Cannot find source of javascript function call - javascript

Ok, so I need to find the source code of a particular javascript function on a website. (The specifics do not really matter unless there is no way to do what it is that I am asking)
I can see the function call in a link of html code
I know that the function does work because if I use a plugin a can call the function on that page, however, I have searched every .js file is referenced in that page, and none of them contain a function called sendMessage.
What I am asking is, is there a way to follow the code back to the source, perhaps if there was a way to debug the html and break when the onclick is triggered and then step into the function to see its source, but I do not know how I can do that or if it is even possible. Any help will be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

I guess you could do :
In the webconsole. (the function name without the parenthesis)
It will print out the source code of the function.

I usually use Opera, and in that at least this is what I do:
Open Opera Dragonfly (Ctrl + Shift + I).
Click on the HTML tag with the onclick handler.
Go to the listeners tab in the right hand side column.
See the listener for the click event. It shows you the file and line number.

sendMessage could be declared as:
var inbox{
function inbox(){
// or
// or ...
So looking for "sendMessage(" or "function sendMessage" will not find you anything.
In chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox (with firebug) you can hit F12 and go to debug, there you can check the scripts that have been loaded as there might have been scripts loaded dynamically.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Dir::glob("*").each do |name|
lineCount = 1, "r").each do |line|
puts "\nFile name: " + name + "\nline: " + lineCount.to_s if line =~ /inbox.sendMessage/ && name != "findfunction.rb"
lineCount += 1
Wrote a quick ruby script to help you out. To execute, first make sure you have a ruby interpreter on your machine then place the script in the directory with all your relevant files. load up a command line terminal, navigate to said directory and type "ruby findfunction.rb".
It will tell you all instances (files + line number) of "inbox.sendMessage".


add Office.onReady() function to javascript

I am new to Javascript and am trying to make an outlook web-addin take the Office.onReady() function properly.
I tried using
to make my function work with the office js API but it then I got an error that my function couldn't be found.
.then(function briefsummary() {
var msgFrom = Office.context.mailbox.item.from;
var msgfirstname = String(msgFrom.displayName).split(" ");
"Hello " +
msgfirstname[0] +
", <br> \
<br> Here is a brief summary on everything worked on: \
<br> \
<br>Thank you for your time, \
Uncaught ReferenceError: briefsummary is not defined
So I am pretty sure I am doing it wrong.
I also tried using Office.onReady(); at the begining of the script. It suppressed the Uncaught Error: Office.js has not fully loaded. Your app must call "Office.onReady()" error but office javascript doesn't do anything. (Its suppose to bring up a new reply window with text inside)
Link to where the app is hosted: (Although the office.js only loads when you are in the outlook app. But you can go to sources from inspector in chrome and look at the js script in full)
Any ideas would be awesome.
I have seems to figure out what to do but I was pretty janky. If anyone knowas a better way to clean this up let me know.
I essentially my code inbetween this and it worked:
Office.onReady((info) => {
if ( === Office.HostType.Outlook) {
#Insert code here
It was pretty janky as it gives me a warning saying Function variables should not be placed in blocks. Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of the outer function
I will be working on the code periodically so I will update my answer to a better one as time goes on unless someone else has an answer as well.

Javascript: How may I call a function of an external website?

I would like to write a simple script to open a Website and call a function that is part of a linked .js-file.
To be more precise, I want to open a SharePoint, invoke the function that is used to open the folder in windows explorer and close the website again.
For some reason, I may not open the folder directly in explorer unless I had it done this way at least once during the active windows session...
How may I do this?
So far, I tried the following:
var IE = new ActiveXObject("InternetExplorer.Application");
var WSH = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
IE.visible = true;
WSH.PopUp("Click to fire function");
//the following line throws an error, because the function is unknown...
IE.Document.defaultView.setTimeout(NavigateHttpFolder, 0, "", "_blank");
//the following line does not throw an error, but nothing happens either..
IE.Document.defaultView.setTimeout(function(){NavigateHttpFolder("", "_blank");}, 0);
However, when I open my Sharepoint and type the following line into the addressbar it does exactly what I want to achieve and it opens the folder...
javascript:NavigateHttpFolder("", "_blank");
Could you please help me? I simply cannot find a way to get this to work.
UPDATE: Now it worked suddenly! I tried it the following way before but it didn't do anything until now (???)...
IE.Navigate('javascript:NavigateHttpFolder("", "_blank");');
You can include script with path to external website
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Javascript "value=..." returns blank page

Follow the following steps.
Steps 1:
Go to google.
Open the javascript console.
Enter the command: document.all.q.value = "hello"
As expected the element with a name of "q" (the search field) is set to "hello").
Steps 2:
Go to google.
In the address bar type javascript: document.all.q.value = "hello!"
Press Enter
If your browser is either Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome, the javascript will have replaced the google website with an entirely blank page, with the exception of the word "Hello".
Now that you've bugged out your browser, go back to and repeat Steps 1. You should receive an error message "Uncaught ReferenceError: document is not defined (...) VM83:1
Am I doing something wrong? And is there another method which works, while still using the address bar for JS input?
The purpose of a javascript: scheme URL is to generate a new page using JavaScript. Modifying the existing page with it is something of a hack.
document.all.q.value = "hello!"; evalues as "hello!", so when you visit that URL, a new HTML document consisting solely of the text hello! is generated and loaded in place of the existing page.
To avoid this: Make sure the JS does not return a string. You can do this by using void.
javascript:void(document.all.q.value = "hello!");
When messing around with javascript: in the adressbar some (if not the most) browsers handle it as a new page, so you have to add a window.history.back(); at the end
javascript: document.all.q.value = "hello!"; window.history.back();

Acrobat's "This file is already open" message

This is a really strange one. Our company has has an InDesign script that, near the end, calls Acrobat (by way of Applescript) to open a PDF file, replace a page in it, then save the file and close it. We've been using this script for over a year and a half now with no issues on 8 of the 9 computers we have. That last one, however, is giving me an odd message when it tries to open and save the file.
To be clear, all 9 computers are Macs, all running OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks. The script is on a central server, so they're all using the same file:
var unlockCover2014 = app.trustedFunction(function (fName, fPrefix)
var folderPrefix = fName.match(/^.*?(?=JOBS)/);
console.println("fName is " + fName);
console.println("folderPrefix is " + folderPrefix);
var myDoc = app.openDoc(folderPrefix + "Product Templates/ProofCoverNew/proof_cover_2014.pdf");
myDoc.replacePages(0, fName, 0, 0);
This file is stored in the correct folder to be a Folder-level script. 8 of the computers work through this without any trouble whatsoever. The 9th, however, puts this into Acrobat's Javascript console:
fName is /ArtDept/ArtDept/JOBS/425000-425999/425000 Folder/425000_cover.pdf
folderPrefix is /ArtDept/ArtDept/
RaiseError: This file is already open.
===> This file is already open.
I do not understand why this computer, alone, thinks that the PDF files are open already. The problem that arises from this is that, when the main InDesign script is done running, two documents are still open in Acrobat, and the one it's supposed to save does not get saved.
Any ideas about what's going on here?
I did finally discover what the problem was. I feel a bit silly about how (almost) obvious it is, but perhaps it might help others in my situation.
I disabled the line in the main InDesign script that was calling Acrobat, figuring I'd come back to that problem later after I dealt with some other issues. When I did so and ran the main script again, I discovered that Acrobat does, in fact, already open up a copy of that cover sheet PDF sometime during the execution of the main script! I was shocked, at first, but then I did a headdesk when I quickly realized the cause:
InDesign on this computer is set, by default, to automatically open a PDF after exporting it.
So, I just added a short line to the part of my code that sets the PDF Export Preferences to turn that feature off:
with (app.pdfExportPreferences)
pageRange = proofRange;
if (multiColor) pageRange = colorTable.toString();
useSecurity = true;
disallowChanging = true;
disallowCopying = false;
disallowDocumentAssembly = true;
disallowExtractionForAccessibility = false;
disallowFormFillIn = true;
disallowHiResPrinting = false;
disallowNotes = true;
disallowPlaintextMetadata = true;
disallowPrinting = false;
changeSecurityPassword = "(NOPE)";
viewPDF = false;
It's the viewPDF line at the end. (Sorry, I don't think I can highlight it with markdown.) I do feel silly that I overlooked such a semi-obvious cause, but I hope this might help someone else who is experiencing a similar issue. Thanks for trying to help anyway, #Loic.
Is it possible that the Acrobat script is ran while InDesign has not totally ended writing the PDF File if this is what we are talking about ? Or maybe there are some network latencies that make the file not reachable for the moment.
I would advice using a delay to (in)validate that theory.
delay 3
On another end, why do you need to replace file. I mean can't this be thought in InDesign Scripting Scope only ? Just curious.

After upgrading to jQuery 1.6.2, globalEval throws an error when trying to execute javascript on page

I upgraded from jQuery 1.4.2 to 1.6.2 and now I get error(in IE). I have JavaScript on the page that gets executed by jQuery globalEval() function
// Evaluates a script in a global context
// Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
globalEval: function( data ) {
if ( data && rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
// We use execScript on Internet Explorer
// We use an anonymous function so that context is window
// rather than jQuery in Firefox
( window.execScript || function( data ) {
window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
} )( data );
In IE the call throws exception:
"Error: Could not complete the operation due to error 80020101."
The data parameter that get executed is javascript variables on page surrounded by <!-- -->
var id = \"ctrl90900\";
var url = \"\";
I'm using IE9, and jQuery 1.6.2 Not sure why this would cause an error.
If there is any error at all in a script passed to execScript, as far is Internet Explorer is concerned, it will report a 80020101 instead of the original error.
So, also check for missing semicolons and JS features not supported by IE.
For short code passages, i found the most effective debugging technique was to comment out parts of code and see if the error still turns up. If it doesn't, examine the code block that was just commented out for above errors.
It might be the commenting of the code, which is invalid JavaScript and unnecessary in this day and age.
You can strip it out with this regex...
$.globalEval(str.replace(/<!--\s*([\s\S]*?)\s*-->/, '$1'));
Just wanted to add a bit to this -- I was getting an error 80020101 whenever in an AJAX-called PHP script that included JavaScript. The script inside the PHP file was also breaking somehow, and refusing to render any of the script in the designated div (other elements of the PHP came through, but nothing inside the JavaScript -- I was trying to draw a chart using HighChart).
Turns out there was an undefined PHP function inside the JavaScript in the included PHP file (used to echo some text). I found this using Firebug.
So bottom line, make sure you don't have any undefined functions inside code coming back via AJAX.

