of jQuery.
Now that we know what the expression means, surely the first think on our mind is
"Why?". Isn't $ jQuery already?
Well, not exactly. We can never be sure. $ is an alias of jQuery, but other libraries can also use the same alias. As user #FakeRainBrigand already pointed out in his answer, prototype.js also use $ as its alias. In such cases, whichever library assigns its value to $ later wins out.
The practice of (function($){...})(jQuery) is very similar to an alias import in other programing languages. You are explicitly telling the system that your function:
Requires an object/library named jQuery, and
Within your function, $ means jQuery.
So even when someone include a new library later that override the alias $ at the global level, your plugin/framework still works as intended.
Because javascript is so... "flexible" in variable assignment, some people (including me) go as far as doing things like
var myApplication = (function($, undefined){ ... })(jQuery);
Apply the same understanding, it is easy to interpret the second argument part as: assign nothing to the variable undefined. So we can be sure that even if some idiot assigned a value to undefined later, our if(checkVariable === undefined){} won't break. (it's not a myth, people really do assign values to undefined)
When is it commonly used in javascript?
This anonymous function practice is most commonly found in the process of providing encapsulation for your plugin/library.
For example:
var jQuery = (function(){
var publicFunction = function(){ /* ... */}
var privateFunction = function(){ /* ... */}
return {
publicFunction : publicFunction
With this, only jQuery.publicFunction() is exposed at the global scope, and privateFunction() remains private.
But of course, it is also used any time you simply want to create a function, call it immediately, and throw it away. (For example as a callback for an asynchronous function)
For the bonus question
why they used (function(){}() twice in the below code?
Well, most likely because they don't know what they're doing. I can't think of any reason to put nested function in like that. None at all.
(function(){/*...*/})(); does not set $ as reference to jQuery within IIFE and (function($){/*...*/})(jQuery); sets $ or other parameter name; e.g.; (function(Z){/*...* Z("body") where Z : jQuery*/})(jQuery); as reference to jQuery within IIFE
The they are both closures. The first is just an anonymous function that will fire any well formatted code that is inside immediately. The second is the jQuery closure. It is how the jQuery library initiates it wraps its code in the JQuery object and exposes it isn't the $ symbol.
(function(){}()) // this is a closure
(function($){}(jQuery)) // is a closure that wraps the executed code inside of the jQuery returned object and exposes it via the $.
With this (function(){/*…*/})();, you are not passing any argument to the inner function, while with this (function($){/*…*/})(jQuery); you are passing jQuery as argument to the inner function and expecting its value as $(which means, you will be able to use jQuery inside the inner function).
$(document).ready(function() {
console.log('all resources loaded');
They both are examples of Immediately Invoked Function Expression. In that sense, there is no difference between (function(){/*…*/})(); and (function($){/*…*/})(jQuery);. So no benefits are gained by wrapping (function($){/*…*/})(jQuery); inside (function(){/*…*/})();
A new execution context is created when a function is executed. So when (function(){/*…*/})(); is executed a context is created. Again when (function($){/*…*/})(jQuery); is executed, another context is created. Since the first context is not used (i.e. no variables are declared inside it), I don't see any advantages gained by the wrapping.
(function() { // <-- execution context which is not used
(function($) { // <-- another execution context
"use strict";

Jquery function?

Before writing any jquery they always recommend us using
$( document ).ready(function() {});
and place all our code within this function, but I noticed certain tutorial use this instead
what is the difference actually?
$( document ).ready(function() { YOUR CODE });
1. This code wraps YOUR CODE in jQuery's on document ready handler. This makes sure all the HTML is loaded before you start running your script. Also, since YOUR CODE is part of an anonymous function (a closure), this keeps your global scope clean.
$(function(){ YOUR CODE });
2. This is the same thing as #1, just using shorthand.
(function($){ YOUR CODE })(jQuery)
3. This does not wrap anything in an on ready handler, so it'll run immediately, without regard to what HTML has been loaded so far. However, it does wrap YOUR CODE in an anonymous function, where you'll be able to reference the jQuery object with $.
(function($){ YOUR CODE }(jQuery));
4. This is the same thing as #3.
$(document).ready(function() {//when document is read
$(function() {
are the same thing, the second is just short hand
You can also do
$(window).load(function() {
//The window load event executes a bit later when the complete page is fully loaded, including all frames, objects and images.
is an Self-Executing Anonymous Function
So basically it’s an anonymous function that lets jQuery play nicely with other javascript libraries that might have $ variable/function. Also if you notice, all jQuery plugins code is wrapped in this anonymous function.
The first one is executing the function as soon as the document is ready while the others are IIFE's that ensures jQuery can be accessed via it's alias sign $ within that function :
var $ = 'other plugin';
alert($); // jQuery here
The first one makes the method run on document ready. Read more here.
(function($){/*Your code*/})(jQuery)
The last two encapsulate variable / function declarations in your code to a local scope, that gets as a prameter the jQuery object. This approach is used for not littering the global scope with declarations,ie localizing variables.
The difference between the last two is just that the first one delimits function with an extra set of parentheses, to make it visually more clear.
Basically this is how modules are constructed in javascript and making sure one block of code doesn't affect the other.
For more information here's a good article about js development patterns.
var f = function (str) {
var name = "John Doe";
Functionally is the same as
(function (w) {
var f = function (str) {
var name = "John Doe";
And as you can see, the first one creates variables in the global scope, that might affect other scripts, while the second one does everything locally.
Moreover in the second example I did rename the reference to window, and made it available for the method through w. The same happens in your example as well.
Imagine having two js libraries that both use the alias shorthand $. You wouldn't know in your code where, which gets referenced. While on the other hand jQuery always references the jQuery library. And in your case the last two methods just make sure that $ is just a renamed jQuery object, and not anything else coming from another library.

Troubles with (function(){})() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the purpose of a self executing function in javascript?
(21 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
So far I've learned the benefits of using this function (is it wrapping?)
So, it almost acts like namespaces.
Suppose we have:
( function() {
function foo(){
foo(); //alerts true
( function() {
function foo(){ //the same title of the function as above
alert("another call of foo");
foo(); //alerts, ok.
Also I've noticed it can access public vars, like this:
var __foo__ = 'bar';
( function() {
alert(__foo__); //alerts bar
I have several questions regarding this approach
What I've tried:
Use Bing for tutorials (I' found them, but many of them don't answer my questions)
Play with passing objects into the body
Find the answer here
But, I'm still beating my head against the wall
So the questions are:
I've seen people pass objects as params, but when DOES it make sense?
For example, what does it mean?
( function(window) {
I saw smth like this in Jquery UI Lib
( function($) {
//some code of widget goes here
This makes inner code visible outside the function, right? (not sure) Why, this is because
we can access the object (say we have "modal" widget), simply by calling it,
$("#some_div").modal(); //here it's object the we got from the function
And the second question is: How does it work.
I've seen people pass objects as params, but when DOES it make sense? For example, what does it mean?
( function(window) {
The language does not treat parameters to immediately called functions differently than parameters to other functions.
It makes sense to use a parameter whenever you want a local name in your function body for an input. In this case it's a bit confusing since window and document are likely to be confused.
( function($) {
//some code of widget goes here
This makes inner code visible outside the function, right? (not sure) Why, this is because we can access the object (say we have "modal" widget), simply by calling it,
No. It does not by itself make any code visible outside the widget. It's just a parameter definition which provides a new&local name for a global variable.
What makes inner code visible outside is attaching it to an external object as in
$.exportedProperty = localVariable;
which is a common convention in jQuery code.
There are mainly 2 purposes of passing in the window and document objects such as seen below
(function(window, document){
// code
}(window, document);
Javascript can access local variables faster than global variables. This pattern in effect makes the names window and document local variables rather than global, thus making your script slightly faster.
Making these names local variables has another benefit: minifiers can rename them. So if you minify the above script, the local version of window might get renamed to a and document might get renamed to b, thus making the minified script smaller. If you were to reference them as globals, these renamings are impossible because that would break your script.
For more info, checkout these awesome videos
on your first question, I dont think you seen window and document but something more like:
(function(doc) {
var fubar = doc.getElementById("fubar"); // === document.getElementById("fubar")
you have a self-invoking function (or closure) with arguments like any function:
var b = function(str) { alert(str); }
b('hi there') //alert('hi there');
the same thing is it with the code above, but we are just calling the method at once we created it.
the other code you have:
( function($) {
//some code of widget goes here
is to reserve the $variable inside the metod to refer to the jQuery object, this is very handy if you have more frameworks or replaced the $ object with something else, everything inside that method with an $ will refer to the jQuery object and nothing else(if you don´t replace it inside your code).
the code:
$("#some_div").modal(); //here it's object the we got from the function
is calling jQuery and its a shortcut for $(document).ready
it will call the method:
$("#some_div").modal(); //here it's object the we got from the function
as soon as the DOM is ready
The pattern is called a closure. It makes sense to use when a module or function:
wants to avoid polluting globally-scoped variables
wants to avoid use globally-scoped variables and avoid other code polluting them
For an example of each, first take this pattern:
(function(window) {
// ...
Everything inside the closure will be able to use window as if it were a local variable.
Next, take the same pattern using the JQuery symbol:
(function($) {
// ...
If you have some code that relies on a symbol/namespace like $, but another module reassigns that, it can screw up your code. Using this pattern avoids this by allowing you to inject the symbol into a closure.
Whenever you pass an argument to that wrapping function it's so that you won't mess up with any other libraries or global variables that may be present in your application.
For example as you may know jQuery uses $ as a symbol for calling itself, and you may also have another library, that will also use $ for calling itselt, under this condition you may have trouble referencing your libraries. so you would solve it like this:
// here you're accessing jQuery's functions
// and in here you would be accessing the other library
This is specially useful when you're making jQuery or any other kind of library plugins.
What it does is allow you to use the $ variable inside your function in place of the jQuery variable, even if the $ variable is defined as something else outside your function.
As an example, if you're using both jQuery and Prototype, you can use jQuery.noConflict() to ensure that Prototype's $ is still accessible in the global namespace, but inside your own function you can use $ to refer to jQuery.

How to use jQuery context parameter?

jQuery passes a version of itself to global scope with this statement:
window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;
as shown in this SO Post.
Looking at the jQuery source we can see the definition is in top scope for jQuery and defined like this:
// Define a local copy of jQuery
jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
The selector seems pretty straight forward to use: Just pass in a string to select an element or elements from the DOM.
However, how do you use the context parameter correctly?
From the jQuery manual:
Selector Context
By default, selectors perform their searches within
the DOM starting at the document root. However, an alternate context
can be given for the search by using the optional second parameter to
the $() function. For example, to do a search within an event handler,
the search can be restricted like so:
$('').click(function() { $('span', this).addClass('bar'); });
When the search for the span selector is restricted to the context of
this, only spans within the clicked element will get the additional
Internally, selector context is implemented with the .find() method,
so $('span', this) is equivalent to $(this).find('span').
Note that jQuery looks at the presence and type of its parameters and acts accordingly.

I'd like to understand the jQuery plugin syntax

The jQuery site lists the basic plugin syntax for jQuery as this:
(function( $ ){
$.fn.myPlugin = function() {
// there's no need to do $(this) because
// "this" is already a jquery object
// $(this) would be the same as $($('#element'));
this.fadeIn('normal', function(){
// the this keyword is a DOM element
})( jQuery );
I'd just like to understand what is going on there from Javascript's point of view, because it doesn't look like it follows any syntax I've seen JS do before. So here's my list of questions:
If you replace function($)... with a variable, say "the_function", the syntax looks like this:
(the_function)( jQuery );
What is "( jQuery );" doing? Are the parenthesis around the_function really necessary? Why are they there? Is there another piece of code you can give that is similar?
It begins with function( $ ). So it's creating a function, that as far as I can tell will never be run, with the parameter of $, which is already defined? What is going on there?
Thanks for the help!
is just a function without a name, that takes one argument, "x", and does things with x.
Instead of 'x', which is a common variable name, you can use $, which is a less common variable name, but still legal.
I'll put it in parentheses to make sure it parses as an expression:
To call a function, you put () after it with a list of arguments. For example, if we wanted to call this function passing in 3 for the value of $ we would do this:
Just for kicks, let's call this function and pass in jQuery as a variable:
This creates a new function that takes one argument and then calls that function, passing in jQuery as the value.
Because writing jQuery every time you want to do something with jQuery is tedious.
Because someone else might have defined $ to mean something else. This guarantees that any other meanings of $ are shadowed by this one.
(function( $ ){
})( jQuery );
That is self-executing anonymous function that uses $ in argument so that you can use it ($) instead of jQuery inside that function and without the fear of conflicting with other libraries because in other libraries too $ has special meaning. That pattern is especially useful when writing jQuery plugins.
You can write any character there instead of $ too:
// can do something like
j.fn.function_name = function(x){};
Here j will automatically catch up jQuery specified at the end (jQuery). Or you can leave out the argument completely but then you will have to use jQuery keyword all around instead of $ with no fear of collision still. So $ is wrapped in the argument for short-hand so that you can write $ instead of jQuery all around inside that function.
If you even look at the source code of jQuery, you will see that everything is wrapped in between:
(function( window, undefined ) {
// jQuery code
That is as can be seen also a self-executing anonymous function with arguments. A window (and undefined) argument is created and is mapped with global window object at the bottom (window). This is popular pattern these days and has little speed gain because here window is will be looked into from the argument rather than global window object which is mapped below.
The $.fn is jQuery's object where you create your new function (which is also an object) or the plugin itself so that jQuery wraps your plugin in its $.fn object and make it available.
Interestingly, I had answered similar question here:
JavaScript / jQuery closure function syntax
You can also check out this article to know more about self-executing functions that I had written:
Javascript Self-executing Functions
The basic plugin syntax allows you to use $ to refer to jQuery in the body of your plugin, regardless of the identify of $ at the time the plugin is loaded. This prevents naming conflicts with other libraries, most notably Prototype.
The syntax defines a function that accepts a parameter known as $ so you can refer to it as $ in the function body, and then immediately invokes that function, putting jQuery in as the argument.
This also helps not pollute the global namespace (so declaring var myvar = 123; in your plugin body won't suddenly define window.myvar), but the main ostensible purpose is to allow you to use $ where $ may have since been redefined.
You're dealing with a self-invoking anonymous function there. It's like "best practice" to wrap a jQuery plugin within such a function to make sure, that the $ sign is bound to the jQuery object.
(function(foo) {
This would alert BAR when put into a <script> block. The parameter BAR is passed to the function which calls itself.
The same principle is happening in your code, the jQuery object is passed to the function, so $ will refer to the jQuery object for sure.
The jQuery at the end passes itself (jQuery) over to the function, so that you can use the $ symbol within your plugin. You ccould also do
foo.fn.myPlugin = function() {
this.fadeIn('normal', function(){
})( jQuery );
To find a clear explanation of this and other modern javascript tricks and common practices, I recommend reading Javascript Garden.
It's especially useful, because many of these patterns are widely used in many libraries but not really explained.
The other answers here are great, but there is one important point that hasn't been addressed. You say:
So it's creating a function, that as far as I can tell will never be run, with the parameter of $, which is already defined?
There is no guarantee that the global variable $ is available. By default, jQuery creates two variables in the global scope: $ and jQuery (where the two are aliases for the same object). However, jQuery can also be run in noConflict mode:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
When you call jQuery.noConflict(), the global variable $ is set back to whatever it was before the jQuery library was included. This allows jQuery to be used with other Javascript libraries that also use $ as a global variable.
If you wrote a plugin that relied on $ being an alias for jQuery, then your plugin would not work for users running in noConflict mode.
As others have already explained, the code you posted creates an anonymous function that is called immediately. The global variable jQuery is then passed in to this anonymous function, which is safely aliased as the local variable $ within the function.

