Apply drag and drop/attach feature to JSTreegraph using Jquery draggable - javascript

I am using JSTreegraph plugin to draw a tree structure.
But now I need a drag, drop and attach feature wherein I can drag any node of the tree and attach to any other node and subsequently all the children of the first node will be now the grand-children of the new node (to which it is attached).
As far as I know this plugin doesnt seem to have this feature. It simply draws the structure based on the data object passed to it.
The plugin basically assigns a class Node to all the nodes(divs) of the tree and another class NodeHover to a node on hover. No id is assigned to these divs.
So I tried using JQuery Draggable just to see if any of the node can be moved by doing this
But it doesnt seem to work. So can anyone help me with this.
How can I get drag and attach functionality?
*EDIT:: Pardon me am not so great with using Fiddle, so am sharing a sample code here for your use:*
HTML file: which will draw the sample tree
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="">
<link href="css/JSTreeGraph.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="js/JSTreeGraph.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.ui.position.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.Container {
position: absolute;
top: 100px;
left: 50px;
id: Container;
<div id="tree">
Ctrl+Click to Add Node
<br />
Double Click to Expand or Collapse
<br />
Shift+Click to Delete Node
<br />
<select id="dlLayout" onchange="ChangeLayout()">
<option value="Horizontal">
<option value="Vertical" selected>
<div class="Container" id="dvTreeContainer"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var selectedNode;
// Root node
var rootNode = { Content: "Onida", Nodes:[] };
// First Level
rootNode.Nodes[0] = { Content: "Employee Code", navigationType: "0"};
rootNode.Nodes[1] = { Content: "Problem Area", navigationType: "1" };
// Second Level
rootNode.Nodes[1].Nodes = [{ Content : "ACC-HO", Collapsed: true /* This node renders collapsed */ },
{ Content : "ACC-SALES" },
{ Content : "BUSI. HEAD", /*This node looks different*/ ToolTip: "Click ME!" },
{ Content : "CEO"},
{ Content : "HO-ADMIN"},
{ Content : "HO-FACTORY"},
{ Content : "SALES"}];
// Third Level
rootNode.Nodes[1].Nodes[0].Nodes = [{ Content: "Billing" },
{ Content: "Credit Limit" },
{ Content: "Reconciliation" }];
rootNode.Nodes[1].Nodes[1].Nodes = [{ Content: "Billing" },
{ Content: "Others" }];
rootNode.Nodes[1].Nodes[2].Nodes = [{ Content: "AC" },
{ Content: "CTV" },
{ Content: "DVD" },
{ Content: "Washing Machine" }];
rootNode.Nodes[1].Nodes[6].Nodes = [{ Content: "Appointments" },
{ Content: "Resignations" },
{ Content: "Others" }];
// Draw the tree for the first time
function RefreshTree() {
DrawTree({ Container: document.getElementById("dvTreeContainer"),
RootNode: rootNode,
Layout: document.getElementById("dlLayout").value,
OnNodeClickFirefox: NodeClickFF,
OnNodeClickIE: NodeClickIE,
OnNodeDoubleClick: NodeDoubleClick
function NodeClickFF(e) {
if (e.shiftKey){
// Delete Node
if (!this.Node.Collapsed) {
for(var index=0; index<this.Node.ParentNode.Nodes.length; index++) {
if(this.Node.ParentNode.Nodes[index].Content == this.Node.Content) {
this.Node.ParentNode.Nodes.splice(index, 1);
// return false;
else if (e.ctrlKey) {
// Add new Child if Expanded
if (!this.Node.Collapsed) {
if (!this.Node.Nodes) this.Node.Nodes = new Array();
var newNodeIndex = this.Node.Nodes.length;
this.Node.Nodes[newNodeIndex] = new Object();
this.Node.Nodes[newNodeIndex].Content = this.Node.Content + "." + (newNodeIndex + 1);
// return false;
function NodeClickIE() {
if (typeof(event) == "undefined" && event.ctrlKey) {
// Add new Child if Expanded
if (!this.Node.Collapsed) {
if (!this.Node.Nodes) this.Node.Nodes = new Array();
var newNodeIndex = this.Node.Nodes.length;
this.Node.Nodes[newNodeIndex] = new Object();
this.Node.Nodes[newNodeIndex].Content = this.Node.Content + "." + (newNodeIndex + 1);
else if (typeof(event) == "undefined" && event.shiftKey) {
// Delete Node
if (!this.Node.Collapsed) {
for(var index=0; index<this.Node.ParentNode.Nodes.length; index++) {
if(this.Node.ParentNode.Nodes[index].Content == this.Node.Content) {
this.Node.ParentNode.Nodes.splice(index, 1);
function NodeDoubleClick() {
if (this.Node.Nodes && this.Node.Nodes.length > 0) { // If has children
this.Node.Collapsed = !this.Node.Collapsed;
function ChangeLayout() {
JSTreeGraph JS file: plugin js file
function DrawTree(options) {
// Prepare Nodes
// Calculate Boxes Positions
if (options.Layout == "Vertical") {
} else {
// Draw Boxes
options.Container.innerHTML = "";
DrawNode(options.RootNode, options.Container, options);
// Draw Lines
DrawLines(options.RootNode, options.Container);
function DrawLines(node, container) {
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length > 0) { // Has children and Is Expanded
for (var j = 0; j < node.Nodes.length; j++) {
DrawLineV(container, node.ChildrenConnectorPoint, node.Nodes[j].ParentConnectorPoint);
DrawLineH(container, node.ChildrenConnectorPoint, node.Nodes[j].ParentConnectorPoint);
// Children
DrawLines(node.Nodes[j], container);
function DrawLineH(container, startPoint, endPoint) {
var midY = (startPoint.Y + ((endPoint.Y - startPoint.Y) / 2)); // Half path between start en end Y point
// Start segment
DrawLineSegment(container, startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, startPoint.X, midY, 1);
// Intermidiate segment
var imsStartX = startPoint.X < endPoint.X ? startPoint.X : endPoint.X; // The lower value will be the starting point
var imsEndX = startPoint.X > endPoint.X ? startPoint.X : endPoint.X; // The higher value will be the ending point
DrawLineSegment(container, imsStartX, midY, imsEndX, midY, 1);
// End segment
DrawLineSegment(container, endPoint.X, midY, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, 1);
function DrawLineV(container, startPoint, endPoint) {
var midX = (startPoint.X + ((endPoint.X - startPoint.X) / 2)); // Half path between start en end X point
// Start segment
DrawLineSegment(container, startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, midX, startPoint.Y, 1);
// Intermidiate segment
var imsStartY = startPoint.Y < endPoint.Y ? startPoint.Y : endPoint.Y; // The lower value will be the starting point
var imsEndY = startPoint.Y > endPoint.Y ? startPoint.Y : endPoint.Y; // The higher value will be the ending point
DrawLineSegment(container, midX, imsStartY, midX, imsEndY, 1);
// End segment
DrawLineSegment(container, midX, endPoint.Y, endPoint.X, endPoint.Y, 1);
function DrawLineSegment(container, startX, startY, endX, endY, lineWidth) {
var lineDiv = document.createElement("div"); = startY + "px"; = startX + "px";
if (startX == endX) { // Vertical Line = lineWidth + "px"; = (endY - startY) + "px";
else{ // Horizontal Line = (endX - startX) + "px"; = lineWidth + "px";
lineDiv.className = "NodeLine";
function DrawNode(node, container, options) {
var nodeDiv = document.createElement("div"); = node.Top + "px"; = node.Left + "px"; = node.Width + "px"; = node.Height + "px";
if (node.Collapsed) {
nodeDiv.className = "NodeCollapsed";
} else {
nodeDiv.className = "Node";
if (node.Class)
nodeDiv.className = node.Class;
if (node.Content)
nodeDiv.innerHTML = "<div class='NodeContent'>" + node.Content + "</div>";
if (node.ToolTip)
nodeDiv.setAttribute("title", node.ToolTip);
nodeDiv.Node = node;
// Events
if (options.OnNodeClickIE){
nodeDiv.onclick = options.OnNodeClickIE;
// Events
if (options.OnNodeClickFirefox){
nodeDiv.onmousedown = options.OnNodeClickFirefox;
//on right click
if (options.OnContextMenu){
nodeDiv.oncontextmenu = options.OnContextMenu;
if (options.OnNodeDoubleClick)
nodeDiv.ondblclick = options.OnNodeDoubleClick;
nodeDiv.onmouseover = function () { // In
this.PrevClassName = this.className;
this.className = "NodeHover";
nodeDiv.onmouseout = function () { // Out
if (this.PrevClassName) {
this.className = this.PrevClassName;
this.PrevClassName = null;
// Draw children
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length > 0) { // Has Children and is Expanded
for (var i = 0; i < node.Nodes.length; i++) {
DrawNode(node.Nodes[i], container, options);
function PerformLayoutV(node) {
var nodeHeight = 30;
var nodeWidth = 100;
var nodeMarginLeft = 40;
var nodeMarginTop = 20;
var nodeTop = 0; // defaultValue
// Before Layout this Node, Layout its children
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.Nodes.length; i++) {
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length > 0) { // If Has Children and Is Expanded
// My Top is in the center of my children
var childrenHeight = (node.Nodes[node.Nodes.length - 1].Top + node.Nodes[node.Nodes.length - 1].Height) - node.Nodes[0].Top;
nodeTop = (node.Nodes[0].Top + (childrenHeight / 2)) - (nodeHeight / 2);
// Is my top over my previous sibling?
// Move it to the bottom
if (node.LeftNode && ((node.LeftNode.Top + node.LeftNode.Height + nodeMarginTop) > nodeTop)) {
var newTop = node.LeftNode.Top + node.LeftNode.Height + nodeMarginTop;
var diff = newTop - nodeTop;
/// Move also my children
MoveBottom(node.Nodes, diff);
nodeTop = newTop;
} else {
// My top is next to my top sibling
if (node.LeftNode)
nodeTop = node.LeftNode.Top + node.LeftNode.Height + nodeMarginTop;
node.Top = nodeTop;
// The Left depends only on the level
node.Left = (nodeMarginLeft * (node.Level + 1)) + (nodeWidth * (node.Level + 1));
// Size is constant
node.Height = nodeHeight;
node.Width = nodeWidth;
// Calculate Connector Points
// Child: Where the lines get out from to connect this node with its children
var pointX = node.Left + nodeWidth;
var pointY = nodeTop + (nodeHeight/2);
node.ChildrenConnectorPoint = { X: pointX, Y: pointY, Layout: "Vertical" };
// Parent: Where the line that connect this node with its parent end
pointX = node.Left;
pointY = nodeTop + (nodeHeight/2);
node.ParentConnectorPoint = { X: pointX, Y: pointY, Layout: "Vertical" };
function PerformLayoutH(node) {
var nodeHeight = 30;
var nodeWidth = 100;
var nodeMarginLeft = 20;
var nodeMarginTop = 50;
var nodeLeft = 0; // defaultValue
// Before Layout this Node, Layout its children
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length>0) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.Nodes.length; i++) {
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length > 0) { // If Has Children and Is Expanded
// My left is in the center of my children
var childrenWidth = (node.Nodes[node.Nodes.length-1].Left + node.Nodes[node.Nodes.length-1].Width) - node.Nodes[0].Left;
nodeLeft = (node.Nodes[0].Left + (childrenWidth / 2)) - (nodeWidth / 2);
// Is my left over my left node?
// Move it to the right
if(node.LeftNode&&((node.LeftNode.Left+node.LeftNode.Width+nodeMarginLeft)>nodeLeft)) {
var newLeft = node.LeftNode.Left + node.LeftNode.Width + nodeMarginLeft;
var diff = newLeft - nodeLeft;
/// Move also my children
MoveRigth(node.Nodes, diff);
nodeLeft = newLeft;
} else {
// My left is next to my left sibling
if (node.LeftNode)
nodeLeft = node.LeftNode.Left + node.LeftNode.Width + nodeMarginLeft;
node.Left = nodeLeft;
// The top depends only on the level
node.Top = (nodeMarginTop * (node.Level + 1)) + (nodeHeight * (node.Level + 1));
// Size is constant
node.Height = nodeHeight;
node.Width = nodeWidth;
// Calculate Connector Points
// Child: Where the lines get out from to connect this node with its children
var pointX = nodeLeft + (nodeWidth / 2);
var pointY = node.Top + nodeHeight;
node.ChildrenConnectorPoint = { X: pointX, Y: pointY, Layout:"Horizontal" };
// Parent: Where the line that connect this node with its parent end
pointX = nodeLeft + (nodeWidth / 2);
pointY = node.Top;
node.ParentConnectorPoint = { X: pointX, Y: pointY, Layout: "Horizontal" };
function MoveRigth(nodes, distance) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].Left += distance;
if (nodes[i].ParentConnectorPoint) nodes[i].ParentConnectorPoint.X += distance;
if (nodes[i].ChildrenConnectorPoint) nodes[i].ChildrenConnectorPoint.X += distance;
if (nodes[i].Nodes) {
MoveRigth(nodes[i].Nodes, distance);
function MoveBottom(nodes, distance) {
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
nodes[i].Top += distance;
if (nodes[i].ParentConnectorPoint) nodes[i].ParentConnectorPoint.Y += distance;
if (nodes[i].ChildrenConnectorPoint) nodes[i].ChildrenConnectorPoint.Y += distance;
if (nodes[i].Nodes) {
MoveBottom(nodes[i].Nodes, distance);
function PrepareNode(node, level, parentNode, leftNode, rightLimits) {
if (level == undefined) level = 0;
if (parentNode == undefined) parentNode = null;
if (leftNode == undefined) leftNode = null;
if (rightLimits == undefined) rightLimits = new Array();
node.Level = level;
node.ParentNode = parentNode;
node.LeftNode = leftNode;
if ((!node.Collapsed) && node.Nodes && node.Nodes.length > 0) { // Has children and is expanded
for (var i = 0; i < node.Nodes.length; i++) {
var left = null;
if (i == 0 && rightLimits[level]!=undefined) left = rightLimits[level];
if (i > 0) left = node.Nodes[i - 1];
if (i == (node.Nodes.length-1)) rightLimits[level] = node.Nodes[i];
PrepareNode(node.Nodes[i], level + 1, node, left, rightLimits);
JSTreeGraph CSS file:
background-color: #CCDAFF;
border: 1px solid #5280FF;
background-color: #8FADFF;
border: 1px solid #5280FF;
background-color: #8FADFF;
border: 2px solid black;
background-color: #000066;

I supose that what you need is to stablish a mechanism to modify your tree logic structure on dragging and then reload the whole tree element. This way the plugin will render your new modified structure.

This is not an easy problem and you have not outlined the exact specifications.
When you move a node, should all child nodes move with it?
What happens to a node and its child elements when a node is dropped/attached?
The plugin that you are using works well for drawing static trees, but it is not written in such a way to allow for dynamically editing the tree.
I have to agree with #Bardo in that the easiest way to make this work for your needs is to understand how the tree has been manipulated. (Thankfully the plugin seems to provide an onNodeClick option which will allow you to understand which node you are intending to manipulate). Once the tree has been manipulated then it must be completely redrawn. (There doesn't appear to be a good way to partially draw a tree).


mxGraph straight parallel edges?

Is there any solution for this? We need parallel edges, but not that way how ParallelEdgeLayout makes that.
I tried to rewrite the layout function of parallel layout to move the edges, but edges has no usable geometry: x, y, width, height are 0. There I couldn't move them anywhere.
Tried to use setStyle, but did not do anything:
var s = model.getStyle(parallels[i]) + 'entryX='+x0+';exitX='+x0+';'
model.setStyle(parallels[i], s);
Oh my God! Here is a solution. Not the dream edges, but almost... Maybe there are more beautiful solutions (post one), but this is mine for showing real parallel edges:
var spx = 1 / 22;
var spy = 1 / 8;
var x0 = 0.5;
var y0 = 0.5;
for (var i = 0; i < parallels.length; i++) {
var source = view.getVisibleTerminal(parallels[i], true);
var target = view.getVisibleTerminal(parallels[i], false);
var src = model.getGeometry(source);
var trg = model.getGeometry(target);
var srcx = src.x, srcy = src.y, trgx = trg.x, trgy = trg.y;
if (parallels[i].getParent() != source.getParent()) {
var pGeo = model.getGeometry(source.getParent());
srcx = src.x + pGeo.x;
srcy = src.y + pGeo.y;
if (parallels[i].getParent() != target.getParent()) {
var pGeo = model.getGeometry(target.getParent());
trgx = trg.x + pGeo.x;
trgy = trg.y + pGeo.y;
var scx = srcx + src.width; // source element right
var scy = srcy + src.height; // source element bottom
var tcx = trgx + trg.width; // target element right
var tcy = trgy + trg.height; // target element bottom
var dx = tcx - scx; // len x
var dy = tcy - scy; // len y
var sourcePointX, sourcePointY, targetPointX, targetPointY;
if (Math.abs(dx) > Math.abs(dy)) { // horizontal
sourcePointY = y0;
targetPointY = y0;
if (srcx < trgx) { // left to right
sourcePointX = 1;
targetPointX = 0;
} else {
sourcePointX = 0;
targetPointX = 1;
} else {
sourcePointX = x0;
targetPointX = x0;
if (srcy < trgy) { // top to bottom
sourcePointY = 1;
targetPointY = 0;
} else {
sourcePointY = 0;
targetPointY = 1;
this.graph.setConnectionConstraint(parallels[i], parallels[i].source, true, new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(sourcePointX, sourcePointY), true));
this.graph.setConnectionConstraint(parallels[i], parallels[i].target, false, new mxConnectionConstraint(new mxPoint(targetPointX, targetPointY), true));
if (i % 2) {
x0 += spx * (i + 1);
y0 += spy * (i + 1);
} else {
x0 -= spx * (i + 1);
y0 -= spy * (i + 1);

rotating SVG rect around its center using vanilla JavaScript

This is not a duplicate of the other question.
I found this talking about rotation about the center using XML, tried to implement the same using vanilla JavaScript like rotate(45, 60, 60) but did not work with me.
The approach worked with me is the one in the snippet below, but found the rect not rotating exactly around its center, and it is moving little bit, the rect should start rotating upon the first click, and should stop at the second click, which is going fine with me.
Any idea, why the item is moving, and how can I fix it.
var NS="";
var SVG=function(el){
return document.createElementNS(NS,el);
var svg = SVG("svg");
class myRect {
constructor(x,y,h,w,fill) {
this.SVGObj= SVG('rect'); // document.createElementNS(NS,"rect");
self = this.SVGObj;
Object.defineProperty(myRect.prototype, "node", {
get: function(){ return this.SVGObj;}
Object.defineProperty(myRect.prototype, "CenterPoint", {
get: function(){
var self = this.SVGObj;
self.bbox = self.getBoundingClientRect(); // returned only after the item is drawn
self.Pc = {
x: self.bbox.left + self.bbox.width/2,
y: + self.bbox.height/2
return self.Pc;
myRect.prototype.handleEvent= function(evt){
self =; // this returns the `rect` element
this.cntr = this.CenterPoint; // backup the origional center point Pc
this.r =5;
switch (evt.type){
case "click":
if (typeof self.moving == 'undefined' || self.moving == false) self.moving = true;
else self.moving = false;
if(self.moving == true){
self.move = setInterval(()=>this.animate(),100);
myRect.prototype.step = function(x,y) {
return svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(x,y));
myRect.prototype.rotate = function(r) {
return svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(svg.createSVGMatrix().rotate(r));
myRect.prototype.animate = function() {
self = this.SVGObj;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var x = Math.random() * 100,
y = Math.random() * 300;
var r= new myRect(x,y,10,10,'#'+Math.round(0xffffff * Math.random()).toString(16));
I found the issue to be calculating the center point of the rect using the self.getBoundingClientRect() there is always 4px extra in each side, which means 8px extra in the width and 8px extra in the height, as well as both x and y are shifted by 4 px, I found this talking about the same, but neither setting self.setAttribute("display", "block"); or = "block"; worked with me.
So, now I've one of 2 options, either:
Find a solution of the extra 4px in each side (i.e. 4px shifting of both x and y, and total 8px extra in both width and height),
or calculating the mid-point using:
self.Pc = {
x: self.x.baseVal.value + self.width.baseVal.value/2,
y: self.y.baseVal.value + self.height.baseVal.value/2
The second option (the other way of calculating the mid-point worked fine with me, as it is rect but if other shape is used, it is not the same way, I'll look for universal way to find the mid-point whatever the object is, i.e. looking for the first option, which is solving the self.getBoundingClientRect() issue.
Here we go…
Some code for documentation here:
let SVG = ((root) => {
let ns = root.getAttribute('xmlns');
return {
e (tag) {
return document.createElementNS(ns, tag);
add (e) {
return root.appendChild(e)
matrix () {
return root.createSVGMatrix();
transform () {
return root.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(this.matrix());
class Rectangle {
constructor (x,y,w,h) {
this.node = SVG.add(SVG.e('rect'));
this.node.x.baseVal.value = x;
this.node.y.baseVal.value = y;
this.node.width.baseVal.value = w;
this.node.height.baseVal.value = h;
rotate (gamma, x, y) {
let t = this.node.transform.baseVal.getItem(0),
m1 = SVG.matrix().translate(-x, -y),
m2 = SVG.matrix().rotate(gamma),
m3 = SVG.matrix().translate(x, y),
mtr = t.matrix.multiply(m3).multiply(m2).multiply(m1);
Thanks #Philipp,
Solving catching the SVG center can be done, by either of the following ways:
Using .getBoundingClientRect() and adjusting the dimentions considering 4px are extra in each side, so the resulted numbers to be adjusted as:
BoxC = self.getBoundingClientRect();
Pc = {
x: (BoxC.left - 4) + (BoxC.width - 8)/2,
y: ( - 4) + (BoxC.height - 8)/2
or by:
Catching the .(x/y).baseVal.value as:
Pc = {
x: self.x.baseVal.value + self.width.baseVal.value/2,
y: self.y.baseVal.value + self.height.baseVal.value/2
Below a full running code:
let ns="";
var root = document.createElementNS(ns, "svg");'100%';'100%'; = 'green';
//let SVG = function() {}; // let SVG = new Object(); //let SVG = {};
class SVG {};
SVG.matrix = (()=> { return root.createSVGMatrix(); });
SVG.transform = (()=> { return root.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(SVG.matrix()); });
SVG.translate = ((x,y)=> { return SVG.matrix().translate(x,y) });
SVG.rotate = ((r)=> { return SVG.matrix().rotate(r); });
class Rectangle {
constructor (x,y,w,h,fill) {
this.node = document.createElementNS(ns, 'rect');
self = this.node;
self.x.baseVal.value = x;
self.y.baseVal.value = y;
self.width.baseVal.value = w;
self.height.baseVal.value = h;;
self.transform.baseVal.initialize(SVG.transform()); // to generate transform list
this.transform = self.transform.baseVal.getItem(0), // to be able to read the matrix
Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "draw", {
get: function(){ return this.node;}
Object.defineProperty(Rectangle.prototype, "CenterPoint", {
get: function(){
var self = this.node;
self.bbox = self.getBoundingClientRect(); // There is 4px shift in each side
self.bboxC = {
x: (self.bbox.left - 4) + (self.bbox.width - 8)/2,
y: ( - 4) + (self.bbox.height - 8)/2
// another option is:
self.Pc = {
x: self.x.baseVal.value + self.width.baseVal.value/2,
y: self.y.baseVal.value + self.height.baseVal.value/2
return self.bboxC;
// return self.Pc; // will give same output of bboxC
Rectangle.prototype.animate = function () {
let move01 = SVG.translate(this.CenterPoint.x,this.CenterPoint.y),
move02 = SVG.rotate(10),
move03 = SVG.translate(-this.CenterPoint.x,-this.CenterPoint.y);
movement = this.transform.matrix.multiply(move01).multiply(move02).multiply(move03);
Rectangle.prototype.handleEvent= function(evt){
self =; // this returns the `rect` element
switch (evt.type){
case "click":
if (typeof self.moving == 'undefined' || self.moving == false) self.moving = true;
else self.moving = false;
if(self.moving == true){
self.move = setInterval(()=>this.animate(),100);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var x = Math.random() * 100,
y = Math.random() * 300;
var r= new Rectangle(x,y,10,10,'#'+Math.round(0xffffff * Math.random()).toString(16));

How to bind two stores to one view in Sencha?

I am trying to build a custom component in Sencha Touch which would display values from two stores. I am trying to build upon which extends from Since I am a beginner in Sencha, I could use some help on how to accomplish binding two stores to one view.
Here is what I have currently:
* #class Ext.ux.CrossCover
* #extend Ext.DataView
* A CrossCover represents two intersecting Cover flows
* #author Abhishek Mukherjee
extend: 'Ext.DataView',
xtype: 'cover',
* #cfg {Number} selectedIndex The idx from the Store that will be active first. Only one item can be active at a
* time
* #accessor
* #evented
selectedIndex: 0,
* #cfg {String} itemCls
* A css class name to be added to each item element.
itemCls: '',
* #cfg {Boolean} preventSelectionOnItemTap
* Prevent selection when item is tapped. This is false by default.
preventSelectionOnItemTap: false,
* #cfg {Number} angle for cover background items
* This is the angle that not selected items are moved in space.
angle: 75,
* #cfg {Boolean} set to true if you want a flat representation. Defaults to false so the
* coverflow remains 3d.
flat: false,
* #cfg {Boolean} preventOrientationChange
* Prevent attaching refresh method to orientation change event on Ext.Viewport
preventOrientationChange: false,
* #cfg {} horizontalStore
* Store containing data for horizontal cover-flow
horizontalStore: '',
baseCls: 'ux-cover',
itemBaseCls: 'ux-cover-item-inner',
scrollable: null,
orientationCls: undefined
offset: 0,
horizontalOffset: 0,
initialize: function(){
//we need somehow to put the itemCls to the tpl wraper element
this.innerItemCls = this.getItemCls();
if(this.innerItemCls) {
drag: 'onDrag',
dragstart: 'onDragStart',
dragend: 'onDragEnd',
scope: this
painted: 'onPainted',
itemtap: 'doItemTap',
scope: this
//subscribe to orientation change on viewport
Ext.Viewport.on('orientationchange', this.refresh, this);
this.setItemTransformation = (this.getFlat())?this.setItemTransformFlat:this.setItemTransform3dVertical;
getElementConfig: function(){
console.log("getElementConfig Called");
return {
reference: 'element',
reference: 'innerElement',
className: 'ux-cover-scroller'
applyFlat: function(flat) {
return ('Android')? true : flat);
updateOrientationCls: function(newOrientation, oldOrientation) {
var baseCls = this.getBaseCls();
if(this.element && newOrientation != oldOrientation) {
applyItemTpl: function(config){
console.log("applyItemTpl Called");
config = config.join("");
return new Ext.XTemplate('<div class="' + this.getItemBaseCls() + ' ' + this.getItemCls() + ' ">'+config+'</div>');
onPainted: function(){
getTargetEl: function(){
console.log("getTargetEl Called");
return this.innerElement;
onDragStart: function(){
console.log("onDragStart Called");
this.getTargetEl() = "0s";
onDrag: function(e){
console.log("onDrag Called");
var curr = this.getOffset(),
ln = this.getViewItems().length,
delta = (e.deltaY - e.previousDeltaY);
//slow down on border conditions
selectedIndex = this.getSelectedIndex();
if ((selectedIndex === 0 && e.deltaY > 0) || (selectedIndex === ln - 1 && e.deltaY < 0)) {
delta *= 0.5;
offset = curr + delta;
this.setOffset(offset, true);
onDragEnd: function(){
console.log("onDragEnd Called");
var idx = this.getSelectedIndex(),
y = - (idx *;
this.getTargetEl() = "0.4s";
doItemTap: function(cover, index, item, evt){
if(!this.getPreventSelectionOnItemTap() && this.getSelectedIndex() !== index){
getSelectedIndex: function(){
console.log("getSelectedIndex Called");
var idx, ln;
ln = this.getViewItems().length;
idx = - Math.round(this.getOffset() /;
this.selectedIndex = Math.min(Math.max(idx, 0), ln - 1);
return this.selectedIndex;
applySelectedIndex: function(idx){
console.log("applySelectedINdex Called");
this.selectedIndex = idx;
// apply horizontal index
applySelectedHorizontalIndex: function(idx){
console.log("applySelectedHorizontalIndex Called");
this.selectedIndex = idx;
updateOffsetToIdx: function(idx){
console.log("updateOffsetToIdx Called");
var ln = this.getViewItems().length,
idx = Math.min(Math.max(idx, 0), ln - 1);
offset= -(idx *;
updateHorizontalOffsetToIdx: function(idx){
console.log("updateHorizontalOffsetToIdx Called");
var ln = this.getHorizontalStore().data.items.length,
// console.log("Number of horizontal items is ")
idx = Math.min(Math.max(idx, 0), ln - 1);
offset= -(idx *;
setOffset: function(offset){
console.log("setOffset Called");
// Set offset for the vertical cover
var items = this.getViewItems(),
idx = 0,
l = items.length,
this.offset = offset;
// Changing the translation to Y-axis
this.getTargetEl() = "translate3d( 0," + offset + "px, 0)";
item = Ext.get(items[idx]);
this.setItemTransformation(item, idx, offset);
setHorizontalOffset: function(offset){
console.log("setHorizontalOffset Called");
// Set offset for the horizontal cover
var hitems = this.getHorizontalStore().data.items,
hidx = 0,
hl = hitems.length,
console.log("horizontal store items :"+hl);
this.horizontalOffset = offset;
// Changing the translation to X-axis
this.getTargetEl() = "translate3d( " + offset + "px, 0, 0)";
hitem = document.createElement("div");
var newContent = document.createTextNode(hitems[hidx].data.preferredName);
console.log("hitem is"+hitem);
this.setItemTransform3dHorizontal(hitem, hidx, offset);
getOffset: function(){
console.log("getOffset Called");
return this.offset;
getHorizontalOffset: function(){
console.log(" getHorizontaloffset Called");
return this.horizontalOffset;
getBaseItemBox: function(containerBox){
console.log("getBaseItemBox Called");
var cH = containerBox.height,
cW = containerBox.width,
sizeFactor = (cW > cH) ? 0.68 : 0.52,
h, w;
h = w = Math.min(containerBox.width, containerBox.height) * sizeFactor;
return {
top: (containerBox.height - w) / 2 ,
height: h * 1.5,
width: w,
left: (containerBox.width - w) / 2
setBoundaries: function(itemBox){
console.log("setBoundaries Called");
var w = itemBox.width;
if(this.getFlat()){ = w * 1.1;
this.threshold = / 3; = w * 0.2;
} else { = w / 3;
this.threshold = / 2; = w * 0.4;
setItemTransformation: Ext.emptyFn,
setItemTransform3dVertical: function(item, idx, offset){
console.log("type of item is:"+ item.type);
console.log("Called setItemTransform3dVertical"+offset);
var x = idx *,
ix = x + offset,
transf = "";
if(ix < this.threshold && ix >= - this.threshold){
// Changing the translation to Y-axis
transf = "translate3d( 0,"+x+"px, 150px)";
this.selectedIndex = idx;
}else if(ix > 0){
// Changing the rotation to x-axis
transf = "translate3d( 0 ,"+("px, 0 ) rotateX(-"+this.getAngle()+"deg)";
// Changing the rotation to x-axis
transf = "translate3d( 0, "+("px, 0 ) rotateX("+this.getAngle()+"deg)";
} = transf;
setItemTransform3dHorizontal: function(item, idx, offset){
console.log("Called setItemTransform3dHorizontal"+offset);
console.log("item receieved::"+item + " idx is "+idx+" offset is "+offset);
var x = idx *,
ix = x + offset,
transf = "";
if(ix < this.threshold && ix >= - this.threshold){
// Changing the translation to X-axis
transf = "translate3d( "+x+"px, 0, 150px)";
this.selectedIndex = idx;
}else if(ix > 0){
// Changing the rotation to Y-axis
transf = "translate3d( "+("px, 0 , 0 ) rotateY(-"+this.getAngle()+"deg)";
// Changing the rotation to Y-axis
transf = "translate3d( "+("px, 0, 0 ) rotateY("+this.getAngle()+"deg)";
} = transf;
setItemTransformFlat: function(item, idx, offset){
var x = idx *,
ix = x + offset,
transf = "";
if(ix < this.threshold && ix >= - this.threshold){
// Changing the translation to Y-axis
transf = "translate3d( 0, "+x+"px, 150px)";
this.selectedIndex = idx;
}else if(ix > 0){
transf = "translate3d("+("px, 0, 0)";
transf = "translate3d("+("px, 0, 0)";
} = transf;
doRefresh: function(me){
console.log("doRefresh Called");
var container = me.container,
items, idx = 0, l,
orientation = Ext.Viewport.getOrientation();
items = container.getViewItems();
l = items.length;
this.itemBox = this.getBaseItemBox(this.element.getBox());
// Refresh the horizontal cover flow
refreshHorizontalCover: function(){
console.log("refreshHorizontalCover Called");
//var container = me.container,
var hitems, hidx = 0, hl;
// orientation = Ext.Viewport.getOrientation();
hitems = this.getHorizontalStore().data.items;
hl = hitems.length;
this.itemBox = this.getBaseItemBox(this.element.getBox());
var item = document.createElement("div");
var newContent = document.createTextNode(hitems[hidx].data.preferredName);
item.appendChild(newContent); //add the text node to the newly created div.
resizeItem: function(element){
console.log("resizeItem Called");
var itemBox = this.itemBox,
item = Ext.get(element);
itemBox has an extra long in height to avoid reflection opacity over other items
I need to create a wrapper element with same bg to avoid that issue.
item.down('.'+this.getItemBaseCls()).setBox({height: itemBox.height/1.5, width: itemBox.width});
resizeHorizontalItem: function(element){
console.log("resizeHorizontalItem Called");
var itemBox = this.itemBox,
item = Ext.get(element);
itemBox has an extra long in height to avoid reflection opacity over other items
I need to create a wrapper element with same bg to avoid that issue.
//item.down('.'+this.getItemBaseCls()).setBox({height: itemBox.height/1.5, width: itemBox.width});
onStoreUpdate: function(store, record, newIndex, oldIndex) {
var me = this,
container = me.container,
oldIndex = (typeof oldIndex === 'undefined') ? newIndex : oldIndex;
if (oldIndex !== newIndex) {
container.moveItemsToCache(oldIndex, oldIndex);
else {
item = container.getViewItems()[newIndex];
// Bypassing setter because sometimes we pass the same record (different data)
container.updateListItem(record, item);
Idea here is to have two cover flows, one horizontal and other vertical intersecting in middle. I can display one cover flow, but the other one is not getting displayed ( or is out of view). Since for one cover I can use properties from DataView , displaying the first is relatively easier than the second. I could help some suggestion on how to display the second.
I would appreciate any help with this. Thanks a lot for your time.
Data View in Ext is bound to one store. I think that much less coding would be to take two views and put them in a layout.
I solved it by super-imposing two separate views on top of each other and passing on the event from the top view to the underlying view when the drag was on a particular direction.

How to add a zoom effect in opencart product page?

I am trying to make theme for opencart, I need add zoom effect in the product page and also user can also adjust their setting as per their need. but the zoomer is not working
I added one javascript file in the js folder the codes are:
// Cloud Zoom V1.0.2
// (c) 2010 by R Cecco. <>
// MIT License
// Please retain this copyright header in all versions of the software
(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.product-zoom, .product-zoom-gallery').ProductZoom();
function format(str) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
str = str.replace('%' + (i - 1), arguments[i]);
return str;
function ProductZoom(jWin, opts) {
var sImg = $('img', jWin);
var img1;
var img2;
var zoomDiv = null;
var $mouseTrap = null;
var lens = null;
var $tint = null;
var softFocus = null;
var $ie6Fix = null;
var zoomImage;
var controlTimer = 0;
var cw, ch;
var destU = 0;
var destV = 0;
var currV = 0;
var currU = 0;
var filesLoaded = 0;
var mx,
var ctx = this, zw;
// Display an image loading message. This message gets deleted when the images have loaded and the zoom init function is called.
// We add a small delay before the message is displayed to avoid the message flicking on then off again virtually immediately if the
// images load really fast, e.g. from the cache.
//var ctx = this;
setTimeout(function () {
// <img src="/images/loading.gif"/>
if ($mouseTrap === null) {
var w = jWin.width();
jWin.parent().append(format('<div style="width:%0px;position:absolute;top:75%;left:%1px;text-align:center" class="product-zoom-loading" >Loading...</div>', w / 3, (w / 2) - (w / 6))).find(':last').css('opacity', 0.5);
}, 200);
var ie6FixRemove = function () {
if ($ie6Fix !== null) {
$ie6Fix = null;
// Removes cursor, tint layer, blur layer etc.
this.removeBits = function () {
if (lens) {
lens = null;
if ($tint) {
$tint = null;
if (softFocus) {
softFocus = null;
$('.product-zoom-loading', jWin.parent()).remove();
this.destroy = function () {'zoom', null);
if ($mouseTrap) {
$mouseTrap = null;
if (zoomDiv) {
zoomDiv = null;
// This is called when the zoom window has faded out so it can be removed.
this.fadedOut = function () {
if (zoomDiv) {
zoomDiv = null;
this.controlLoop = function () {
if (lens) {
var x = (mx - sImg.offset().left - (cw * 0.5)) >> 0;
var y = (my - sImg.offset().top - (ch * 0.5)) >> 0;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
else if (x > (sImg.outerWidth() - cw)) {
x = (sImg.outerWidth() - cw);
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
else if (y > (sImg.outerHeight() - ch)) {
y = (sImg.outerHeight() - ch);
left: x,
top: y
lens.css('background-position', (-x) + 'px ' + (-y) + 'px');
destU = (((x) / sImg.outerWidth()) * zoomImage.width) >> 0;
destV = (((y) / sImg.outerHeight()) * zoomImage.height) >> 0;
currU += (destU - currU) / opts.smoothMove;
currV += (destV - currV) / opts.smoothMove;
zoomDiv.css('background-position', (-(currU >> 0) + 'px ') + (-(currV >> 0) + 'px'));
controlTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 30);
this.init2 = function (img, id) {
//console.log(img.src + ' ' + id + ' ' + img.width);
if (id === 1) {
zoomImage = img;
//this.images[id] = img;
if (filesLoaded === 2) {
/* Init function start. */
this.init = function () {
// Remove loading message (if present);
$('.product-zoom-loading', jWin.parent()).remove();
/* Add a box (mouseTrap) over the small image to trap mouse events.
It has priority over zoom window to avoid issues with inner zoom.
We need the dummy background image as IE does not trap mouse events on
transparent parts of a div.
$mouseTrap = jWin.parent().append(format("<div class='mousetrap' style='background-image:url(\".\");z-index:199;position:absolute;width:%0px;height:%1px;left:%2px;top:%3px;\'></div>", sImg.outerWidth(), sImg.outerHeight(), 0, 0)).find(':last');
/* Do as little as possible in mousemove event to prevent slowdown. */
$mouseTrap.bind('mousemove', this, function (event) {
// Just update the mouse position
mx = event.pageX;
my = event.pageY;
$mouseTrap.bind('mouseleave', this, function (event) {
if(lens) { lens.fadeOut(299); }
if($tint) { $tint.fadeOut(299); }
if(softFocus) { softFocus.fadeOut(299); }
zoomDiv.fadeOut(300, function () {
return false;
$mouseTrap.bind('mouseenter', this, function (event) {
mx = event.pageX;
my = event.pageY;
zw =;
if (zoomDiv) {
zoomDiv.stop(true, false);
var xPos = opts.adjustX,
yPos = opts.adjustY;
var siw = sImg.outerWidth();
var sih = sImg.outerHeight();
var w = opts.zoomWidth;
var h = opts.zoomHeight;
if (opts.zoomWidth == 'auto') {
w = siw;
if (opts.zoomHeight == 'auto') {
h = sih;
//$('#info').text( xPos + ' ' + yPos + ' ' + siw + ' ' + sih );
var appendTo = jWin.parent(); // attach to the wrapper
switch (opts.position) {
case 'top':
yPos -= h; // + opts.adjustY;
case 'right':
xPos += siw; // + opts.adjustX;
case 'bottom':
yPos += sih; // + opts.adjustY;
case 'left':
xPos -= w; // + opts.adjustX;
case 'inside':
w = siw;
h = sih;
// All other values, try and find an id in the dom to attach to.
appendTo = $('#' + opts.position);
// If dom element doesn't exit, just use 'right' position as default.
if (!appendTo.length) {
appendTo = jWin;
xPos += siw; //+ opts.adjustX;
yPos += sih; // + opts.adjustY;
} else {
w = appendTo.innerWidth();
h = appendTo.innerHeight();
zoomDiv = appendTo.append(format('<div id="product-zoom-big" class="product-zoom-big" style="display:none;position:absolute;left:%0px;top:-5px;width:395px;height:310px;background-image:url(\'%4\');z-index:99;"></div>', xPos, yPos, w, h, zoomImage.src)).find(':last');
// Add the title from title tag.
if (sImg.attr('title') && opts.showTitle) {
zoomDiv.append(format('<div class="product-zoom-title">%0</div>', sImg.attr('title'))).find(':last').css('opacity', opts.titleOpacity);
// Fix ie6 select elements wrong z-index bug. Placing an iFrame over the select element solves the issue...
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
$ie6Fix = $('<iframe frameborder="0" src="#"></iframe>').css({
position: "absolute",
left: xPos,
top: yPos,
zIndex: 99,
width: w,
height: h
if (lens) {
lens = null;
} /* Work out size of cursor */
cw = (sImg.outerWidth() / zoomImage.width) * zoomDiv.width();
ch = (sImg.outerHeight() / zoomImage.height) * zoomDiv.height();
// Attach mouse, initially invisible to prevent first frame glitch
lens = jWin.append(format("<div class = 'product-zoom-lens' style='display:none;z-index:98;position:absolute;width:%0px;height:%1px;'></div>", cw, ch)).find(':last');
$mouseTrap.css('cursor', lens.css('cursor'));
var noTrans = false;
// Init tint layer if needed. (Not relevant if using inside mode)
if (opts.tint) {
lens.css('background', 'url("' + sImg.attr('src') + '")');
$tint = jWin.append(format('<div style="display:none;position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:%0px; height:%1px; background-color:%2;" />', sImg.outerWidth(), sImg.outerHeight(), opts.tint)).find(':last');
$tint.css('opacity', opts.tintOpacity);
noTrans = true;
if (opts.softFocus) {
lens.css('background', 'url("' + sImg.attr('src') + '")');
softFocus = jWin.append(format('<div style="position:absolute;display:none;top:2px; left:2px; width:%0px; height:%1px;" />', sImg.outerWidth() - 2, sImg.outerHeight() - 2, opts.tint)).find(':last');
softFocus.css('background', 'url("' + sImg.attr('src') + '")');
softFocus.css('opacity', 0.5);
noTrans = true;
if (!noTrans) {
lens.css('opacity', opts.lensOpacity);
if ( opts.position !== 'inside' ) { lens.fadeIn(500); }
// Start processing.
return; // Don't return false here otherwise opera will not detect change of the mouse pointer type.
img1 = new Image();
$(img1).load(function () {
ctx.init2(this, 0);
img1.src = sImg.attr('src');
img2 = new Image();
$(img2).load(function () {
ctx.init2(this, 1);
img2.src = jWin.attr('href');
$.fn.ProductZoom = function (options) {
// IE6 background image flicker fix
try {
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
} catch (e) {}
this.each(function () {
var relOpts, opts;
// Hmm...eval...slap on wrist.
eval('var a = {' + $(this).attr('rel') + '}');
relOpts = a;
if ($(this).is('.product-zoom')) {
'position': 'relative',
'display': 'block'
$('img', $(this)).css({
'display': 'block'
// Wrap an outer div around the link so we can attach things without them becoming part of the link.
// But not if wrap already exists.
if ($(this).parent().attr('id') != 'wrap') {
$(this).wrap('<div id="wrap" style="top:0px;z-index:199;position:relative;"></div>');
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.ProductZoom.defaults, options);
opts = $.extend({}, opts, relOpts);
$(this).data('zoom', new ProductZoom($(this), opts));
} else if ($(this).is('.product-zoom-gallery')) {
opts = $.extend({}, relOpts, options);
$(this).data('relOpts', opts);
$(this).bind('click', $(this), function (event) {
var data ='relOpts');
// Destroy the previous zoom
$('#' + data.useZoom).data('zoom').destroy();
// Change the biglink to point to the new big image.
$('#' + data.useZoom).attr('href','href'));
// Change the small image to point to the new small image.
$('#' + data.useZoom + ' img').attr('src','relOpts').smallImage);
// Init a new zoom with the new images.
$('#' +'relOpts').useZoom).ProductZoom();
return false;
return this;
$.fn.ProductZoom.defaults = {
zoomWidth: 'auto',
zoomHeight: 'auto',
position: 'right',
tint: false,
tintOpacity: 0.5,
lensOpacity: 0.5,
softFocus: false,
smoothMove: 3,
showTitle: true,
titleOpacity: 0.5,
adjustX: 0,
adjustY: 0
and then added few codes in the product.tpl file
<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/mytheme/js/product-zoom.js"></script>
<div class="product-info">
<?php if ($thumb || $images) { ?>
<div class="left">
<?php if ($thumb) { ?>
<div class="image"><img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" alt="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" id="image" /></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($images) { ?>
<div class="image-additional">
<img src="<?php echo $thumb1; ?>" alt="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>"/>
<?php foreach ($images as $image) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image['thumb1']; ?>" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" alt="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
Try this
Add this js file
// Cloud Zoom V1.0.2
// (c) 2010 by R Cecco. <>
// MIT License
// Please retain this copyright header in all versions of the software
(function ($) {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.cloud-zoom, .cloud-zoom-gallery').CloudZoom();
function format(str) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
str = str.replace('%' + (i - 1), arguments[i]);
return str;
function CloudZoom(jWin, opts) {
var sImg = $('img', jWin);
var img1;
var img2;
var zoomDiv = null;
var $mouseTrap = null;
var lens = null;
var $tint = null;
var softFocus = null;
var $ie6Fix = null;
var zoomImage;
var controlTimer = 0;
var cw, ch;
var destU = 0;
var destV = 0;
var currV = 0;
var currU = 0;
var filesLoaded = 0;
var mx,
var ctx = this, zw;
// Display an image loading message. This message gets deleted when the images have loaded and the zoom init function is called.
// We add a small delay before the message is displayed to avoid the message flicking on then off again virtually immediately if the
// images load really fast, e.g. from the cache.
//var ctx = this;
setTimeout(function () {
// <img src="/images/loading.gif"/>
if ($mouseTrap === null) {
var w = jWin.width();
jWin.parent().append(format('<div style="width:%0px;position:absolute;top:75%;left:%1px;text-align:center" class="cloud-zoom-loading" >Loading...</div>', w / 3, (w / 2) - (w / 6))).find(':last').css('opacity', 0.5);
}, 200);
var ie6FixRemove = function () {
if ($ie6Fix !== null) {
$ie6Fix = null;
// Removes cursor, tint layer, blur layer etc.
this.removeBits = function () {
if (lens) {
lens = null;
if ($tint) {
$tint = null;
if (softFocus) {
softFocus = null;
$('.cloud-zoom-loading', jWin.parent()).remove();
this.destroy = function () {'zoom', null);
if ($mouseTrap) {
$mouseTrap = null;
if (zoomDiv) {
zoomDiv = null;
// This is called when the zoom window has faded out so it can be removed.
this.fadedOut = function () {
if (zoomDiv) {
zoomDiv = null;
this.controlLoop = function () {
if (lens) {
var x = (mx - sImg.offset().left - (cw * 0.5)) >> 0;
var y = (my - sImg.offset().top - (ch * 0.5)) >> 0;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
else if (x > (sImg.outerWidth() - cw)) {
x = (sImg.outerWidth() - cw);
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
else if (y > (sImg.outerHeight() - ch)) {
y = (sImg.outerHeight() - ch);
left: x,
top: y
lens.css('background-position', (-x) + 'px ' + (-y) + 'px');
destU = (((x) / sImg.outerWidth()) * zoomImage.width) >> 0;
destV = (((y) / sImg.outerHeight()) * zoomImage.height) >> 0;
currU += (destU - currU) / opts.smoothMove;
currV += (destV - currV) / opts.smoothMove;
zoomDiv.css('background-position', (-(currU >> 0) + 'px ') + (-(currV >> 0) + 'px'));
controlTimer = setTimeout(function () {
}, 30);
this.init2 = function (img, id) {
//console.log(img.src + ' ' + id + ' ' + img.width);
if (id === 1) {
zoomImage = img;
//this.images[id] = img;
if (filesLoaded === 2) {
/* Init function start. */
this.init = function () {
// Remove loading message (if present);
$('.cloud-zoom-loading', jWin.parent()).remove();
/* Add a box (mouseTrap) over the small image to trap mouse events.
It has priority over zoom window to avoid issues with inner zoom.
We need the dummy background image as IE does not trap mouse events on
transparent parts of a div.
$mouseTrap = jWin.parent().append(format("<div class='mousetrap' style='background-image:url(\".\");z-index:999;position:absolute;width:%0px;height:%1px;left:%2px;top:%3px;\'></div>", sImg.outerWidth(), sImg.outerHeight(), 0, 0)).find(':last');
/* Do as little as possible in mousemove event to prevent slowdown. */
$mouseTrap.bind('mousemove', this, function (event) {
// Just update the mouse position
mx = event.pageX;
my = event.pageY;
$mouseTrap.bind('mouseleave', this, function (event) {
if(lens) { lens.fadeOut(299); }
if($tint) { $tint.fadeOut(299); }
if(softFocus) { softFocus.fadeOut(299); }
zoomDiv.fadeOut(300, function () {
return false;
$mouseTrap.bind('mouseenter', this, function (event) {
mx = event.pageX;
my = event.pageY;
zw =;
if (zoomDiv) {
zoomDiv.stop(true, false);
var xPos = opts.adjustX,
yPos = opts.adjustY;
var siw = sImg.outerWidth();
var sih = sImg.outerHeight();
var w = opts.zoomWidth;
var h = opts.zoomHeight;
if (opts.zoomWidth == 'auto') {
w = siw;
if (opts.zoomHeight == 'auto') {
h = sih;
//$('#info').text( xPos + ' ' + yPos + ' ' + siw + ' ' + sih );
var appendTo = jWin.parent(); // attach to the wrapper
switch (opts.position) {
case 'top':
yPos -= h; // + opts.adjustY;
case 'right':
xPos += siw; // + opts.adjustX;
case 'bottom':
yPos += sih; // + opts.adjustY;
case 'left':
xPos -= w; // + opts.adjustX;
case 'inside':
w = siw;
h = sih;
// All other values, try and find an id in the dom to attach to.
appendTo = $('#' + opts.position);
// If dom element doesn't exit, just use 'right' position as default.
if (!appendTo.length) {
appendTo = jWin;
xPos += siw; //+ opts.adjustX;
yPos += sih; // + opts.adjustY;
} else {
w = appendTo.innerWidth();
h = appendTo.innerHeight();
zoomDiv = appendTo.append(format('<div id="cloud-zoom-big" class="cloud-zoom-big" style="display:none;position:absolute;left:%0px;top:%1px;width:%2px;height:%3px;background-image:url(\'%4\');z-index:99;"></div>', xPos, yPos, w, h, zoomImage.src)).find(':last');
// Add the title from title tag.
if (sImg.attr('title') && opts.showTitle) {
zoomDiv.append(format('<div class="cloud-zoom-title">%0</div>', sImg.attr('title'))).find(':last').css('opacity', opts.titleOpacity);
// Fix ie6 select elements wrong z-index bug. Placing an iFrame over the select element solves the issue...
if ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version < 7) {
$ie6Fix = $('<iframe frameborder="0" src="#"></iframe>').css({
position: "absolute",
left: xPos,
top: yPos,
zIndex: 99,
width: w,
height: h
if (lens) {
lens = null;
} /* Work out size of cursor */
cw = (sImg.outerWidth() / zoomImage.width) * zoomDiv.width();
ch = (sImg.outerHeight() / zoomImage.height) * zoomDiv.height();
// Attach mouse, initially invisible to prevent first frame glitch
lens = jWin.append(format("<div class = 'cloud-zoom-lens' style='display:none;z-index:98;position:absolute;width:%0px;height:%1px;'></div>", cw, ch)).find(':last');
$mouseTrap.css('cursor', lens.css('cursor'));
var noTrans = false;
// Init tint layer if needed. (Not relevant if using inside mode)
if (opts.tint) {
lens.css('background', 'url("' + sImg.attr('src') + '")');
$tint = jWin.append(format('<div style="display:none;position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:%0px; height:%1px; background-color:%2;" />', sImg.outerWidth(), sImg.outerHeight(), opts.tint)).find(':last');
$tint.css('opacity', opts.tintOpacity);
noTrans = true;
if (opts.softFocus) {
lens.css('background', 'url("' + sImg.attr('src') + '")');
softFocus = jWin.append(format('<div style="position:absolute;display:none;top:2px; left:2px; width:%0px; height:%1px;" />', sImg.outerWidth() - 2, sImg.outerHeight() - 2, opts.tint)).find(':last');
softFocus.css('background', 'url("' + sImg.attr('src') + '")');
softFocus.css('opacity', 0.5);
noTrans = true;
if (!noTrans) {
lens.css('opacity', opts.lensOpacity);
if ( opts.position !== 'inside' ) { lens.fadeIn(500); }
// Start processing.
return; // Don't return false here otherwise opera will not detect change of the mouse pointer type.
img1 = new Image();
$(img1).load(function () {
ctx.init2(this, 0);
img1.src = sImg.attr('src');
img2 = new Image();
$(img2).load(function () {
ctx.init2(this, 1);
img2.src = jWin.attr('href');
$.fn.CloudZoom = function (options) {
// IE6 background image flicker fix
try {
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
} catch (e) {}
this.each(function () {
var relOpts, opts;
// Hmm...eval...slap on wrist.
eval('var a = {' + $(this).attr('rel') + '}');
relOpts = a;
if ($(this).is('.cloud-zoom')) {
'position': 'relative',
'display': 'block'
$('img', $(this)).css({
'display': 'block'
// Wrap an outer div around the link so we can attach things without them becoming part of the link.
// But not if wrap already exists.
if ($(this).parent().attr('id') != 'wrap') {
$(this).wrap('<div id="wrap" style="top:0px;z-index:1000;position:relative;"></div>');
opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.CloudZoom.defaults, options);
opts = $.extend({}, opts, relOpts);
$(this).data('zoom', new CloudZoom($(this), opts));
} else if ($(this).is('.cloud-zoom-gallery')) {
opts = $.extend({}, relOpts, options);
$(this).data('relOpts', opts);
$(this).bind('click', $(this), function (event) {
var data ='relOpts');
// Destroy the previous zoom
$('#' + data.useZoom).data('zoom').destroy();
// Change the biglink to point to the new big image.
$('#' + data.useZoom).attr('href','href'));
// Change the ZOOM link to point to the new big image.
// Change the small image to point to the new small image.
$('#' + data.useZoom + ' img').attr('src','relOpts').smallImage);
// Init a new zoom with the new images.
$('#' +'relOpts').useZoom).CloudZoom();
return false;
return this;
$.fn.CloudZoom.defaults = {
zoomWidth: 'auto',
zoomHeight: 'auto',
position: 'right',
tint: false,
tintOpacity: 0.5,
lensOpacity: 0.5,
softFocus: false,
smoothMove: 3,
showTitle: false,
titleOpacity: 0.5,
adjustX: 0,
adjustY: 0
add in the product.tpl file
<script type="text/javascript" src="catalog/view/theme/mytheme/js/product-zoom.js"></script>
<div class="product-info">
<?php if ($thumb || $images) { ?>
<div class="left">
<?php if ($thumb) { ?>
<div class="image"><img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" alt="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" id="image" /><span id="zoom-image"><i class="zoom_bttn"></i> Zoom</span></div>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($images) { ?>
<div class="image-additional">
<img src="<?php echo $thumb; ?>" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" alt="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" />
<?php foreach ($images as $image) { ?>
<img src="<?php echo $image['thumb']; ?>" width="62" title="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" alt="<?php echo $heading_title; ?>" />
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

PaperJS - How do I connect all items that have a distance of X from any given item? (Item interactivity)

I have a project I am trying to get an animated <canvas> working with Paper JS. What I am curious about is if there is anything built into PaperJS that allows the ability to detect interactivity between items (i.e. if a item is X distance from any other item on the layer). Here is what I have so far:
<canvas id="myCanvas" resize></canvas>
html, body{margin:0; padding: 0;}
#myCanvas{width: 100%; height: 100%;}
var canvas = $('#myCanvas')[0];
var viewSize = paper.view.size;
var itemCount = 20;
var theBall = new paper.Path.Rectangle({
point : [0,0],
size : 10,
fillColor : '#00a950',
var theBallSymbol = new paper.Symbol(theBall);
// Create and place symbol on view
for (var i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++) {
var center = paper.Point.random().multiply(viewSize);
var placedSymbol =;
placedSymbol.scale(i / itemCount); = {
origin : center,
direction : (Math.round(Math.random())) ? 'right' : 'left',
placedSymbol.onFrame = function(e){
var pathWidth = this.bounds.width * 20;
var center =;
var moveValue = this.bounds.width / 20;
if( == 'right'){
if(this.position.x < center.x + pathWidth){
this.position.x += moveValue;
} else{
this.position.x -= moveValue; = 'left';
} else {
if(this.position.x > center.x - pathWidth){
this.position.x -= moveValue;
} else {
this.position.x += moveValue; = 'right';
paper.view.onFrame = function (e){
// For entire view
for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
var item = paper.project.activeLayer.children[i];
// I imagine I would need to do something here
// I tried a hitTest already, but I'm not sure
// that will give me the information I would need
That part so far is working well. What I am curious about how I can do the following:
Whenever any given item (the squares) come within a distance of X between each other, create a line (path) between them
The idea is very similar to this page:
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Paper.js does not keep track of the inter-point distance between an item's center and all other items. The only way to gather that information is to manually loop through them.
In your case, I think it would be easiest to:
Create an array of lines
Only keep lines that might become shorter than the threshold value
Loop through the lines array on each onFrame() and adjust the opacity.
By only choosing lines that will come within a threshold value, you can avoid creating unnecessary paths that would slow the framerate. Without this, you'd be checking ~5 times as many items.
Here's a quick example:
var canvas = $('#myCanvas')[0];
var viewSize = paper.view.size;
var itemCount = 60;
//setup arrays to change line segments
var ballArray = [];
var lineArray = [];
//threshold distance for lines
var threshold = Math.sqrt(paper.view.size.width*paper.view.size.height)/5;
var theBall = new paper.Path.Rectangle({
point : [0,0],
size : 10,
fillColor : '#00a950',
var theBallSymbol = new paper.Symbol(theBall);
// Create and place symbol on view
for (var i = 1; i <= itemCount; i++) {
var center = paper.Point.random().multiply(viewSize);
var placedSymbol =;
placedSymbol.scale(i / itemCount); = {
origin : center,
direction : (Math.round(Math.random())) ? 'right' : 'left',
// Keep each placedSymbol in an array
ballArray.push( placedSymbol );
placedSymbol.onFrame = function(e){
var pathWidth = this.bounds.width * 20;
var center =;
var moveValue = this.bounds.width / 20;
if( == 'right'){
if(this.position.x < center.x + pathWidth){
this.position.x += moveValue;
} else{
this.position.x -= moveValue; = 'left';
} else {
if(this.position.x > center.x - pathWidth){
this.position.x -= moveValue;
} else {
this.position.x += moveValue; = 'right';
// Run through every possible line
// Only keep lines whose length might become less than threshold
for (var i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
for (j = i + 1, point1 = ballArray[i].data.origin; j < itemCount; j++) {
if ( Math.abs(point1.y - ballArray[j] < threshold && Math.abs(point1.x - ballArray[j].data.origin.x) < 4 * threshold) {
var line = new paper.Path.Line( point1, ballArray[j] ) ;
line.strokeColor = 'black';
line.strokeWidth = .5;
//note the index of the line's segments
line.point1 = i;
line.point2 = j;
if (line.length > 1.4 * threshold && ballArray[j].data.direction == ballArray[i].data.direction) {
else {
paper.view.onFrame = function (e){
// Update the segments of each line
// Change each line's opacity with respect to distance
for (var i = 0, l = lineArray.length; i < l; i++) {
var line = lineArray[i];
line.segments[0].point = ballArray[line.point1];
line.segments[1].point = ballArray[line.point2];
if(line.length < threshold) {
line.opacity = (threshold - line.length) / threshold;
else line.opacity = 0;

