Best practice of writing JS scripts with AJAX in Rails app? How to include URLs in script? - javascript

I'd like to use a little bit of simple AJAX in my Rails application. The main problem I have is that inside a script I need to specify the URL where the request will go, which in most cases is a path to some Rails controller action. Anywhere else I'm advised not to write paths explicitly by hand (i.e. not do ugly stuff like '/my_resources/' + resource_id) but use helpers like my_resource_path instead.
But this approach doesn't work well with javascript, since these helpers don't work inside assets/javascripts. I can think of some ugly ways I can bypass the problem, currently I've implemented an extremely ugly workaround which is basically putting something like this inside my view:
<%= javascript_tag "onSubmitQuotePage('#{j escape_javascript(autocomplete_authors_url(''))}');"%>
But I can't imagine Rails developers didn't think of some prettier solution, some right way of doing AJAX.

I can't say I like the way I do this so very happy to hear better ways of doing this.
But I either include the path in a data attribute on a relevant DOM element, or for some static routes I include a <script> block in the layout file that contains relevant paths.
(function() {
"use strict";
window.myapp || {};
window.myapp.new_order_path = '<%= new_order_path %>';
window.myapp.orders_path = '<%= orders_path %>';
It's by no means a pretty solution, but the cases where I need a route in my JS are rather rare and that way I can then use myapp.new_order_path in my JS when I need it.

Just to add my two cents here: you can use Rails URI helpers to generate some sort of URI templates. E.g., if you have this route defined:
edit_user GET /users/:id/edit(.:format) users#edit
And you call it like edit_user_path(':user_id:'), it will return /users/:user_id:/edit. This way you can generate URI templates to be compiled by javascript. As #Tigraine said, you can include this in a data attribute of some top element, and use it from the client side.
It comes really in situations where you need to generate URIs for AJAX fetched resources: you just serve the resource id and let the javascript compile the URI from the template with a simple string.replace(':user_id:', user_id).


How to execute elixir code in a js file?

I have a js "my_js_file.js" file which I include only into a single page. In that js file I need to get an url by calling a phoenix helper:
# my_js_file.js
function func1(userLogin) {
var createUserUlr = "<%= user_home_path(#conn, :create, userLogin) %>";
But it doesn't work.
When I rename it to "my_js_file.js.eex", it still doesn't work -- the value between "<%= %>" isn't getting evaluated. Why not? And what are the options?
Note that I'm passing a variable to the url.
I don't think this is possible, because the assets in the static/ directory are not processed by Elixir, but by your asset pipeline (Brunch by default). They are pre-compiled so even if it worked, you would not have access to the #conn variable, since this is not available at the time when static assets are compiled.
Keep in mind this is a good thing! The server does not need to re-render your Javascript on every page request.
You have several options to get the desired result:
Hard coding
Might seem hacky, but works well enough for simple cases. I recommend hard coding just a path, using // at the start to preserve the current protocol (http/https). If you need to resolve this to a full URL, you can use this trick.
Data attributes
For one-off usage, you can add a data attribute to a related portion of your markup, for example for a login form:
<div id="create-user" data-url="<%= user_home_path(#conn, :create, userLogin) %>">
<!-- ... -->
Then in your JavaScript, you can access the data attribute. Note that depending on your use case, there might be a better way to retrieve the DOM node containing the data attribute than using document.querySelector, this is just an example:
let createUserUrl = document.querySelector("#create-user").getAttribute("data-url");
If you only need to target IE11+ or willing to use a polyfill, you can also use dataset
let createUserUrl = document.querySelector("#create-user").dataset.url;
Or if you're using jQuery:
let createUserUrl = $("#create-user").data("url");
Maybe you'll be able to extract the URL from a different attribute such as the url of a form, should you be overriding the onclick handler of the submit button, for example.
Add property on window object
For truly global values, such as authentication tokens etc. you can set a property on the window object, for example in web/templates/layout/app.html.eex
<script>window.userToken = "<%= assigns[:user_token] %>";</script>
then in your JavaScript, you can simply access
Other solutions
There are also more advanced solutions available for this problem, including:
Add a separate JSON endpoint that returns the required data as JSON which can then be requested from your JavaScript
If you use a JavaScript framework such as React.js, Vue.js, etc. you might be able to leverage routing logic from the framework or auxiliary JavaScript packages.
I'm sure there's even more options I didn't think of right now.

Best way to use C#-Ressources (ResX Files) in Typescript?

our current project is in ASP.Net MVC with Razor.
We use ResX Files for a few thousend translations.
In C# and Razor this is pretty easy with HTML:
Now when I wrote JavaScript I normaly did this within the cshtml files with razor like this:
Which works but seems a bit ugly...
A few weeks ago we starded with Typescript, and, of course excluding (nearly) all javascript code to ts-files.
The only solution we found here, to get the ressources from C# to Typescript is through a "hack":
We made a ressources.cshtml file in which we just include javascript variables:
var ressourceTest = "#Ressource.Local.Test";
We load this ressource.cshtml at first in our _layout.cshtml.
Additional, we have a self need a selfmade declarion for this variable to jump from javascript to typescript in our projectDeclarions.d.ts:
var ressourceTest:string;
And now we can use the ressource in our typescript file test.ts:
As you can see it is a working "hack" or "workaround" but it seems to likly kill us for a few thousend ressources... It's handmade, the maintain duration and work is high...
Any better ideas?
I have seen a few good ideas around this.
You could supply an JSON endpoint in your MVC application to give you chunks of translations. You would decide how granular you want to make it, but you would essentially JSON serialize a translation, or set of translations and send it back. This would avoid stuffing a big view with hundreds of the things.
Another alternative is to place translations in the view to make them available, but contextually. So if you had a button that you are using to trigger some AJAX call to the server and you need to say "Update Worked" or "Update Failed" you could put the attributes inline...
<button ... data-msg-success="Saved OK" data-msg-failed="A problem occurred" />
And you could populate these attributes with your resources.

Best way to pass server (c# / Razor) values into an AngularJS app

We use DNN and often need to pass a few context specific values (like page id or module-on-page-id) into an AngularJS app. We've developed our own conventions how to do this, but would like to hear from others how they approach this to find a best practice.
So basically the situation is that the server-page has information needed by the JS. Using WebAPI is not an option, as these values are known in the page, but not in a separate request. Things I've seen so far have been:
Use in-view-razor like href="#Tab.TabId/{{...}}" (I don't like this)
Place the values in the ng-init like ng-init="config = { prop1: '#Tab.TabId' }"
Create a separate <script> tag where we generate a module on the fly containing these values so angular.module("config", []).constant('prop1', '#Tab.TabId')
Create a json with razor in the page somewhere and inject all of it as a module into the app using a generic code which does the same as #3, just with cleaner code re-use.
I've seen all these and have also used all. Currently we avoid #1 as we believe it's not good to mix templating languages and because it doesn't allow externalizing parts of the view. So basically we use #2 as for quick-and-simple (and a bit dirty) + #3/#4 for larger projects.
Do you have a better way, or which way would you prefer?
We are using variant #4.
This has the advantage that the JSON defines the exact interface for the config needed by the JS module. And Razor is great to generate URLs using #Url.Action.
we use NewtonSoft and do JSONConvert.SerializeObject(ObjectName) and then pass it over as a Session from the controller and then use #Html.Raw(ObjectName) and its a JSON Object that can be utilized easily in javascript...

Django: render staticfiles through template engine at deploy-time

I want to render some static files (*.js in particularly) using Django template variables. I believe this is a common use-case, especially when doing anything AJAX-y; I don't want to hardcode AJAX urls in my .js files any more than I want to hardcode them in my .html files. Buuuut of course I don't want those static files to have to run through the template engine at every client request because this will be slow. I am referring to things like URLs (which do not change after compile/deploy) or static (non-db) model attributes. (I suppose there are use cases where these things might be changed at run-time - this is Python, after all- but I think they are uncommon). For some possible template variables (e.g. model fields), of course the file must be rendered at the time of the client request, but this is not what I'm talking about.
So wouldn't it make sense to render some of my static files through the template engine, for a subset of possible template variables, perhaps at the same time as collectstatic?
As far as I can tell this is not currently the case. To be clear, what I am looking for is a solution to render static files through the template engine at compile/deploy-time so that at "client-request-time" they are in fact plain old static files.
Such an approach would avoid these hacks:
DRY URLs in Django Javascript
Using the Django URL Tag in an AJAX Call
Yes I know there are template engines out there for javascript (mustache, handlebars, prototype, etc). Why should I add another template engine to the stack when Django already has one? Plus the syntax collides! That seems silly.
This looks like it takes a crack at it, but it's complicated and not fully implemented.
Is there a solution out there that I am missing?
If not, is there a way to hook into collectstatic (like a pre-collectstatic hook) that would allow one to render certain static files through the template engine before "collecting" them?
No responses this a really dumb question, and I'm missing something obvious? If so...go ahead and let me know...
There are several frameworks for Django for same purpose: django-pipeline, django-assets, and etc. which integrates different static files processing strategies, with varying degrees of difficulty configuring.
I use an external tool - Grunt (it requires node.js) - for asset post-processing after collectstatic. It is easier and has a lots of plugins for any purpose (source validation, css/js/images minification, merging, testing and etc.).
It is possible to hook in collectstatic by a custom static files storage with overrided post_process method.
STATIC_ROOT = 'assets'
import os
from import StaticFilesStorage
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.template import Template, Context
class MyStaticFilesStorage(StaticFilesStorage):
def post_process(self, paths, dry_run=False, **options):
# don't even dare to process the files if we're in dry run mode
if dry_run:
js_template_data = {'foo': 'bar'} # template variables
js_template_extension = '.jst'
js_extension = '.js'
for original_name, (storage, path) in paths.items():
processed = False
saved_name = original_name
original_path, original_extension = os.path.splitext(original_name)
if original_extension == js_template_extension:
with as original_file:
saved_name = original_path + js_extension
if hasattr(original_file, 'seek'):
original_source =
c = Context(js_template_data)
saved_source = Template(original_source).render(c)
self._save(saved_name, ContentFile(saved_source))
processed = True
yield original_name, saved_name, processed
A completely different way to approach the problem would be to ask if you really need to get those URLs in javascript--instead, can the Javascript get the URLs from things like data attributes in your HTML?
In other words, you might have wanted:
<div id="pop-up-modal">pop me up</div>
$("#pop-up-modal").click(function {
$.ajax("{% url 'some-class-name %}")
When it can often be more straightforward to do something like:
<div id="pop-up-modal" data-popurl="{% url 'some-class-name' %}">pop me up</div>
$("#pop-up-modal").click(function {
I think that django-medusa would suit your needs.
By setting up a renderer and using the disk based backend, generating the static files would be as easy as: staticsitegen
You aren't crazy. I was frustrated by this as well and found myself hacking something together for each new Django project I tackled. I think the reason for the lack of direct solutions is that this is mega-drought bone DRY. Its super easy to just hard code these things and call it day. This and the two most common use cases for this involve generating code in one language from code in another which tends to be viewed as suspect.
I've recently published a new Django package django-render-static that solves this problem generically. It piggy-backs on Django's existing template engine infrastructure. A management command called render_static should be run before collectstatic. This command will look for templates registered in settings (or passed as arguments) and render them to your static file location on disk. They're then available for whatever normal static file packaging pipeline you have configured.
I'm sure there are more use cases, but the two most common I've found are providing a reverse utility in static JavaScript thats equivalent to Django's and auto-translating define-like python structures (i.e. choice fields) into JavaScript. The app provides template tags that do both.
The JavaScript url reversal code is guaranteed to be functionally equivalent to Django's reverse function. I won't bother plopping example code down here because it's been well documented.

Ruby on Rails with Unobtrusive JavaScript - Managing URLs

I'm using a modular system of JavaScript files when working in Rails - basically each view will have its own module in a .js file. My issue comes when I need a dynamic, Rails generated string within my JavaScript, for example translation strings and URLs.
Translations are nicely solved using babilu but I'm still stuck on the generation of URLs. I could write something that looked at the routes in the application and generate JavaScript methods which I could pass stuff like IDs of objects.
An alternative would be to pass in the already-generated URL to any functions I was calling, which sounds messy but could be the most flexible alternative.
I don't know that there's any truly pleasing way to do this, but one possibility is to have your server-side code write a small <script> block into the page to declare some variables that your packaged Javascript can discover and use.
var pageGlobals = {
interestingURL: <% ... url %>,
I've done this to keep track of things like image subdirectories that are determined by customer "syndicate" affiliation. The Javascript code just knows that whenever it needs that for a URL, it can just go look in a global object and pick out a standardized variable.
In my experience there tend to be only a small number of such things to communicate to the canned Javascript, so the <script> block tends not to get out of hand. I've buried mine in a page template so I don't even have to think about it with new pages.
Oldish question, but here's another way. The HTML 5 spec allows for custom data- attributes.
In your view:
<button id="myButton" data-url="<%= my_resource_path %>">Click me</button>
Then in your packaged js:
var myurl = $("#myButton").data("url");
See here also.
I don't like this either. The ideal solution to me would be javascript templates. Imagine in the .js file you could do:
var users_path = '<%= users_path %>';
But that would mean the .js files would have to be regenerated in every request (well, one could use caching just like with rails html).
Anyway, what you can also do is put the dynamic stuff in data- attributes. So you can do for example
<%= select_tag :select_something, select_options, 'data-url' => users_url %>
And then read that attribute out in the javascript file. I prefer this over the solution suggested by Pointy.
Edit: Well actually someone implemented the dynamic .js file idea. Seems straight forward enough, just create a javascripts controller and link to its actions via javascript_include_tag: dynamic javascript files

