Reading JavaScript variables using Selenium WebDriver - javascript

I'm using Selenium WebDriver (Java) and TestNG to do some testing on a website I created. In this website, I also have JavaScript and in some of the functions, it returns values and also outputs values to the browser console through console.log().
I was wondering if there is an easy way for Selenium WebDriver to access some of this JavaScript information so I can perform assertions using TestNG.
I'm quite new to Selenium but I understand that you can do something like:
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
So is there anything similar I can do using WebDriver to read the JavaScript on the site?
It looks like people are making the assumption that I'm trying to "execute" JavaScript code through Selenium.
Thats not the case. Instead, I'm trying to store already-defined JavaScript variable using Selenium.
Basically, I want Selenium to be able to grab the JavaScript variable's value, store it locally, and then do an assertion test on it.
Attempt 1
Say I have the following JS code for my website:
$(document).ready(function() {
var foo = $(#"input-field-val").val();
function returnFoo() {
return foo;
From what I've reading and understanding, in my seperate Selenium test file (, I should be able to do something like this?:
public class Selenium {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
public void testSample() {
I do something similar to what's above but no alert box pops up. Instead, I get an error message:
Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: ReferenceError: returnFoo is not defined
I'm pretty sure I'm not understanding what it means when its said that the JS variable
should not be part of a closure or local variable
I have also tried defining a global variable above the $(document).ready(function()... and setting is within function returnFoo() but still doesn't work.
Attempt 2
I've moved both foo and returnFoo() outside of the $(document).ready(function().... That has fixed ReferenceError message that I was getting in Attempt 1 above.
I hav also given foo a value so my JS code looks something like this:
var foo = "Selenium test run";
$(document).ready(function() {
function returnFoo() {
return foo;
Now, I'm having a tough time assigning the return of returnFoo() to a local variable within my Selenium test. Here's what I've attempted:
public static void main(String[] args) {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
Object val = js.executeScript("window.returnFoo();");
But the console display null instead of the actual value of "Selenium test run".
Attempt 2 - SOLUTION
It looks like if I do Object val = js.executeScript("alert(returnFoo());"); I get the value of foo.
So here's the solution I've come up w/ to my problem thanks to the solution by Martin Foot below.
In my JavaScript file, I created a var and a setter/getter function like so:
var seleniumGlobal;
$(document).ready(function() {
function setSG(toSet) {
seleniumGlobal = toSet;
function getSG() {
return seleniumGlobal;
// Do all the necessary imports
public class SampleTest {
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
public void testPrintVal() {
String sgVal = (String) js.executeScript("alert(getSG());");
Assert.assertEquals("new value for seleniumGlobal", sgVal);
So whenever some code in my JavaScript sets my seleniumGlobal variable through the setter method, I can call it through my Selenium test and do assertions on it.
This is probably not the most efficient way to do but if someone else has a better solution, please let me know.

All you have to do is:
Object val = js.executeScript("return returnFoo();");
That will give you what you are looking for.

No JavaScript functions need be defined. Nor is alert() needed.
Object result = js.executeScript("return globalVar");
For Python:
result = driver.execute_script("return globalVar")

In Ruby you can use page.execute_script to evaluate a JavaScript variable (if it is accessable from the scope of the web browser). It looks like there is a similar method in Java here.
Edit: This might be a use case that is more suited to a JavaScript unit testing framework such as Jasmine.


Vaadin 14 Springboot javascript does not work

I'm trying to develop my first Vaadin 14 application, I'm also using Spring boot framework for it.
I've created a javascript file, I put it into the folder frontend/src with the name of teams.js and I'm trying to import it with #JsModule("src/teams.js"). My root view class looks like this:
#PageTitle("Teams organization store init")
public class TeamsEntryView extends VerticalLayout implements BeforeEnterObserver {
public TeamsEntryView() {
private void initTeams() {
var ui = UI.getCurrent();
var page = ui.getPage();"Teams initialization...");
page.executeJs(getTeamsConfig()).toCompletableFuture().whenComplete(((jsonValue, throwable) ->"Teams initialization completed: {} with throwable {}", jsonValue.toJson(), throwable.getMessage())
private String getTeamsConfig() {
return """
return true;
My js file looks like this:
window = {
initTeams: function () {
In this case, I see "ss" in the browser's console, but nothing more.
If I remove the window.initTeams(); line I get "ss" and "xx" as well.
If I declare a simple function in the js file and call it without the "window" class I get similar results.
If I use #Javascript or page.addJavascript("src/teams.js") I get this error when the page loads: "> unexpected character"
If I try to call join() or get() on the completable future the browser freeze.
If I use #Javascript("frontend://src/teams.js") I get some CORS error like if it is trying to download something from the "frontend" host.
I've tried to put the #JsModule on a component instead of my view.. it does not work.
I've tried to put my js file to the root, and to the resources folder.
I could not find any other solution to import and use my js file into vaadin14 with spring boot.
Also, I'm not sure why the browser freeze if I call "join()" on completable future, and also the on the result of it sentToBrowser returns false even if I see the console logs in the browsers log...
Can somebody explain to me how should I do the javascript import, why my current code does not work, and why the "join()" freezes the browser, please?
Thank you in advance!
I have also tried with this annotation #JavaScript("./src/teams.js") and a js like this:
function initTeams () {
console.log("Teams initialized!")
Okay so finally I got it working.
The js file has to be under root/src/main/webapp/src folder.
Nor #JavaScript and nor the #JsModule worked for me, so I had to import my js file as:
var ui = UI.getCurrent();
var page = ui.getPage();
Then I can call it like window.initTeams() or like initTeams() and both works fine. Altough the completable future below still never executes, and isSentToBrowser() always returns false.
page.executeJs(getTeamsConfig()).toCompletableFuture().whenComplete(((jsonValue, throwable) ->"Teams initialization completed: {} with throwable {}", jsonValue.toJson(), throwable.getMessage())
I must mention if I start the path with '.' like page.addJavaScript(".src/teams.js"); then it does not find the file.
Does anybody have an answer, why the completable future never executes?
The problem is that the following code redefines the window object:
window = {
initTeams: function () {
Did you meant to add a function to the window object? Like so:
window.initTeams = function () {
If you want to keep code visually similar to yours:
window = {
initTeams: function() {
Other options:
window['initTeams'] = function() {...}
Object.assign(window, {initTeams: function() {...}})
Object.defineProperty(window, 'initTeams', {value: function() {console.log('foo')}});
Gotta love JavaScript...
Also, for more knowledge, the code mentioned in your #Edit section could not be called. Calling initTeams() is equivalent to window.initTeams(). The function must exist in the window object. This is why, for example, you see some custom elements defined like customElements.define(...) and window.customElements.define(...).

Is it possible to modify free-functions's implementation, in graal-js?

Recently i have been using GraalVm to execute javascript files from java.
I have the need to reimplement the print() function but i didn't figure out how.
I tried messing with some Bindings's methods and GraalJSScriptEngine's methods, but i didn't get what i was looking for.
Then how can i achieve this?
Note: the implementation of the new print() has to be done in java
Ok i found out how to do that.
It was enough to do this:
ScriptEngine engine = ...
engine.put("print", new Function<String, Object>() {
public Object apply(String msg) {
return null;

Is there any way to execute javascript functions from java code

I am trying to execute a javascript function from java code.
I used JavascriptExecutor from selenium package.
I tried below code
JavascriptExecutor js;
js.executeScript("let time;");
js.executeScript("time = 2;");
js.executeScript("function f(){console.log(time);}");
This is output
Exception in thread "Thread 0"
org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptException: javascript error: f is not defined
Is there any way to execute the above script from java code? is it possible?
Try this:
String script = "let time;time = 2;function f(){console.log(time);}f()";
JavascriptExecutor js;
You can use window properties (or any built-in really) which will stick around:
js.executeScript("window.time = 4");
js.executeScript("window.f = () => console.log(window.time)");

Can I run JavaScript inside Swift code?

I need to include JavaScript code in Swift code to be able to call a signalR chat, is that possible? If not, can I convert it?
sendmessage is a button.
$(function () {
// Declare a proxy to reference the hub.
var chat = $.connection.chatHub;
// Create a function that the hub can call to broadcast messages.
chat.client.broadcastMessage = function (name, message) {
// some code
// Start the connection.
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
$('#sendmessage').click(function () {
// Call the Send method on the hub.
chat.server.send('name', 'message');
and the signalr code is:
public void Send(string name, string message)
// Call the broadcastMessage method to update clients.
Clients.All.broadcastMessage(name, message);
Update #1:
changed question a little bit so it is not confusing per #MartinR
Last tested with Swift 5.1
Here is an example you can run in Playground to get you started:
import JavaScriptCore
let jsSource = "var testFunct = function(message) { return \"Test Message: \" + message;}"
var context = JSContext()
let testFunction = context?.objectForKeyedSubscript("testFunct")
let result = testFunction?.call(withArguments: ["the message"])
result would be Test Message: the message.
You also can run JavaScript code within a WKWebView calling evaluate​Java​Script(_:​completion​Handler:​).
You can also run JavaScript within a UIWebView by calling string​By​Evaluating​Java​Script(from:​), but note that that method has been deprecated and is marked as iOS 2.0–12.0.
Using JavaScriptCore framework include JavaScript code in Swift code.
The class that you’ll be dealing the most with, is JSContext. This class is the actual environment (context) that executes your JavaScript code.
All values in JSContext, are JSValue objects, as the JSValue class represents the datatype of any JavaScript value. That means that if you access a JavaScript variable and a JavaScript function from Swift, both are considered to be JSValue objects.
I strongly advise you to read the official documentation regarding the JavaScriptCore framework. 
import JavaScriptCore
var jsContext = JSContext()
// Specify the path to the jssource.js file.
if let jsSourcePath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "jssource", ofType: "js") {
do {
// Load its contents to a String variable.
let jsSourceContents = try String(contentsOfFile: jsSourcePath)
// Add the Javascript code that currently exists in the jsSourceContents to the Javascript Runtime through the jsContext object.
catch {
more details refer this tutorial

Does Awesomium allow me to call/use C++ variables/methods in JS?

Awesomium easily allows for C++ code to call Javascript methods, but I haven't found a definite answer as to if it can do the opposite. This site seems to say that you can, but looking through the text and examples doesn't enlighten me.
So, I'm looking for a definite answer: can I call C++ variables/methods in my Javascript(Jquery), or not?
If you could include a simple example, that would be extremely appreciated as well.
Thank you!
You definitely can-- you'll just need to build an extra layer on top of WebView::setObjectCallback and WebViewListener::onCallback using delegates/function-pointers.
I wrote a quick JSDelegate.h class (view it here) that you can use to hookup "onCallback" events directly to C++ member functions.
The basic idea is to maintain a mapping of callback names to delegates:
typedef std::map<std::wstring, Awesomium::JSDelegate> DelegateMap;
DelegateMap _delegateMap;
And call the corresponding function from your WebViewListener::onCallback:
void MyListener::onCallback(Awesomium::WebView* caller, const std::wstring& objectName,
const std::wstring& callbackName, const Awesomium::JSArguments& args)
DelegateMap::iterator i = _delegateMap.find(callbackName);
if(i != _delegateMap.end())
i->second(caller, args);
And then, each time you wish to bind a specific C++ function, you would do it like so:
// Member function we wish to bind, must have this signature for JSDelegate
void MyClass::myFunction(Awesomium::WebView* caller, const Awesomium::JSArguments& args)
// handle args here
// Instantiate MyClass instance in C++
MyClass* myClass = new MyClass();
// Create corresponding 'MyClass' object in Javascript
// Do the following for each member function:
// Bind MyClass::myFunction delegate to MyClass.myFunction in JS
_delegateMap[L"myFunction"] = Awesomium::JSDelegate(myClass, &MyClass::myFunction);
webView->setObjectCallback(L"MyClass", L"myFunction");
Then, you should be able to call MyClass::myFunction directly from Javascript like so:
MyClass.myFunction("foo", 1, 2 3)
Hope this helps! I haven't tested any of the code but I wrote it with Awesomium v1.6 RC4 SDK in mind.

