Coffeescript: Dynamically update time with moment js with coffeescript - javascript

I am having trouble dynamically seeing the time update with moment js. It shows the correct time but I have to refresh my browser to get the time update. I would like it to update it in real time. Like main page.
I've tried using setInterval and setTimeout but for some reason I get the below digits that don't even update.
Here's what I have so far code-wise. Pretty simple as far as moment goes and all I want is seconds to keep counting...
update = ->
time = moment().format('hh:mm:ss a')
clock = setInterval update, 1000
console.log(clock) //output: 53296
Any ideas are immensely appreciated.

You should put the output inside of the update method and everthing will work as expected.
The method setInterval won't return the result of the repeatedly called method but an identifier which can be used with clearInterval to stop the execution.
Just a small working example to print the time every seconds and stop after 10 seconds:
update = ->
console.log(moment().format('hh:mm:ss a'))
x = setInterval update, 1000;
setTimeout (-> clearInterval(x)), 10000
If you want to use that time as content of some DOM-Element you can use the following code inside your update function (assuming you have an element (e.g. div) with id "time"):
$("#time").text(moment().format('hh:mm:ss a'))
Plain JS:
document.getElementById("time") = moment().format('hh:mm:ss a')

Try this. If u are dont have to use meomentJS.


Javascript - Used a loop to see old facebook messages in Chrome, don't know how to make it stop

I used the following javascript in the develop tab to see old Facebook messages. There are thousands of messages and it just keeps going. Loading one month of messages took 30 minutes. I only need messages for the last year, but it looks like it will keep loading until it hits our first messages in 2010! I don't know how to make it stop without losing everything that it has already loaded. Do you know how I can stop the loop from executing?
setInterval(function () {
}, 500);
you should declare a variable for that interval function and then you can use clearinterval(theVarYouDeclared) to stop it
If you want it to stop right now, and don't want to refresh the page, a 'dirty' simple solution would be to open you browsers' console and execute the following code:
for (var i = 1; i < 99999; i++)
Most major browsers will assign a small number as the ID so just looping over all possible numbers should work. But as mentioned, it would be better to store a reference to your interval in a variable so you could clear it using the clearInterval() method.

Not able to update digital clock

I have to display respective time zone in digital format. The clock is displayed but it only updates after refreshing the page. Below is the code I used.
Below is my javascript code:
time: function() {
var zone =;
return moment().zone(zone).format('h:mm:ss a');
Below is my handlebars:
<div class="time">{{time}}</div>
You'll need to turn time into a property, and update it each second, using setTimeout() or something. Then it'll work because of data binding (I assume Ember.js because tags).
Alternatively, just do a setTimeout() and re-render the time manually.

How to halt Javascript code without alert

Is, is there any function which does the exact same thing as alert except doesn't bring up an alert box? (a function which halts ALL executing JS code for a given amount of time, but doesn't bring up an alert message).
setTimeout doesn't work since it only halts the cod which is inside the setTimeout function.
a javascript function that will stop your code for some time is setTimeout(),
for more information on how to use this function please reffer to the following link :
You could split it into two functions and have the first initiate a time-out.
function func1(){
//do stuff
function func2(){
//do some more
The function setTimeout will execute for later whatever function you pass to it. So it will not really pause the execution of your code, unless the code is split into parts and placed within calls of setTimeout. Maybe that is an approach.
Another approach could be to use delay function ( along your jquery calls.
But in all cases the best is to find out what is causing this behaviour and fix it in code.
Have you tried using the DOM elements rather than JQuery to create the new node.
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
while(new Date().getTime() < startTime + 1000) {}
This waits for 1000ms / 1 sec.
During that time, your browser is completely unresponsive and possibly doesn't render any stuff you may be waiting for, but hey, ... there you go ;)

Javascript setTimer

I'm having a hard time understanding the logic behind the setTimer method in javascript.
function Timer () {
var today = new Date();
var h = today.getHours();
var m = today.getMinutes();
var s = today.getSeconds();
t = setTimeout("Timer()", 1000);
<body onload="Timer()">
<div id="show"></div>
setTimeout is used to delay a function/method execution. Then why it is being used in a real-time clock?
t = setTimeout("Timer()", 1000);
This part is confusing.
The clock is recursively calling itself, after the elapsed period of time.
Making a real-time clock is impossible in JS.
Because of how JS engines work, if you put Timer in a loop, to run for an infinite period of time, you'd never see the time update on the screen (as changes aren't drawn to the window until a function finishes and there's a gap in the program).
Also, inside that infinite-loop, it would be impossible to do anything else with the page (even closing it), because JS can only do one thing at a time, so it can't listen to any of the user's clicking until it's done with this loop.......
So that's what the setTimeout is for.
Timer is the function which acts as the clock.
Inside of the Timer function, at the end when all of the work is done, it's telling setTimeout to wait 1 second (1000ms) and then to call a function called Timer.
Timer just so happens to be the same function. But setTimeout doesn't know that, and doesn't care.
The t in this case is largely useless. setTimeout will return a number -- like taking a number at the doctor's office.
If, before you go through with it, you decide to back out, you can call clearTimeout(t); and it'll skip over that call (in this case, it would stop calling the clock).
There are a few bad-practices in here, that I figure I should mention, so that you can try not to copy them in your own practice.
Pass setTimeout a reference to a function, and not a string...
var runThisFunction = function () { console.log("It's the future!"); },
time_to_wait = 250;
setTimeout( "runThisFunction()", 250 );
setTimeout( runThisFunction, 250 );
The difference is that setTimeout will run that string through eval, which can be a huge security concern depending on what you're trying to do.
The second problem is setting a random global variable, t... ...and hoping to use that as a solution.
First, in a couple of years, JS engines are going to start yelling at people for doing that stuff. Second, it's a huge hole, because any part of any app on that page could then overwrite t, or you could be relying on t somewhere else in your script, but every 1000ms, it gets written over with a new number.
Instead, they probably should have used a Timer.start(); and Timer.stop(); setup.
Your code:
t = setTimeout("Timer()", 1000);
The first thing you should know is that it's considered bad practice to put the first parameter in a string -- it should be the function name, unquoted, and without brackets, like so:
t = setTimeout(Timer, 1000);
That aside, your question about why it's being used to display a clock:
The use of setTimeout() inside the Timer() function to call itself is a common Javascript pattern to get a function to be called repeatedly. setTimeout() itself only triggers the function to be called a single time, after the given period of time has elapsed, so for a repeating event it needs to be re-triggered every time.
Since the setTimeout call is inside the Timer() function, it won't be set until Timer() is called the first time by some other means. This is where the body onload comes in.
As you suspect, setTimeout() isn't an accurate method for guaranteeing that a function will be called after exactly a given amount of time. Javascript is not multi-threaded, so any event handlers that are triggered must wait for any other code that is running at the same time. If something else is running slowly, this may cause your timer not to be triggered at exactly the moment it wants to be.
However, this isn't really a problem for your clock , because the clock is setting itself to the actual system time rather than relying on the setTimeout loop to keep itself in sync; the setTimeout loop is simply being used to make sure the display is updated (approximately) once a second. If it isn't actually quite exactly once a second, it doesn't really matter.
I hope that helps explain things a bit better.
When the Timer() function is called, it schedules itself to be run again one second later. The end result is once every second, Timer() updates the show element with the current time. (I have no idea why it's assigned to t, unless t is used in some other code on the page.)
The line starts The function again after one second.

edit javascript on the fly

I was curious how I might go about editing a variable on the fly, since whenever I try nothing happens. Take for example. I tried to edit the seconds variable, but nothing happened - why?
i used (in the JS console) seconds = 9001; RET and nothing happens....
That's because in the seconds variable is being set by the script repeatedly, based on the startTime Date object. In the specific case of, to 'hack' the time, change the startTime.
Example: to increase your seconds by 1234567 seconds:
startTime = new Date(((+startTime/1000)-1234567)*1000);
What JS console are you using?In the firebug?
Here I tested it.
var seconds = 9001;

