Javascript array - merge two arrays into one - javascript

I have two arrays, one with name of the country and one with the currency type. I would like to merge these together and use the country key instead of the currencies array. What would be the best way to accomplish this?
This is what my code looks like now:
var country = new Array();
country["SEK"] = 'Sweden';
country["USD"] = 'United states';
var currencies = ["SEK","USD"];
var options = '';
for (var i = 0; i < currencies.length; i++) {
options += '<option value="' + currencies[i] + '" id="' + currencies[i] + '">' + currencies[i] + ' (' + country[currencies[i]] + ')</option>';

It's a common misconception that you can just use this:
for (var currency in country) {
result += { ... something done with both currency and country[currency] ... };
The catch here is that hash is technically unordered in JS, so you cannot guarantee the same order of these options.
The common alternative is using array of objects instead:
var countriesData = [
country: 'Sweden',
currency: 'SEK'
country: 'United States',
currency: 'USD'
for (var i = 0, l = countriesData.length; i < l; i++) {
result += { something of countriesData[i].currency and countriesData[i].country };
As a sidenote, consider this...
var country = new Array();
country["SEK"] = 'Sweden';
country["USD"] = 'United states';
console.log(country.length); // wait, what?
... and 0 will be logged, not 2 - as probably expected. Again, there's no such thing as 'PHP-like associative array' in JS: there are objects and arrays (which are technically objects too; typeof country will give you 'object' string).
So this is what happens here: you create an Array object, and it inherits all the properties of Array.prototype (such as length), in particular. Now you extend this Array with two properties - 'SEK' and 'USD'; but it's not the same as pushing these strings into array with push or some similar methods! That's why its length stays the same, introducing chaos and confusion. )

Try this:
var countries = {
'Sweden': 'SEK',
'United Stated': 'USD'
}, options = '', country;
for(country in countries) {
options += '<option value="' + countries[country] + '" id="' + countries[country] + '">' + countries[country] + ' (' + country + ')</option>';

It seem uncomfortable to use arrays. Use json object wikipedia instead, this way you can take advantage of the relation key-value. In addition you can also validate it with lint. No jQuery needed. So this is the code:
var currency = {
"SEK": "Sweden",
"USD": "United states",
"GBP": "United Kingdom"
(function(obj) {
var myselect = document.getElementById("currency");
for (var key in obj) {
var optElement = new Option( key+ " ( " + obj[key] + " ) ", key ); = key; //optElement.setAttribute ( "id", key);
myselect.add ( optElement, null);
​As for the function - I think it is better to do it with objects, instead of making a string and then adding it to the select. It is an anonymous function, so it is self-contained and won't interfere with any other code. Just use it after the select is created, or place it at the end of the page.
And jsfiddle example
Using add() or innerHTML - in Chrome, innerHTML is not working. And it is better this way.
As for the removing of the options - there is remove() method. Use one of those:
var x = document.getElementById("currency");
for ( var i = x.length; i > 0; i-- ) { x.remove ( 0 ); }
while ( x.length > 0 ) { x.remove ( x.length - 1 ); }


How to most efficiently generate string from array of objects in javascript?

I have the following:
var students = [{name:"Jordan", age:"6"},{name:"Jake", age:"7"},{name:"Mark", age:"10"}]
I want to generate a string like this:
What is the most efficient way to do this?
I am currently using:
var studentstr = "";
for(var i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {
studentstr = students['name'] + "," + students['age'] + "|"
studentstr = studentstr.substring(0, studentstr.length - 1);
Also, performance-wise, if I had an array of 2,000 items, is it "costly" to perform this transformation? The resulting string contains both keys in the object and not a single join on one object in the property.
You can map each student object to a string and then join them all with |:
var studentstr = (student) {
return + ',' + student.age;
Also, performance-wise, if I had an array of 2,000 items, is it "costly" to perform this transformation?
Yes, using string concatenation in a loop is costly. The string grows for each iteration, and each time you have to copy the entire previous string to create the new version. The execution time of the loop grows exponentially to the number of items.
You can put the string for each object in an array, then join them together:
var students = [{name:"Jordan", age:"6"},{name:"Jake", age:"7"},{name:"Mark", age:"10"}];
var items = [];
for (var i = 0; i < students.length; i++) {
items.push(students[i].name + ',' +students[i].age);
var str = items.join('|');
// display result in snippet
map works well for this:
var students = [{name:"Jordan", age:"6"},{name:"Jake", age:"7"},{name:"Mark", age:"10"}];
var result = {
return + ',' + student.age;
Try this and see your console:
var string = '';
for (var s in students) {
string += students[s].name + ', ' + students[s].age + ' | ';
I do not think it is costly to go on with such approach. It may be the most efficient way to iterate through the data.

How can I group data returned in JSON format and return it?

I have a JSON string of the form:
{"ID":153,"CircuitID":53,"StartTime":"2014-11-12 12:45:00","EventFormatID":224,"TotalPlaces":8,"BookedPlaces":0,"ProvisionalPlaces":0},
{"ID":161,"CircuitID":53,"StartTime":"2014-11-12 17:15:00","EventFormatID":224,"TotalPlaces":0,"BookedPlaces":0,"ProvisionalPlaces":0},
{"ID":734,"CircuitID":53,"StartTime":"2014-11-12 18:30:00","EventFormatID":231,"TotalPlaces":14,"BookedPlaces":0,"ProvisionalPlaces":0}
In place of Event Format ID and Circuit ID I will be returning the names
What I need to do is group the results by Event Format ID and return the results in the following format:
Event 224 : 12:45 (8 places available), 17:15 (0 places available)
Event 231 : 18:30 (14 places available)
I can't seem to figure out how to loop through the data, group it by Event Format ID to present it in the required format!
Can you use any additional libraries? I'd use lo-dash which would make this relatively simple:
var grouped = _.groupBy(data, "EventFormatID");
_(grouped).forEach(function (group, key) {
console.log("Event:" + key);
_(group).forEach(function (course) {
console.log(course.StartTime + " (" + course.TotalPlaces + " places available)");
Obviously the example above logs to the console but it'd be fairly simple to change to build up whatever string or object you need.
This is easier with lodash/underscore, or even with ES5 array and object methods, but since you asked about pure JS:
var data = {}, results = [], i, j, id, time, obj, evts; // obj is your object above
for (i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
id = obj[i].EventFormatID;
time = obj[i].StartTime; // you can simplify to get just the time, not the datetime, if you prefer
data[id] = data[id] || [];
// now you have a proper data structure, just print it out
for (i in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
// just show the output properly formatted
evts = [];
for (j=0;i<data[i].length;j++) {
evts.push(data[i][j].time+" ("+data[i][j].places+" places available)");
results.push("Event "+i+" : "+evts.join(","));
ES5 makes this so much easier
var data = {}, results = [], obj; // obj is your object above
obj.forEach(function(val,i) {
data[val.EventFormatID] = data[val.EventFormatID] || [];
// now you have a proper data structure, just print it out
Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
var value = data[key], evts = [];
value.forEach(function(elm) {
evts.push(elm.time+" ("+elm.places+" places available)");
results.push("Event "+key+" : "+evts.join(","));
And lodash is even easier.
Please take a look that:
<div id="contentDiv"></div>
function tidyUp(jsonArray) {
var myObject = {};
for (i = 0; i < jsonArray.length; i++) {
var key = jsonArray[i]['EventFormatID'];
var time = jsonArray[i]['StartTime'].replace(' ', ':').split(/[- :]/);
time = time[3] + ":" + time[4];
var totalPlace = jsonArray[i]['TotalPlaces'];
if (myObject[key] == null) {
myObject[key] = "Event : " + key + " : " + time + " ( " + totalPlace + " places available)";
} else {
myObject[key] += ", " + time + " ( " + totalPlace + " places available)";
for (var k in myObject) {
document.getElementById('contentDiv').innerHTML += myObject[k] + "<br/>";

Javascript: randomly pair items from array without repeats

I am trying to make a very basic "secret santa" generator as one of my first Javascript projects. I have searched for hours for a solution to this problem but so far nothing has worked that I have found.
I have an array of names which need paired to each other. I successfully have them pairing to each other, but right now someone can be drawn twice. I am pushing the randomly chosen names to another array but I can't find a way to check the randomly chosen names against the ones already chosen.
var names = ["Sean","Kyle","Emily","Nick","Cotter","Brian","Jeremy","Kimmy","Pat","Johnny"];
var used = [];
var picks = [];
if (names.length % 2 != 0) {
alert("You must have an even number of names. You currently have " + names.length + " names.");
for( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*names.length)
if(names[random] == names[i]) {
names[random] = names[random++];
picks.push(names[i] + " gets " + names[random]);
} else {
picks.push(names[i] + " gets " + names[random]);
console.log("picked array: ")
for(var k=0; k<picks.length; k++) {
console.log("used array: " + used);
Thank you in advance for any help.
Create two arrays with the names, shuffle them, and make sure you don't pick the same name from both arrays :
var names = ["Sean","Kyle","Emily","Nick","Cotter","Brian","Jeremy","Kimmy","Pat","Johnny"];
if (names.length % 2 != 0) {
alert("You must have an even number of names. You currently have " + names.length + " names.");
} else {
var arr1 = names.slice(), // copy array
arr2 = names.slice(); // copy array again
arr1.sort(function() { return 0.5 - Math.random();}); // shuffle arrays
arr2.sort(function() { return 0.5 - Math.random();});
while (arr1.length) {
var name1 = arr1.pop(), // get the last value of arr1
name2 = arr2[0] == name1 ? arr2.pop() : arr2.shift();
// ^^ if the first value is the same as name1,
// get the last value, otherwise get the first
console.log(name1 + ' gets ' + name2);
I would suggest a different approach. Shuffle, split, and zip, no mutation:
var splitAt = function(i, xs) {
var a = xs.slice(0, i);
var b = xs.slice(i, xs.length);
return [a, b];
var shuffle = function(xs) {
return xs.slice(0).sort(function() {
return .5 - Math.random();
var zip = function(xs) {
return xs[0].map(function(_,i) {
return {
return x[i];
// Obviously assumes even array
var result = zip(splitAt(names.length/2, shuffle(names)));
// [
// [ 'Nick', 'Kimmy' ],
// [ 'Sean', 'Johnny' ],
// [ 'Kyle', 'Brian' ],
// [ 'Cotter', 'Pat' ],
// [ 'Emily', 'Jeremy' ]
// ]
There is a multitude of ways you can achieve this.
The fastest to code, but not necessarily the randomest is:
var names = ["Sean","Kyle","Emily","Nick","Cotter","Brian","Jeremy","Kimmy","Pat","Johnny"];
function getPicks(names) {
return names.slice(0).sort(function(){ return Math.random()-0.5 }).map(function(name, index, arr){
return name + " gets " + arr[(index+1)%arr.length];
This is not very random because the shuffling isn't very good and also because you get a single cycle each time. There can be no two cycles A->B->C->A D->E->D.
If you want it to have a random number of cycles of variable length, you can split the names array in several arrays and do the above for each of them, then concatenate the results (see elclanrs).
Finally, the last solution is for each person to pick a person at random and if it's the same one, simply pick again. If the last name remaining in both arrays is the same, simply swap it with another pair.
var names = ["Sean","Kyle","Emily","Nick","Cotter","Brian","Jeremy","Kimmy","Pat","Johnny"];
var a = names.slice(0);
var b = names.slice(0);
var result = [];
while (a.length > 1) {
var i = extractRandomElement(a);
var j = extractRandomElement(b);
while (i===j) {
j = extractRandomElement(b);
result.push({ a:i, b:j });
if (a[0] === b[0]) {
result.push({ a:a[0], b:result[0].b });
result[0].b = a[0];
} else {
result.push({ a:a[0], b:b[0] });
var pairs ={ return item.a + ' gets ' + item.b});
function extractRandomElement(array) {
return array.splice(Math.floor(Math.random()*array.length),1)[0];
I'm a tad late, but thought I'd throw my answer in here. It essentially does the same thing #adeneo's does, but it uses the same basic code as OP:
var names = ["Sean","Kyle","Emily","Nick","Cotter","Brian","Jeremy","Kimmy","Pat","Johnny"];
pickpool = names.slice(0); // Slice the array at the first element to copy it by value
var used = [];
var picks = [];
if (names.length % 2 != 0) {
alert("You must have an even number of names. You currently have " + names.length + " names.");
for( var i = 0; i < names.length; i++){
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*pickpool.length)
if(names[random] == names[i]) {
// names[random] = names[random++];
picks.push(names[i] + " gets " + pickpool[random++]);
} else {
picks.push(names[i] + " gets " + pickpool[random]);
console.log("picked array: ");
for(var k=0; k<picks.length; k++) {
If you don't need to keep the original array you can remove the names as they get selected and each time you pick a name check that it isn't an empty string before pushing it to the next array.
Another consideration...
If you are trying to make a 'Secret Santa' generator, by using random method you can get the same pair next year, and next...
This is another solution where you get all the possible pairs (without repeating a name itself or a pair) for multiple years.
var names = ["Sean", "Kyle", "Emily", "Nick", "Cotter", "Brian", "Jeremy", "Kimmy", "Pat", "Johnny"];
if (names.length % 2 != 0) {
alert("You must have an even number of names. You currently have " + names.length + " names.");
} else {
const arr1 = names.slice()
let arr2 = names.slice();
let countDown = number => {
if (number === 1) {
const last = arr2.pop([number - 1]);
let pairs = []; => {
const index = arr1.indexOf(item);
pairs.push(`${arr1[index]} gets ${arr2[index]}`)
return countDown(number - 1);

How to create an array of variables from an array in Javascript

I have a variable called "information" which creates a multi-dimensional array. For each row in the array, I want to return a variable whose name is the first value in the array. In other words, given the 'information' array below, I'd want the following output:
var lunalovegood = information[i][2] + ' ' + information[i][3] + ' is a ' + information[i] [1] + '!'; //Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw!;
var dracomalfoy = information[i][2] + ' ' + information[i][3] + ' is a ' + information[i] [1] + '!'; //Draco Malfoy is a Slythering!;;
var hermionegranger = information[i][2] + ' ' + information[i][3] + ' is a ' + information[i] [1] + '!'; //Hermione Granger is a Gryffindor!;;
In other words, I want to be able to work with each of the elements in the 'information' array to create some markup. I already know how to get the information I need given the information array, but as you can see below I'd have to declare separate variables for each of the names.
for (var i = 0; i < information.length; i++) {
var htmlString = information[i][2] + ' ' + information[i][3] + ' is a ' + information[i] [1] + '!'; //Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw!
} //end for loop
var information = [
['lunalovegood', 'Ravenclaw', 'Luna', 'Lovegood', '(chaser)', 'lovegood.jpg', 4]
['dracomalfoy', 'Slytherin', 'Draco', 'Malfoy', '(seeker)', 'malfoy.jpg', 2],
['hermionegranger', 'Gryffindor', 'Hermione', 'Granger', '(none)', 'granger.jpg', 3],
The javascript below creates three variables called 'lunalovegood', 'dracomalfoy', and 'hermionegrange', but it's the long way of creating variables. How do I create these variables, one for each row in the array, by looping through the 0th indexed element in the 'information' array?
var myVariables = {}
,varNames = ["lunalovegood","dracomalfoy","hermionegranger"];
for (var i=0;i<varNames.length;i+=1){
myVariables[varNames[i]] = 0;
Your current approach just needs a most minor tweak to not require the second array.
var students = {}, i;
for (i = 0; i < information.length; ++i)
students[information[i][0]] = information[i][2] + ' ' + information[i][3] + ' is a ' + information[i][1] + '!';
Now the key is set by taking the first item of the Array. You would then do the following for your text,
students['lunalovegood']; // "Luna Lovegood is a Ravenclaw!"
You're also missing a , in your information literal.
This should help you:
Every variable in the global scope can be accessed as a string property of the window object
var myvariable = 4;
alert(window["myvariable"]); // will alert 4
window["newvariable"] = 6;
alert(newvariable); // will alert 6
I agree with Bergi. Variables should represent a fixed finite set of members defined by code; data (as in the contents of a list) should generally not introduce new variables.
As such, here is the approach I would recommend (note that I've added a bit more than the "minimum required"; good luck!):
// Using a function makes it easy to change details and avoid leaking
// variables accidentally.
function loadWizards(information) {
var wizards = [];
for (var i = 0; i < information.length; i++) {
var info = information[i];
var name = info[0];
// Mapping to named properties means we can forget about indices!
wizards[name] = { // <- use Name to map to our Wizard object
house: info[1],
// ..
image: info[7]
return wizards;
// I have no idea if they are wizards, but give variables useful names.
// 'information' is too generic.
var wizards = loadWizards(information);
// Then later on, use it as:
alert("Hello " + wizards['hermionegranger'].name + "!")
// ^-- property access by Name
var formattedInfo = {};
$.each(information, function (i, v) {
formattedInfo[v[0]] = v[2] + ' ' + v[3] + ' is a ' + v[1];
there is a missing comma at the end of the 1st line of your definition of information.
BTW, I like Harry Potter very much.

jQuery: Extract array

I have a varcontains:
var flags = {USA, Brazil, Germany, Canada};
I can get values with number of each key
How to get numbers {1, 2, 3} without setting them in the var and starting from 1
var flags = {USA, Canada, Germany};
Edit 2:
Also I have another var without ,
var flags = 'USA Brazil Germany Canada';
var flags = ['USA','Brazil','Germany','Canada'];
Then you can iterate over it with
$.each(flags, function(key, value){
var yourkey = key + 1; // Because you want 1 indexed
If you want an array of strings, you will need to use square brackets:
var flags = ["USA", "Canada", "Germany"];
/* or
var flags = 'USA Brazil Germany Canada'.split(' ');
Yet for getting the numbers from the indices you will need to add 1, since the array indices are zero-based:
$.each(flags, function(index, value){
$('#flags').append('<span>' + value + (index+1) + '</span> ')
var flags = ['USA', 'Canada', 'Germany'];
$.each(flags, function(i, country){
$('#flags').append('<span>' + country + (i += 1) + '</span> ')
var flags = ['USA', 'Canada', 'Germany'];
$.each(flags, function(key, value){
$('#flags').append('<span>' + (key+1) + ' '+ value + '</span> ')
Set an array with strings
Your code is not valid.
var flags = {USA, Brazil, Germany, Canada};//error
Please look up how to use objects or arrays and choose one instead of a mix. This will solve the issue you are having. As others have pointed out in the answers, you will be able to use an array of strings to match with an index, or use indexes in an object to match with the strings.
This would basically mean changing flags to
var flags = ["USA","Brazil","Germany","Canada"];
However, depending on how many flags you are using you may want to use a data structure.
var flagHolder = (function(){
var flags = [];
var flagIndex = 0;
function addFlag(name){
var flag = {}; = name;
flag.index = flagIndex++;
return flag.index;
function getFlag(index){
return flags[index];
function getAllFlags(){
return flags;
return {
getAllFlags: getAllFlags,
getFlag: getFlag,
addFlag: addFlag
Which could be used like this:
var USA = flagHolder.addFlag("USA");
var Canada = flagHolder.addFlag("Canada");
var Germany = flagHolder.addFlag("Germany");
var Brazil = flagHolder.addFlag("Brazil");
//Get Single
//Get All
$.each(flagHolder.getAllFlags(), function(key,value){
$('#flags').append('<span>' + (key+1) + '</span> ');
Here is a demo for that:

