Ajax and json issue - javascript

I have a little ajax call to load json data into the DOM but it's not working. When I look at the net tab I see that its loaded but no data is on the actual page. It just says [object Object]
$.getJSON('json/redstone.json', function(data) {
var items = [];
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + val + '</li>');
$('<ul/>', {
'class': 'my-new-list',
html: items.join('')
Here is my JSON
"allconfig": {
"card.inserted": {
"value": "Not Inserted",
"type": "enum",
"range": "",
"clone": false,
"archive": false,
"access": "R"
"card.cisproc": {
"value": "Processed",
"type": "string",
"range": "",
"clone": false,
"archive": false,
"access": "R"
"card.mfgid": {
"value": "",
"type": "string",
"range": "",
"clone": false,
"archive": false,
"access": "R"

val is actually an object in your JSON data. And if you do $.each over the data, you will only get the allconfig element. So you might want to enumerate over data.allconfig instead.
So you might want to display the val's value property instead, like this:
$.getJSON('json/redstone.json', function(data) {
var items = [];
$.each(data.allconfig, function(key, val) {
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + val.value + '</li>');
$('<ul/>', {
'class': 'my-new-list',
html: items.join('')
Here is a working jsFiddle

Another method you can try is iterating over the JSON object using regular javascript iteration, like so:
for(var key in data){
var value = data[key];
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + value + '</li>');
Edit: I just realized your data structure, as someone pointed out in the comments, has sub, or nested objects. My method, by itself, will only work for the first level of key:value pairs. If you'd like to make your iteration function a little more generic, you can use recursion to properly dive through your structure, like so:
function buildData(data){
for(var key in data){
var value = data[key];
if(typeof(value) == "object"){
nestedData = buildData(value);
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + nested + '</li>');
// I'm not sure how you want to handle your nested objects, so place
// here what you need and whatever else you need to do to handle
// your nested object situation.
items.push('<li id="' + key + '">' + value + '</li>');


create json array and append objects in it from form

At this moment I'm trying to create a json like this.
{"name": "set registry key right",
"win_acl": {
"path": "HKCU:\\Bovine\\Key",
"user": "BUILTIN\\Users",
"rights": "EnumerateSubKeys",
"type": "allow",
"state": "present",
"inherit": "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit",
"propagation": "None"
"name": "Remove FullControl AccessRule for IIS_IUSRS",
"win_acl": {
"path": "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\MySite",
"user": "IIS_IUSRS",
"rights": "FullControl",
"type": "allow",
"state": "absent",
"inherit": "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit",
"propagation": "None"
I want to create it dynamically trough javascript.
This is what I have now:
function GenerateYaml(btn) {
var id = btn.replace("generateBtn", "");
var moduleName = $("#formpanel" + id).attr("data-title-caption");
//Looping trough panels
$("#formpanel" + id).each(function () {
var json = "[\n{\n\"name\":\"" + "module beschrijving" + "\",\n";
json += "\"" + moduleName + "\": {\n";
//Looping through labels in the panel to create the object
$('label').each(function (index, value) {
var is_last_item = (index == ($('label').length - 1));
if (!is_last_item) {
json += "\"" + value.innerText + "\":"+"\"textboxvalue\",\n";
} else {
json += "\"" + value.innerText + "\":"+"\"textboxvalue\"\n";
json += "}\n},]\n";
This is what I get from above code in my textarea:
"name":"module beschrijving",
"win_acl_inheritance_module": {
My problem is that I have multiple panels and I want to add them in the same array so that I get it like the json I showed in the first place.
I hope you guys could help me out. Thanks in advance.
Don't form the json string manually. Just compose your objects, put them in an array, say arr and you can get the json string by:

Parse JSON with JavaScript to build a HTML string

I currently have built an API which posts JSON strings of objects. A simple example of the JSON is:
[ {
"id" : 0,
"name" : "test SAMPLE Att1 name",
"attributes" : [ {
"id" : -1,
"name" : "AttKey1",
"value" : "AttValue1"
}, {
"id" : -1,
"name" : "AttKey2",
"value" : "AttValue2"
} ]
} ]
My issue lies in my client code here:
function loadSamples() {
$.getJSON("/api/samples", function (data) {
$.each(data, function (key, val) {
$("<tr><td>" + val.id + "</td><td>" + val.name + "</td><td>" + val.attributes + "</td>" +
I am iterating through each sample I send (in this case only one, and appending the field values to the HTML string. How can I iterate through attributes and append each attribute.key and attribute.value to the string?
A picture of the current problem:
You can try to use this code instead of val.attributes
$.map(val.attributes, function(item){
return item.key + ':' +item.value;
Use another loop, iterate through all attributes, build an array of attributes in format "property: value" and then append joined array to HTML:
$.each(data, function (key, val) {
var attributes = [];
for (var prop in val.attributes) {
var value = val.attributes[prop];
attributes.push(prop + ": " + value);
$("<tr><td>" + val.id + "</td><td>" + val.name +
"</td><td>" + attributes.join(",") + "</td>" + "</tr>").appendTo("#content");
If you feel nerdy you can just serialize the object back into a JSON string like this:
... + JSON.stringify(val.attributes) + ...
It is recursive, has a standard syntax (JSON) and doesn't require any support function or additional code at all.

How to pass JSON value into a variable / function?

I am currently parsing a json file and appending the data to an HTML table. I need to create a few variables that equal 3 of the properties within my JSON object. And I need to include those variables in a function that I am appending to one of the td elements within the table for each of my JSON objects.
Here is my function to append the data...
function createPatientTable(json) {
$.each(json.LIST, function(i, COPD_QUAL) {
$('.footable > tbody:last').append('<tr><td>' + COPD_QUAL.PATIENT + '</td><td>' + COPD_QUAL.FIN + '</td><td>' + COPD_QUAL.NURSE_UNIT + '</td><td>' + COPD_QUAL.ROOM + '</td><td>' + COPD_QUAL.BED +'</td><td>' + COPD_QUAL.ATTENDING_PHYS + '</td><td>' + COPD_QUAL.LENGTH_OF_STAY + '</td><td class="assessment ' + getSeverity(COPD_QUAL.MED_ASSESS) + '" onclick="openPowerform">' + COPD_QUAL.MED_ASSESS + '</td></tr>');
Here is one of my JSON objects (formatted for readability):
"FIN": "70100905",
"ROOM": "C219",
"BED": "A",
"LENGTH_OF_STAY": "171days 02:14:15",
"MED_ASSESS": "Mild exacerbation",
"ACTIVITY_ID": "305675472.0000",
"PERSON_ID": 8986122.000000,
"ENCNTR_ID": 14150574.000000
I need to plug COPD_QUAL.PERSON_ID, COPD_QUAL.ENCNTR_ID, and COPD_QUAL.ACTIVITY_ID into my below function so when the td element is clicked, the below function triggers with the personid, encntrid, and activityid of the JSON object that has been appended to that row:
function openPowerform() {
var dPersonId = "COPD_QUAL.PERSON_ID";
var dEncounterId = "COPD_QUAL.ENCNTR_ID";
var formId = 0.0;
var activityId = "COPD_QUAL.ACTIVITY_ID";
var chartMode = 1;
var mpObj = window.external.DiscernObjectFactory("POWERFORM");
mpObj.OpenForm(dPersonId, dEncounterId, formId, activityId, chartMode);
How can I successfully make these variables "dynamically" equal my JSON values? (since the values are different per object/string within my JSON file).
Thanks in advance!
Your JSON is mal-formed. Here is a valid object:
"COPD_QUAL": 15,
"LIST": [
"FIN": "70100905",
"ROOM": "C219",
"BED": "A",
"LENGTH_OF_STAY": "171days 02:14:15",
"MED_ASSESS": "Mild exacerbation",
"ACTIVITY_ID": "305675472.0000",
"PERSON_ID": 8986122,
"ENCNTR_ID": 14150574
Each object within the LIST array has to be addressed by its array position. With this object, your object property references would be:
I don't know if this is how you want to structure your JSON in the end, but this is what you have now. Also, there is no absolute need to run this through JSON.parse(). It can be treated like a JavaScript Object Literal and accessed the same way.

jQuery each() breaking on null

I have a JSON object that I am looping over with each() to add table rows to a table. I can't ensure the completeness of the data presented in the JSON arrays and I occasionally run into some NULLs.
For instance:
id: "193",
location: {
city: "Atlanta",
state: "GA"
name: "John"
id: "194",
location: {
city: "Boise",
state: null
name: "Frank"
Now, when I am dealing with JSON objects that have no NULL values, the each() loops over with no problems. As soon as I encounter a member with NULL anywhere in the array, the looping breaks.
This is how I am looping over this:
$.getJSON("/getstuff/jsonprovider.php", function (data) {
var results = data.parentnode;
var tableThing = $(".myTable tbody");
var i = 0;
$.each(results, function () {
tableThing.append('<tr><td></td><td>' + results[i].id + '</td><td>' + results[i].name + '</td><td>' + results[i].location.city + ', ' + results[i].location.state + '</td></tr>');
Should I be investigating something other than each() here, or should I be using a completely different method?
Thank you
Since your data may have nulls, you need to make sure that the data exists before you attempt to use it. It is also more efficient to only use .append once. Below i'm using a default empty object and $.extend deep copy to ensure that the object we are pulling data from always has all data values defined, even if the value isn't in the json. I'm still not sure how null's will be handled at this point.
var emptyObj = {
id: "",
name: "",
location: {
city: "",
state: ""
},htmlToAppend = "";
$.each(results, function (i,obj) {
var newObj = $.extend(true,{},emptyObj,obj);
htmlToAppend += '<tr><td></td><td>' + newObj.id + '</td><td>' + newObj.name + '</td><td>' + newObj.location.city + ', ' + newObj.location.state + '</td></tr>';
The proper way to do a $.each is like this:
var myObj = {...};
$.each(myObj, function(k, v){
You need two parameters above:
k holds the index or the key
v holds the value at that index or key
If you were going to use a counter variable like i you might as well use JavaScripts for in loop:
for(var i in myObj){

javascript each - autodetect name of val in (key,val)

I have a JSON file that has more name value pairs than I care to type in. Either lazy or elegant. Instead of using what I have below where I have to type in all the name values pairs there must be a property of val like val.name so not to have to type all the other pairs out. What's the proper terminology to search find the answer? or the code would be nice too :)
This is what I started using when I thought, "crap, I have to type all that *#&#$ out!"
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
items.push(key + val.TimeStamp + val.bandwidth + );
"Router": "HS-DSCS1",
"router_data": [
"TimeStamp": "2012/01/01 06:00:00",
"NeighborIP": "",
"State": "Full",
"Bytes001": "21362.95663",
"Bytes002": "2.67 KB",
"Bytes003": "9887.99707",
"Bytes004": "1.24 KB",
"Bytes005": "Serial0/1/0"
Seems like you're just doing string concatenation. If so ...
$.each(data, function(key, val) {
items.push(key + $.map(val, String).join('') );
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/ZVDcy/
Or if you're building a new Array, you could do this...
var items = $.map(data, function(val, key) {
return key + $.map(val, String).join('');
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/ZVDcy/1/
If I'm understanding your question right, just use a for..in.
for (field in val){
// something with val[field]

