How to play mp3 on link click - javascript

There is a simple link
01. The Name of Track
How to play the mp3 file, when user clicks on link? Please help me to find some simple and effective solution.
Thank you.
Thank you for help.
I choosed this solution as the most appropriate in my case.

Use HTML5 <audio>
<audio controls id="linkAudio">
<source src="demo.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="demo.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
document.getElementById("link_id").addEventListener("click", function () {
Note: As audio is an HTML5 tag, it won't support old browsers, so be
sure before you use it..
Or take a look at this article

Many browsers today (like Chrome and Firefox) will not play MP3 or MP4 files, due to IP restrictions. You can either transcode your files to compatible alternatives, like Ogg, or you'll have to rely on plugins to get universal browser support. One very good option is Soundmanager, which I'm using in a project where transcoding is not an option. It uses HTML 5 playback when it can, but falls back to an invisible Flash movie if the file type is not supported by the chosen browser. It's extremely flexible, but it has a bit of a learning curve. The demos are fantastic though, and provide several types of players that you can probably just drop in to whatever your interface is.

You have several options, you could use the html5 audio tag, which would create a small player that would allow you to play the audio:
<audio controls width="100" height="100">
<source src="some.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
<!-- Fallback for older browsers -->
Your browser doesn't support html5 audio
You could also use the embed html tag:
<embed src="some.mp3" autostart="false" id="somemp3" enablejavascript="yes">
Then run the following javascript upon clicking the link:
var snd = document.getElementById(somemp3);;
Or you could use the embed method for browsers that don't support html5 audio, by putting the above code within the audio tags, and it will show up only if the browser doesn't recognize the audio tag
You could also use a flash audio player.

Play Audio
<source src="demo.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
<source src="demo.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser doesn't support the audio element.
Using jQuery:
$("a").click(function() {


How to control any embedded video?

I scraped some videos, and displayed them with iframes. That works well, however, I am now looking for a way to control these videos on my react app.
What i mean by control is for instance: pause, play, currentTime in video...etc.
I have tried several things so far.
html5 tags, but it does not work mp4 video link that I have.
A few packages, like jplayer or player.js.
I am pretty sure I can achieve my goal, I guess I just need to find the right tool.
EDIT: Here is a example of my code with video.js
<source src="" type="video/mp4"></source>
<p class="vjs-no-js">
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a
web browser that
<a href="" target="_blank">
supports HTML5 video
Take a look at video.js. It will give you a complete control over your video playback. Take a look at their advanced examples.
Also, you don't need iframes to work with videos. If that is a design decision then it's fine but you can do video embeds without iframes.
To control video player instance via js refer to following
var myPlayer = videojs('example_video_1');
<video id="example_video_1" data-setup="{}" controls="">
<source src="my-source.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Then you can control the player instance like following;
Please look at the player API in the following link
Please look at react component implementation in the following link

Does phonegap support the html5 audio tag to play native audio file?

Does phonegap support the html5 audio tag to play native mp3 file??
I want to develop an application using phonegap and play mp3 files on it.
It works when an online source is given in audio tag, like below
<audio> <!--works this way!!!-->
<source src="">
but when I tried it with resident mp3 file in music folder, it didnt work. Like the snippet below
<audio><!--does not work this way :(-->
<source src="music/interlude.mp3">
I also tried the following approaches to link the file in different assets directories, but it did not work
<audio><!--does not work this way:(-->
<source src="android_asset/www/music/interlude.mp3">
<audio><!--does not work this way :(-->
<source src="/android_asset/www/music/interlude.mp3">
<audio><!--does not work this way :(-->
<source src="file:///android_asset/www/music/interlude.mp3">
Then I tried the "phonegap media API" to make it work, but "phonegap media API" doesn't have progress bar and seek bar, so I would like to ask any idea to play the native audio file in phonegap.
Given a FileEntry object, using nativeURL works fine for me. I do something like this:
<audio id='sound'></audio>
And from javascript:
var sound = $$("#sound");
sound.attr('src', myFileEntry.nativeURL);
Where myFileEntry is a variable containing a FileEntry object pointing to the audio file.

Playing audio in background (Windows 8)

In my app, there is an audio tag, playing a MP3 file. When I minimize the app, the audio stops. So, I want to know how to keep it playing.
PD: I use JavaScript.
See this post on the win8 developer blog. It discusses (among other things) the background audio support in Windows 8.
As described in this article:
You can add the msAudioCategory attribute to your <audio> tag for more functionality.
For example:
<audio msAudioCategory="BackgroundCapableMedia" controls="controls">
<source src="song.mp3"/>

Embedding audio in IE(7+) with javascript capability to mute and unmute

I've been looking around for a method to embed audio onto a website, have a capability to loop and autoplay and also be able to mute and unmute the audio with javascript. I know that this is possible and very easy in html5, but I've heard that IE doesn't support html5 yet (or the audio tags perhaps).
I also need my embedded audio to work as far back as IE7. So i think that using the tags will work for all other browsers but IE, while I was hoping something like could work for IE; unfortunately, it doesn't support calls from javascript to mute and unmute - this is because I don't want any controls from the audio player to be visible; simply a custom sound button that the user can click to mute and unmute the audio. Any ideas? Seems that something like this is the most simple thing, but the hardest thing to code :/
Consider using a player that uses HTML 5 by default, but can fall back on Flash if it's not supported.
JPlayer can do that, and has a mute function.
HTML5 is your best bet.
<source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
You can put a flash player here in case the users browser doesn't support HTML5 or any of the audio formats you have added.
the attributes you might want to specify in the audio tag are controls='controls' to enable playback options like play pause and volume controls including mute; loop='loop' to enable auto-loop; autoplay='autoplay' obviously to autoplay; and preload='auto' to load the audio on page load (you can also specify "metadata" or "none")
your player would probably look like:
<audio preload='auto' autoplay='autoplay' controls='controls' loop='loop'>
<source src="yoursound.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="yoursound.mp3" type="audio/mp3" />
Flash player here to fall back on if the users browser doesn't support HTML5

html5 audio tag with playlist

I used the html5 audio tag to have an player and I'm trying to play more then one song.
<audio id="mp3player" type="audio/mp3" autoplay="true" controls="controls" autobuffer="autobuffer" src='#'>
Your browser doesn't support the html5 audio tag.
I started a mp3 file by:
The problem is that is that I want to use a playlist. Is there something like a m3u playlist. I also found somthing with an music.onend but I didn't find a documention neither did it work for me? Any suggestions.
Use event listeners using vanilla JS or your favorite JS library to trigger the nextsong function.
See Media Events, specifically the ended event.

