When click change to text-area, When outside click change back - javascript

I am trying to make a function like PHPadmin what they are using on when showing the table, when click the div filed, change to text-area, and when click outside of the div, change it back to the div filed. The code below is wrong, I cannot change back to the div filed when I click outside. Please help me to improve the code.
$('#editor #gird_edit').bind({
click: function() {
$(this).html('<textarea id="gird_edit">'+$(this).text()+'</textarea>');
blur: function() {
$(this).html('<div id="gird_edit">'+$(this).text()+'</div>');
<div id='editor'>
<div id='gird_edit'>hallo world</div>
<div id='gird_edit'>hallo world 2</div>
<div id='gird_edit'>hallo world 3</div>
I only have 8 reputations, I cannot vote you back. However, I sincerely appreciate your helps!

check this jsbin i just made, if you need anything else i'm glad to help.

see jsfiddle
updated jsfiddle
when $(this).html(textarea) is done, div is already blur. so the onBlur didn't work
$('#editor #gird_edit').bind({
click: function() {
var tex = $(this).text();
var textarea = $('<textarea id="gird_edit">'+tex+'</textarea>');
var currentText = textarea.val();
if(currentText == tex)//not change
else //changed
edit 3:
//something else
find more jquery API

When you first click on the #gird_edit it is a div, so this is a div, and you can replace its contents to change things. However, when you blur away #gird_edit is a textarea, so if you change its contents you're not really changing what you want to change (your just changing the insides of your textarea).
What you want to change is the div that's around the textarea, ie. the "parent" of that textarea. In other words, try:
blur: function() {
$(this).parent().html('<div id="gird_edit">'+$(this).text()+'</div>');


Javascript Hover Text

I am trying to create a hover that shows a list to the user and reminds the user what we can accept.
<div class="proofresidencytip" style="display:inline-block;">
Hover Picture
var message = "Please submit a copy of one of the following:";
var div = '<div class="rvtooltips">'+message+'</div>';
var tt = $(this).find(".rvtooltips");
tt.fadeOut("fast", function(){
I am trying to figure out how I can list the items in var message. Whenever i try using <br> or any other html code it just breaks and doesnt show the message at all. How can I display new lines and the list of items in the hover?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I am not sure what the problem is? You can place <br> into message just fine:
var message = "Please submit a copy of one of the following:<br>a<br>b";
var div = '<div class="rvtooltips">'+message+'</div>';
var tt = $(this).find(".rvtooltips");
tt.fadeOut("fast", function(){
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="proofresidencytip" style="display:inline-block;">
Hover Picture
If you have simplified your example in order to post the question on SO, you may have omitted some relevant CSS. If your proofresidencytip class has a set height, for example, it cannot easily expand. Make sure to set padding, line-height, perhaps min-height, but NOT height nor overflow: none.

jQuery display property not changing but other properties are

I'm trying to make a text editable on clicking it. Below is the code I'm trying. When the title is clicked it shows an input box and button to save it.
<div class="block">
<div class="title">Title</div>
<div class="title-edit">
<input type="text" name="title" value="Title">
I have changed other properties like color or changing the text of the elements and its working, but it is not applying the display property or .show()/.hide() function on the title or edit elements.
Below is my jQuery
$('.block').on('click', editTitle);
$('.title-edit button').on('click', saveTitle);
function saveTitle(){
var parent = $(this).closest('.block');
var title = $('.title', parent);
var edit = $('.title-edit', parent);
function editTitle(){
$('.title-edit', this).show();
$('.title', this).hide();
Here's the jsfiddle
I've added
to the end to show that other properties/functions are working, but just not the display.
For checking the html change on title element you will have to check the source through developer tools cause the title element is hidden.
Where am I going wrong?
Your problem is in the function saveTitle. The first line must stop the event propagation otherwise after this function the editTitle function is called.
The snippet:
$('.block').on('click', editTitle);
$('.title-edit button').on('click', saveTitle);
function saveTitle(e){
// this line
var parent = $(this).closest('.block');
var title = $('.title', parent);
var edit = $('.title-edit', parent);
title.text($('.title-edit input').val());
function editTitle(e){
$('.title-edit', this).show();
$('.title', this).hide();
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.min.js"></script>
<div class="block">
<div class="title">Title</div>
<div class="title-edit">
<input type="text" name="title" value="Title">
The issue as mentioned already is that your click events are fighting. In your code, the title-edit class is within the block, so when you click on the save button it triggers events for both clicks.
The easiest and, imho, cleanest way to resolve this is to switch your click event to be called on .title, and .title-edit button. You can also simplify the code beyond what you've got there.
$('.title-edit button').click(saveTitle);
function saveTitle(){
function editTitle(){
I tried debug your code, and I had seen, that then you click to "Save" button, handled both functions, saveTitle() and editTitle(), and in that order. Therefore, the elements initially hidden, and then shown.

Append element AFTER load

I've got this code
$(".test_init").click( function(){
var win = $(this).next(".test_wrap").find(".test_drop");
if ($(win).html().length)
else {
Which returns me some html form without close button
I wish to add close button using such method without adding it in every-single function
$('*[class*="_drop"]').change(function() {
$(this).append($('<a />', {
class: 'close-drop',
click: function(e) {
But nothing happens - i can't understand why close button doesn't appends
<div class="test_wrap relative">
<div class="test_drop absolute"></div>
Example: http://jsfiddle.net/fppfyey7/10/
Your problem is with your CSS, not with your JS. The button is appended but you are hidding it with your style.
For example in this fiddle I append a button with your JS code and your CSS:
Fiddle 1
Now, in this one, I just remove your absolute and relative classes:
Fiddle 2
My solution (isn't good enough, still works)
$('*[class*="_drop"]').ajaxStop(function() {
$(this).prepend('<a onclick="$(this).parent().empty().hide(\'fast\');" class="close-drop"></a>');
If here will be better solution, will mark it as answear!

Show div once clicked and hide when clicking outside

I'm trying to show the #subscribe-pop div once a link is clicked and hide it when clicking anywhere outside it. I can get it to show and hide if I change the:
$('document').click(function() {
$('#SomeOtherRandomDiv').click(function() {
<div id="footleft">
Click here to show div
<div id="subscribe-pop"><p>my content</p></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggle_visibility(id) {
var e = document.getElementById("subscribe-pop");
if(e.style.display == 'block')
e.style.display = 'none';
e.style.display = 'block';
$('document').click(function() {
$('#subscribe-pop').hide(); //Hide the menus if visible
You have to stop the event propagation in your container ('footleft' in this case), so the parent element don't notice the event was triggered.
Something like this:
<div id="footleft">
<a href="#" id='link'>Click here to show div</a>
<div id="subscribe-pop"><p>my content</p></div>
$('html').click(function() {
$('#link').click(function(e) {
See it working here.
I reckon that the asker is trying to accomplish a jquery modal type of display of a div.
Should you like to check this link out, the page upon load displays a modal div that drives your eye into the center of the screen because it dims the background.
Moreover, I compiled a short jsFiddle for you to check on. if you are allowed to use jquery with your requirements, you can also check out their site.
Here is the code for showing or hiding your pop-up div
var toggleVisibility = function (){
if($('#subscribe-pop').is(":not(:visible)") ){
Changing $(document).click() to $('html').click() should solve the main problem.
Secondly, you do not need the toggle_visibility() function at all, you can simply do:
Ref: changed body to html as per this answer: How do I detect a click outside an element?

jQuery toggle() text in separate element

I am having some trouble getting a toggle function to work and need someone to help explain it to me.
My HTML (simplified):
<div id="filter_names"></div>
<div class="item">Option 1</div>
<div class="item">Option 2</div>
<div class="item">Option 3</div>
<div class="item">Option 4</div>
My jQuery (simplified)
var tagname = $(this).html();
$('#filter_names').append(' > '+tagname);
As you can see I am appending clicked items' value to the div at the top. This works fine, but i need it to be removed when i click it again.
I am pretty sure it needs a toggle() function but so far my attempts have been pretty fruitless.
Some guidance would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: You can see what i want to achieve in this JSfiddle. It's working exactly how i want it to by appending a value to the end (like a breadcrumb link), but is not being removed when i click it again.
You need to look at the #filter_names contents and check if the clicked tag's value is already included, then remove it if it is, or add it otherwise:
if (filternames.indexOf(tagname) === -1) {
$('#filter_names').append(' > '+tagname);
} else {
$('#filter_names').text(filternames.replace(' > '+tagname, ''));
Working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/passcod/Kz3vx/
Note that you might get weird results if one tag's value is contained in another's.
<script type="text/javascript">
var $this=$(this);
var tagname = ' > ' +$this.html();
//if has item-check class remove tag from filter_names
var h=$("#filter_names").text();
$("#filter_names").text(h.replace(tagname, '' ));
try this one...
$(this).toggleClass("item-click item");
this will add these classes alternatively when you click on div. or if you just want to remove this class on second click then you should write this in your click handler.
if( $(this).hasClass("item-click")){
EDITED -----
to remove appended html you can try this...
it's working HERE
hope this helps you!!
I like passcod's solution - here's an alternative that wraps the elements in divs and puts them in alphabetical order.
JSFiddle here. The sort function is from http://www.wrichards.com/blog/2009/02/jquery-sorting-elements/.
var tagname = $(this).html();
var target = $('#filter_names').find('div:contains("> ' + tagname + '")');
if (target.is('*')) {
else $('#filter_names').append('<div class="appended"> > '+ tagname +'<div>');
function sortAlpha(a,b) {
return a.innerHTML > b.innerHTML ? 1 : -1;
$('#filter_names div').sort(sortAlpha).appendTo('#filter_names');

