Validating phone number using regex with support for multuple numbers - javascript

I am not very experienced with regex and I need to validate phone numbers using javascript.
I have a textbox which need to be allowed to accept multiple phone numbers with a delimiter of ';' and the characters that can be allowed for the phone numbers are
Could someone help me on how I can acheive this using javascript and regex/ regular expressions?
I tried the following:
Am not sure if this is correct.

You have placed - in wrong place so, your regex is not working.
Try this(your RegEx, but slightly modified):
To include a hyphen within a character class then you must do one of the following:
escape the hyphen and use \-,
place hyphen either at the beginning or at the end of the character class.
As the hyphen is used for specifying a range of characters. So, regex engine understands [0-9-+;]+ match any of the characters between 0 to 9, 9 to +(all characters having decimal code-point 57[char 9] to 43[char +] and it fails) and ;.

To be a bit more restrictive, you could use the following regexp:
What it will match:
What it won't match:

How about this ^([0-9\-\+]{5,15};?)+$
^ #Match the start of the line
[0-9\-\+] #Allow any digit or a +/- (escaped)
{5,15} #Length restriction of between 5 and 15 (change as needed)
;? #An optional semicolon
+ #Pattern can be repeat once or more
$ #Until the end of the line
Only as restrictive as specified could be tighter, See it working here.

Your regex will match what you allow, but I would be a bit more restrictive:
See it here on Regexr
That means match an optional "+" followed by a series of digits and dashes. Then there can be any amount of additional numbers starting with a semicolon, then the same pattern than for the first number.


writing regular expression with constraints

I am working on a JavaScript regular expression for the following condition check.
Consignment number validation details:
Cnote length :12 Varchar
First Character should be Character Upper Case
Fifth Character may be character or integer
Remaining all integer
Examples of valid strings:
I have no idea. I have tried a simple regular expression like checking only numbers or alphabets.
I have tried something like this:
It allows only integers. I do not know how to add constraints to it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The regex for this task relies on character classes ([...]) and limiting quantifiers ({n}). ^[0-9] only checks if the first character is a digit.
You can use the following regex:
See demo
^ - Beginning of the string
[A-Z] - First is an uppercase English letter
[0-9]{3} - The 2nd, 3rd and 4th characters are digits
[a-zA-Z0-9] - Fifth character is either a letter or digit
[0-9]{7} - Following 7 characters are digits
$ - End of string.

business phone regex containing if-else expression

I am trying to write business phone number regex in javascript, my requirements are:
It should contain only digits,dashes and whitespaces
It should not end with - but can end with whitespaces
There should be only 1 - between two groups
It should match numbers with and without - like 1, 123, 678-78
I have tried following regex but it fails for 123-- as it is invalid one anybody please suggest me something
/^([ ]*[0-9]+[-]?[0-9 ]*?([-])[ ]*[0-9]+[ ]*|[0-9 ]*[ ]*)+$/.test('123--2')
Try this
I don't know if you still need an answer to this, but this works for your requirements:
^ start of string
(?!.+-\s*$) disallow - (or - followed by whitespace) at the end of the string
\s* optional leading spaces
( start capturing
(?:\d+\s*-?\s*)+ one or more groups of the following:
one or more digits,
possibly followed by whitespace,
possibly followed by a single hyphen,
possibly followed by more whitespace
) stop capturing
$ end of the string

Regex which accepts alphanumerics only, except for one hyphen in the middle

I am trying to construct a regular expression which accepts alphanumerics only ([a-zA-Z0-9]), except for a single hyphen (-) in the middle of the string, with a minimum of 9 characters and a maximum of 20 characters.
I have verified the following expression, which accepts a hyphen in the middle.
How can I set the minimum 9 and maximum 20 characters for the above regex? I have already used quantifiers + and ? in the above expression.
How would I apply {9,20} to the above expression? Are there any other suggestions for the expression?
can be simplified to
since if there is no dash then you don't need to look for more letters after it, and you can use the i flag to match case-insensitively and avoid having to reiterate both lower-case and upper-case letters.
Then split your problem into two cases:
9-20 alpha numerics
10-21 characters, all of which are alpha numerics except one dash
You can check the second using a positive lookahead like
to check the number of characters without consuming them.
Combining these together gives you
You can do this provided you don't want - to be present exactly in middle
[^-] matches any character that is not -

JS Regex to allow only numbers, semicolon and hyphen

I am building an application which should accept strings only with the following formats:
12345 (only a number)
12345;23456 (two or more numbers separated by ;)
12345-12367 (a range of numbers separated by a -)
The java script regex should allow only the above formats & shouldn't accept any other formats or symbols . Can anyone come up with a regex for this?
This is the RegExp that you need: /^\d+((;\d+)*|-\d+)?$/
(;\d+)* will check for multiple numbers separated by ";"
-\d+ will check for a range
That should work
[0-9]+ matches 1 or more digits
[;-] matches a ; or a -
(...)? is an optional match
^ anchors the start and $ anchors the end of the string
0-9 only accept numbers
-; allow only - and ;
{0,50} allow only 50 chars
Assuming that the number portions you are looking for are 5 digits each time, the following should match what you want.
If you need different lengths, you can update the {5} with either another fixed length or a range such as {3,5} for a string of 3 to 5 digits. If you want to be able to capture more than two numbers with the speperators listed, you can use

Regular expression to match numbers, finite ranges, and infinite ranges (such as >=9)

What can be a regular expression for following type of string
E.g. 1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9
Here I am using equals, range (-), sequence (..) & greater than/equal to operators for numbers less than 100. These numbers are separated by a comma.
Pls help me in writing a regular expression for this. Thanks in advance.
How about something like this:
Example using Python:
>>> import re
>>> pattern = '^(\d+(-|\.\.)|[<>]=?)?\d+$'
>>> for s in '1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9'.split(','):
... print(re.match(pattern, s.strip()).group(0))
To be clear, this regex matches only one element in the list. I highly recommend that you preprocess your input by splitting it on commas and trimming the individual elements, like I did in the example above. Even though that's not strictly necessary (you can add this logic to the regex I gave here), it will but quite a bit more efficient and readable.
How the regex works:
Observe that every valid string ends with one or more digits, thus \d+$.
There may or may not be something before that, thus, ^(...)?\d+$.
Those prefixes are either the start of a range, or a comparison:
\d+(-|\.\.) matches a number followed by a dash or two periods.
<=? matches "<" as well as "<=". Likewise for >=?. We can abbreviate this to [<>]=?.
Combining these two options using a pipe (|), which signifies choice, we get
Try this expression:
It consists of the alternation of
\d+(?:(?:\.\.|-)\d+)? for a number followed by an optional expression for a range or sequence, and
[<>]=?\d+ for the inequalities.
That’s repeated in the second parts with a comma and optional whitespace for the list.
And for the condition of only allowing numbers less than 100, you can replace \d+ with [1-9]\d for 1..99 or (?:0|[1-9]\d) for 0..99.
You should totally use a regular expression tool like regex buddy.
You're trying to verify that your string generally looks like the sample?
1, 2-3, 4..5, <6, <=7, >8, >=9
It's easier to split on , and then match each part with
That reads:
white space trimmed, match digits or digits dash digits, or digits dot dot digits, or one of less-than or greater-than with optional equal to digits.
You can compress that down to the harder to read:
If you want all your digits to be 1-2 digits only, then change all the \d+ to \d{1,2} or \d\d?

