Show/hide table row based on value of a cell - javascript

I am using the range slider from JQuery-UI ( which a user uses to pick a price range, and I want to show/hide table rows depending on whether or not they fall inside the range selected by the user.
This is what I have found from other answers: the following code hides the table row that has a cell in column 9 containing the value 10.
What I am trying to do is "hide where the value in the cell is less than 10".
I have tried the following:
But ":lt" is a method that applies to indexes, not values (I think).
Can anyone help me out please?

You're not going to be able to do this with selectors alone. You can use .filter for more specific functionality:
$("tr").find("td:nth-child(9)").filter(function () {
return parseInt($(this).text()) < 10;
A brief note that :contains doesn't work very well for your first example either since it will apply to elements that contain "100."

Using some of your code from above, you could probably do something similar to this:
for(var i = 0; i < 10, i++) {
$("tr").find("td:nth-child(9):contains(" + i + ")").parent().hide();
You may have to add a few things to get what you need, but I think this should point you in the right direction!


Deleting dynamically created rows in Knockout.js

I'm using knockout.js 2.3.0 and I have a table with dynamically added rows and select lists in each of these rows. Upon changing a date input, the select lists populate with different content. Because different dates will populate the lists with different content, I want to remove any previously added rows because the content may not be accurate.
The issue I'm having is that not all of the rows are being removed. Ex: If I have more than 4 rows, there will always be 2 remaining. The only time all rows are cleared is when there is only 1 row to start with.
Here's the subscribed function for deleting the rows {
//I also tried setting the loop length to a very long number but the same results happened each time
for (i = 0; i < self.customers().length; i++){
//now populate the select list and add an empty row - commented out for testing to make sure rows are being deleted
//self.customers.push(new AddCustomer(self.customerList[0]));
I was just testing to see what would happen, and the only way I've gotten all of the rows to remove is by adding multiple for loops which obviously isn't desirable.
Is there a simpler way to remove all dynamically added rows?
If you want to remove all the items in an observable array, use the removeAll method:
If you really want to use a loop, you could do so by continuously removing the last (or first) item until there are none left:
while (self.customers().length) {
I think you need to reverse the for loop and remove the items from the bottom up. the problem with your code is that the each time an item is removed the length of the array changes. {
var customerLength = self.customers().length
for (i = customerLength ; i >= 0; i = i - 1){

Prevent multiple select element from automatically sorting the value assigned to it basis the order of the indexes in the options

I am using the select2 plugin to convert a multiple select html element to a more presentable format. Also I don't think my question is very much dependent on the plugin.
What the plugin does internally is -;
where points to the hidden multiple select element.
On feeding the function above a val of say - 2,4,0 ,
the value stored as confirmed when I do an alert( is 0,2,4 , i.e. with automatic unwanted sorting according to the order of the options in the select element.. :/
DEMO - (thanks to Mark)
Is there a way to preserve the sort order after feeding in the value to my select element?
This is a very good question. I think this is more to do with the multiselect html element, rather than select2.
If you have a normal multiselect, there is no "order" sort of speak. You just have a list in the original order, with either each item selected or not.
I'm almost 100% sure there is a better way of doing this than the below, but for a workaround it should do just fine.
End result:
JavaScript code
// 'data' brings the unordered list, while 'val' does not
var data = $('#e1').select2('data');
// Push each item into an array
var finalResult = [];
for( item in $('#e1').select2('data') ) {
// Display the result with a comma
alert( finalResult.join(',') );
A little late for an answer but I actually found a way of doing this.
Keep in mine that this method will hide the options that are already selected, because for my use case it looked better, plus it needs to be that way in order the choices to be in the order the user made them.
$('.my-multi-select').select2('Your Options').on("select2:select", function (e) {
$('[data-option-id="' + + '"]').insertBefore(_this.find('option:not(:selected):eq(0)'));
}).on("select2:open", function () {
_this.append(_this.find('option:not(:selected)').sort(function (a, b) {
return +a.getAttribute('data-sort-order') - +b.getAttribute('data-sort-order');
And for the styles
display:none !important;
You will want to make sure you know how the jQuery .sort() function works for you to be able to modify this for your own needs.
Basically what this is doing is when you select an option, it gets hidden and then placed at the bottom of the other selected options, which are before the unselected options. And when you open the drop down, it sorts all of the unselected options by their pre-determined sort order.

How do I count the number of select lists with selected values using JQuery?

I am creating the mobile version on a current Rails app with a "quiz" feature. There is currently a count of how many questions you have answered being generated by this function.
function updateGroupProgressCounter($group){
var count = $group.find('tr').has('input:checked').length;
$group.parents('.carousel').find('.checkedCount').text( count);
I am changing the inputs from radio buttons to select boxes for mobile and want to keep the count feature but can't quite make it work so far. I've tried
var count = $group.find('tr').has('select option:selected').length;
but gives me the total number of questions in that group. Any help is appreciated.
I would toggle a class on the row based on select change event, then count those rows.
$('tr select').change(function(){
$(this).closest('tr').toggleClass('answered', $(this).val()!='' );
Second argument of toggleClass determines whether to add/remove.
Then to get total rows:
toggleClass() API Docs
Another approach using filter() to count select that have value
var number_answered=$('tr select').filter(function(){
return $(this).val !='';
Probably you are looking for something like this:
$("#boxes").on("change","input", function(){
$("#total").val($("#boxes input:checked").length);
Play around with the fiddle
Considering the value of first element of your select list is empty(i.e "")
So the code will be
var count = 0;
$group.find('tr select').each(function(){
I know this is not the best way to do it.
Adding and removing class on the basis of selection and finally finding the length of element that contains required class would be better approach as suggested by #charlietfl.

Getting the Control inside a table

I'm trying to get the control which is inside of a cell table; in my table I have different controls, labels, checkboxes, etc.
I basically need to get the control which is used in that table
var x = document.getElementById('myTable').rows[0].cells;
if (x.Control == checkbox) {
x.checked = true;
This will be in a loop but for now I just need to be able to check the checkbox by grabbing the control and setting that control to true
Any hints/help would be great
I doesn't really understand what you exactly need is it
document.getElementById("checkbox").checked = true;
here checkbox is the id of a particular checkbox
I would put a unique id on the form element instead and use that to grab it. In this way you can change the structure in the future. Example: perhaps you no longer want to use a table grid, but a grid of divs.
When you use innerHTML you will might also grab textnodes and other things you put in the cell.
An alternative - if you really want to find a specific cell in a table - is to give each cell a unique id on the form "cell-4-5" where 4 is the row and 5 is the column.
If you want to have the cell contents returned as a DOM-object then childNodes can be used:
var x = document.getElementById('myTable').childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes
If you want to have the cell contents returned as a string then innerHTML can be used:
var x = document.getElementById('myTable').childNodes[0].childNodes[0].innerHTML
To check if the checkbox is checked you need to keep it as a DOM element and thus use the first version.

Change cursor style depending on sort or not

I'm using the jqGrid and have 3 columns that can NOT be sorted. At this point the cursor changes to a hand when the user hovers over the headers regardless of sorting set to true or false. I'd like that cursor to be something other than a hand (text or pointer) on those column heads. It's confusing to the users this way. Is this something that can be set?
I find the question very good. So +1 from me.
You are not the first person (and not the last one) who wish to have another cursor on non-sortable columns. It's pity, but jqGrid gives you not classes or some other simple attributes which can be used to find the elements at which one can set CSS "cursor:default".
So I suggest to do this with the following code:
var myGrid = $("#list");
// create the grid
// all jqGrid parameters
// fix cursor on non-sortable columns
var cm = myGrid[0].p.colModel;
$.each(myGrid[0].grid.headers, function(index, value) {
var cmi = cm[index], colName =;
if(!cmi.sortable && colName!=='rn' && colName!=='cb' && colName!=='subgrid') {
You can see on the demo live that the method work. In the demo the last column 'Notes' is non-sortable.
It would be nice if such behavior would be standard in the next version of jqGrid. I will try to find time and to write suggestion what from the code of jqGrid should be changed to make the behavior out-of-the-box.
UPDATED: The problem with the cursor on non-sortable columns is not exist more in free jqGrid 4.8.
Welcome to SO.
Absolutely. CSS:
th.unsortableclass {
cursor: default;
Now apply that class to your column headers that aren't sortable.
Oleg's example worked great but I had a request to always show the arrows if the column was sortable. I know I'm commenting but thought some one might have the same requirement.
So I added this to his loop:
Then after his code runs:
And then added this to my grid create:
onSortCol:function(index, iCol, sortorder){
// redisplay all arrows
$("jquery selector to pick only non-sorted columns").css("cursor", "default");

