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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
XMLHttpRequest Origin null is not allowed Access-Control-Access-Allow for file:/// to file:/// (Serverless)
I am getting this error in Google chrome when I use paper.js.
Even if I remove All my code from my js file, then also it gives error.
Just started with paperjs, so not getting what is wrong
Uncaught Error: NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101
after having some small code in demo.js file one more error comes:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///E:/Shruti/Remote%20Triggering/demo/js/demo.js. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
You should add --allow-file-access-from-files option to chrome if you want to work offline.
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SecurityError: Blocked a frame with origin from accessing a cross-origin frame
(9 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
How can you read and change the x / y coordinates of a PDF in an iframe, my iframe looks like this: <iframe id="pdf-interface" class="pdf-interface" src=path></iframe> where path is the local path to the PDF file.
All attempts I've tried until now failed with the error message: Uncaught DOMException: Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.
Is there any way to fix this or an alternative way of doing this?
You can't access cross-origin iframes directly.
Read more about it on Quentin's answer
And Willy Wonka's answer might interest you as well which has a reference about how to bypass Same Origin Policy.
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Jquery: Running AJAX locally without a webserver
(7 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
This is extremely simple,
In a HTML file, inside of a <script> tag, I have
It doesn't work. alert.js being a basic alert(). What am I missing? The error codes read,
[Error] Failed to load resource: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin. (alert.js, line 0)
[Error] XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///Volumes/SSD2/kaely/kaely/alert.js?_=1471148162284. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I'm confused. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Take a look at the answer in this post Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Your browser (I'm guessing Chrome?) is not allowing this to occur. You could either try testing this in another browser or setting up a local web server.
I am doing a simple project on dijit.Tree.whenever I run the program it is giving below error
uncaught reference error: dojo is not defined
and sometimes
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/Users/Desktop/dojoapps/dojo/dojo/main.js. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
I have seen many Questions on this error.Today I got the same error and resolved within,I am giving the solution here :
It is just because your path is incorrect and it is not mapping to dojo.js
First step is,make sure that your path to dojo folder is correct.
And Also,Even if you Map correctly you will see the below error in chrome.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/Users/Desktop/dojoapps/dojo/dojo/main.js. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
The simple solution is,run your code with any server like Apache Tomcat and replace your path with in your code with http://localhost:8080/
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Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How to avoid "Request header field Authorization is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers" error running JavaScript from local drive?
So I cannot modify server headers as there is no server.
Thank you.
That is not duplicate as solution offered at 'Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin' does not work, you can read about it there.
No. You will need a server like Mongoose (very simple download and run in your root). A very easy fix.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
XmlHttpRequest error: Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file://… Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
I am trying to open my JSON file such as:
jQuery.each(data, function(){
//do something...
this yields the following error in Chrome:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/URL/data/json/en/nodesData.json. Origin null is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin
what's problem? How can I retrieve my json?
You really should be running a local server like Apache or IIS to run HTML/JavaScript code so you do not run into these restrictions.
You can start the browser up with the flag --allow-file-access-from-files which removes the restriction.
For security reasons, you cannot make AJAX calls to your local file system. Some browsers allow this, but others don't. Chrome has a flag that enables this, but it's off by default.
Take a look into Same Origin Policy.
You cannot load the file because technically it is located in another domain. You need to call it like localhost/<Path>/nodesData.json.