Javascript, loops infinitely and freezes - javascript

So I'm making a simple physics simulation using HTML5 canvas and javascript. I'm trying to make some realistic collisions, but whenever a collision occurs the code begins to loop infinitely and freezes the page.
I am using Google Chrome 24.0.1312.32 beta-m
When looking at the javascript console the line "console.log("I am colliding with something")" goes crazy and is printed thousands of times per second and completely breaks the page.
I'm not really sure why its' happening and I have no idea what to do. Any help and/or input would really be appreciated.
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
if (collide(i)) {
console.log("I am colliding with something");
if (typeof getCollideIndx === 'undefined') {
console.log("collide index is not undefined");
if (!getCollideIndx(i)) {
console.log("Made it past null check");
//...update object based on collision
the collide() function is:
function collide(b) {
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
//Distance between each object
var distance = (Math.sqrt(Math.pow((balls[b].x - balls[i].x), 2) + Math.pow(balls[b].y - balls[i].y, 2)));
if (distance < 32) {
//must be less than 2*radius -- all radii are the same
//makes it so that it doesn't return true when checking its own index
if (!(balls[b].mass == balls[i].mass)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

I cannot see an infinite loop in your code , my best guess would be this statement
if (typeof getCollideIndx === 'undefined')
fails every time and whatever function the below code is in is called continuously
for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
if (collide(i)) {
console.log("I am colliding with something");
if (typeof getCollideIndx === 'undefined') {
console.log("collide index is not undefined");
if (!getCollideIndx(i)) {
console.log("Made it past null check");
//...update object based on collision
also in this , I do not see the point of the for loop as the control always goes back to the calling function (in the collide() function)

Well, being trapped in that for loop implies that the index variable i is getting set incorrectly somewhere. Without being able to see the entirety of the code I cannot say for sure, but the loop for(i=0; i<3; i++){... will be assigning i to the window object because you have not explicitly scoped it (i.e. for(var i...).
See for example this jsfiddle where the first function will only run once rather than three times because the same variable i is affected in the second function.
Obviously running once != infinite loop, but if the collide function does something to i (or maybe breaks after it finds a collision?) then the value of i will be reset to 0 at the beginning of its for loop each time it's called.
So yeah without some more code I can't say for sure; but my advice in this case is: always use var in for loops or weird things can happen!


How to make for loop happen every set amount of time?

I need to add "momentum" to an object on a grid. The player can control the object as long as he hold the key down, however, I want the ability to press the key one time and the object will keep going in the direction of the key until he hits the border. I have create a simple for loop that works, however because it happens so fast the object just kind of "teleports" to the border. I want the for loop to happen for example every second. Here is a short part of my code:
case "ArrowRight":
if (snakex + 1 == 26) {
temp += 1;
else {
for (let i = snakex; i < 26; i++) {
snakex += 1; = snakey + "/" + snakex;
The game board is a 25x25 grid, if the fact that going to the right will result in going out of the board, the function will not do anything (temp is there for filling out a "fail mechanic" that I didn't add).
Without the for loop, the player needs to hold down the right key. This for loop makes it so the player needs to press it once, however it happens so fast it "teleports" like I said. Is it possible to make this loop happen every second, for example?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
you can control the speed of a loop by wrapping it in an async function, then you can write a custom function for sleep and await the sleep function at the beginning of every loop.
async function test() {
for(let i =0; i < 10; i++ {
await sleep(1000)
//logic goes here
function sleep(ms: number) {
return new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,ms))

Clearing svg multiple children with a loop not working

I am currently trying to create a reset code so that when the player collides with the enemy, it clears all of the collectibles (I called them pellets) from the svg and then remakes them with a loop I have. For some reason it is clearing every pellet but one. It also does not recreate the pellets like it is supposed to for some reason. The svg variables are score, player, ghost(the enemy) and pellet.
This is the reset code:
function destroyPlayer()
alert("Game Over");
score = 0;
scoreElement.textContent = 'score: ' + score;
constantCount = 1;
//need code to take out all pellets from svg
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if(svg.children[i].id != "ghost" &&
svg.children[i].id != "score" &&
svg.children[i].id != "player")
And this is the code that remakes the pellets: (the position pellet method)
function positionPellet()
while(pelletCount < constantCount*3)
var pellet = document.createElementNS( xmlns, 'circle' );
pellet.setAttribute( 'cx', Math.random() * 900 );
pellet.setAttribute( 'cy', Math.random() * 400 );
pellet.setAttribute( 'r' , 10 );
pellet.className.baseVal = "pelClass";
Have you checked your browser developer console (press F12)? It should be displaying errors it finds in your Javascript.
If that's not helping much, you can log variables to the console to see why your code isn't working.
For instance, I can see immediately why your positionPellet() function isn't working. As a hint try adding some logging to check the value of pelletCount and constantCount.
function positionPellet()
console.log("pelletCount = "+pelletCount);
console.log("constantCount= "+constantCount);
while(pelletCount < constantCount*3)
When you run the code again, you should see those debugging lines with values showing as undefined. Why would that be?
Your other problem is a little more subtle. I'll give you a hint and say that when you remove element 0 from an array, the array is updated immediately. The array item that used to be at children[1] is now at children[0]. But in your next time through the loop, you will be looking at children[1], which won't be the next child any more, it will actually be the one that was after that (originally children[2]).

Ng-Options Expression Repeatedly Called

I am having multiple issues with my <select> element in angular and am trying to understand what is going on. My first step is to understand why the multiple console.log() messages I have put in for debugging repeatedly appear in the console, as in, instead of the message appearing once like I would expect, they appear an infinite number of times, as if part of an infinite loop. Is this how a function called from an ng-options is supposed to behave? If so, I don't understand why, if not, then I would like to fix my loop.
My html: <select ng-options="theorderdate as theorderdate for theorderdate in getOtherOrderDates(Bread.text)" ng-model="randomDateRomantic.randomDateRomantic" ng-change="soRomantic(Bread.text)"></select>
The console.log() messages appear from the getOtherOrderDates() function, which is below (with my comments included):
$scope.getOtherOrderDates = function(loaf) {
var istheLoafdaily = false;
var theorderdates = [];
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.theBreadsList.length; i++) {
for (var z = 0; z < $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads.length; z++) {
if ($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].text == loaf && i > 0) //not a daily loaf, goes beyond "Daily Breads"
theorderdates = theorderdates.concat($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates); //concat the matched bread's order dates
console.log(theorderdates, $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates);
theorderdates = _.sortBy(theorderdates, function(m) {
return m.getTime()
for (var y = 0; y < theorderdates.length; y++) {
theorderdates[y] = theorderdates[y].toLocaleDateString();
theorderdates = _.uniq(theorderdates);
if (theorderdates.length > 0) {
console.log("Something is wrong here"); //problem
$scope.randomDateRomantic.randomDateRomantic = theorderdates[0];
return theorderdates;
} else if ($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].text == loaf && i == 0) { //a daily loaf, i == 0
console.log("The bread matched is daily", loaf); //***
istheLoafdaily = true;
console.log(theorderdates); //***
theorderdates = theorderdates.concat($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates); // concat the matched bread's order dates
console.log(theorderdates, $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates); //***
break; // escape the for loop, should it be two breaks?????? yes...
} else if (istheLoafdaily && i > 0 && $scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates.length > 0) { //not sure what scenario this matches, hence wtf
theorderdates = theorderdates.concat($scope.theBreadsList[i].breads[z].orderDates);
//end of outermost for loop
//not sure what this is doing because this functionality is repeated up there^ (for non-daily breads)
theorderdates = _.sortBy(theorderdates, function(m) {
return m.getTime()
for (var y = 0; y < theorderdates.length; y++) {
theorderdates[y] = theorderdates[y].toLocaleDateString();
theorderdates = _.uniq(theorderdates);
if (theorderdates.length > 0) {
$scope.randomDateRomantic.randomDateRomantic = theorderdates[0];
console.log("Something is wrong here (daily)"); //problem
return theorderdates;
//not sure what this is doing because this functionality is repeated up there^ (for non-daily breads)
//if change to Locale date string then not unique, but if don't change then not a date to sort!!!!!!! >:(
I am getting almost all console messages an infinite number of times, without doing anything such as firing the ng-change function. I just add a daily bread to my cart for instance, and then the console gets filled with the following messages, that I have starred in my code.
My theBreadsList is not very long, so there is something going on that it is going repeatedly like this. Even if I broke out of the for loop twice as you will see in my code, it wouldn't explain the fact that it logs to the console all the time, because eventually the loop would not be satisfied, and this wouldn't take to long as has been mentioned.
Please advise, thank you. If you need more information, I am happy to provide.
The getOtherOrderDates will be called in each digest cycle so that angular knows whether to update options in select. That's most likely the reason you're seeing this method being called many times.
If you're worried about performance impact of this loop you can build the options upfront inside your controller store it in $scope like so:
$scope.options = $scope.getOtherOrderDates($scope.Bread.text);
whenever $scope.Bread.text changes and then use $scope.options inside your template.
To avoid triggering your loops in every digest loop you can use one time binding ::value.
<select ng-options="theorderdate as theorderdate for theorderdate in ::getOtherOrderDates(Bread.text)"
Thanks to that expression inside ng-options will be evaluated only once and the watcher will be removed after first evaluation which will stop your function being triggered in next digest loop iterations.

Bubble sort not swapping elements of array in Javascript

I am creating a simple program that should utilize the bubble sort algorithm to sort a list of numbers in ascending order.
Just for testing purposes I have added the line alert(unsortedNumbers);and as you can see if you run it, the numbers do not change order no matter how many passes the algorithm does.
The program seems to be stuck in an infinite loop, as 'Another pass' is printed to the console repeatedly. As instructed by this line console.log("Another pass");
As with the bubble sort algorithm, once it does not have to swap any terms on a certain pass, we know this is the sorted list, I have created the variable swapped, however it looks like this is always 1. I think this may be caused by the swapArrayElements() function not swapping the terms.
Why is the function not swapping the index of the terms within the array?
(Code does't seem to run properly on SO's code snippet tool, may have to copy into notepad document)
function main(){
var unsortedNumbers =[7,8,13,1,6,9,43,80]; //Declares unsorted numbers array
var swapped = 0;
var len = unsortedNumbers.length;
function swapArrayElements(index_a, index_b) { //swaps swapArrayElements[i] with swapArrayElements[ii]
var temp = unsortedNumbers[index_a];
unsortedNumbers[index_a] = unsortedNumbers[index_b];
unsortedNumbers[index_b] = temp;
function finish(){
function mainBody(){
for(var i =0;i<len;i++){
var ii =(i+1);
if (unsortedNumbers[i]>unsortedNumbers[ii]){
console.log("Swap elements");
swapped=1; // Variable 'swapped' used to check whether or not a swap has been made in each pass
if (ii = len){
if (swapped = 1){ // if a swap has been made, runs the main body again
console.log("Another pass");
alert(unsortedNumbers); //Added for debugging
<body onload="main()">
You have an error in your code:
if (ii = len) {
and also
if (swapped = 1){
it should be double equal
Invalid condition check causing infinite loop:
if (ii = len) & if (swapped = 1) should have == or === operator. This is causing infinity loop.
NOTE: Your code is not appropriate as per the best practices to avoid global variables. You should not use global variables and try
passing variables and returning them back after processing.
Refer this for avoiding globals.

Simple arithmetic challenge function with limited attempts

Recently began studying Javascript, trying to read out of Javascript: The Definitive Guide and Eloquent Javascript, while going off on my own to experiment with things in order to really etch them in my memory. I thought a good way to get my head around arithmetic operations and conditional statements, I'd build a series of little games based around each Math operator, and began with addition.
function beginAdditionChallenge() {
var x = Math.ceiling(Math.random()*100);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var a = Number(prompt("Provide the first addend.", ""));
var b = Number(prompt("Provide the second addend.", ""));
if (a + b === x) {
alert("Well done!");
else if (a + b !== x && i < 3) {
alert("Please try again.");
else {
function initChallenge() {
var button = document.getElementById("challengeButton");
button.addEventListener("click", beginAdditionChallenge);
window.addEventListener("load", initChallenge);
You can see the whole thing thus far on JSFiddle, here. The idea is that clicking the button generates a random number between 1 and 100, displays it to the user, then prompts them to provide two addends, giving them 3 attempts. If the sum of these addends is equal to the RNG number, it congratulates the user and ends the program. If they do not provide suitable addends, the loop prompts them to try again, until they've hit 3 attempts, at which point the program snarks at them and ends.
I know the event listener is not the failure point here, as when I change beginAdditionChallenge to simply display a test alert, it works, but I don't know what exactly is wrong with the loop I've created.
You did it correctly. However, Math.ceiling isn't a function and should be Math.ceil. In addition, your code (in jsfiddle) should be set to wrap in head. Why? Because right now you call initChallenge when the page loads. However, in your jsfiddle example, the code runs onLoad so the load event never gets called. Essentially, you're adding a load event after the page has loaded.
Edit: In addition, you have a for loop that goes up to three. Therefore
else if (a + b !== x && i < 3) {
alert("Please try again.");
should be
else if (a + b !== x && i < 2) {
alert("Please try again.");
because when i === 2, the user's last chance has ended.
Everything is fine. Just change:-
var x = Math.ceiling(Math.random()*100);
var x = Math.ceil(Math.random()*100);

