Query Mongo date field(set by js date) using ruby - javascript

Essentially i have a form which takes mm-dd-yy, this value is saved in a database (Value A).
I am using ruby on rails. I am trying to query the database for expired users.
query.push(:expire_date => {:$lt => Time.parse(good_till).utc} )
Problem I am encountering is that the date I pass in the good_till I can convert to UTC using this ruby command, however now i am checking a UTC value to a string.
How do I change my js code in order to save Value A into UTC string to make the two comparable?

I think your :expire_field declaration is incorrect.
Well, it depends on which mongo framework you're using on ruby's app.
Assuming you're using MongoID, you just have to declare your model like this:
class Invoice
include Mongoid::Document
field :expire_date, type: DateTime


How to pass a JS date object to cloud function for storing it on Firestore

When I write a Date object to my Firestore, all works correctly and I can see a date in the DB stored with the type "timestamp". If I try to pass a Date object to a cloud function, I don't know why but it is an empty object when I store it from the cloud function to the firestore DB.
firebase.functions().httpsCallable("myFunction")({date: new Date()}) <---- // this doesn't work
So, I have decided to convert the Date object to a firestore timestamp in the client side before sending it to the cloud function. As follows:
date = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.fromDate(date);
Then, if I get it in the cloud function and store it on my firestore, I see an object with the fields "seconds" and "nanoseconds", but not a timestamp (I mean it is not stored with the type Timestamp)... So when I get this date I cannot apply the method .toDate()
Is there any good way to store the date in this situation as a timestamp and not as an object?
The input and output of callable functions deal entirely with JSON, so they are limited to expressing only those types that are allowed in JSON: string, number, boolean, null, object, array. Date and Timestamp are not among those types. What the Firebase SDK will do is try to serialize custom objects as JSON, which is not working the way you want - the seconds and nanos fields of the Timestamp are being split up during serialization.
If you have a Date to send from the client, you should just send it as a number. Instead of passing a Date object, pass the single number inside it (milliseconds since unix epoch):
const number = date.getTime()
On the receiving side, in Cloud Functions, take the number and convert it back to a Date:
const date = new Date(number)
Then you can write the Date object to a Firestore document field.

How to send date with gremlin javascript

I think I'm missing something about the new javascript gremlin client.
I can't find any way to send any kind onf date from my script to the database.
Code example :
import { P } from 'gremlin/lib/process/traversal':
import g from '../path/to/my/gremlin/client';
const myFunction = id => g.V(id).has('some_date', P.gte(new Date())
In this code example I send a javascript date object. I tried a formated string, a timetamp, a stringified timestamp, and one exotical things.
And I always end up wwith an error like this one :
Error: Server error: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.Date (500)
Or this one when I try with a number
Error: Server error: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.util.Date (500)
Is there anything I can do ?
I'd suggest storing your Date as a String in your graph using ISO-8601 format. Then you should have no type transformation problems from Javascript as you'll just be sending strings in your Gremlin.
You have to be somewhat aware of the data types you have in your graph versus the ones you have in the target programming language you're using. Unfortunately, there aren't always one-to-one mappings to all the possible types that can be stored in a Java-based graph database (e.g. javax.time.*). For the most portable code and data, try to stick to the primitive types.

Sequelize returning dates with wrong time

The database and node are set as -02:00 timezone.
When I save a register, using sequelize, it saves the register with the right date and time in its date fields. For example, if I save a register with the field moment set as '2017-01-15T23:59:59-0200' and look in the database via MySQL Workbench I will see 2017-01-16 00:00:00 in the respective column.
I can even correctly find registers and filter by date and time.
But the value returned by a find operation in the field is '2017-01-16T01:59:59.000Z', meaning it was added two hours to the answer.
How could I retrive the correct date and time from MySQL using Sequelize?
Solved by overhiding String.toJSON:
Date.prototype.toJSON = function(){ return this.toLocaleString(); }

Comparison query operator ObjectId <-> Date

Is it possible to execute comparison queries $gt, $lt, etc. of a Date against an ObjectId and vice versa? Does the mongodb driver cast this automatically? Does this mongodb server cast this automatically?
Yes and no.
It is possible under the JavaScript based methods to get a date from the ObjectId value in which you can use for comparisons. It also should be possible to construct an ObjectId given a specific date value as well, but not seeing the utility of that though. But all are valid and essentialy by date:
ObjectId("53473d87cb495e216c982929") > ObjectId("53473e57cb495e216c98292a")
ObjectId("53473d87cb495e216c982929").getTimestamp() >
ObjectId("53473d87cb495e216c982929").getTimestamp() >
So forms such as this will work, even if really not that great a statement:
"$where": function() {
return this._id.getTimestamp() > new Date("2014-01-01");
As for the "creation" of _id's they are either done in the "driver" or explicitly by the user, or if still omitted the server will generate one.

OData Date Filtering from JS

I am using the DXTREME framework from Devexpress to connect a HTML mobile app to an OData source.
One of my tables in SQL Server, exposed through the OData service is a table with a date (not datetime) field in it. It is exposed through OData like this:
<d:TaskDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">2010-04-01T00:00:00</d:TaskDate>
I am trying to filter the data on this field through a calendar control, but when I try to filter the datasource on the JS side, I get no matches. This is because the date is passed to the OData service, I believe, in UTC format, so if I query for TaskDate = '10/JUL/2013', I believe the date is passed as "09/JUL/2013 14:00". If I filter on TaskDate > '10/JUL/2013' I get results back from after "09/JUL/2013 14:00" at any rate.
I have tried declaring a new date with no time part:
filterDate = new Date(2013, 6, 10)
but is still doesn't work, it still subtracts 10 formy time zone on the JS side.
What I want to do is to return a lists of Tasks valid on that particular date. How can I achieve this?
I think my problem was the confusion around the dxDateBox control returning just a date, and that date being changed when passed to my odata service.
I solved the issue by converting the date to UTC myself, but just using the Date parts from the control, (where filterDate came from the control):
var paramDate = new Date(Date.UTC(this.filterDate().getFullYear(), this.filterDate().getMonth(), this.filterDate().getDate()));
this.dataSource.filter(["TaskDate", "=", paramDate]);
This works nicely, but seems rather verbose.

