JQuery Gridster with HTML/Javascript Windows 8 Store App - javascript

I decided to create my first windows store app with html/javascript and since you cannot do drag and drop with javascript and listview i have looked for alternatives. Windows store apps support jquery so I found Gridster. It is a jquery plugin to display stuff in a grid with draggable reordering. Each item can be resized as well. I want to use this in my windows store app. Here is a fiddle of the code i inputted into blend, into the html page
var layout;
var grid_size = 100;
var grid_margin = 5;
var block_params = {
max_width: 6,
max_height: 6
$(function() {
layout = $('.layouts_grid ul').gridster({
widget_margins: [grid_margin, grid_margin],
widget_base_dimensions: [grid_size, grid_size],
serialize_params: function($w, wgd) {
return {
x: wgd.col,
y: wgd.row,
width: wgd.size_x,
height: wgd.size_y,
id: $($w).attr('data-id'),
name: $($w).find('.block_name').html(),
min_rows: block_params.max_height
grid: [grid_size + (grid_margin * 2), grid_size + (grid_margin * 2)],
animate: false,
minWidth: grid_size,
minHeight: grid_size,
containment: '#layouts_grid ul',
autoHide: true,
stop: function(event, ui) {
var resized = $(this);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
$('.ui-resizable-handle').hover(function() {
}, function() {
function resizeBlock(elmObj) {
var elmObj = $(elmObj);
var w = elmObj.width() - grid_size;
var h = elmObj.height() - grid_size;
for (var grid_w = 1; w > 0; w -= (grid_size + (grid_margin * 2))) {
for (var grid_h = 1; h > 0; h -= (grid_size + (grid_margin * 2))) {
layout.resize_widget(elmObj, grid_w, grid_h);
The js references and css can be seen in the source here (where i got the code)
I got it working and can drag the boxes around and reorder and resize them...my issue now is how to get it to expand horizontal instead of vertically..the more stuff i put into it, they all go to the bottom. I would like it to expand to the right as new items get added (like the start menu)...it would be perfect if i could turn the grid counter clockwise and keep the items the same orientation..but i know it may not be that easy
i have tried changing some values in the script (in the above code sample) in the html and got some more columns for the boxes to snap to..but eventually they all just revert to snapping to the bottom of one of the first columns...do i have to edit the referenced js files? There's like 4 of them, which one?


filtering nodes by degree in cytoscape.js

I have a cytoscape.js graph and i want to filter nodes by degree size. for example if node1 is only connected to node2 and node3 , when I select threshold 3 from filter, all nodes witch have less than 3 edges will be removed. now I have this problems:
1) how can I filter by degree? I know var collection = cy.elements("node[weight > 2]"); select a collection and cy.remove(collection); will delete those nodes but how remove by number of connected edges?
2)after removing some nodes, its needed to rerun layout for better representation. I found a solution but it takes time roughly as big as before removing nodes. I tested this code :
code for adding node:
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
try {
data: {
id: keys[i],
weight: i
code for layout:
var layout;
cy.ready(function () {
layout = cy.layout({
name: 'cose-bilkent',
animate: false,
padding: 100,
nodeRepulsion: 20000,
idealEdgeLength: 700,
edgeElasticity: 10,
numIter: 2500,
initialEnergyOnIncremental: 0.01,
ready: function () {
}, // on layoutready
stop: function () {
var b64key = 'base64,';
var b64 = cy.png().substring(cy.png().indexOf(b64key) + b64key.length);
var imgBlob = b64toBlob(b64, 'image/png');
saveAs(imgBlob, 'graph.png');
alert(new Date().getTime() - n);
n = new Date().getTime();
and on button click I run this :
var collection = cy.elements("node[weight > 2]");
cy.remove( collection );
but it takes 37sec for loading this graph with 3 nodes!!!

Convert sprite image into CSS animation

I have an sprite image , I want to animate it , Below is the actual Animation.I coded by just copying code of some other website .It uses some Framework named motio 2.2 , But problem is it is not working in IOS.Below is the sample code and here is demo https://codepen.io/adjmpw/pen/OmxVNO
var blue_cirlce_anim = jQuery('#' + BLUE_CIRCLE_ID);
blue_cirlce_anim.css('cssText', 'display: block !important;');
var motioBC = new Motio(blue_cirlce_anim[0], {
fps: 60,
frames: 97,
vertical: true
I want to animate following images , Using Css or Javascript or jquery
What I tried So far
var imgHeight = 2844;
var numImgs = 100;
var cont = 0;
var img = $('#container').find('img');
var animation = setInterval( moveSprite,100);
function moveSprite(){
img.css('margin-top', -1 * (cont*imgHeight));
if(cont == numImgs){

JavaScript game switchable sprites

Any ideas how to make switchable characters I have a html game it's finished but I want to implement a way to switch my main character.
Simple coding using Phaser framework
upload function() {
this.game.load.sprite ("bird" assets/bird.png);
this.game.load.sprite ("bird2" assets/bird2.png);
this.game.load.sprite ("bird3" assets/bird3.png);
create function() {
this.game.add.sprite (0, 0 "bird" );
I want to be able to switch my playable character the "bird" with the "bird2" or "bird3" through a selection button if a player selects a switch character button for the playable character to switch to that. I'm pretty sure this is something simple but I'm still pretty new with coding.
I want a button where I press then I can switch the character
(Button 1) switches to bird2
"if button 1 is selected button two and current bird are disabled"-only bird2 is visible
(Button 2) switches to bird3
"if button 2 is selected button one and current bird are disabled"-only bird3 is visible
Edit This is My current code and states
var MainState = {
//load the game assets before the game starts
preload: function () {
this.load.image('background', 'assets/spring2.png');
this.load.spritesheet('bird', 'assets/bird.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.image('pipe', 'assets/pipe4.png');
//executed after everything is loaded
create: function () {
this.background = game.add.tileSprite(0, game.height-736,game.width, 736, 'background');
this.bird = this.game.add.sprite(100, 200, 'bird');
this.bird.animations.play('fly', 50, true);
this.bird.body.gravity.y = 1000;
var spaceKey = game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);
this.bird.body.immovable= true;
game.input.onDown.add(this.jump, this); //////touch screen jump
spaceKey.onDown.add(this.jump, this);
this.pipes = game.add.group();
this.timer = game.time.events.loop(1600, this.addRowOfPipes, this); /////////////timer for pipes
///Bird anchor
this.bird.anchor.setTo(-0.2, 0.5)
// this is execated multiple times per second
update: function () {
if (this.bird.y < 0 || this.bird.y > 480)
this.bird, this.pipes, this.restartGame, null, this);
///Bird Angle
if (this.bird.angle < 30)
this.bird.angle += 1;
///////////////music stop w top+bottom collision
if (this.bird.y < 0 || this.bird.y > 479)
jump: function () {
//this is for so the bird wount fly once dead
if (this.bird.alive == false)
// Add a vertical velocity to the bird
this.bird.body.velocity.y = -350;
// Jump Animation
var animation = game.add.tween(this.bird);
// Change the angle of the bird to -20° in 100 milliseconds
animation.to({angle: -20}, 100);
// And start the animation
game.add.tween(this.bird).to({angle: -20}, 100).start();
restartGame: function () {
// Start the 'main' state, which restarts the game
game.state.start(game.state.StateOver); /////////////////////changed from current #########
///Hit pipe Null
this.bird, this.pipes, this.hitPipe, null, this);
addRowOfPipes: function() {
var hole = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1; ///Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) ///// (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (i != hole && i != hole + 1) ///// if (i != hole && i != hole + 1)
this.addOnePipe(440, i * 50 ); ///// 640 starting point of pipe 240 point of down ////this.addOnePipe(480, i * 60 + 10);
addOnePipe: function(x, y) {
var pipe = game.add.sprite(x, y, 'pipe');
pipe.body.velocity.x = -200;
pipe.checkWorldBounds = true;
pipe.outOfBoundsKill = true;
hitPipe: function() {
// If the bird has already hit a pipe, do nothing
// It means the bird is already falling off the screen
if (this.bird.alive == false)
else {
// Set the alive property of the bird to false
this.bird.alive = false;
// Prevent new pipes from appearing
// Go through all the pipes, and stop their movement
p.body.velocity.x = 0;
}, this);
var characters={
game.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/button.png', 215, 53, 8);
game.load.image("background", "assets/characterbackground.png");
game.load.image("pajaro", "assets/storeicon.png");
game.load.image("logo", "assets/extra/storef.png");
this.load.spritesheet('bird', 'assets/bird.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png',52 ,28, 7);
this.load.spritesheet('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png',52 ,28, 7);
game.load.spritesheet("button2", 'assets/button2.png', 100, 10, 10);
bird = game.add.image(140, 150, 'pajaro');
logo = game.add.image (20, 350, 'logo');
this.background = game.add.tileSprite(0, game.height-736,game.width, 736, 'background');
// bird.x +=1;
changebird2: function(){
Instead of creating three sprites that you either hide or show, I might recommend just changing what texture is loaded when the sprite is created/added.
To do this you'll need to store a reference to the playable character, which you probably already have.
// On the game itself, add a reference.
this.bird = null;
// In your preload, load the different images.
this.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png');
this.load.image('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png');
this.load.image('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png');
// When creating, default to one.
this.bird = this.game.add.sprite(0, 0, 'bird');
// In your function where they select a new skin, you can load in a different texture.
Alternatively, you could store the key that should be used on the game.
// On the game itself, track which key to use.
this.birdSkin = 'bird';
// You'll still have to load your possible textures.
this.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png');
this.load.image('bird2', 'assets/bird2.png');
this.load.image('bird3', 'assets/bird3.png');
// Now when creating just use the variable.
The Phaser init() will allow 0 or more parameters to be passed in (see the end of Phaser Tutorial: understanding Phaser states), which is where you could populate this.birdSkin.
I would look at what states you're using to determine what's best for you. If you have one state for the game and another for selecting which image/texture is used, than the second option might be better.
Update for Character State
Given your comments and what I saw in your code, I created a short example that you could tweak for your use.
There's a JSFiddle available, but the code is also included below.
var mainState = {
preload: function() {
// Load the three sprites that they can choose between.
this.load.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
this.load.image('ball', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photonstorm/phaser-examples/master/examples/assets/sprites/orb-blue.png');
this.load.image('ball2', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photonstorm/phaser-examples/master/examples/assets/sprites/orb-green.png');
this.load.image('ball3', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/photonstorm/phaser-examples/master/examples/assets/sprites/orb-red.png');
create: function() {
this.ball = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY, this.game.global.skin);
// Let the ball be acted upon. This will allow the player to change the sprite used.
this.ball.inputEnabled = true;
this.ball.events.onInputDown.add(this.changeCharacter, this);
update: function() {
changeCharacter: function() {
var characterState = {
preload: function() {
create: function() {
// For this, add our three possible ball skins.
this.ball1 = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY / 2, 'ball');
this.ball1.inputEnabled = true;
this.ball2 = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY, 'ball2');
this.ball2.inputEnabled = true;
this.ball3 = this.game.add.sprite(this.game.world.centerX, this.game.world.centerY * 1.5, 'ball3');
this.ball3.inputEnabled = true;
// Use the selected ball's sprite in our main game.
this.ball1.events.onInputDown.add(this.selectBall, this);
this.ball2.events.onInputDown.add(this.selectBall, this);
this.ball3.events.onInputDown.add(this.selectBall, this);
update: function() {
selectBall: function(sprite, pointer) {
// Grab the key of the sprite and save it to our global variable.
this.game.global.skin = sprite.key;
var game = new Phaser.Game(200, 200);
// Create a global object that we can add custom variables to.
game.global = {
skin: 'ball'
game.state.add('main', mainState);
game.state.add('character', characterState);
This actually simplifies things a bit, in that it just uses a global variable (I've been using TypeScript the last handful of months, so there's probably a better way to declare this).

scrollMagic - How to scroll to the right place?

There is such a thing.
var scene;
var controller;
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.viewer__nav div').click(function(event) {
var num = $(this).attr('data-num');
if (num == 'sticky') {
var scrollPos = controller.info("scrollPos");
function hideShow(num, block) {
block.find("div.active").removeClass("active").animate({ opacity: 0,},300);
block.find("div.slide"+num).addClass("active").animate({ opacity: 1,},300);
// init variables
function parallaxAuto() {
var viewer = document.querySelector('.viewer.active'),
frame_count = 5,
offset_value = 500;
// init controller
controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller({
globalSceneOptions: {
triggerHook: 0,
reverse: true
// build pinned scene
scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: '#sticky',
duration: (frame_count * offset_value) + 'px',
reverse: true
// build step frame scene
for (var i = 1, l = frame_count; i <= l; i++) {
new ScrollMagic.Scene({
triggerElement: '#sticky',
offset: i * offset_value
.setClassToggle(viewer, 'frame' + i)
Below there are 3 smaller images that create Navigation. I made it to jump to the top, but I cannot figure out how to jump to 2nd or 3rd.
var scrollPos = controller.info ( "scrollPos"); shows the current position, but I cannot imagine how to use it correctly.
I didn't go through the tit-bits of your code, but in similar situations we used the scrollIntoView() function of JavaScript(not jQuery).
var element = document.getElementById('id of your image');
This much code should do the trick.
Hope it helps.
Hi, I updated your fiddle, I think we need to store the scenes in a array and then refer it later. I guess you were looking for something like that.

FullCalendar Select doesn't work if using fullcalendar.js instead of fullcalendar.min.js

I'm using the example that is in the fullcalendar download, however I'd like to use the fullcalendar.js instead of the fullcalendar.min.js. When I make this change though the select option doesn't work (I can't select any time range and the pop up doesn't come up).
Any ideas what has to change in the fullcalender.js file to make this work?
EDIT I'm using the following code for my select:
selectable: true,
selectHelper: true,
select: function(start, end, allDay) {
var title = prompt('Event Title:');
EDIT #2 The issue seems to be with the selectHelper. If I comment out that part I can select the time that I want to use but it doesn't have the nice overlay. Here is the code from fullcalendar.js that does this:
function renderSlotSelection(startDate, endDate) {
var helperOption = opt('selectHelper');
if (helperOption) {
var col = dayDiff(startDate, t.visStart) * dis + dit;
if (col >= 0 && col < colCnt) { // only works when times are on same day
var rect = coordinateGrid.rect(0, col, 0, col, slotContent); // only for horizontal coords
var top = timePosition(startDate, startDate);
var bottom = timePosition(startDate, endDate);
if (bottom > top) { // protect against selections that are entirely before or after visible range
rect.top = top;
rect.height = bottom - top;
rect.left += 2;
rect.width -= 5;
if ($.isFunction(helperOption)) {
var helperRes = helperOption(startDate, endDate);
if (helperRes) {
rect.position = 'absolute';
rect.zIndex = 8;
selectionHelper = $(helperRes)
rect.isStart = true; // conside rect a "seg" now
rect.isEnd = true; //
selectionHelper = $(slotSegHtml(
title: '',
start: startDate,
end: endDate,
className: ['fc-select-helper'],
editable: false
selectionHelper.css('opacity', opt('dragOpacity'));
if (selectionHelper) {
setOuterWidth(selectionHelper, rect.width, true); // needs to be after appended
setOuterHeight(selectionHelper, rect.height, true);
renderSlotOverlay(startDate, endDate);
I'm not sure why this wouldn't work but it isn't. Any ideas on what to change?
Thanks in advance!
This looks like a bigger issue and the issue revolves around a new issue in how jQuery does things. The issue is caused by a change in the regular expression which is used to normalize 'mouse event properties' in the Event object: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/blob/master/src/event.js#L7
There is a thread going on here to monitor this solution:
This fix doesn't work in IE however.

