Calculating loan payment in Javascript - javascript

I am making a loan payment calculator on my website ( - In the bottom of the page).
EDIT: Problem solved with the following equation:
var princ = document.getElementById("amount").value;
var intr = document.getElementById("earlypercent").value/1200;
var term = document.getElementById("time").value;
document.getElementById("result").value = princ * intr / (1 - (Math.pow(1/(1 + intr), term)));
And also i used a keyup function instead. Cause when the key is pressed down, the input hasn't received the value yet, hence the wrong result :)
I have my four inputs with respectively amount, interest rate per year in percent, payment period, and result.
<td width="150">
<label for="amount">Lånebeløb (DKK)</label>
<input type="text" id="amount" name="amount" class="input-small">
<label for="earlypercent">ÅOP (%)</label>
<input type="text" id="earlypercent" name="earlypercent" class="input-small">
<label for="time">Løbetid (Mdr)</label>
<input type="text" id="time" name="time" class="input-small">
<label for="result"><b>Månedlig betaling (DKK)</b></label>
<input type="text" id="result" name="result" class="input-medium">
For each of the first three input I have the listed calculations seen below which is derived from the following equation:
$('#amount').keydown(function () {
var amount = document.getElementById("amount").value;
var earlypercent = document.getElementById("earlypercent").value;
var monthlypercent = earlypercent / 12 * 100;
var time = document.getElementById("time").value;
var negativetime = time * (-1);
var result = 1 + monthlypercent;
result = Math.pow(result, negativetime);
result = 1 - result;
result = monthlypercent / result;
document.getElementById("result").value = result * amount;
However, my result is weird as ****. As you can see when you try (e.g. with values, 1000, 10%, 12 months) the result is 8333.33 where it should have been around 83.33. Well actually it should be around 87.95.
So i could move the *100 in the montlypercent, however as you see when write an amount and tab to the next input field, the result changes even though the values are the same. Cant seem to get the equation right and the keydown function bothers me :/
Please help :)


Is there a way to multiply inputs when they begin with a decimal like this- .125 or even 0.7854... My result winds up being 0 or NaN

I need some insight again. I am trying to multiply three inputs times two hidden numbers. Two inputs being the same number (since i have yet to figure out how to Square a input). The calculation i am after is a Force calc we use in O&G. Wire diameter * Wire Diameter * Well Head Pressure * .7854(variable) * 1.5;; Eg. .125 * .125 * 6500 * .7854 * 1.5; Which should result in 119.65 (lbs)- instead i get NAN or if i use decimal like this 0.125 i get a result of 0. To Note the function works if i leave the decimal out all together but the answer is wrong naturally.
My Code
<div class="containerForce">
<h1>Force Calculation - Weight Required to Fall</h1>
<label>Wire OD</label>
<input type="number" id="num05">
<label>Wire OD</label>
<input type="number" id="num06">
<label>Well Head Pressure</label>
<input type="number" id="num07">
<input type="button" id="btn01" style="background-color: rgb(104, 199, 206)"
value="Required Weight" onclick="cal()" />
<p id="total3"></p>
Java Function
function cal() {
var numZero5 = document.getElementById('num05').value;
var numZero6 = document.getElementById('num06').value;
var numZero7 = document.getElementById('num07').value;
var total3 = parseInt(numZero5) * parseInt(numZero6) * parseInt(numZero7) * .7854 * 1.5;
var p = document.getElementById('total3');
p.innerHTML += total3;
Currently you are parsing your inputs to Integers. Integers are whole numbers, so everything after the decimal seperator is thrown away.
You can reproduce this behaviour by executing parseInt(1.5) in the browser console.
The method you are looking for is parseFloat() or Number(). I personally would go with parseFloat().
Additionally, you might want to change your last line to p.innerHTML = total3; so you replace the result in the paragraph instead of concetinating your results.
<div class="containerForce">
<h1>Force Calculation - Weight Required to Fall</h1>
<label>Wire OD</label>
<input type="number" id="num05">
<label>Wire OD</label>
<input type="number" id="num06">
<label>Well Head Pressure</label>
<input type="number" id="num07">
<input type="button" id="btn01" style="background-color: rgb(104, 199, 206)"
value="Required Weight" onclick="cal()" />
<p id="total3"></p>
function cal() {
var numZero5 = document.getElementById('num05').value;
var numZero6 = document.getElementById('num06').value;
var numZero7 = document.getElementById('num07').value;
var total3 = parseFloat(numZero5) * parseFloat(numZero6) * parseFloat(numZero7) * .7854 * 1.5;
var p = document.getElementById('total3');
p.innerHTML = total3;

How to get values from input time

function update() {
var object_one = $('#start_time');
var object_two = $('#total');
var object_three = $('#end-time');
var my_input = object_one.val();
var my_put = object_three.val();
var my_output = my_put - my_input;
<th colspan="2"> Monday</th>
<td> <input id="start_time" type="time"></td>
<td> <input id= "end-time" type= "time"></td>
<td> <input id="start_time" type="time"></td>
<td> <input id= "end-time" type= "time"></td>
<td> in</td>
<td>out </td>
<td> in</td>
<td>out </td>
I've already defined the values of start and end time... i just don't how to subtract the times to get my output. I don't know if I'm setting the values correctly and that's why I get NaN as my output. It's a TIMESHEET assignment, so we have to add the time's in each row etc. I'm really new to this, help.
If you take a look at the value of your time inputs, they are strings. You can learn more about this type of time input here. The thing to note is that the value will always be a string in the format HH:MM (24 hour clock). This means it's easy to parse into hours/minutes.
I've made a function for you to do exactly this. You can find it here.
function ParseTime(timeString) {
var timeMatcher = /(\d\d):(\d\d)/;
var result = timeMatcher.exec(timeString);
// The first result (result 0) is the full string,
// the second is the number of hours, the third is the number of minutes.
var hours = Number(result[1]);
var minutes = Number(result[2]);
// returns the time in number of minutes.
return (hours * 60) + minutes;

function to compute and input average speed

I have 3 input fields, distance, time and average speed. I would like the average speed field to be automatically computed to minimise user effort. As such I have come up with this function but it doesn't work:
$('#Avg Speed').click(function(event) {
var distance = $('#Distance');
var time = $('#Time');
var speed = distance / time;
Any ideas? Even better than clicking the field would be that the result automatically comes up once distance and time is completed. No doubt my code reveals what a novice I am at this stuff.
If your speed is auto generated is good to make it disabled if it's input.
Also may be best event you search for is blur
HTML part:
<label>Distance <input type="text" name="distance" id="distance"></label><br />
<label>Time <input type="text" name="time " id="time"></label><br />
<label>Speed <input type="text" name="speed " id="speed" disabled></label>
Jquery part:
$('#distance,#time').on('blur', function() {
var distance = $('#distance');
var time = $('#time');
var speed = $('#speed');
if(parseInt(time.val()) > 0 && parseInt(distance.val()) > 0)
Also if it will be good a idea to add measures for times, distance and speed
<input type="text" id="Distance">
<input type="text" id="Time">
<input type="text" id="Speed">
$('#Avg Speed').focus(function(event) {
var distance = $('#Distance').val();
var time = $('#Time').val();
var speed = distance / time;
try with an onKeyUp event, i'll give you an example:
<input type="number" id="distance"></input>
<input type="number" id="speed"></input>
<input type="number" id="speed" onKeyUp="calcultate()"></input>
<Label id="result"></Label>
function calculate(){
//get all input values calculate your thing and then put it back //in the result, this will be called each time a user presses a key in the //last input field

Make the jquery script smart

There are 3 input fields.
Each has its own hidden input which helds value.
At this moment script works only for Bananas.(:-))
1 Banana is worth 1 banana OR 0.5 apple or 0.021 of a cookie(in other words 1 apple = 2 bananas, 46 bananas = cookie, 1 banana = 1 banana).
What I would like this script to do is to calculate values also for Apples and Cookies, and sum them up to show how much are they worth in "other" currencies.(for example show the price of 3 apples and 4 cookies in all 3 currencies)
I do realise that the code is very...well it would be a shame to call it code.
I just don't have any idea how to do it;
Any help would very appreciated.
Apple<input name="inputone" id="inputone" class="calc" value="0"><span id="TotalOne"></span>
Banana<input name="inputtwo" id="inputtwo" class="calc" value="0"><span id="TotalTwo"></span>
Cookie<input name="inputthree" id="inputthree" class="calc" value="0"><span id="TotalThree"></span>
<input name="multiplierone" id="multiplierone" class="calc" value="1" type="hidden" readonly>
<input name="multipliertwo" id="multipliertwo" class="calc" value="0.5" type="hidden" readonly>
<input name="multiplierthree" id="multiplierthree" class="calc" value="23" type="hidden" readonly>
<input type="button" id="update" value="Calculate" />
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#update').click(function() {
var inputone = $('#inputone').val();
var multiplierone = $('#multiplierone').val();
var inputtwo = $('#inputtwo').val();
var multipliertwo = $('#multipliertwo').val();
var inputthree = $('#inputthree').val();
var multiplierthree = $('#multiplierthree').val();
var totalTotalOne = (inputtwo * multipliertwo);
var totalTotalTwo = (inputtwo);
var totalTotalThree = (inputtwo / multiplierthree / 2);
Well from what i gather from you description is that you want to get an amount that you have of a particular item. So if you have 10 bananas you want to calculate those 10 bananas against the other elements. The same goes for if you have 37 cookies you want to know how much its worth against the other items.
I believe that if you were to simplify your UI into two elements one being a input text field to enter amounts and another radio check collection, or it could be a selection field to select what type you have it will make better sense.
In your current setup you are not taking into account that your type(Apple, Banana, cookie) variable will change its only hard-coded to calculate bananas.
I quickly setup a jsbin to show you what i mean. Its just a start that may help you think of something else to do. Happy coding!
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#update').click(function() {
var inputone = parseFloat($('#inputone').val());
var multiplierone = parseFloat($('#multiplierone').val());
var inputtwo =parseFloat( $('#inputtwo').val());
var multipliertwo = parseFloat($('#multipliertwo').val());
var inputthree =parseFloat( $('#inputthree').val());
var multiplierthree = parseFloat($('#multiplierthree').val());
var totalTotalOne = (inputtwo * multipliertwo);
var totalTotalTwo = (inputtwo);
var totalTotalThree = (inputtwo / multiplierthree / 2);
Try this
One thing that you can do to make this problem simpler is to convert all currencies to a base currency before converting to their respective currencies. Using the example you have given i have converted all the currencies to their Cookie equivalent as it was the most valuable therefore removing the need to work with decimal values.
Change the HTML to
<input name="multiplierone" id="multiplierone" class="calc" value="23" type="hidden" readonly>
<input name="multipliertwo" id="multipliertwo" class="calc" value="46" type="hidden" readonly>
<input name="multiplierthree" id="multiplierthree" class="calc" value="1" type="hidden" readonly>
which is how many of each of the currencies it takes to make up one Cookie.
The following code can then be used to convert the currencies to Cookies
var base_total = inputone / multiplierone + inputtwo / multipliertwo + inputthree / multiplierthree;
var totalTotalOne = (base_total * multiplierone);
var totalTotalTwo = (base_total * multipliertwo);
var totalTotalThree = (base_total * multiplierthree);
this code will convert all the separate input values into their equivalent Cookie value. Once you have a total of all the fields as a cookie value it is a simple matter to convert that value back to all the respective currency values.

Multiplying Taxes and Adding to Total Amount

We don't always have to add taxes to order so I need a way that taxes will be bypassed by default unless specified.
So I have the following text box:
<input class="txt1" type="text" name="subtotal" value="" id="subtotal"
size="16" tabindex="42" onChange="enableBeforeUnload();"
I have this text box working correctly-it sums the values.
I have two text boxes that I'm trying to multiply by the tax percent and display the total:
<input class="txt1" type="text" name="tax" id="tax" value="1" size="16" tabindex="42"
onChange="enableBeforeUnload();" onKeyUp="enableBeforeUnload();">
<input class="txt2" type="text" name="total1" value="" id="total1" size="16"
tabindex="42" onChange="enableBeforeUnload();" onKeyUp="enableBeforeUnload();">
I tried using the following with no luck:
var tax = +$("#tax").val(), // get tax and convert to a number
total = tax ? sum * tax : sum; // if tax is a non-zero number multiply
// otherwise just take the sum as is
and this:
totAmt.val(sum + sum*parseFloat(taxAmt.val()/100));
I could not implement either correctly.
Thanks in advance. i coul dnot get this to work correctly its working fine here
For starters, you are calling:
But you don't have an element with an id of tax. you could use:
So is the problem getting the values, or the logic in calculating the total?
You could throw your tax logic in a function:
function getTax(tax){
var taxFloat = parseFloat(tax)
return 1;
return taxFloat;
Then use:
total = getTax($('#tax').val()) * sum;
And what's that plus doing in your formula?
Should just be:
var tax = $("#tax").val()
try adding a function to do your calculations
total = getTax($('#tax').val()) * sum;

