How to use scope in JavaScript for Function constructor? - javascript

If I were to make a new function using the Function constructor, how could I give it a non-temporary scope to access besides window (meaning the scope only has to be evaluated once, not every time the function is called)? The purpose is to construct multiple variables that require some pretty costly calculations, and I don't want to reconstruct them every time the function is called, but I also don't want to store them in window. Any ideas?

You could bind your function to the specific context using bind keyword:
var context = {};
var f = new Function("args", "return this").bind(context);
f(); // context
Since bind is defined in ECMA 5th, it may not be present in all browsers, here's a workaround

For the above described purpose, you use static functions. You cannot prevent scope from being evaluated at every call, because this is the way JavaScript works, but you can speed it up by not having window in the scoping chain.
var namespace = {};
namespace.someMethod = function() {
// do something here.
Now anywhere in your code, you can call that method by using namespace.someMethod();. Just be careful. The above is a static method. You can call it without instantiating. But you MUST NOT use inside a static function. It is a potentially very dangerous operation, as it may give an extension access to the global object and basically un-restricted permissions.
And the above is a static JavaScript method. It does not have window in the scoping chain.
Here's how to create a constructor using the same pattern. When you want to use a constructor, you always instantiate before using. For that you have the new keyword.
var namespace = {};
namespace.coordinate = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
namespace.coordinate.prototype.addCoordinates = function() {
return this.x + this.y;
Now anywhere in your code you can do:
var coordinateObject = new namespace.coordinate(5,10);
// you have created a new instance.
alert(coordinateObject.addCoordinates());// will alert 15;
// now you can make as many as you want. They will behave as instances.
// This means they do not interfere with each other in any way.
// They just have the same properties and methods, but the instance values
// Can be entirely different.
var secondCoordinateObject = new namespace.coordinate(10, 25);
alert(secondCoordinateObject.addCoordinates());// will output 35.
You have successufully created an instance of your namespace.coordinate class. Using the pattern I gave you, you can replicate almost the entire functionality of Java or C or any other Object Oriented language.

var yourNamespace = {
func1: function() {
func2: function() {
you can call the function that you want by calling the function from name space like this yourNamespace.func1();

The ever-growing method of creating, storing, hiding, revealing, and grouping variables & functions is through the magic of "closures", Javascript's most powerful and yet unsung feature:
var groupObj = (function (setUp) {
// maintained by reference, hidden
var _priVar = setUp * 2;
// maintained by reference, revealed (through returned object)
var _pubVar = 8;
var _pubFunc = function (x) {
_priVar += x;
_pubVar += x;
var lostVar = setUp * 99; // not referenced, hidden, so evaporates!
return {
'pubVar' : _pubVar,
'pubFunc' : _pubFunc
}(4)); // runs immediately with 4 as setUp, revealing pubVar & pubFunc
groupObj.pubFunc(7); // runs public function, adds 7 to both variables
alert('public variable: ' + groupObj.pubVar); // alerts public variable
A closure occurs whenever there is a function inside of another function. A variable inside of the outter function will be maintained so long as it is referenced by the inner function, kind of a "no-mans land" where a variable is forced to exist by a reference to it from a lower scope, but is hidden from the higher scope due to the innate principles of Javascript.
There are a few other ways to use closures, replacing the object constructor, one-off conflict-free private functions, and more. There are many posts here about them.


Differences between "this" in JavaScript and ActionScript

My background is heavy in JavaScript. I have a very advanced understanding of both ES5 and ES6. At work I was recently assigned a project involving an older flash application, which uses AS2. It is my understanding that ActionScript is very similar to ES5, but with classes and optional strict typing (akin to TypeScript and Flow), as well as a few other classic OO features. It is fairly straightforward so far, but I'm having trouble understanding how this and references work in ActionScript.
This is my understanding for JavaScript. this in a function can reference:
A bound variable, if using Function.bind() (as well as and Function.apply()), which cannot be changed in the bound function, for example:
function func() {
return this.number;
var bound = func.bind({ number: 2 });
console.log(bound()); // 2
An object, if the function is called as a method on that object, for example:
function func() {
return this.number;
var obj = { number: 2, func: func };
console.log(obj.func()); // 2
An instance of a class, if that function is defined on the prototype of that class, for example:
function Class() {
this.number = 2;
Class.prototype.func = function func() {
return this.number;
console.log(new Class().func()); // 2
The global object, if the function is called without any kind of binding or object or instance attached to it, for example:
var number = 2;
function func() {
return this.number;
console.log(func()); // 2
In ActionScript things seem to be a bit different. For one thing, you can access class members without this if you are doing it within a method of that class, similar to languages like C# and Java:
class MyClass {
private var number:Number = 2;
public function func():Number {
return number;
trace(new MyClass().func()); // 2
Also, the ActionScript standard library doesn't seem to have a Function.bind() method, though it does have Function.apply() and which seem to work just like the JavaScript variations: There also don't seem to be prototypes, which makes sense because classes are more abstract syntactic structures rather than functions (just like C#/Java) based on my understanding.
So my question is, excluding the lack of Function.bind() and Function.prototype, are the rules the same between ActionScript and JavaScript?
In addition, what happens if I do this:
class SomeClip extends MovieClip {
private var childClip:MovieClip;
private var number:Number = 2;
public function SomeClip() {
this.onLoad = function() {
// SomeClip onLoad hander, `this` will be the SomeClip instance
childClip._visible = true; // How is childClip resolved here?
childClip.onRelease = function() {
// childClip onRelease handler, `this` will be childClip
trace(number); // How is number resolved here?
Basically, if you access a member without this in an event handler, or some other loose function that is not a method of the class, what happens? I would guess that in the first case, it would resolve to this.childClip and work as one would expect, but in the second case, the resolution would fail because the onRelease handler's closure won't contain a reference to the SomeClip instance.
I see the comments that have been written so far are more focused on JS, so I'll try my best to answer from an ActionScript perspective.
In the world of AS2/AS3, functions that are defined as methods on a class have their this value bound to the class. This is typical of many higher-level languages with modern classes, such as Java, Haxe, etc. As such, in ActionScript you'll rarely find the need to use the this keyword other than cases where a variable name might be shadowed by a function argument:
public function Point(x:Number = 0, y:Number = 0)
// A rare but necessary use-case of "this" in AS2/AS3
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
On the other hand, if the function you provide is anonymous as in the example you wrote, the behavior depends on whether or not you prepend this:
childClip.onRelease = function() {
In this case ActionScript is able to determine number is a member of the class, and will print 2 like you expected since. This is because the interpreter looks for the next closest thing in the stack. In other words, you were ambiguous by excluding this so it knows it needs to perform a lookup.
However if you were to trace(this.number) instead, you would find that you get an undefined (and possibly even an error). This is because this is not a member variable on the class, and now points to a "global object" similar to JS. To avoid dancing with the global object, it's common practice for ActionScript developers to define all of their listeners as class instance methods:
class MyClass extends EventDispatcher
private function MyClass()
addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onChangeEvent);
private function onChangeEvent(e:Event) {
trace(this); // refers to this class, and no need for bind() like JS
Well organized AS3 code will almost never contain inline anonymous functions, since it's much easier to handle garbage collection by using explicit function references.
One last thing to note - you can expect functions that are methods of regular Objects in ActionScript to behave like JavaScript where passing them around via event listeners will result in the context of this being lost, and Flash will not do the magic lookup to locate the variable you referenced:
var obj = {
func: function () {
trace(this); // weird global object
addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, obj.func);
Hope that helps!
In AS2 functions are not bound and get "this" reference passed (evidently via Function.apply or by the object reference) in the moment of call:
function getIndex()
var A = {index:1, getIndex:getIndex};
var B = {index:2, getIndex:getIndex};
A.getIndex(); // 1
B.getIndex(); // 2
B.getIndex.apply(A); // 1
Binding methods to certain objects was called "delegating": In a nutshell, functions are objects too and you can create special function object that has references to both method to call and "this" object to pass:
function getIndex()
function bind(method, target):Function
var result:Function = function()
// arguments.callee is always a reference
// to the current function object
result.method = method; = target;
return result;
var A = {index:1};
var B = {index:2};
A.getIndex = bind(getIndex, A);
B.getIndex = bind(getIndex, B);
A.getIndex(); // 1
B.getIndex(); // 2
B.getIndex.apply(A); // 2
Then, if you don't use "this" reference, once you address some variable by its name there are several contexts that are searched for such a variable in order:
local function variables
local wrapper function variables (this one is truly horrible for no one really knows where these variables exist and it is a potent memory leak)
MovieClip, that holds the function code, local variables
global variables
Play with the following code, comment some "index" variables and you'll see it:
// Global variable.
_global.index = 6;
// MovieClip local variable.
var index = 5;
function wrap():Function
// Wrapper function local variable.
var index = 4;
return function()
// Function local variable.
var index = 3;

Passing a window object into Javascript namespace

I'm trying to better understand namespacing in javascript and found an example of a javascript Immediately-invoked Function Expression that is taking the window object as a parameter. Here is the code from it:
var CG = CG || {};
CG.main = (function(window) {
var FOCAL_LENGTH = 8.0;
var context, width, height, startTime;
var init = function() {
var element = document.getElementById("canvas1");
context = element.getContext("2d");
width = element.width;
height = element.height;
startTime = (new Date()).getTime() / 1000.0;
var original_onload = window.onload || function() {};
window.onload = function() {
return {
init: init,
draw: draw_shape,
clear: clear_canvas
At the end of the namespace definition, there is a line with window in parenthesis which I am confused as to the functionality of. I think that the purpose of adding the parameter of window to the end of the definition is to bind the global window variable to the namespace which will then add different properties to the window, but I can't really be sure.
In another example there is a random variable name passed into the definition of a namespace, and at the end of the namespace definition, the actual name of the namespace is passed as a parameter:
var namespace = namespace || {};
// here a namespace object is passed as a function
// parameter, where we assign public methods and
// properties to it
(function( o ){ = "foo"; = function(){
return "bar";
So there are really a couple of questions here:
What is the functionality of passing a parameter at the end of the namespace definition?
If my intuition for how this all works is incorrect, what is the general structure for this kind of namespace creation javascript?
Clearly I'm very new to this so any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I will try to explain this as well as I can but my understanding of it comes from Kyle Simpson. He's awesome, you should look him up. :-D
You are asking a question about immediately invoked function expressions (IIFE), passing arguments to them, and why someone would do that.
First, the reason IIFEs are being used in this context is to restrict the scope of variables.
This is important because as programs become larger and many pieces are added on you can easily have conflicts from one variable to another.
app.js could have
variable = "thing";
and shortly after somethingelse.js could have
variable = "not thing";
That is a huge problem. It is avoided in javascript by creating "modules" or functions that immediately run and run once.
That way, the variables and methods you create in your function don't "pollute the global scope/namespace."
BUT, what if you NEEDED or WANTED something to be available on the global window object?
Well, you could do that by adding it to the "window" which is the global scope in javascript.
(function Module(window){
var _thing = "private thing that only exists in this function";
window.thing = _thing;
//window.onload you can wait for DOM/page before running the rest
You also could have named it anything you wanted inside your function:
(function niftyModule(global){
global.variable = "nifty text!";
This becomes especially important when you are using multiple libraries.
For some reason, everyone likes to use "$" as the representation of their library so you can access their private methods (which are really just functions inside an IIFE too! (its a really popular way to build good stuff).
So, what if you are using jQuery and 2 other libraries that also use $ to access their public methods/api??
Easy, you can assign which one you want to assign what variable inside your function/module scope by passing it in as an argument!
(function NiftyModule(window, $){
//Now, every time you use $ in here it means jQuery and not something else!
})(window, jQuery);
It is important to play around with functions and scope. Build some variables in different ways.
For example, is....
var text = "nifty text";
the same as
text = "nifty text";
How about if you do the same thing inside functions? How do those two versions differ?
Also, get used to building your own programs in IIFEs and properly restricting the scope of the code you are writing.
You can also return objects from functions which have the methods and variables you want to access globally on them without adding them to the window object.
It is complicated at first but in the future it saves you a lot of trouble and bugs!
Finally, In your example of:
//initialize a global variable called namespace. If this already
//existed then assign it the previous values. If not, make it an empty
var namespace = namespace || {};
//pass namespace into an IIFE. Within the IIFE refer to namespace as "o"
(function( o ){
//assign a variable to namespace = "foo";
//assign a method to namespace = function(){
return "bar";
//now when you log namespace it will have those properties.

Variable privacy in Javascript's behaviour delegation pattern

Since my last question, I've been studying Javascript's prototype model and trying to get rid of the OOP vision I inherited from other languages (pun slightly intended).
I went back to basics and read Crookford's Javascript: The Good Parts, along with You Don't Know JS material and decided to stick with the so called behaviour delegation.
Restructuring my previous example implementing behaviour delegation and namespacing, I wrote:
var GAME = {};
(function(namespace) {
var Warrior = {};
Warrior.init = function(weapon) {
Warrior.getWeapon = function() {
return this.weapon;
Warrior.setWeapon = function(value) {
this.weapon = value || "Bare hands";
namespace.Warrior = namespace.Warrior || Warrior;
(function(namespace) {
var Archer = Object.create(namespace.Warrior);
Archer.init = function(accuracy) {
Archer.getAccuracy = function() {
return this.accuracy;
Archer.setAccuracy = function(value) {
this.accuracy = value;
namespace.Archer = namespace.Archer || Archer;
So, everytime I copy a new Archer object:
var archer1 = Object.create(GAME.Archer);
only this object will be created, conserving memory.
But what if I don't want to expose "accuracy" attribute? The attribute would only increase by calling a "training()" method or something similar. I tried to use var accuracy inside the anonymous function, but it turns into kind of static variable, all instances of Archer would share the same value.
The question: Is there any way to set a variable as private while still keeping behaviour-delegation/prototypal pattern?
I do know of functional pattern as well, Here I succesfully achieved variable privacy, at the cost of memory. By going functional, every new "archer" instance generates a new "Warrior" and then a new "Archer". Even considering that Chrome and Firefox have different optmizations, testings on both report that the Delegation/Prototypal pattern is more efficient:
If I go with the pure-object delegation pattern, should I just forget the classic encapsulation concept and accept the free changing nature of properties?
I would try to answer your question with something that is slightly different then this one that tells you how to use a library.
Different in that it will(hopefully) give you some ideas of how can we tackle the problem of private vars in OLOO ourselves. At least to some extent, with our own code, no external lib needed, which could be useful in certain scenarios.
In order for code to be cleaner I've striped your anonymous wrapper functions, since they are not related to problem in any way.
var Warrior = {};
Warrior.warInit = function (weapon){
Warrior.getWeapon = function(){
return this.weapon;
Warrior.setWeapon = function (value){
this.weapon = value || "Bare hands";
var Archer = Object.create(Warrior);
Archer.archInit = function (accuracy){
Archer.getAccuracy = function (pocket) {
return pocket.accuracy;
Archer.setAccuracy = function (value, pocket){
pocket.accuracy = value;
function attachPocket(){
var pocket = {};
var archer = Object.create(Archer);
archer.getAccuracy = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]);
return Archer.getAccuracy.apply(this, args)
archer.setAccuracy = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]);
return Archer.setAccuracy.apply(this, args);
return archer;
var archer1 = attachPocket();
archer1.archInit("accuracy high");
console.log(archer1.getAccuracy()); // accuracy high
archer1.setAccuracy("accuracy medium");
console.log(archer1.getAccuracy()); // accuracy medium
Test code above here. (and open your browser console)
1 ) General practice in OLOO about naming functions on different levels of prototype chain is apposite from OOP. We want different names that are more descriptive and self documenting, which brigs code that is cleaner and more readable. More importantly, by giving different names we avoid recursion loop:
Archer.init = function(accuracy, pocket){
this.init() // here we reference Archer.init() again, indefinite recurson. Not what we want
Archer.archInit = fucntion (accuracy, pocket){ // better,
this.warInit() // no name "collisions" .
2 ) We've created an attachPocket() function that creates internal variable pocket. Creates new object with Object.create() and sets it's prototype to point to Archer. Pause. If you notice, functions that required a private var we have defined so that each of them take one more parameter(pocket), some use just pocket. Here is the trick.
By making wrapper functions like archer.setAccuracy(), archer.getAccuracy()
... we can create closures and call directly functions that need
private var (here pocket) and pass it to them as an argument.
Like so:
function AtachPocket(){
var pocket = {};
archer.setAccuracy = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]); // appending pocket to args
return Archer.setAccuracy(this, args);
Essencially by doing this we are bypassing what would have been a normal search for functions in prototype chain, just for functions that have need for a private var. This is what "call directly" refers to.
By setting the same name for a function in archer("instance") like it is in prototype chain (Archer) we are shadowing that function at the instance level. No danger of having indefinite loops, since we are "calling directly" like stated above. Also by having the same function name we preserve the normal, expected behaviour of having access to same function in an "instance" like it is in a prototype chain. Meaning that afther var archer = Object.create(Archer) we have access to function setAccuracy like we would if it had been normal search for function in prototype chain.
3 ) Every time attachPocket() is invoked it creates a new "instance" that has those wrapper functions that pass a pocket argument (all as an internal detail of implementation). And therefore every instance has own, unique, private variable.
You would use functions in an "instance" normally:
archer1.archInit("accuracy high"); // Passing needed arguments.
// Placed into pocked internally.
archer1.getAccuracy(); // Getting accuracy from pocket.
Up to now all we have is function that "attaches a pocket" with hardcoded values like Archer.setAccuracy, Archer.getAccuracy. What if we would like to expand prototype chain by introducing a new object type like this var AdvancedArcher = Object.create(Archer), how the attachPocket is going to behave if we pass to it AdvancedArcher object that might not even have setAccuracy() function? Are we going to change attachPocket() each time we introduce some change in prototype chain ?
Let's try to answer those questions, by making attachPocket() more general.
First, expand prototype chain.
var AdvancedArcher = Object.create(Archer);
AdvancedArcher.advInit = function(range, accuracy){
AdvancedArcher.setShotRange = function(val){
this.shotRange = val;
More generic attachPocket.
function attachPocketGen(warriorType){
var funcsForPocket =,1); // Take functions that need pocket
var len = funcsForPocket.length;
var pocket = {};
var archer = Object.create(warriorType); // Linking prototype chain
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++){ // You could use ES6 "let" here instead of IIFE below, for same effect
var func = funcsForPocket[i];
archer[func] = function(){
var args =;
args = args.concat([pocket]); // appending pocket to args
return warriorType[func].apply(this, args);
return archer;
var archer1 = attachPocketGen(Archer,"getAccuracy","setAccuracy");
archer1.advInit("11","accuracy high");
console.log(archer1.getAccuracy()); // "accuracy high";
archer1.setAccuracy("accuracy medium");
Test the code here.
In this more generic attachPocketGen as first argument we have a warriorType variable that represents any object in our prototype chain. Arguments that may fallow are ones that represent names of functions that need a private var.
attachPocketGen takes those function names and makes wrapper functions with same names in archer "instance". Shadowing, just like before.
Another thing to recognise is that this model of making wrapper functions and using apply() function to pass variables from closures is going to work for functions that use just pocket, functions that use pocket and other variables, and when ,of course, those variables use the relative this reference in front of them.
So we have achieved somewhat more usable attachPocket, but that are still things that should be noticed.
1) By having to pass names of functions that need private var, that usage implies that we(attachPocketGen users) need to know whole prototype chain (so we could see what functions need private var). Therefore if you are to make a prototype chain like the one here and just pass the attachPocketGen as an API to the programmer that wants to use your behaviour-delegation-with-private-variables, he/she would had to analyse objects in prototype chain. Sometimes that is not what wee want.
1a) But we could instead, when defining our functions in prototype chain (like Archer.getAccuracy) to add one property to them like a flag that can tell if that function have need for a private var:
Archer.getAccuracy.flg = true;
And then we could add additional logic that checks all functions in prototype chain that have this flg and fills the funcsForPocket.
Result would be to have just this call:
var archer1 = attachPocketGen(AdvancedArcher)
No other arguments except warriorType. No need for user of this function to have to know how prototype chain looks like, that is what functions have need for a private var.
Improved style
If we are to look at this code:
Archer.archInit = function (accuracy){
We see that it uses "pocket" function setAccuracy. But we are not adding pocket here as last argument to it because setAccuracy that gets called is shadowed version, the one from instance. Becouse it will be called only from an instance like so archer1.archInit(...) That one is already adding a pocket as last argument so there is on need to. That's kinda nice, but the definition of it is:
Archer.setAccuracy = function (value, pocket){ ...
and that can be confusing when making objects in prototype chain like Archer.archInit above. If we look the definition of setAccuracy it looks like we should it. So in order not have to remember that we don't have to add pocket as last arg in functions (like archInit) that use other pocket functions, maybe we should to something like this:
Archer.setAccuracy = function (value){
var pocket = arguments[arguments.length -1];
pocket.accuracy = value;
Test the code here.
No pocket as last argument in function definition. Now it's clear that function doesn't have to be called with pocket as an argument wherever in code.
1 ) There are other arguably minor stuff to refer to when we think about more general prototype chain and attachPocketGen.Like making functions that use pocket callable when we dont wan't to pass them a pocket, that is to toggle pocket usage to a function, but in order not to make this post too long, let's pause it.
Hope this can give you view ideas for solution to your question.

Define JavaScript get and set function in object without using "this"?

I have a simple global object with a get and set function. JSlint is not liking that I am using "this" in the get and set function because it violates "use strict". What would I replace "this" with so that it would not violate "use strict" (i.e. how go I reference the same thing "this" is referencing without using "this")?
function fnDirty() {
"use strict";
var bIsdirty = false;
this.get_bIsdirty = function() {return bIsdirty; };
this.set_bIsdirty = function(x) {bIsdirty = x; };
var GV_oDirty = new fnDirty();
By convention, constructor functions begin with capital letters. JSLint will allow use of this in strict mode if you are in a constructor function but yours begins with a lowercase letter so it does not get recognized as a constructor.
function FnDirty() {
//your code
To answer your remaining question: "What is the roundabout way of doing this without a constructor?"
Brian had the right-ish idea -- but what he was really creating was a singular object with private properties, rather than a factory.
So to that end, if you wanted a function which granted each instance of the "class" its own unique copy of the private property, you could do this (I'm going to illustrate an actual class of something more useful than "Foo" and "Bar", to better-illustrate the concept -- it should be very simple to recompose this into whatever your intended use is):
var makeWallet = function (starting_amount) {
var amount = starting_amount,
overdraft = 1000,
addAmount = function (added_funds) { amount += added_funds; },
deductAmount = function (extracted_amound) {
if (is_sufficient_funds(amount, overdraft, extracted_amount)) {
amount -= extracted_amount;
return makeWallet(extracted_amount);
// other needed public/helper methods here...
// checkBalance(), is_sufficient_funds(), etc...
public_interface = {
// add all public-API methods you need here
addFunds : addAmount,
deductFunds : deductAmount
return public_interface;
Now, you've got a function which will return an object. Each object has methods which access that object's own "private" (ie: closed-over) amount variable, which is unique to those methods and only accessible to those methods.
Whether you build the functions as vars in the private scope, or build them as function declarations in the private scope, or put them directly into a return { func1 : () {...},... }; is irrelevant, as long as they're defined inside of that function when it's called (ie: not on the prototype chain -- which you CAN'T use in this pattern, anyway -- you will NOT call this function with new).
Okay, so that's all well and good. You've now got a working wallet-maker (without the security and user-features, yadda-yadda... ...homework).
But what if you wanted to add PRIVATE STATIC members to that?
What if you needed to keep track of serial keys, so that you could issue bank cards to people? Or you needed to track the branch-number? This is where Brian's IIFE comes into play. Except that instead of returning the finished wallet object, it's going to return the wallet FACTORY.
var makeWallet = (function () {
var serial_num = 0,
branch_num = "A011002z";
function walletMaker = function (starting_amount) {
/*same function as before, except that you ALSO call:
serial_num += 1; in the construction of the wallet, and assign the id */
var id = serial_num += 1;
return wallet;
// then you return the wallet-factory
// which becomes the new value of the outer function
return walletMaker;
Now you've got static properties (in the outermost closure, that the wallet-factory will have permanent access to, as "static" members), AND you have instance-based private members, which inner-methods, added during the creation of the instance-object, will have complete access to.
The only downsides to this are:
Lose the prototype ability for this particular class, because you aren't using a constructor. Meh. If your objects need this setup, then it's worth not having it...
...if they don't, and public-everything is cool, then just use a constructor, and prototype -- or just build inline objects, with no methods, and build services (functions) to operate on each similarly-built object.
If you build all objects this way, you're going to suffer a memory penalty, when you make thousands of these, or tens of thousands of these objects, each with their own copies of functions (to enclose the private references). Again, this is the price you pay for the functionality. Take the memory hit where security/clean interfaces are a must, and don't, where you don't need to.
Also goes without saying, but avoid using this in financial-institutions, as client-facing code isn't the best place to trust with the power to add and remove real money...
Hope that clears things up.
You can use an alternative approach:
var fnDirty = (function() {
var _isDirty = false;
return {
get_dirty: function() { return _isDirty; },
set_dirty: function(val) { _isDirty = value; }

Would this be a good way to do private functions?

Just saw some interesting code while doing a typo in coffee-script. I got the following code
var Mamal, mam;
Mamal = (function() {
var __priv_func;
function Mamal() {}
Mamal.prototype.simple_var = 5;
Mamal.prototype.test = function() {
return __priv_func(this);
__priv_func = function(instance) {
return alert(instance.simple_var);
return Mamal;
mam = new Mamal();
mam.simple_var = 10;
Now I've read alot about the module pattern in javascript and why its a bad thing (takes more memory, longer to create...) but of course the upside is having truly private functions/variables. Wouldn't the above code be a good way to create private functions (this wouldn't work for variables, unless you wanted static private variables) as the function is only created once in the closure?
One of the upsides of the module pattern is also the execution speed of functions as the code doesn't have to look up the prototype chain. Would this theoretically give the same speed improvements?
To highlight the points I was making, because clearly there was more to the question than just the title:
Yes a module pattern is a good and commonly used way to create private (er, local) data (functions or whatever), and export some sort of interface. Since a function is the only way to create variable scope, it's the only way to create private functions.
Because the functions will be shared by all objects created from Mamal, they're not useful for a functional inheritance pattern (references to functional inheritance have been removed from the question).
There's no performance improvement over lookups in the prototype chain, because the prototype chain needs to be traversed anyway just to get to your private functions.
To address specific questions points in the updated post:
"Would this be a good way to do private functions?"
Sure, but that's because having a function nested in another is the only way to scope a function.
"Now I've read alot about the module pattern in javascript and why its a bad thing..."
For a one-time use module, I don't see any issue. Also, any data referenced by variables that are no longer needed after the module function exits is free for garbage collection. This wouldn't be the case if they were global, unless you nullified them.
"...of course the upside is having truly private functions/variables..."
Yes, though some would take exception to the use of the word "private". Probably "local" is a better word.
"...this wouldn't work for variables, unless you wanted static private variables..."
Yes, though again some may take exception to the use of the word "static".
"Wouldn't the above code be a good way to create private the function is only created once in the closure?"
Yes again, nested functions are the only way to make them "private" or rather local.
But yes, as long as the function only ever needs to access the public properties of the objects (which are accessible to any code that can access the object) and not local variables of the constructor, then you should only create those functions once, whether or not you use a module pattern.
"One of the upsides of the module pattern is also the execution speed of functions as the code doesn't have to look up the prototype chain. Would this theoretically give the same speed improvements?"
No, you haven't exported your private functions directly, but rather the only way to call them is by traversing the prototype chain.
But if you ditched the prototype chain, and added functions as properties directly on the objects created, then you'd have some improvement there.
Here's an example:
Mamal = (function() {
var __priv_func;
function Mamal() {
this.test = __priv_func;
Mamal.prototype.simple_var = 5;
__priv_func = function() {
return alert( this.simple_var );
return Mamal;
Now you've eliminated the prototype chain in the lookup of the test function, and also the wrapped function call, and you're still reusing the __priv_func.
The only thing left that is prototyped is the simple_var, and you could bring that directly onto the object too, but that'll happen anyway when you try to modify its value, so you might as well leave it there.
Original answer:
If you're talking about a module pattern, where you set up a bunch of code in (typically) an IIFE, then export methods that have access to the variables in the anonymous function, then yes, it's a good approach, and is pretty common.
var MyNamespace = (function () {
// do a bunch of stuff to set up functionality
// without pollution global namespace
var _exports = {};
_exports.aFunction = function() { ... };
_exports.anotherFunction = function() { ... };
return _exports;
But in your example, I don't see and advantage over a typical constructor, unless you decide to use the module pattern as above.
The way it stands right now, the identical functionality can be accomplished like this without any more global pollution, and without the wrapped function:
var Mamal, mam;
Mamal = function() {};
Mamal.prototype.test = function() {
return console.log(this.simple_var);
Mamal.prototype.simple_var = 5;
mam = new Mamal();
mam.simple_var = 10;
" Wouldn't the above code be a good way to create private functions (this wouldn't work for variables, unless you wanted static private variables) as the function is only created once in the closure?"
Given the rewritten code above, the function is still only created once. The prototype object is shared between objects created from the constructor, so it too is only created once.
"One of the upsides of functional inheritance is also the execution speed of functions as the code doesn't have to look up the prototype chain. Would this theoretically give the same speed improvements?"
In your code, the function is called via a function in the prototype chain, so it has that same overhead, plus the overhead of finding the local function in the variable scope and invoking that function as well.
So two lookups and two function invocation instead of one lookup and one invocation.
var Mamal, mam1, mam2;
Mamal = (function() {
//private static method
var __priv_func = function() {
return 1;
function Mamal() {
Mamal.prototype.get = function() {
return __priv_func();
Mamal.prototype.set = function(i) {
__priv_func = function(){
return i;
return Mamal;
mam1 = new Mamal();
mam2 = new Mamal();
console.log(mam1.get()); //output 1
console.log(mam1.get()); //output 2
The function __priv_func is not only private, but also static. I think it's a good way to get private function if 'static' does not matter.
Below is a way to get private but not static method. It may take more memory, longer to create.......
var Mamal, mam1, mam2;
function Mamal() {
//private attributes
var __priv_func = function() {
return 1;
//privileged methods
this.get = function() {
return __priv_func();
this.set = function(i) {
__priv_func = function(){
return i;
mam1 = new Mamal();
mam2 = new Mamal();
console.log(mam1.get()); // output 1
console.log(mam2.get()); // output 1
console.log(mam1.get()); // output 1
console.log(mam2.get()); // output 2

