Node.js Express and Mongoose, rendering after a save() - javascript

I just started experimenting with Node.js Express and Mongoose by creating a simple blog website.
I am trying to build some routes that will do some simple db operations, but I'm getting confused with asynchronous functions and if my code will execute properly every time.
This is basically what I have:
app.get('/createUser', function(req, resp) {
var newUser = new User({name: 'abc123', pass: 'password321'});{ // will this callback always be called correctly?
if(err) resp.send('ERROR!');
So I want the response to be written out as "ERROR!" for any error in saving, and "SUCCESS!" when the save was successful. However, I'm confused about the timing of these functions. Will the get() function ever return before the save() is completed? And if so, will the response not be written out properly?

The get() function will complete before the save function does, but since there is nothing writing a response until the save callback is executed then the response won't be available to the browser until then.
I added a few console.log() calls to your code so you can see the order of execution:
app.get('/createUser', function(req, resp) {
console.log('this will print first');
var newUser = new User({name: 'abc123', pass: 'password321'});{ // will this callback always be called correctly?
console.log('this will print last');
if(err) {
else {
console.log('this will print second');


How to call a function at start in Node-Express, with dbconnection

I'm a little bit newbie with Nodejs. I'm working in a Nodejs - express solution (as webservice of an angularjs web). I want to send and e-mail when MSSSQL database query gives back some information. This is working well for me. The problem is this function should be call in the app.js (when the nodejs server starts), because the function don't should respond to any frontend/web call.
The function:
exports.sendMailBuy = function(req, res) {
//do stuff
The app.js
var silkcartCtrl = require('./controllers/silkcart.controller');
I need to connect with the database, so I've tried to call the funciont in the same function db connection (I'm using Tedious):
dbsqlservertoken.connect().then(function(err, req, res) {
console.log('Connection pool open for sql server');
silkcartCtrl.sendMailBuy(req, res);
}).catch(function(err) {
console.error('Error creating connection pool', err);
With this call I reach the function in the controller, but the req and res vars are empty, so the connection could not be done.
Any help will be appreciate.
Thanks in advance.
The .then() method is used when a Promise is returned. I'm not familiar with the libraries you're using, but your code indicates that connect() returns a Promise.
See Promises for more information.
In particular, the function passed to .then() takes a single argument which is the result resolved by the Promise. In your code, err is being assigned the result while req and res are undefined because the function only receives one argument.
req, res are not returned from connect callback function they are only acccessed using api requests e.g.'/any route' , function(req, res))
You can use node_mailer module if you need req object to send email because with node_mailer you can send email without req object

Blocking Node in Script

I'm using Node.js to write system scripts that run on a server. Due to Node's asynchronous nature, my script is exiting before the database calls have a chance to complete and nothing is ever written to the database.
I'm using Mongoose as an ORM and talking to a MongoDB, if that makes any difference. Node.js offers SYNCHRONOUS method calls for this very reason, for example:
I guess my questions are:
1) Does mongoose offer a way to block so my scripting process can wait for the database call to return?
2) If not, is there another method I should consider other than something like:
(function wait () {
if (!SOME_EXIT_CONDITION) setTimeout(wait, 1000);
3) Is node not the best tool for the job for writing scripts? I love node for web app development, and can write nested callbacks or work with promises all day long. But what about as a scripting language?
EDIT -----------------------------------------------
Below is an quick example of the script to provide more clarity of the situation:
#!/usr/bin/env node
# Please note the above that this is a bash script
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
// ... attributes ...
var model = new (mongoose.model('ModelObject'))();
model['attribute'] = 42;
console.log('This gets printed first'); {
console.log('Nothing in the callback gets printed because callback is never called');
if(err) { // Can't check for errors because this is never reached
console.log('This never gets printed to the screen');
console.log('And consequently nothing is ever saved to mongo');
} else {
console.log('This never gets printed either');
console.log('This gets printed second');
If your model does not get saved, there is a Mongo error. Following MongoDB conventions you have to check for errors:, savedItem) {
if(error) {
// nothing is saved
Otherwise, have you considered using Promises? It useful for chaining events and simpler error handling.
Promise = require('bluebird');
model.saveAsync().then(function(savedItem) {
// saved
.catch(function(error) {
// handle error
I think you are looking for this, check below if this help you.
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
model1 = mongoose.model('model1'),
model2 = mongoose.model('model2');
model1.findOne({"type" : 'Active'}, function err(err, catConfig) {
//This will execute once above DB call is done!
model2.findOne(condition).remove(function(err, gAnalysis) {
//Lines of code that you want to execute after second DB call
I don't see you opening a connection to the database so presumably saving a model instance does nothing, not even call the callback with an error...
I've tested the below example:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var kittySchema = mongoose.Schema({
name: String
var Kitten = mongoose.model('Kitten', kittySchema);
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/test', function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
var silence = new Kitten({ name: 'Silence' }); (err, saved) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('Kitty Silence is saved!');
mongoose.disconnect(function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
Running node test.js prints this to the console:
Kitty Silence is saved!
and examining my local test database shows that Silence is indeed saved.

NodeJS one-shot script using MongoDB connection pooling - how to terminate?

I'm aware of the best practice of MongoDB connection pooling in NodeJS of the singleton DB connection type like this
var db = null;
var connection = function getDBConnection(callback) {
if(db) { callback(null, db) } else { MongoClient.connect( .... ) }
module.exports = getDBConnection;
However, what I cannot get my head around at the moment is how to handle this in a one-shot script that, say, does some pre-initialization on the documents of a certain db collection:
getDBConnection(function (err, database) {
var collection = database.collection("objects");
var allObjectsArray = collection.find( /* ... */
).toArray(function (err, objects) {
if(err != null) console.log(err);
assert.equal(null, err);
_.each(objects, function (item) {
{ id:},
{ $set: { /* ... */ }},
function (err, result) {
if(err != null) console.log(err);
assert.equal(null, err);
// database.close(); <-- this fails with "MongoError: Connection Closed By Application", thrown by the update callback
// database.close(); <-- this fails too, thrown by the toArray callback
If I call the script like that, it never terminates, due to the still open connection. If I close the connection at the bottom, it fails because of, well, a closed connection.
Considering that opening a new connection for every update is not really an option, what am I missing? Keeping the connection open may be fine for webapps, but for a one-shot script called from a shell script this really doesn't work out, does it?
Sorry if this question has arisen before, I've given it some research but have not quite been able to come up with a working answer for me...
As a "pooled connection" there is code running to keep the connection alive and establish more connections in the pool if required under the driver connection. So much like various "server code" methods, event loop handlers have been invoked and the process does not exit at the end of your code until these are de-registered.
Therefore your two choices to call after all your code has executed are either:
Call db.close() or in your code context specifically database.close() once all is done.
Call process.exit() which is a generic call in node.js applications which will shut the whole process down and therefore stop any other current event loop code. This actually gives you an option to throw an error on exit if you want your code to be "shell integrated" somewhere and look for the exit status.
Or call both. db.close() will allow execution to the next line of code and whatever you put there will also run.
But you have to wait until everything is called, so you can cannot use synchronous loops with asynchronous code in the middle:
async.each(objects,function(item,callback) {
{ "_id": item._id },
// updates
},function(err) {
if (err) throw err;

Node.js function without callback

I have a node.js server. When a user requests a page I call a function that pulls some info from db and services the request. Simple function with callback then execute response.send
I need to perform secondary computation/database updates which are not necessary for rendering the page request. I don't want the user to wait for these secondary ops to complete (even though they take only 200 ms.)
Is there a way to call a function and exit gracefully without callback?
You can simply do something like this
app.get('/path', function(req, res){
getInfoFromDatabase(); // get info from the database
res.render('myview', {info: data});
// perform post render operations
If I understand your problem correctly you can use setTimeout with a value of 0 to place the maintenance code at the end of the execution queue.
function service(user, callback) {
// This will be done later
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("Doing some maintenance work now...");
}, 0);
// Service the user
callback("Here's your data " + user);
service("John", function(data) { console.log(data); });
service("Jane", function(data) { console.log(data); });
The output will be:
Here's your data John
Here's your data Jane
Doing some maintenance work now...
Doing some maintenance work now...
You can call your extra ASYNCHRONOUS function before, or after your actual response; for example:
yourCoolFunction() // does awesome stuff...
response.writeHead(200, 'OK');
response.write('some cool data response');
Note that the "yourCoolFunction" mentioned must be asynchronous, else the rest of the code will wait for it to complete.
Assuming you're using express.js:
function(req, res, next) {
doSomeAsyncWork(function(e, d) {
// Some logic.
doSomeMoreAsyncWork(function() {})
res.send(/* some data*/)
Basically you don't really care about the response of the additional async work so you can put in a function that does nothing for the callback.
since I can see none of the answers so far are even somehow helpful, and in order to avoid confusing. What I suggest is use on the object you are working on the following:
function doStuff() {
myObj.emit('myEvent', param);
function callback(param) {
do stuff;
myObj.on('myEvent', callback);
well, just do what you said, render the page, respond to the request and do whatever you have to do, your code isn't suddenly going to die because you responded to the request.
with express:
function handleTheRequest(req, res) {
res.status(200).send("the response")
// do whatever you like here

Nested callbacks in javascript

I have a small problem with nested callbacks in javascript. Apparently im doing something wrong, but i did my research and tried to follow the tutorials avaialble throughout the web. I know that my code works, since query returns proper data, but i have no idea why my code doesnt "wait" within executeQuery method till the res is fetched from database, it just goes straight to "oh noes" section.
DatabaseConnection.prototype.executeQuery = function(query, executeQueryDone){
var activeConnection;
console.log("YEAAA, executing Query: " + query);
this.pool.getConnection(function (err, connection){
console.log("Got Connection, we are ready to go!");
if (err){
console.log("Error, DAMMNIT! " + err);
activeConnection = connection;
activeConnection.query(query, function(error, res){
console.log("Connection from pool is executing Query");
console.log("Error during executing query");
else {
console.log(" OK now release connection (dont be selfish)! ");
executeQueryDone(null, res);
console.log("oh noes! IM AFTER CONNECTION, why dude? WHY???? ");
I'd be grateful for any hints since im struggling with that since yesterday.
generally all was OK, the "issue" was mistakenly written test:
i made it like that:
describe('testDB2', function () {
it('should return proper STUFF', function (done) {
assert.equal(1, someService.getStuff(function(err, result){
if (err === null){
console.log("err is null, as it should be!");
console.log(" result from DB " + result[1].NUMBERS);
while is should be like that:
describe('testDB2', function () {
it('should return proper STUFF', function (done) {
someService.getStuff(function(err, result){
assert.equal(err, null);
assert.equal(result[1].NUMBERS, 43637654);
as a result (in the incorrect case), i didnt fetch the result the way i wanted as assert couldnt "catch up"
thanks to all for the enlightment ;)
Your console.log call isn't part of a callback, so it will be called as soon as the getConnection call is made. If you want it to be called only after your callback to getConnection fires, you either need to call it at the end of that call, or you need to use some form of promises.
Javascript is single threaded, but it does use a task queue. When the database connection is instantiated and the pool connected to, the response to that is placed into the task queue to be executed or actioned when complete.
Directly after placing that in the task queue the next piece of execution is the log that does the "oh noes" - nice messaging btw lol.
So essentially what happens is the db call gets placed in the task queue for later execution, and then the log occurs, and then the task queue executes at a later time with the db response.

