Displaying photos in carousel slider - javascript

I am trying to display some instagram photos in a jquery carousel and for some reason the pictures are displaying in reverse order and all of the photos are not displayed in the carousel slider.
The JavaScript i am using is as follows:
function(data) {
for (i=0; i<20; i++){
$("#carousel").prepend("<li><a target='_blank' href='" + data.data[i].link + "'><img src '" + data.data[i].images.thumbnail.url + "'></img></a>");
<ul id ="carousel" class="elasticslide-list">

Prepend will reverse something.
Think about a prepend b prepend c, etc:
a -> ba -> cba -> dcba -> ...
Use append instead.
As for missing images, my guess is that there are more than the hard coded twenty.
for (i = 0; i < data.data.length; ++i)
Also, the i should be declared somewhere. Hopefully it's declared at a higher scope and isn't an implicit global.
It would be a bit overkill, but if you wanted, you could also use jQuery's each:
$.each(data.data, function() {
//"this" is now each of the data.data entries.
//like this.images or this.link
Edit: It also looks like you're missing an = for your src attribute on the img tag.
I also might be tempted to set the src with DOM manipulation since it's possible that it won't be escaped properly if you have a quote inside of the file name (which probably won't happen).

You could try this approach (see jsbin example), using layerJS and vue.js, I used images from flicker because this doesn’t need an api key.
Gesture movements work as well and you can have different types of transitions between them.
Basically you add a stage div put a layer and add as many frames as you want between for the images.
The HTML would look something like this:
<div data-lj-type="stage">
<div data-lj-type="layer" data-lj-default-frame="image1">
<div data-lj-type="frame" data-lj-name="image1" data-lj-neighbors.b="image2" class="frame">
<image src="img/1.jpg" />
<div data-lj-type="frame" data-lj-name="image2" data-lj-neighbors.b="image3" class="frame">
<image src="img/2.jpg" />
Hope this can help you and others in the future.
disclaimer: I work on the layerJS open source library that I used here.


Using custom attr to add css?

I'm using a generic CSS banner code with a little CSS3 animation (Not the point, but providing background). What I'm trying to achieve is setting the banner class with a custom attribute and getting that attributes content and using jQuery to append a style with it? Like so, However their is alot of these divs that will be using the same technique on the same page...
<div class="banner banner-small animate" data-bg="https://domain.com/path/img/bg.png">
Then jQuery would run and output the code like...
<div class="banner banner-small animate" data-bg="https://domain.com/path/img/bg.png" style="background-image: url('https://domain.com/path/img/bg.png')">
I hope that this wasn't to vague. I've only recently started learning jQuery and I'm loving it! Just don't really know how to go around doing this.
Sure, there are a variety of ways that you can use data attributes as selectors and then access their data via the data() function :
// Iterate through each element with the data-bg attribute
// Set the background image for each element to it's respective
// attribute value
$(this).css('background-image','url(' + $(this).data('bg') + ')');
Or if you don't want to invoke jQuery twice, you can use Niet's suggestion:
this.style.backgroundImage = url(' + this.getAttribute('data-bg') + ')';
Or the following one from adeneo, which forgoes an explicitly loop entirely:
$('[data-bg]').css('background-image', function() {
return 'url(' + $(this).data('bg') + ')';

Giving information to a image

I got a (maybe a bit silly) question.
I'm making a photo gallery using javascript. I need to give every image some information (a id), so i can ask javascript what image is currently open.
I got a array of some images. Those images have a id 1, 2 and 3. When I'm using the gallery to slide through the images, I want to know what image Im looking at.
It can be done by giving the images alt the information I need. So I can go like;
var id = document.getElementById("image").alt;
But I though this wasn't the way to do it. Is there a simple solution for this problem?
I assume you have multiple <img> elements. You could give each of them the same class value so you can easily get a reference to all of them. You could then use data- attributes for any data you want to assign to them.
<img class="gallery-image" data-id="1" ...
<img class="gallery-image" data-id="2" ...
<img class="gallery-image" data-id="3" ...
var images = document.getElementsByClassName('gallery-image');
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
var id = images[i].getAttribute('data-id');
You can add/remove a custom attribute using jquery to your image to indicate it's active:
$(..).attr('c-active', true);
will result:
<img src=".." c-active/>
Setting it to false will remove that attribute.
Since the attribute isn't a standard html syntax, some framework / browser might not be happy about it.
You can also use jquery data:
Or just keep a simple javascript variable to indicate which image id is active (but you will have to update this everytime the image slides)
var activeId = 5;

Issues with linking and images in jQuery

(Note that the result will not display properly without the images referenced)
I'm a student worker at a University with some programming experience. My boss wants me to make a slideshow similar to the one that can be seen here. I don't know anything about Javascript or jQuery other than the basic W3 schools tutorials so I decided to get code from outside sources to modify for my own purposes.
Two issues have arisen with this build of the code.
My first problem is the simpler of the two.
I'm trying to make little thumbnail images at the bottom of the slideshow to tab between slides. Unfortunately due to nested quotes the IDE (Aptana if it matters) interprets the coded quotes as
"$('.slideshow').blinds_change(<img src="
" />)"
Thus it displays " />)" instead of the proper thumbnail image.
My second problem is making each slide into a link. For some reason a simple tag doesn't work.
<li><img class="slide" src="img\sakaiupgrade.png" alt="Whats new in Sakai?" /></li>
I assume this has more to do with the Javascript/jQuery side of things, which is way above my head at the moment.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give me!
If you want to throw in some images yourself the size is w500 h350 for the slides and w77 h54 for the tabs. Or I could try uploading all the relevant images if need be.
You need to add this to the head of your page, underneath the <script tags.
This will start off the blinds process.
<script language="javascript">
Next, you <a links are find, however if you'd like to add a thumbnail change them to:
<img src="img/somethingThumbnail.jpg" alt="Link to Slide 1" />
And as they, job's a carrot!
So you main images are contained within the <li> elements and the thumbnails are within the <a elements.
Edit for Question 2
Looking through the jQuery blinds code, there's no means for it to translate the <li> items into proper links - as the images are changed to a background image of a new div.
You'll need to edit the jquery.blinds-0.9.js file, like so:
Line 49 becomes:
blinds_images[blinds_images.length] = { 'title': e.alt, 'src': e.src, 'href': $(this).parent().attr("href") }
This add the parent elements (the the image) href attribute to the array.
Line 89 becomes:
,'cursor': 'pointer'
This means the mouse will become link a link pointer when over the image
Insert this line into line 91:
tile.click(function (e) { window.location = blinds_images[0]['href']; });
This set's up the default link from the first tile.
Finally, line 115 (or 114 before inserted line) becomes:
$(this).find('.tile_' + i + '_' + j).show().css('background', 'transparent ' + 'url("' + config.images[config.img_index]['src'] + '") -' + (i * config.tiles_width) + 'px -' + (j * config.tiles_height) + 'px no-repeat').click(function (e) { window.location = config.images[config.img_index]['href']; });
Again, this picks up the href and directs the browser there when clicked for a particular slide.
With these changes, you're usual code of <li><img src="someIMage.png" /></li> will work as expected.
CAVEAT I've not tested this without the <a elements, so the list items without links will either need an empty one (maybe) or the jQuery code will need to be tweaked further to capture any null values.
To your first issue:
You can escape your quotes using a slash, e.g.
"$('.slideshow').blinds_change('<img src=\"/some/path\" />')"
To your second issue:
Your link is incorrect. It should be:

What's wrong with this jquery loop?

To summarise briefly what I'm trying to do: I'm providing the facility for a user to view a gallery of thumbnail images, each with a corresponding download link. When the download link is clicked, I present the user with a confirmation div, and assuming the user clicks 'agree', they'll be able to proceed with the download of the full size version of the thumbnail.
To do this, I'm using a repeater to generate the thumbnails. I'm creating a unique id for each link within the 'ItemCreated' event, along with a unique hidden field that stores the relative path for the destination file for that thumbnail.
When the user clicks on the 'Download' link for the appropriate thumbnail, my code should select the 'agree' link, and update it's target path with the hidden field value of the item that was clicked (I hope that made sense?). This basically means whenever a 'Download' button is clicked, the 'agree' link is updated to direct you to the correct file.
The problem that I'm having however is that my 'agree' link never gets updated - it seems to point to the same file for every thumbnail.
Here's a snippet of the rendered thumbnail list:
<div class="download-listing">
<div class="download">
<img src="/img/thumb0.jpg" alt="" />
<div id="downloadLink0" class="dl">Download</div>
<input type="hidden" id="hf0" value="/GetImage.ashx?path=/img/0.jpg" class="hf" />
<div class="download">
<img src="/img/thumb1.jpg" alt="" />
<div id="downloadLink1" class="dl">Download</div>
<input type="hidden" id="hf1" value="/GetImage.ashx?path=/img/1.jpg" class="hf" />
<div class="download">
<img src="/img/thumb2.jpg" alt="" />
<div id="downloadLink2" class="dl">Download</div>
<input type="hidden" id="hf2" value="/GetImage.ashx?path=/img/2.jpg" class="hf" />
<input id="count" type="hidden" value="3" />
<!-- Hidden popup -->
<div id="popup">
<p><a id="close" class="bClose action">I disagree</a><a id="file-link" class="action" href="#">I agree</a></p>
Hopefully you can see from the above code that I'm trying to extract the hidden field path from the download that's clicked, and then update the #file-link 'href' with this value.
The Javascript/Jquery I'm using (and this is where the problem seems to be) is the following:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < $("#count").val(); i++) {
var index = i;
$("#downloadLink" + index).click(function () {
$('#file-link').attr('href', $('#hf' + index).val());
However, none of this is working! What seems to be happening is that every download link points to the same path - the last one in the list. I can't figure out where I'm going wrong. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
I appreciate any help given!
Isn't it easier to do this:
$(".download .dl").click(function(){
$('#file-link').attr('href', $(this).next("input").val());
Try Something like this...
$("div[id*='downloadLink']").click(function () {
After a click on any download link, this code will pass the associated image href path to the file-link element.
here is the working fiddle
I'd recommend against using all those input fields. It just creates a bunch of unnecessary markup. Why not store the #count value simply in a JavaScript variable? And the inputs that contain the image paths could be removed as well. You could store that info in an attribute on each download link, named something like "data-path". For example:
<div id="downloadLink0" class="dl" data-path="/GetImage.ashx?path=/img/0.jpg">Download</div>
Now, going back to your original problem, the above markup would solve the issue quite easily:
$('#file-link').attr('href', $(this).attr('data-path')); //could also do $(this).data('path') if using jQuery 1.6 or later
Other people have already suggested different ways to achieve what you want, but nobody explained why your current code doesn't work.
The reason it currently doesn't work is because of how scope works in Javascript. There is no block scope* and so your index variable is defined once, and updated every time the loop runs, until in the end it has the maximum (last) value. Then whenever your event handler is run, index still has this value, and the last item will be used.
So, in JS, the easiest way to get a new scope is to use a closure. Here's an example adapted from your code:
$(document).ready(function () {
for (var i = 0; i < $("#count").val(); i++) {
var fn = (function(index) {
return function () {
$('#file-link').attr('href', $('#hf' + index).val());
$("#downloadLink" + i).click(fn);
This is not as good a way to solve your actual problem as some of the other answers. However, it demonstrates the concept of creating a scope: you're calling a function that takes one parameter, index, for which you pass the loop iterator variable i. This means that the function inside it (which it returns) can now always access the value of this parameter. The inner function gets stored in fn, which then gets passed as the click handler.
If this looks really tricky, here's a more in-depth look at function and scope in Javascript.
*Note that proposed new versions of Javascript/Ecmascript may add block scoped variables. It is not currently implemented in a cross-browser fashion, however.
You should probably calculate it from the event source (#downloadLinkn), by getting n from the end of the string.

How to use jquery with variable assigned

How can I use a variable in jQuery. as you see in script snippet, I assign a variable "divname" with value, and when i use 'Jquery" to fade out. it is not working. What I really need is, when image is hover, the description will be show up as fading in, when mouse is gone, the the description should be gone. thanks in advance.
Script snippet
$j(this).animate({opacity: .5}, 300);
var i = $j(this).attr('titlename');
var divname = "'#titleID" + i + "'";
//alert (divname);
$j(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
HTML code
<img class="img_nofade' src="image-1.gif" titleid='1" />
<div id="titleID1">my image title 1 </div>
<img class="img_nofade' src="image-2.gif" titleid='2" />
<div id="titleID2">my image title 2 </div>
<img class="img_nofade' src="image-3.gif" titleid='3" />
<div id="titleID3">my image title 3 </div>
No need to use the ' char, just:
var divname = "#titleID" + i;
And in the hover's handlerOut function, the divname is already out of scope, you should define it again.
There are a few issues I see.
Your attributes in your HTML are mixing single and double quotes. You need to use one or the other.
$j(this).attr('titlename'); - The attribute name doesn't match your HTML attributes. (titlename vs titleid)
You have a scoping issue with the var divname. You define it in your mouseover event which means it won't be defined in your mouseleave event. You should just use the next method to get a reference to your div. $j(this).next().fadeIn() This would prevent the need for trying to find the titleID in the first place.
There are a few issues here.
1) You have some typos in the HTML. Be careful about single and double quotes. Not all browsers will automatically correct those kinds of errors, and if Javascript can't find the HTML it's looking for, then your code will break.
2) jQuery provides some excellent resources for getting elements without having to fall back on the varname-style thing (i.e. var titleId = $(this).attr('titleId')+i;)
Instead, you can do something like this:
<img class="img_nofade" src="image-1.gif"/>
<div class="description">my image title 1 </div>
<img class="img_nofade" src="image-2.gif"/>
<div class="description">my image title 2 </div>
<img class="img_nofade" src="image-3.gif"/>
<div class="description">my image title 3 </div>
I got rid of the titleId attribute and changed the divs from id="TitleID1" to "description". It's more generic, but it's also more semantic from a styling standpoint. You won't have to individually style each of those things.
The jQuery would look something like:
$(this).animate({opacity: .5}, 300);
$(this).next('.description').animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
$(this).animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
$(this).next('.description').animate({opacity: 1}, 300);
The $.next() method grabs the next element. If you pass in a selector, you can grab the next element with that selector. This is really useful when you're dynamically adding things to the page and want to grab the next one on the list. There are several other ways to do this, this just happens to be the easiest in this scenario, I think.
Finally, you should keep in mind that the .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() methods will change the display attribute to display:none when hiding. This means that in your above example, without any styling, the titles would disappear, causing the images to slide together. That's why I chose to animate on the opacity instead. You can definitely do the fadeIn/fadeOut thing if you have CSS styling those images to keep them from collapsing in on each other.
Good luck.
You have two functions for the hover and have declared divname in the first and then you are trying to use it in the second. This won't work because it is not in scope of the second function.
Instead of using the divname in this case you could use $j(this).next() to select the next sibling, in this case the div following the img and call fadeIn() and fadeOut() that way.
}, function(){
This isn't too hard
var title = 'titleID' + $(this).attr('titleid');
$('#' + title).fadeIn();
}, function(){
var title = 'titleID' + $(this).attr('titleid');
$('#' + title).fadeOut();
Try this fiddle

