Google V3 Add click Listner - javascript

I am new to JavaScript, i want to migrate from Google V2 to Google v3, for this i am just changing methods which are used in V2 slightly all are working but when i am trying to change the addListener from V2 to V3 i am facing problems like in v2 same listener is used to put the marker on the map but when it comes to V3 i am not able to put a marker on the map.Here i am posting v2 code and V3 code.Please help me to over come the problem. V2 is :
GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(marker, point) {
console.debug('after Click map is '+map+' marker is '+marker+' point is '+point);
if (marker) {
if(PolygonMarkers.length == 1){ //Only one marker in the array
PolygonMarkers = [];
} else{ /*More then one marker*/
var RemoveIndex = -1;
var Remove;
//Search for clicked Marker in PolygonMarkers Array
for(var m=0; m<PolygonMarkers.length; m++)
RemoveIndex = m; Remove = PolygonMarkers[m];
//Shift Array elements to left
for(var n=RemoveIndex; n<PolygonMarkers.length-1; n++)
PolygonMarkers[n] = PolygonMarkers[n+1];
PolygonMarkers.length = PolygonMarkers.length-1 //Decrease Array length by 1
map.removeOverlay(Remove); //Remove Marker
geofencedetails.drawPolygon(); //Redraw Polygon
allMarkers = PolygonMarkers;
} else {
// Adds a new Polygon boundary marker
var markerOptions = { icon: icon, draggable: true };
var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);
PolygonMarkers.push(marker); //Add marker to PolygonMarkers array
map.addOverlay(marker); //Add marker on the map
GEvent.addListener(marker,'dragstart',function(){ //Add drag start event
polygon_resizing = true;
}); //Add drag event
GEvent.addListener(marker,'dragend',function(){ //Add drag end event
polygon_resizing = false;
allMarkers = PolygonMarkers;
and V3 is
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "click", function(marker, point) {
if (marker) {
//console.debug('marker '+marker.toSource());
if(PolygonMarkers.length == 1){ //Only one marker in the array
PolygonMarkers = [];
}else { /*More then one marker*/
//console.debug('PolygonMarkers.length is '+PolygonMarkers.length);
var RemoveIndex = -1;
var Remove;
//Search for clicked Marker in PolygonMarkers Array
for(var m=0; m<PolygonMarkers.length; m++){
//console.debug('PolygonMarkers['+m+'] '+PolygonMarkers[m]);
//console.debug('Both are equal ');
RemoveIndex = m;
Remove = PolygonMarkers[m];
//Shift Array elements to left
for(var n=RemoveIndex; n<PolygonMarkers.length-1; n++){
PolygonMarkers[n] = PolygonMarkers[n+1];
PolygonMarkers.length = PolygonMarkers.length-1 //Decrease Array length by 1
/*map.removeOverlay(Remove); //Remove Marker*/
for (var i = 0; i < allMarkers.length; i++ ) {
geofencedetails.drawPolygon(); //Redraw Polygon
allMarkers = PolygonMarkers;
} else {
//console.debug('In else block');
// Adds a new Polygon boundary marker
var markerOptions = { icon: icon, draggable: true };
var marker = new GMarker(point, markerOptions);
PolygonMarkers.push(marker); //Add marker to PolygonMarkers array
map.addOverlay(marker); //Add marker on the map
GEvent.addListener(marker,'dragstart',function(){ //Add drag start event
polygon_resizing = true;
}); //Add drag event
GEvent.addListener(marker,'dragend',function(){ //Add drag end event
polygon_resizing = false;
allMarkers = PolygonMarkers;

You need to bind the click event to the marker instead of the map.
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "click", function(event) { .... } );
UI events within the Google Maps API V3 typically pass an event
argument, which can be accessed by the event listener, noting the UI
state when the event occurred. For example, a UI 'click' event
typically passes a MouseEvent containing a latLng property denoting
the clicked location on the map. Note that this behavior is unique to
UI events; MVC state changes do not pass arguments in their events.


How do I create a proper loop to remove all connected leaflet polylines?

I've created a Leaflet map with polylines.
As you can see in the GIF, when clicking from left to right (in the order the markers were added) the polylines are being removed, and it visually makes sense. However, when removing a random marker, only one line is being removed.
I've been working on this for two days and now my brain is stuck and I can't think past this.
How can I fix my loop so that both lines are removed?
Here's a pen
Here's the loop
// loop through the array of coordinates
coordinates.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index < (coordinates.length - 1)) {
// place the marker
marker = L.marker(map.unproject([item[0], item[1]], map.getMaxZoom()), {
polylines: []
// create and place the polylines
polyline = L.polyline([
map.unproject([item[0], item[1]], map.getMaxZoom()),
map.unproject([coordinates[index+1][0], coordinates[index+1][1]], map.getMaxZoom())
// update the marker with the polylines
// place the marker on the map
marker.bindPopup('<button onclick="removeMarker()">Remove</button>').addTo(map);
} else {
// this is the last marker in the array
marker = L.marker(map.unproject([item[0], item[1]], map.getMaxZoom()), {
polylines: []
marker.bindPopup('<button onclick="removeMarker()">Remove</button>').addTo(map);
Code for removing the marker and polylines
var popupMarker;
// get the clicked marker's instance
map.on('popupopen', function(e) {
popupMarker = e.popup._source;
// remove the clicked marker and its attached polylines
function removeMarker(e) {
popupMarker.options.polylines.forEach((line) => {
Store the polyline in a variable and then add it to the next marker:
var lastPolyline;
// loop through the array of coordinates
coordinates.forEach((item, index) => {
if (index < coordinates.length - 1) {
// place the marker
marker = L.marker(map.unproject([item[0], item[1]], map.getMaxZoom()), {
polylines: []
// create and place the polylines
lastPolyline = L.polyline([
map.unproject([item[0], item[1]], map.getMaxZoom()),
[coordinates[index + 1][0], coordinates[index + 1][1]],
// update the marker with the polylines
// place the marker on the map
.bindPopup('<button onclick="removeMarker()">Remove</button>')
} else {
// this is the last marker in the array
marker = L.marker(map.unproject([item[0], item[1]], map.getMaxZoom()), {
polylines: []
.bindPopup('<button onclick="removeMarker()">Remove</button>')

javascript event function being called multiple times

I am integrating maps on a webpage with Overlapping Marker Spiderfier on google maps. I added a click listener on the marker as below.
$scope.setMarkers = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.markers.length; i++) {
var marker = $scope.markers[i];
var iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: ""
$scope.oms.addListener('click', function(marker) {
iw.setContent(marker.desc);$, marker);
and it works fine but jshint is giving me error for making function inside loop. So i changed it to.
$scope.setMarkers = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.markers.length; i++) {
$scope.addMarkerEventListener = function(i) {
var marker = $scope.markers[i];
var iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: ""
$scope.oms.addListener('click', function(marker) {
iw.setContent(marker.desc);$, marker);
now when I am clicking on the marker its opening upto 90 info windows one behind another(i have 90 markers in an array). What am i missing.
you add the same listener each time you add a marker(Note that a listener will not overwrite previously added listeners).
It's sufficient to add 1 listener and to use 1 InfoWindow(except you want to have multiple InfoWindow's open at the same time).
Your first attempt works as expected because you overwrite iw inside the loop.
Possible solution:
//create a single InfoWindow-instance
$scope.iw = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
//add a single click-listener
$scope.oms.addListener('click', function (marker) {
$$, marker);
//the loop
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.markers.length; ++i) {

first click show markers on google map v3 and the second hide them [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Remove all markers google map v3
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
Is there a way to do this instruction on google map v3 ? I have a button on the map, I want ,on the first click, to show markers and ,on the second, to remove them from map. Thank you for advance.
//Add hotel's markers and infowindows to the map
google.maps.event.addDomListener(hotel, 'click', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(results.rows.item(i).lat,results.rows.item(i).long),
map: map,
icon : icons[1],
animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(marker, i) {
return function() {
//if we create the infowindow here, all the windows 'll stay shown
infowindow.setContent("<div style='background-color:red;'><h3>"+results.rows.item(i).nom+"</h3><br/><center>"+"<img src='"+results.rows.item(i).img+"' style='width:20px; height:20px;' /></center><br/></div>"),marker);
Create a global showMarkers variable
Create a function toggleMarkers and call it when you click on the button
Here is a quick example:
var showMarkers = false;
function toggleMarkers() {
if (showMarkers === false) {
for (var i=0; i<markers.length; i++) {
showMarkers = true;
} else {
for (var i=0; i<markers.length; i++) {
showMarkers = false;

Remove markers out of viewport

I have to manage a map of about 80.000 markers concentrated in France.
To do that, I decided to get the bounds of the viewport and call a dynamic-JSON (with PHP) which contains the markers inside the viewport. And this on the "idle" event.
I faced a problem with this solution. Indeed, the markers which already exist was re-plotted (at the same position), which consequently weigh the map for nothing...
To solve it, the markers list before and after the JSON query are compared (thanks to jQuery), in order to plot only the new markers. And it works!
Now, I would want to remove the markers which are not currently shown on the map. Or a list of markers (I get it thanks to jQuery) designated by an ID which is also the title of the marker. So, how can a delete markers like that ? I specify that I am using MarkerManager.
Otherwise, you guess that if I do not remove these markers, they will be re-plotted in some cases... For example, you are viewing the city A, you move the map to view the city B, and you get back to the city A...
Here is the code:
var map;
var mgr;
var markers = [];
function initialize(){
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 6,
center: new google.maps.LatLng(46.679594, 2.109375)
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions);
var mgrOptions = { borderPadding: 50, maxZoom: 15, trackMarkers: false };
mgr = new MarkerManager(map, mgrOptions);
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'idle', function() {
function mapEvent(){
if( map.getZoom() >= 8 ){
var bounds = map.getBounds();
getSupports(bounds.getNorthEast(), bounds.getSouthWest());
} else {
// Todo
var markerslistID = new Array();
var markerslistData = {};
function getSupports(ne, sw){
newMarkerslistID = new Array();
newMarkerslistData = {};
// Getting the markers of the current view
$.getJSON('./markerslist.php?nelat=''&nelng='+ne.lng()+'&swlat=''&swlng='+sw.lng(), function(data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.points.length; i++) {
var val = data.points[i];
newMarkerslistData[] = new Array(, val.lng, val.icon);
// List of New Markers TO PLOT
var diffNewMarkers = $(newMarkerslistID).not(markerslistID).get();
// List of Old markers TO REMOVE
var diffOldMarkers = $(markerslistID).not(newMarkerslistID).get();
// Plotting the NEW MARKERS
for( var i = 0; i < diffNewMarkers.length; i++ ){
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: new google.maps.LatLng(newMarkerslistData[diffNewMarkers[i]][0], newMarkerslistData[diffNewMarkers[i]][1]),
title : diffNewMarkers[i],
icon : './images/'+newMarkerslistData[diffNewMarkers[i]][2]+'.png'
mgr.addMarker(marker, 0);
// Switching the new list to the old, for the next event
markerslistID = newMarkerslistID;
markerslistData = newMarkerslistData;
Thank you for your help.
A one-liner to hide all markers that ar not in the current viewport.
!map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition()) && marker.setVisible(false);
if (map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition()) && !marker.getVisible()) {
else if (!map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition()) && marker.getVisible()) {

Google map with route-trace loading data instead of adding it on click

In this map
<script type="text/javascript">
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map"));
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(53.7877, -2.9832),13)
map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());
var dirn = new GDirections();
var firstpoint = true;
var gmarkers = [];
var gpolys = [];
var dist = 0;
GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay,point) {
// == When the user clicks on a the map, get directiobns from that point to itself ==
if (!overlay) {
if (firstpoint) {
} else {
// == when the load event completes, plot the point on the street ==
GEvent.addListener(dirn,"load", function() {
// snap to last vertex in the polyline
var n = dirn.getPolyline().getVertexCount();
var p=dirn.getPolyline().getVertex(n-1);
var marker=new GMarker(p);
// store the details
if (!firstpoint) {
dist += dirn.getPolyline().Distance();
document.getElementById("distance").innerHTML="Path length: "+(dist/1000).toFixed(2)+" km. "+(dist/1609.344).toFixed(2)+" miles.";
firstpoint = false;
GEvent.addListener(dirn,"error", function() {
GLog.write("Failed: "+dirn.getStatus().code);
else {
alert("Sorry, the Google Maps API is not compatible with this browser");
// This Javascript is based on code provided by the
// Community Church Javascript Team
You can click and add paths that trace routes.
I would like to use the trace-road-functionality, but pre-define the data using coordinates instead. How would I do this?

