Knockoutjs complex binding combo select table - javascript

I have a table for adding a new budget details like the image below:
When I select an Income Account then another row is added to the viewmodel collection:
I want to set all field values to "0.00" when the new row is added and also I have a problem because if I delete a row then the "change" event of the combo doesnt exist so there is no way to add a new row when changing the last combo.
Any clue? Here is the fiddle working sample:
Here is the code that I use to bind the change action to the last added combo:
$('select[name=cboincomeaccount_' + newRowIndex + ']').bind("change", {
combo: $(this)
}, handler);
function handler(event) {
var combo = jQuery(this);
var row = combo.parent().parent();
// Unbind
// Bind new combo
jQuery('select[name=cboincomeaccount_' + newRowIndex + ']').bind("change", {
combo: jQuery(this)
}, handler)
Thanks in advance!!

This might not be so much of a Knockout issue as it is a user interface issue.
I want to set all field values to "0.00" when the new row is added
Well that's easy enough. Simply initialize the the observable row to all zeros.
When I select an Income Account then another row is added to the viewmodel collection...
and also I have a problem because if I delete a row then the "change" event of the combo doesnt exist so there is no way to add a new row when changing the last combo.
This is probably a negotiable requirement.
Why not create an 'Add' button instead of insisting on this "nifty" behavior that adds a row when the user makes a section in the dropdown list?
Besides, even if we could accomplish what you're asking for (and I can envision a way that we could do this), what will you do when it's time to save the user's input to the server? Were you planning on ignore that last empty row?


How to add jquery tabledit buttons to new rows of a table

How to tell to jQuery tabledit that the rows are changed? The buttons only generated for existing rows, when I add a new row (for example using jQuery), the table buttons doesn’t appear in the new row. I saw in tabledit code, that there is possibility to switch between view and edit mode (maybe this would help me), but don’t know how to access these methods after the tabledit is created and when rows has been changed.
A little snippet from my code:
$(‘#btn’).click(function(){ ... adding row, I need to update tabledit here });
$(‘#table’).Tabledit(...parameters...); }
Here is the best solution I could come up with for your situation.
I created an "Add" button. NOTE the for-table attribute so I can figure out what table to add to later.
<button id='add' for-table='#example1'>Add Row</button>
Then I created a click handler for the "Add" button.
var table = $(this).attr('for-table'); //get the target table selector
var $tr = $(table + ">tbody>tr:last-child").clone(true, true); //clone the last row
var nextID = parseInt($tr.find("input.tabledit-identifier").val()) + 1; //get the ID and add one.
$tr.find("input.tabledit-identifier").val(nextID); //set the row identifier
$tr.find("span.tabledit-identifier").text(nextID); //set the row identifier
$(table + ">tbody").append($tr); //add the row to the table
$tr.find(".tabledit-edit-button").click(); //pretend to click the edit button
$tr.find("input:not([type=hidden]), select").val(""); //wipe out the inputs.
Deep Clone the last row of the table. (copies the data and attached events)
Determine and set the row identifier.
Append the new row.
Automatically click the Edit button.
Clear all inputs and selects.
In my limited testing this technique appears to work.
jQuery Tabledit should be executed every time a table is reloaded. See answer given here:
refreshing Tabledit after pagination
This means that every time you reload the table (e.g. navigating to new page, refreshing etc), you must initialize Tabledit on the page of the table where it wasn't initialized. The problem is that there is no way to know whether Tabledit has been initialized on the table already, hence if you re-initialize it, duplicate buttons (edit, delete..) will be added to the rows of the table. You also cannot destroy a non-existent Tabledit, hence calling 'destroy' always beforehand will not help.
I hence created my own function to tell me if Tabledit is initialized on a certain page of a table or not:
function hasTabledit($table) {
return $('tbody tr:first td:last > div', $table).hasClass("tabledit-toolbar");
and using it as follows:
if( !hasTabledit($('#table')) ) {
url: 'example.php',
columns: {
identifier: [0, 'id'],
editable: [[1, 'points'], [2, 'notes']]
editButton: true,
deleteButton: false
The hasTabledit(..) function checks whether the last cell of the first row of the table has a div which has the tabledit-toolbar class, since this is the div that holds the Tabledit buttons. You may improve it as you like. This is not the perfect solution but it is the best I could do.

Bug when trying to update an HTML table value in the DOM

I am trying to implement a simple update functionality for the values in my table. I have an edit button, which triggers a modal where I edit the values and save them. In order the values to be immediately update in the DOM I am using the following jquery code on save:
$('#lblEditDeleteProducts').find("tr .nameDom").text("new val");
$('#lblEditDeleteProducts').find("tr .brandDom").text("new val");
$('#lblEditDeleteProducts').find("tr .priceDom").text("new val");
The problem is that with this code intead of one row in my table all the rows get updated with the "new value". I am very new to jquery and I am out of ideas how to solve this, so any help will be appreciated.
Here is my table structure :
As there is not much information of your HTML code
var selectedTR;
$("#lblEditDeleteProducts tr").click(function(){
//init your modal pop up here or do it globally
Let assume the ID of save button is #save
selectedTR.find(".nameDom").text("new val"); // get relative value from the mdoal input
selectedTR.find(".brandDom").text("new val");
selectedTR.find(".priceDom").text("new val");
If you are interested you can use this plugin also (advanced feature) datatable inline edit
The selectors that find is using are too general, so they're selecting all matching rows.
$('#lblEditDeleteProducts').find("tr .nameDom").text("new val");
Here's what jQuery is doing with that particular line of code (the same thing applies to all the others, too):
Get lblEditDeleteProducts by ID
Using that node, find() all descendant elements that match the selector tr .nameDom
Update the text of all nodes that it finds.
In your case, that selector matches every element in every row because they're all descendants of #lblEditDeleteProducts; there's no way to filter out just those you want with the code that you've written.
You'll need a way of explicitly determining which row to update.
Based on your comment that the edit button is in the each row, you can reference the corresponding row with closest
$("EDIT BUTTON SELECTOR").click(function(){
var $btn = $(this);
var $row = $btn.closest("tr");
$("DIALOG SELECTOR").dialog({
Save: function(){
//bunch of stuff
$row.find("td.nameDom").text("new val");

Kendo ui grid with dropdownlists

I have a kendo ui grid with dropdownlists in the cells. The problems is that I lose the selected row when somebody select a new value in a dropdownlist. Can somebody help me with this?
What is probably happening is that the selection of an item in the DropDownList is changing the value on the bound data item. This causes the DataSource to fire a "change" event so hat the table knows it needs to update. The way the Kendo Grid is written, when it gets a change event from the DataSource, it recreates the table cells. I'm pretty sure the existing table cells get removed from the DOM and a new set added in its place. When this happens, the selection is getting removed.
One way to preserve the selected row would be to add a function handler to the grid's "change" event, and save the uid of the selected data item. Then on the "dataBound" event, you can re-select that row.
For example:
var selectedUid;
change: function () {
selectedUid ="uid");
dataBound: function () {
if(selectedUid) {$(this.element).find('tr[data-uid="' + selectedUid + '"]'));

changing a html select value with jQuery does not reflect on screen display

I wrote two jquery plugins: the first converts a text or hidden input containing a date in a set of three drop down menus with day/month/year choice.
The second plugin allows me to generate a set of rows starting from a set of input fields, and automatically adds a "Add row" button and a "delete row" button.
Moreover, I've added a addRow() function to the "multiple row plugin", which allows me to add a row programmatically.
In this way I can do a call to
$(...).addRow(["event name", "30/06/2013"]);
to add a new row to my list.
Here is a simplified fiddle:
The problem is that the value of the input field containing the event name is updated correctly, whereas the selected value in the drop down menu is not updated.
I think there is some stuff in dddtpicker plugin which breaks the DOM, but I can't figure out why.
Any help would be appreciated.
var fields = templclone.find('input, select')
There are 3 inputs and one select for each row which makes it 4 elements.
fields.each(function (index, element) {
if (index < fields.length - 1) {
myevt.addRow(["my event name", "30/06/2013"]);
You provide 2 arguments. So the select element gets the value undefined.

jQuery UI checkboxes misbehaving when cloned

I'm trying to create a table of inputs that automatically adds a new row when you enter text in one of the inputs on the bottom line. For the most part, it works fine. However, I'm having some trouble with jQuery UI checkbox buttons.
The checkbox buttons are supposed to change their icon when clicked. This works fine for the original buttons, but the cloned button that appears when you add a new row doesn't work properly.
You can see it in jsfiddle here. To replicate the issue, put some text in the third input down. You'll see that a fourth row appears. If you press the fourth checkbox, you'll see the third checkbox is the one whose icon changes. The wrong button also gets ui-state-focus but doesn't actually get focus, which really baffles me, though the correct button does get ui-state-active and seems, as far as I can tell, to evaluate as having been checked properly.
To be clear, the two checkboxes do not have the same ID, and their labels are for the right checkbox - the createNewRow() function takes care of that. If you comment out the line that turns the checkboxes into jQuery UI checkboxes, you'll see everything works fine. If you console.log the value of $(this).attr('id') in the buttonSwitchCheck function, you'll see that it has the right ID there too - if you click the fourth button, it'll tell you that the id of $(this) is "test4", but it's "test3" (the third button) that gets the icon change.
I'm going mad staring at this and I'd appreciate any help people can give. Here's the code:
// Turns on and off an icon as the checkbox changes from checked to unchecked.
function buttonSwitchCheck() {
if ($(this).prop('checked') === true) {
$(this).button("option", "icons", {
primary: "ui-icon-circle-check"
} else {
$(this).button("option", "icons", {
primary: "ui-icon-circle-close"
// Add a new row at the bottom once the user starts filling out the bottom blank row.
function createNewRow() {
// Identify the row and clone it, including the bound events.
var row = $(this).closest("tr");
var table = row.closest("table");
var newRow = row.clone(true);
// Set all values (except for buttons) to blank for the new row.
// Find elements that require an ID (mostly elements with labels like checkboxes) and increment the ID.
newRow.find('.ssheetRowId').each(function () {
var idArr = $(this).attr('id').match(/^(.*?)([0-9]*)$/);
var idNum = idArr[2] - 0 + 1;
var newId = idArr[1] + idNum;
$(this).attr('id', newId);
$(this).siblings('label.ssheetGetRowId').attr('for', newId);
// Add the row to the table.
// Remove the old row's ability to create a new row.
row.find(".ssheet").unbind('change', createNewRow);
$(document).ready(function () {
// Activate jQuery UI checkboxes.
$(".checkButton").button().bind('change', buttonSwitchCheck).each(buttonSwitchCheck);
// When text is entered on the bottom row, add a new row.
$(".ssheetNewRow").find(".ssheet").not('.checkButton').bind('change', createNewRow);
EDIT: I was able to find a solution, which I'll share with the ages. Thanks to "Funky Dude" below, who inspired me to start thinking along the right track.
The trick is to destroy the jQuery UI button in the original row before the clone, then reinitializing it immediately afterwards for both the original row and the copy. You don't need to unbind and rebind the change event - it's just the jQuery UI buttons which have trouble. In the createNewRow function:
var newRow = row.clone(true);
Try using the newer method .on, that allows for delegation, which should help with the dynamic changes to your DOM:
$("table").on("change", ".checkButton", buttonSwitchCheck);
I'm not sure, but it might help with not having to worry about binding events to specific elements.
Also, you could use it for the textbox change event:
$("table").on("change", ".ssheetNewRow .ssheet:not(.checkButton)", createNewRow);
Here's your fiddle with my changes:
It doesn't function any different, but to me, it's a little cleaner. I thought it would've fixed your problem, but obviously hasn't, due to problems with the button widget.
And funny enough, it doesn't seem they "support" cloning:
i think you are using deep clone, which also clones the event handler. in your create new row function, try unbinding the change event then rebind on the clone.

