javascript function parameter place - javascript

How to write function(object) with 2 methods (alert and console.log) to be able to use it like this:
fname("text").alert //-now text is alerted;
fname("text").cons //-now text shows in console log.
the methods are not important byt the way of execution. I know that it must be self invoiking function but i cant do it. I dont want to use it this way - fname.alert("text").

It's not possible in any sane way that works everywhere. The example you posted would require you to define an accessor for those properties - and that only works with modern JS engines.
Anyway, here's code that would actually do this. But please do not use this in any real application! See the last code block for a better solution
function fname(message) {
var obj = {};
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'alert', {
get: function() {
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'cons', {
get: function() {
return obj;
This works because fname('hello').alert will cause the getter function for the alert property to be executed - and while such a function should usually return a value there's nothing to stop it from doing something like showing an alert() message.
What you could achieve in a way that works everywhere would be something like that though:
This could be done like this:
function fname(message) {
return {
alert: function() {
cons: function() {

function fname(str) {
return {
Doing fname("text").alert() alerts text.


Function/dom calls in javascript library

I'm trying to create a javascript library like jquery. I get how to create a normal library like so:
var lib=lib||(function () {
function privateFunction (alert ("hi");){};
return {
exampleAlert: function(input){
Calling it like so:
lib.exampleAlert ("test");
This is like jquery
My question revolves around jquery. It can call the dom like $('.class').hide() and have functions like $.ajax(stuffhere); in the same library. How can I do dom calls and a regular function call like the ajax one in the above example library?
Thanks in advance!! Have searched more days than I would like to admit.
DOM has nothing to do here, it is just up to jQuery implementation.
If you ask about having both lib() and lib.func() calls, then you can do the following to support both function types at the same time:
var lib = function(sel) {
return {
object: document.querySelector(sel),
text: function(val) {
if (val === undefined) {
return this.object.innerText;
} else {
this.object.innerText = val;
lib.ajax = function() {
console.log("AJAX imitation");
Now, you can do both:
lib("body").text("hi"); // jQuery-style setter
var text = lib("body").text(); // jQuery-style getter, returns "hi"
jQuery works exactly in the same way, but hundred times more complex.

Getting correct scope in functions (not using that = this)

I am trying to fix a function I have here to be able to use it without using a that = this (or self = this as some like to use). It is a scoping issue but I am not sure how to get around it, and I would like to get in the habit of not using a that = this . So the functions are all in a return (angular factory) and I am having trouble referencing another function . Let me show you what I mean :
return {
loadStates: function() {
var that = this;
//chgeck if is loaded module, then change and fire callback
var currentModules = moduleHolder.getModules();
if (currentModules[name]) {
//works here
} else {
//module cannot be found check for 5 seconds
$log.warn("Requesting " + name + "...");
var timeToCheck = true;
setTimeout(function() {
timeToCheck = false;
}, 5000);
var check = {
init: function() {
checkAgain: function() {
if (timeToCheck) {
if (currentModules[name]) {
//but not here
} else {
//still doesn't exists
setTimeout(check.checkAgain, 200);
} else {
//doesn't exist after 5 seconds
$log.error("Requested module (" + name + ") could not be found at this time.");
prepState: function() {
So in the top if it finds the currentModule[name] I can use a this.prepState() and it works fine. However inside the timing functions I cannot use the this anything because it is inside a different scope so I have temporarily gotten around this by setting a that = this up top, however I would like see if I could not use this method. How does one get around this without using the that= this? Thanks!
It is a scoping issue...
No, it isn't. this and scope have essentially nothing to do with each other. (For now; ES6's arrow functions will change that.) It's an issue of how the functions are called.
If you pass a function reference to something that will call it later, unless the thing you're passing it to has a way you can use to tell it what to use for this when calling it, your function will get called with this not referring to what you want it to refer to.
You can get a new function reference that will call your original function with the correct this by using Function#bind:
var usesCorrectThis = originalFunction.bind(valueForThis);
So for example, suppose I have:
var check = {
name: "Fred",
sayHello: function() {
console.log("Hi, I'm " +;
If I do:
All is good: Calling the function as part of an expression retrieving it from a property tells the JavaScript engine to use the object as this during the call.
However, if I do:
setTimeout(check.sayHello, 0);
...that doesn't work right, because when setTimeout calls the function, it doesn't use the right value for this.
So I can use Function#bind to address that:
setTimeout(check.sayHello.bind(check), 0);
More (on my blog):
Mythical methods
You must remember this
there are different ways you can do that.
One way is to use bind can use
var checkInitBindFn = check.init.bind(this);
Secondly you can use call and apply also.;
Like this you can use this instead of that.
Check the complete api doc online...
It's not a scoping issue. If you want to avoid self = this you can always reference functions by objects. Makes cleaner code and since factories in angular are singletons you're not wasting memory.
angular.module('myApp').factory('myFactory', function ($timeout) {
var myFactory = {
loadState: function () {
$timeout(function () {
}, 500);
check: function () {
return myFactory;

How to get input from Chrome's Javascript console?

Is there a way to programmatically get input from the Javascript Console of Google Chrome, similar to readline() in Firefox?
A tricky way to do this is assigning a getter to a property of a window object
Object.defineProperty(window, 'customCommand', {
get: function() {
return "hey";
So when you type "customCommand" (without parenthesis) it will print your console.log text to the console while the console is "getting" the variable.
You will still have to return something though, and I'm not sure how you could change the order so that the value is returned first and the text in the console appears second. It's definitely possible though, I've seen this happen.
This is an indirect method of taking inputs:
Declare a function in JavaScript:
function your_command_here() {
As Chrome's console basically provides methods for communicating with the page's contents, like JavaScript variables, functions, etc., so declaring a function as a receivable command can be an option.
In the console, for providing input, the user shall type:
Another workaround is:
Declare a function:
function command(var cmnd) {
switch(cmnd) {
case "command1":
So the user can (more conveniently) type:
command("user's command here")
We can do is hook the console.log so whenever it logs something we can access, otherwise there is no such direct method as like in firefox which does this possible for us in a simple single line code.
var tempStore = [];
var oldLog = console.log;
console.log = function() {
oldLog.apply(console, arguments);
You might need to incorporate jsh (Javascript Shell) in your environment if you are working with console IO. See for the how-to. Hope this helps.
Sorry, doesn't work on Chrome JS Console, just works on the repl from
Example from
console.log("Enter your name:"); {
console.log('Your name is ' + name + '.');
Here is a solution to input from the console.
Try this out!!
var stdInput = "";
var stdInputArr = "";
var index = 0;
process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
stdInput += data;
process.stdin.on('end', function () {
stdInputArr = stdInput.split("\n");
// Reads complete line from STDIN
function readLine() {
return stdInputArr[index++];
//call this function in the main function
javascript node.js jquery consoleweb
The better you can do is use:
myVar = prompt('Which value do your want?')

Javascript object name usage issue.. i think

So i'm setting up an object with private and public methods. Basically using the following format:
var Utility = function() {
var prive1, priv2, priv3;
function privateMethod1() { //do something }
return {
publicFunc1: function() { //do something different }
publicFunc2: function() { //do something else }
But i'm worried about some of the situations i'm coming across where publicFunc2 needs to call publicFunc1. For Example the way I would do this atm is:
publicFunc2: function() { Utility.publicFunc1(); //then do something else }
is this OK? It runs, but it seems weird and VS2010 doesn't give me . I believe that if someone was to change the line
var Utility = function() { --> to --> var Utility2 = function() {}
then essentially everything would be broken from within the object and that seems wrong...
but i'm at a loss on what i should actually be changing.
Should i be making all methods basically private and then mapping to a public function? EX:
function privateFunc1() {}
return {
publicFunc1 : privatefunc1
or should i have a completely different approach to accomplish the idea of private and public methods and variables?
return {
publicFunc1: function() { },
publicFunc2: function() { this.publicFunc1() }
If you want to call some function - give it a name and call it by that name:
var Utility = function() {
var prive1, priv2, priv3;
function privateMethod1() { //do something }
function Func1() { //do something different }
function Func2() { Func1(); //do something else }
return {
publicFunc1: Func1,
publicFunc2: Func2
Call of local function by name is always faster than any other method of call in JS.
In cases like this remember the YAGNI (You ain't going to need it) concept. Sure, think about the best way to organise things but code for now intially and then refactor it later if needed.
Do the functions need to public or are you second guessing the functionality that may be needed later? Make them private, have a single public method for now. Refactor later if needed. Keep it simple.

Overriding a JavaScript function while referencing the original

I have a function, a(), that I want to override, but also have the original a() be performed in an order depending on the context. For example, sometimes when I'm generating a page I'll want to override like this:
function a() {
and sometimes like this:
function a() {
How do I get that original_a() from within the over-riding a()? Is it even possible?
Please don't suggest alternatives to over-riding in this way, I know of many. I'm asking about this way specifically.
You could do something like this:
var a = (function() {
var original_a = a;
if (condition) {
return function() {
} else {
return function() {
Declaring original_a inside an anonymous function keeps it from cluttering the global namespace, but it's available in the inner functions.
Like Nerdmaster mentioned in the comments, be sure to include the () at the end. You want to call the outer function and store the result (one of the two inner functions) in a, not store the outer function itself in a.
The Proxy pattern might help you:
(function() {
// log all calls to setArray
var proxied = jQuery.fn.setArray;
jQuery.fn.setArray = function() {
console.log( this, arguments );
return proxied.apply( this, arguments );
The above wraps its code in a function to hide the "proxied"-variable. It saves jQuery's setArray-method in a closure and overwrites it. The proxy then logs all calls to the method and delegates the call to the original. Using apply(this, arguments) guarantees that the caller won't be able to notice the difference between the original and the proxied method.
Thanks guys the proxy pattern really helped.....Actually I wanted to call a global function foo..
In certain pages i need do to some checks. So I did the following.
//Saving the original func
var org_foo =;
//Assigning proxy fucnc = function(args){
//Performing checks
//Calling original funcs
Thnx this really helped me out
You can override a function using a construct like:
function override(f, g) {
return function() {
return g(f);
For example:
a = override(a, function(original_a) {
if (condition) { new_code(); original_a(); }
else { original_a(); other_new_code(); }
Edit: Fixed a typo.
Passing arbitrary arguments:
a = override(a, function(original_a) {
if (condition) { new_code(); original_a.apply(this, arguments) ; }
else { original_a.apply(this, arguments); other_new_code(); }
The answer that #Matthew Crumley provides is making use of the immediately invoked function expressions, to close the older 'a' function into the execution context of the returned function. I think this was the best answer, but personally, I would prefer passing the function 'a' as an argument to IIFE. I think it is more understandable.
var a = (function(original_a) {
if (condition) {
return function() {
} else {
return function() {
The examples above don't correctly apply this or pass arguments correctly to the function override. Underscore _.wrap() wraps existing functions, applies this and passes arguments correctly. See:
In my opinion the top answers are not readable/maintainable, and the other answers do not properly bind context. Here's a readable solution using ES6 syntax to solve both these problems.
const orginial =; = function() {
if (condition) orginial.bind(this)(...arguments);
I had some code written by someone else and wanted to add a line to a function which i could not find in the code. So as a workaround I wanted to override it.
None of the solutions worked for me though.
Here is what worked in my case:
if (typeof originalFunction === "undefined") {
originalFunction = targetFunction;
targetFunction = function(x, y) {
//Your code
originalFunction(a, b);
//Your Code
I've created a small helper for a similar scenario because I often needed to override functions from several libraries. This helper accepts a "namespace" (the function container), the function name, and the overriding function. It will replace the original function in the referred namespace with the new one.
The new function accepts the original function as the first argument, and the original functions arguments as the rest. It will preserve the context everytime. It supports void and non-void functions as well.
function overrideFunction(namespace, baseFuncName, func) {
var originalFn = namespace[baseFuncName];
namespace[baseFuncName] = function () {
return func.apply(this, [originalFn.bind(this)].concat(, 0)));
Usage for example with Bootstrap:
overrideFunction($.fn.popover.Constructor.prototype, 'leave', function(baseFn, obj) {
// ... do stuff before base call
// ... do stuff after base call
I didn't create any performance tests though. It can possibly add some unwanted overhead which can or cannot be a big deal, depending on scenarios.
So my answer ended up being a solution that allows me to use the _this variable pointing to the original object.
I create a new instance of a "Square" however I hated the way the "Square" generated it's size. I thought it should follow my specific needs. However in order to do so I needed the square to have an updated "GetSize" function with the internals of that function calling other functions already existing in the square such as this.height, this.GetVolume(). But in order to do so I needed to do this without any crazy hacks. So here is my solution.
Some other Object initializer or helper function.
this.viewer = new Autodesk.Viewing.Private.GuiViewer3D(
var viewer = this.viewer;
viewer.updateToolbarButtons = this.updateToolbarButtons(viewer);
Function in the other object.
updateToolbarButtons = function(viewer) {
var _viewer = viewer;
return function(width, height){
blah blah black sheep I can refer to this.anything();
Not sure if it'll work in all circumstances, but in our case, we were trying to override the describe function in Jest so that we can parse the name and skip the whole describe block if it met some criteria.
Here's what worked for us:
function describe( name, callback ) {
if ( name.includes( "skip" ) )
return this.describe.skip( name, callback );
return this.describe( name, callback );
Two things that are critical here:
We don't use an arrow function () =>.
Arrow functions change the reference to this and we need that to be the file's this.
The use of this.describe and this.describe.skip instead of just describe and describe.skip.
Again, not sure it's of value to anybody but we originally tried to get away with Matthew Crumley's excellent answer but needed to make our method a function and accept params in order to parse them in the conditional.

