get detailed substring - javascript

i have a problem i'm trying to solve, i have a javascript string (yes this is the string i have)
<div class="stories-title" onclick="fun(4,'this is test'); navigate(1)
What i want to achieve are the following points:
1) cut characters from start until the first ' character (cut the ' too)
2) cut characters from second ' character until the end of the string
3) put what's remaining in a variable
For example, the result of this example would be the string "this is test"
I would be very grateful if anyone have a solution.. Especially a simple one so i can understand it.
Thanks all in advance

You can use split() function:
var mystr = str.split("'")[1];

var newstr = str.replace(/[^']+'([^']+).*/,'$1');

No need to cut anything, you just want to match the string between the first ' and the second ' - see similar questions like Javascript RegExp to find all occurences of a a quoted word in an array
var string = "<div class=\"stories-title\" onclick=\"fun(4,'this is test'); navigate(1)";
var m = string.match(/'(.+?)'/);
if (m)
return m[1]; // the matching group

You can use regular expressions

If you want to do the work yourself:
var str = "<div class=\"stories-title\" onclick=\"fun(4,'this is test'); navigate(1)";
var newstr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] == '\'') {
while (str[++i] != '\'') {
newstr += str[i];


How to find a particular char in string in my case "-" and replace it with "_" in javascript js

Hey guys i am currently learning javascript, i need to replace "-" with "_".
For example : "Hello-World" ==> "Hello_World" i tired the below code it didn't work,i want to know why this method is wrong,
function kS(n){
Simply use replace
You can just use String.replace to achieve that. If you use the regex input in combination with g modifier, it will match all occurences. is a good place to test out such regexes.
var myString = "hello-word";
myString = myString.replace(/-/g, '_');
If you have to do it with a loop and are allowed to use ES2015 or newer, you could also write it like this:
var myString = "hello-word";
var newString = [...myString].map(c => c === '-' ? '_' : c).join('');
Stings are immutable. You could convert the string to an array of characters and check and replace the item in the characters array.
At the end return a joined array.
BTW, spelling matter, eg length and undeclared variables are global in Javascript, which should be avoided.
function kS([...characters]) {
var l = characters.length;
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
if (characters[i] === "-") characters[i] = "_";
return characters.join('');

Javascript regex to add to every character of a string a backslash

So as the title says I'd like to add to every character of a string a backslash, whether the string has special characters or not. The string should not be considered 'safe'
let str = 'dj%^3&something';
str = str.replace(x, y);
// str = '\d\j\%\^\3\&\s\o\m\e\t\h\i\n\g'
You could capture every character in the string with (.) and use \\$1 as replacement, I'm not an expert but basically \\ will render to \ and $1 will render to whatever (.) captures.
please refer to Wiktor Stribiżew's comment for an alternative which will require less coding. Changes as follows:
str = str.replace(/(.)/g, '\\$1'); for str = str.replace(/./g, '\\$&');
Also, for future reference I strongly advice you to visit when it comes to regular expressions, it's helped ME a lot
let str = 'dj%^3&something';
str = str.replace(/(.)/g, '\\$1');
If you just want to display a string safely, you should just do:
let str = 'dj%^3&something';
let node = document.createTextNode(str);
let dest = document.querySelector('.whatever');
And then you are guaranteed that it will be treated as text, and won't be able to execute a script or anything.
For example:
You can split the string to an array, add a \ to each element to the array, then joint the array back to the string that you wanted.
var str = 'dj%^3&something';
var split = str.split(""); // split string into array
for (var i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
split[i] = '\\' + split[i]; // add backslash to each element in array
var joint = split.join('') // joint array to string
If you don't care about creating a new string and don't really have to use a regex, why not just iterate over the existing one and place a \ before each char. Notice to you have to put \\ to escape the first \.
To consider it safe, you have to encode it somehow. You could replace typical 'non-safe' characters like in the encode() function below. Notice how & get's replaced by &
let str = 'dj%^3&something';
let out = "";
for(var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
out += ("\\" + str[i]);
function encode(string) {
return String(string).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"');

Javascript Remove strings in beginning and end

base on the following string
How can i remove the . on the beginning and end of string like the trim that removes all spaces, using javascript
the output should be
These are the reasons why the RegEx for this task is /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg:
Inside /()/ is where you write the pattern of the substring you want to find in the string:
/(ol)/ This will find the substring ol in the string.
var x = "colt".replace(/(ol)/, 'a'); will give you x == "cat";
The ^\.+|\.+$ in /()/ is separated into 2 parts by the symbol | [means or]
^\.+ and \.+$
^\.+ means to find as many . as possible at the start.
^ means at the start; \ is to escape the character; adding + behind a character means to match any string containing one or more that character
\.+$ means to find as many . as possible at the end.
$ means at the end.
The m behind /()/ is used to specify that if the string has newline or carriage return characters, the ^ and $ operators will now match against a newline boundary, instead of a string boundary.
The g behind /()/ is used to perform a global match: so it find all matches rather than stopping after the first match.
To learn more about RegEx you can check out this guide.
Try to use the following regex
var text = '\n..there...\';
var replaced = text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
Here is working Demo
Use Regex /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg
^ represent at start
\.+ one or many full stops
$ represents at end
var text = '\n..there...\';
alert(text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, ''));
Here is an non regular expression answer which utilizes String.prototype
String.prototype.strim = function(needle){
var first_pos = 0;
var last_pos = this.length-1;
//find first non needle char position
for(var i = 0; i<this.length;i++){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
first_pos = (i == 0? 0:i);
//find last non needle char position
for(var i = this.length-1; i>0;i--){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
last_pos = (i == this.length? this.length:i+1);
return this.substring(first_pos,last_pos);
and see it working here :
Slightly more code-golfy, if not readable, non-regexp prototype extension:
String.prototype.strim = function(needle) {
var out = this;
while (0 === out.indexOf(needle))
out = out.substr(needle.length);
while (out.length === out.lastIndexOf(needle) + needle.length)
out = out.slice(0,out.length-needle.length);
return out;
var spam = "this is a string that ends with thisthis";
alert("#" + spam.strim("this") + "#");
Use RegEx with javaScript Replace
var res = s.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
We can use replace() method to remove the unwanted string in a string
var str = '<pre>I'm big fan of Stackoverflow</pre>'
str.replace(/<pre>/g, '').replace(/<\/pre>/g, '')
Check rules on RULES blotter

How to remove the extra spaces in a string?

What function will turn this contains spaces into this contains spaces using javascript?
I've tried the following, using similar SO questions, but could not get this to work.
var string = " this contains spaces ";
newString = string.replace(/\s+/g,''); // "thiscontainsspaces"
newString = string.replace(/ +/g,''); //"thiscontainsspaces"
Is there a simple pure javascript way to accomplish this?
You're close.
Remember that replace replaces the found text with the second argument. So:
newString = string.replace(/\s+/g,''); // "thiscontainsspaces"
Finds any number of sequential spaces and removes them. Try replacing them with a single space instead!
newString = string.replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim();
string.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()
Try this one, this will replace 2 or 2+ white spaces from string.
const string = " this contains spaces ";
string.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim()
this contains spaces
I figured out one way, but am curious if there is a better way...
string.replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim()
I got the same problem and I fixed like this
Text = Text.replace(/ {1,}/g," ");
Text = Text.trim();
I think images always explain it's good, basically what you see that the regex \s meaning in regex is whitespace. the + says it's can be multiply times. /g symbol that it's looks globally (replace by default looks for the first occur without the /g added). and the trim will remove the last and first whitespaces if exists.
Finally, To remove extra whitespaces you will need this code:
newString = string.replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim();
We can use the below approach to remove extra space in a sentence/word.
sentence.split(' ').filter(word => word).join(' ')
Raw Javascript Solution:
var str = ' k g alok deshwal';
function removeMoreThanOneSpace() {
String.prototype.removeSpaceByLength=function(index, length) {
console.log("in remove", this.substr(0, index));
return this.substr(0, index) + this.substr(length);
for(let i = 0; i < str.length-1; i++) {
if(str[i] === " " && str[i+1] === " ") {
str = str.removeSpaceByLength(i, i+1);
i = i-1;
return str;
var s=" i am a student "
var r='';
var i,j;
for(k=0; s[k]!=undefined; k++);// to calculate the length of a string
if(s[i]!==' '){
for(;s[i]!==' ';i++){
r+=' ';
// Here my solution
const trimString = value => {
const allStringElementsToArray = value.split('');
// transform "abcd efgh" to ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd',' ','e', 'f','g','h']
const allElementsSanitized = => e.trim());
// Remove all blank spaces from array
const finalValue = allElementsSanitized.join('');
// Transform the sanitized array ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'] to 'abcdefgh'
return finalValue;
I have tried regex to solve this problem :
let temp=text.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim()
input="Plese complete your work on Time"
output="Please complete your work on Time"
//This code remove extra spaces with out using "string objectives"
s=" This Is Working On Functions "
function result(s) {
for(var i=0;i<s.length;i++)
if(!(final==""&&s[i]==" ")&&!(s[i]===" "&& s[i+1] ===" ")){

How to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string?

How to globally replace a forward slash in a JavaScript string?
The following would do but only will replace one occurence:
"string".replace('/', 'ForwardSlash');
For a global replacement, or if you prefer regular expressions, you just have to escape the slash:
"string".replace(/\//g, 'ForwardSlash');
Use a regex literal with the g modifier, and escape the forward slash with a backslash so it doesn't clash with the delimiters.
var str = 'some // slashes', replacement = '';
var replaced = str.replace(/\//g, replacement);
You need to wrap the forward slash to avoid cross browser issues or //commenting out.
str = 'this/that and/if';
var newstr = str.replace(/[/]/g, 'ForwardSlash');
Without using regex (though I would only do this if the search string is user input):
var str = 'Hello/ world/ this has two slashes!';
alert(str.split('/').join(',')); // alerts 'Hello, world, this has two slashes!'
Is this what you want?
'string with / in it'.replace(/\//g, '\\');
This has worked for me in turning "//" into just "/".
str.replace(/\/\//g, '/');
Hi a small correction in the above script..
above script skipping the first character when displaying the output.
function stripSlashes(x)
var y = "";
for(i = 0; i < x.length; i++)
if(x.charAt(i) == "/")
y += "";
y+= x.charAt(i);
return y;
This is Christopher Lincolns idea but with correct code:
function replace(str,find,replace){
if (find){
str = str.toString();
var aStr = str.split(find);
for(var i = 0; i < aStr.length; i++) {
if (i > 0){
str = str + replace + aStr[i];
str = aStr[i];
return str;
Example Usage:
var somevariable = replace('//\\\/\/sdfas/\/\/\\\////','\/sdf','replacethis\');
Javascript global string replacement is unecessarily complicated. This function solves that problem. There is probably a small performance impact, but I'm sure its negligable.
Heres an alternative function, looks much cleaner, but is on average about 25 to 20 percent slower than the above function:
function replace(str,find,replace){
if (find){
str = str.toString().split(find).join(replace);
return str;
var str = '/questions'; // input: "/questions"
while(str.indexOf('/') != -1){
str = str.replace('/', '');
alert(str); // output: ""
The proposed regex /\//g did not work for me; the rest of the line (//g, replacement);) was commented out.
You can create a RegExp object to make it a bit more readable
str.replace(new RegExp('/'), 'foobar');
If you want to replace all of them add the "g" flag
str.replace(new RegExp('/', 'g'), 'foobar');

