Issue with code inner variable - javascript

I have a code like the one stated below, please how do I get the value for (getData), using a code like:
var instanceArray = myGraph.getInstances(component)
I was thinking myGraph.getInstances(component).getData will do it, but it failed
this.getInstances = function(component) {
var getData = {};
url: "/rpc/alerts2/commonObj_rpc.cfc?method=getInstances",
data: {"component":component},
type: "POST",
async: true,
success: function(data) {
getData = $.parseJSON(data);
var $render_component_instance = $("#instances").empty();
$("#instances").append($("<option />").val("all").text("All Instances (Summed)"));
$.each(getData, function (cIndex, cItem){
var $instance = $("<option />").val(cItem.si_instance).text(cItem.si_label.toUpperCase());

You can't, the get is asynchronous. getInstances returns before the GET completes, so it's impossible for getInstances to return the data. (See further note below.)
You have (at least) three options:
Use a callback
Return a blank object that will get populated later, and have the code that needs it poll it periodically
Use a synchronous get (not a good idea)
1. Use a callback
What you can do instead is accept a callback, and then call it when the data arrives:
this.getInstances = function(component, callback) {
url: "/rpc/alerts2/commonObj_rpc.cfc?method=getInstances",
data: {"component":component},
type: "POST",
async: true,
success: function(data) {
var getData = $.parseJSON(data);
var $render_component_instance = $("#instances").empty();
$("#instances").append($("<option />").val("all").text("All Instances (Summed)"));
$.each(getData, function (cIndex, cItem){
var $instance = $("<option />").val(cItem.si_instance).text(cItem.si_label.toUpperCase());
And call it like this:
myGraph.getInstances(component, function(data) {
// Use the data here
2. Return a blank object that will get populated later
Alternately, you can return an object which will be blank to start with, but which you'll add the data to as a property later. This may be closest to what you were looking for, from your comments below. Basically, there's no way to access a function's local variables from outside the function, but you can return an object and then add a property to it later.
this.getInstances = function(component) {
var obj = {};
url: "/rpc/alerts2/commonObj_rpc.cfc?method=getInstances",
data: {"component":component},
type: "POST",
async: false, // <==== Note the change
success: function(data) {
var getData = $.parseJSON(data);
var $render_component_instance = $("#instances").empty();
$("#instances").append($("<option />").val("all").text("All Instances (Summed)"));
$.each(getData, function (cIndex, cItem){
var $instance = $("<option />").val(cItem.si_instance).text(cItem.si_label.toUpperCase());
// Make the data available on the object
obj.getData = getData;
return obj; // Will be empty when we return it
And call it like this:
var obj = myGraph.getInstances(component);
// ...later...
if (obj.getData) {
// We have the data, use it
else {
// We still don't have the data
3. Use a synchronous get
I do not recommend this, but you could make the call synchronous. Note that synchronous ajax requests will go away in a future version of jQuery. But just for completeness:
this.getInstances = function(component) {
var getData;
url: "/rpc/alerts2/commonObj_rpc.cfc?method=getInstances",
data: {"component":component},
type: "POST",
async: false, // <==== Note the change
success: function(data) {
var getData = $.parseJSON(data);
var $render_component_instance = $("#instances").empty();
$("#instances").append($("<option />").val("all").text("All Instances (Summed)"));
$.each(getData, function (cIndex, cItem){
var $instance = $("<option />").val(cItem.si_instance).text(cItem.si_label.toUpperCase());
return getData;
And call it like this:
var getData = myGraph.getInstances(component);
But again, I don't advocate that. Synchronous ajax calls lock up the UI of the browser, leading to a bad user experience.


How to create callback function using Ajax?

I am working on the jquery to call a function to get the return value that I want to store for the variable email_number when I refresh on a page.
When I try this:
function get_emailno(emailid, mailfolder) {
url: 'getemailnumber.php',
type: 'POST',
data : {
emailid: emailid,
mailfolder: mailfolder
success: function(data)
email_number = data;
return email_number;
I will get the return value as 6 as only when I use alert(email_number) after the email_number = data;, but I am unable to get the value outside of a function.
Here is the full code:
var email_number = '';
// check if page refreshed or reloaded
if (performance.navigation.type == 1) {
var hash = window.location.hash;
var mailfolder = hash.split('/')[0].replace('#', '');
var emailid = 'SUJmaWg4RTFRQkViS1RlUzV3K1NPdz09';
get_emailno(emailid, mailfolder);
function get_emailno(emailid, mailfolder) {
url: 'getemailnumber.php',
type: 'POST',
data : {
emailid: emailid,
mailfolder: mailfolder
success: function(data)
email_number = data;
return email_number;
However, I have been researching and it stated that I would need to use callback via ajax but I have got no idea how to do this.
I have tried this and I still don't get a return value outside of the get_emailno function.
url: 'getemailnumber.php',
type: 'POST',
async: true,
data : {
emailid: emailid,
mailfolder: mailfolder
success: function(data)
email_number = data;
I am getting frustrated as I am unable to find the solution so I need your help with this. What I am trying to do is I want to call on a get_emailno function to get the return value to store in the email_number variable.
Can you please show me an example how I could use a callback function on ajax to get the return value where I can be able to store the value in the email_number variable?
Thank you.
From the jquery documentation, the $.ajax() method returns a jqXHR object (this reads fully as jquery XMLHttpRequest object).
When you return data from the server in another function like this
function get_emailno(emailid, mailfolder) {
// ajax settings
return email_number;
Note that $.ajax ({...}) call is asynchronous. Hence, the code within it doesn't necessarily execute before the last return statement. In other words, the $.ajax () call is deferred to execute at some time in the future, while the return statement executes immediately.
Consequently, jquery specifies that you handle (or respond to) the execution of ajax requests using callbacks and not return statements.
There are two ways you can define callbacks.
1. Define them within the jquery ajax request settings like this:
// other ajax settings
success: function(data) {},
error: function() {},
complete: function() {},
2. Or chain the callbacks to the returned jqXHR object like this:
// other ajax settings
}).done(function(data) {}).fail(function() {}).always(function() {});
The two methods are equivalent. success: is equivalent to done(), error: is equivalent to fail() and complete: is equivalent to always().
On when it is appropriate to use which function: use success: to handle the case where the returned data is what you expect; use error: if something went wrong during the request and finally use complete: when the request is finished (regardless of whether it was successful or not).
With this knowledge, you can better write your code to catch the data returned from the server at the right time.
var email_number = '';
// check if page refreshed or reloaded
if (performance.navigation.type == 1) {
var hash = window.location.hash;
var mailfolder = hash.split('/')[0].replace('#', '');
var emailid = 'SUJmaWg4RTFRQkViS1RlUzV3K1NPdz09';
get_emailno(emailid, mailfolder);
function get_emailno(emailid, mailfolder) {
url: 'getemailnumber.php',
type: 'POST',
data : {
emailid: emailid,
mailfolder: mailfolder
success: function(data)
// sufficient to get returned data
email_number = data;
// use email_number here
alert(email_number); // alert it
console.log(email_number); // or log it
$('body').html(email_number); // or append to DOM

JavaScript module that uses AJAX to set and return variables

I'm trying to write a module that makes two AJAX calls and sets variables to the results of those calls. I'd like to be able to access the results of those calls like myModule.firstCall and get the result of the AJAX call and not the promise.
var ajaxModule = (function () {
var subFolderData = {},
rootData = {};
var subFolderFile = function () {
return $.ajax({
url: 'Content/testData.json',
dataType: 'json'
var rootFile = function () {
return $.ajax({
url: 'testDataRoot.json',
dataType: 'json'
//only returning promise here, how to return $.when the call is done?
return {
rootFile: rootFile().done(function (data) {
subFolderData = data;
subFolderFile: subFolderFile().done(function (data) {
rootData = data;
//this prints out the dat as expected, but can I store the results in a variable
//to be accessed like ajaxModule.rootFile?
console.log(ajaxModule.rootFile.done(function (data) {
No, you cannot return the result from an asynchronous call.
Assigning them to a global (or higher-scope) variable, such as subFolderData or rootData in your example, is possible, but does not make sense because you do not know when the value will be available.
Storing the promises for the values, like your ajaxModule.subFolderFile and ajaxModule. rootFile, and always incorporating them when needing to access the data, is the way to go.

return ajax.done data gives error on jquery

I have data in my ajax.done and it bugs on jquery.
i googled on it and cant find anything.
what to do?
function select_aragement(arragament){
var arrst = arragament;
var arrsplit = arrst.split("|");
var periode = arrsplit[0];
var id = arrsplit[1];
var postsjson;
var test= $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
async: true,
url: 'ajax/prijzen.php',
data: { id: id, periode: periode },
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (vis) {
postsjson = $.parseJSON(vis);
return postsjson;
You shouldn't be attempting to return anything from a callback function because the returned value doesn't go anywhere meaningful. Instead you simply use the response from the AJAX request inside that callback function.
Let's say you have this code:
function bar() {
var myObject = foo();
// do something with myObject
function foo() {
var bar; // 1
var xhr = $.ajax({
url: yourUrl,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'post',
data: {
some: 'data'
}); // 2
xhr.done(function(yourObject) {
bar = yourObject; // 5
}); // 3
return bar; // 4
The comments inside the foo function indicate the order in which those statements execute. So you declare a variable bar, declare a variable xhr that has a Deferred object, attach a done handler to it with a callback function, return the value of bar, then the value of bar is set (too late - you've already tried to return it).
Inside of your execution of the bar function myObject is going to be undefined, because the value of bar inside the foo function wasn't set before the return statement. What you need to do is simply move the // do something with myObject code to the callback function, and use bar there:
function foo() {
var xhr = $.ajax({
url: yourUrl,
dataType: 'json',
type: 'post',
data: {
some: 'data'
}); // 1
xhr.done(function(yourObject) {
var bar = yourObject; // 4
// do something with bar
}); // 2
// 3 - function execution has finished
You might want to move the return line inside the done section
}).done(function (vis) {
postsjson = $.parseJSON(vis);
return postsjson;
but keep in mind that, being an asynchonous call, so will be your return. My advise would be to pass in a callback.
function select_aragement(arragament, callback){
var arrst = arragament;
var arrsplit = arrst.split("|");
var periode = arrsplit[0];
var id = arrsplit[1];
var postsjson;
var test= $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
async: true,
url: 'ajax/prijzen.php',
data: { id: id, periode: periode },
dataType: 'json'
test.done(function (vis) {
postsjson = $.parseJSON(vis);
callback && callback(postjson);
And modify your code to use the callback instead of the returned value.
var postjson=select_aragement(arragament);
...stuff with postjson...
select_aragement(arragament, function(postjson) {
...stuff with postjson...
You are trying to make the ajax call fire synchronously, for that you need to make the async property false.
async: false,
The problem :
Look at the following code :
function getValue(){
var value = 0;
value = 42;
}, 1000);
return value;
What is the returned value ?
This is your exact same problem with
function select_aragement(arragament){
var postjson;
postjson = vis;
return postjson;
A solution :
I imagine you use your function in the following way :
var data = select_aragement(arragament);
// do something with data :
$.each(data, function(){
You can change select_aragement's code like this :
function select_aragement(arragament){
var arrst = arragament;
var arrsplit = arrst.split("|");
var periode = arrsplit[0];
var id = arrsplit[1];
var test = $.ajax({
type: 'POST',
async: true,
url: 'ajax/prijzen.php',
data: { id: id, periode: periode },
dataType: 'json'
// return the promise which wraps the ajax call
return test;
and the calling code like this :
// "p" stands for "promise"
var p = function select_aragement(arragament);
// do something with data :
$.each(data, function(){
or without the local variable :
// do something with data :
$.each(data, function(){
In this case you can use async/await mixed to .done from jQuery like this:
async function myasyncfunction(myArgs){
var response = [];
var req = $.ajax({
method: "GET",
url: resquestURL,
dataType: "json",
await req.done( res => {
//DO some stuff with your data
for (let index = 0; index < res.length; index++) {
const element = res[index];
response .push( "some stuff" + element );
return response;

Accessing JSONP data outside of ajax call in jQuery

Now that every google link in the first 5 pages of results is :visited in my browser, I needed to ask...
How can I get the JSON data working so that I can access it/manipulate it in other methods?
_otherMethod: function() {
var text = this._requestText();
_requestText: function() {
var url = '';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
// works here
// works here as well & fires local function
// doesnt store
var testvar_1 = data;
// undefined
function testing(data) {
// logs when called from above
// doesnt store
var testvar_2 = data;
// undefined
// havent found this yet...
return magicVariableThatLetsMeAccessJSON
}, ...
any ideas? i know theres a lot of other similar questions on stack overflow, but i have found nothing that solves this.
var storage;
var yourobj = {
_otherMethod: function() {
var text = this._requestText();
_requestText: function() {
var url = '';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
storage = data;
// logs correctly
Firstly as noted elsewhere, you need a variable that's in scope, secondly you need to make sure it's not evaluated before the callback is called.
The only way to ensure that is to make the call to _otherMethod inside the success call back method
_otherMethod: function(text) {
// what ever you need to do with text
_requestText: function() {
var url = '';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
callbacks are asyncronous meaning they are called at some point in time that's not determined by the sequence of code lines.
If you know the code using the returned data is never going to be call before the success call back has executed and you need to hold on to the data you can change the code to
_otherMethod: null, //not strictly needed
_requestText: function() {
self = this;
var url = '';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
self._otherMethod = function(data){
return function(){
//do what you need to with data. Data will be stored
//every execution of _otherMethod will use the same data
Very simple. You need a storage variable outside of the context of the callback function.
var storage;
var yourobj = {
_otherMethod: function() {
var text = this._requestText();
_requestText: function() {
var url = '';
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
storage = data;
Alternatively, storage can be a property on the same object.
By adding var before your variable name, you create a local variable in the current scope.
This doesn't work:
var a = 2;
(function() {
var a = 3;
console.log(a); // 2
While this does:
var a = 2;
(function() {
a = 3;
console.log(a); // 3
Since the variable that you're trying to set is in an outer scope, get rid of var when working with it in an inner scope.
might be this way:
_requestText: function() {
var url = '';
var testvar_1;
type: 'GET',
url: url,
async: false,
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
testvar_1 = data;
// should work here
Actually you were creating a new instance of that var there.

Wait for AJAX before continuing through separate function

Alright... at 2am, this is where I draw the line. Help... before my laptop ends up going out the window. :)
I've tried using setTimer, callbacks, and everything else I can think of (along with a few other Stackoverflow hints of course). I've stripped out everything so I'm leaving just the base code.
What I'm looking to do is call parseRow() and before it saves the record at the end, I need to grab the associated Category (via AJAX); however, it blows right past it so category is always "undefined".
function parseRow(row){
var rowArray = row.trim().split(",");
var date = rowArray[0];
var checknum = rowArray[1];
var payee = rowArray[2];
var memo = rowArray[3];
var amount = rowArray[4];
//ERROR: blows right past this one and sets the category variable BEFORE ajax returns
var category = autoSelectCategory(payee);
saveRecord(date, checkNum, payee, memo, category, payment, deposit);
function autoSelectCategory(payee) {
var data;
async: false,
url: "autoselectcategory",
dataType: "json",
data: {
string: payee
success: function (returnedData) {
data = returnedData;
return data;
AJAX stands for asynchronous. That means that in your original code, saveRecord will be executed before the client will receive the response from the server (and, depending on the $.ajax implementation, it might be before the client will send the request to the server).
Additionally, you seem to misunderstand how functions work in JS. var category = autoSelectCategory(payee); will set the category to the return value of autoSelectCategory; but the autoSelectCategory function in your code returns nothing.
From the other side, the data return value of your anonymous function could only be used by $.ajax function (and $.ajax likely ignores the success parameter return value).
Here is the code that should work:
function parseRow(row){
var rowArray = row.trim().split(",");
var date = rowArray[0];
var checknum = rowArray[1];
var payee = rowArray[2];
var memo = rowArray[3];
var amount = rowArray[4];
autoSelectCategory(payee, function (category) {
saveRecord(date, checkNum, payee, memo, category, payment, deposit);
function autoSelectCategory(payee, callback) {
async: false,
url: "autoselectcategory",
dataType: "json",
data: {
string: payee
success: callback
Do not use async: false option. It's a pure evil (blocks all scripts in browser and even other tabs!) and it's deprecated since jQuery 1.8. You should use callbacks as it was always meant to be.
function parseRow(row) {
/* the other code */
autoSelectCategory(payee, function() {
saveRecord(date, checkNum, payee, memo, category, payment, deposit);
function autoSelectCategory(payee, callback) { // <---- note the additional arg
url: "autoselectcategory",
dataType: "json",
data: {
string: payee
success: function(res) {
/* the other code */

