Fancybox 2.0 not working, very simple first test - javascript

My page is at
At the bottom I am calling:
$(document).ready(function() {
<div id="single_1">
Nothing happens. Can anyone please explain where I am going wrong, I see all the JS and CSS loaded and on the page.
Thank you,

Typically, Fancybox is initialized on an anchor tag which points to a div element or a link housing the content to be shown on the Fancybox:
Click here to launch Fancybox
<div style="display:none">
<div id="single_1">
Content goes here
// Fancybox options here
.trigger('click'); //Optional - if you wish to trigger the Fancybox after initialization

Try using,
$(document).ready(function() {
$("a #single_1").fancybox();
<a id="single_1" href="#">

You've merely instantiated the plugin. You have to trigger it now.
So you can add any DOM element and watch for an event then trigger the plugin.
Click me
The JS
$('fancyme').on("click", function() {
You can trigger on page load


jQuery closest() remove() on <a> doesn't work?

Please see this page which has this code:
<div class="pure-control-group query-brand-by-column">
<!-- somethings else -->
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-sm-1-24 control-group-sub">
Clicking the X link should remove its ancestor div.query-brand-by-column as a whole but somehow it's not working. I've checked jQuery docs and this answer and the code seems absolutely all right to me but it simply doesn't work. Any idea?
this in href doesn't refers to anchor element, thus it doesn't work. It refers to window.
You should bind element event handler using jQuery.
$(document).on('click', '.pure-button danger' function(e) {
<div class="pure-control-group query-brand-by-column">
<!-- somethings else -->
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-u-sm-1-24 control-group-sub">
I will not recommended, However you can use inline onclick handler.
<a onclick="$(this).closest('.query-brand-by-column').remove();" href='#' class="pure-button danger">X</a>
Here is your answer, Enjoy
Detach your javascript from your html and remove your item with a click event, right now you aren't triggering any click events:
$('.pure-form').on('click','.query-brand-by-column a',function(){//this will create and delegate your click event to work on dynamically created items

Run light gallery with a href or button

Hello stackoverflow community. I am using lightGallery plug-in and have a problems with making it running with external kind of button in my case anchor tag, can you suggest what have i done wrong or maybe any other way to get it working right.
Enter full screen view
<div class="owl-carousel" id="selector1">
<div class="item" data-src="img/1.jpg" name="fullscreen"><img src="img/1.jpg">
$(document).ready(function() {
selector: '.item'
lightGallery plug-in:
Here are some things that might/will cause problems:
The href attribute does not work like that. The link will just open another website. Instead you need to execute some javascript to activate the fullscreen mode, when the link is clicked.
You have two opening <div> tags, but only one closing. Also, you should close the <img> tag.
You probably want all of your posted javascript in the $(document).ready(function() {}); function
There is no element with the id lightgallery.
I don't know anything about the data-src attribute.
This should fix most of the problems, however it will not enable the fullscreen functionality:
<div class="owl-carousel" id="lightgallery">
<div class="item" data-src="img/1.jpg">
<img src="img/1.jpg" />
$(document).ready(function() {
selector: '.item'

Display href link into div

I want to display the href link in the <div id="display"></div> tag so when I press anything in the menu or in my list it'll just open in the div with display as its id.
I have this menu like this done
<div class="menu">
<div id="display"></div>
and my JavaScript is like this
$('#display').html($('.menu a').html());
I don't know much about javascript, but I think the javascript code is actually wrong, I would appreciate is someone would help me.
I want to display the href
You need to fetch href property for that you can use .prop()
$('#display').html($('.menu a').prop('href'));
In case you mean retrieve the page and place it in the div:
// bind click event to all anchors within .menu
$('.menu a').click(function(e){
// fetch the page using AJAX and place the results in #display
// prevent navigating away from the page (default action of anchor)
(Or maybe it's just me, but the question seems very hard to understand. :shrug:)
$('.menu a').on('click',function(e){
e.preventDefault(); //this will keep your link from loading
var href = $(e.currentTarget()).attr('href');
We can use an iframe to display the link in the <a> tag.
Here's a fiddle
Here is my version...
<div class="menu">
<a id="xxx" href="" onkeydown="myFunc()">HOME</a>
<div id="display"></div>
$(document).ready(function() {
var data = $("a#xxx").attr("href");

How to use fancybox in Jquery

I want to use fancybox to popup a message if a certain button is clicked.
I want the fancybox message to only contain some text,
and a 'close' button, i dont mind using the default button if there is one.
can someone give an example of how it should be written in the html page and the js page?
any help will be much appreciated!
Assuming your button has an id of yourButton:
$("#yourButton").click(function () {
var content = $("<div>Hello<br /><br /></div>");
var button = $("<input type='button' value='Close Me!' />");
$.fancybox({ content: content });
$(button).click(function () { $.fancybox.close(); });
This should be able to help you:
Once you have required all the relevant files, to hook it up to all linka, use this:
If the html is complicated enough you might prefer putting it in a hidden div as I've done below. This is a scaled down version of code I'm running on my site to do a fancybox dialog box. Works with FancyBox version 1.3.4 (I haven't upgrade to 2 yet). Personally, I like the default close button (circle X in top right corner) and even pressing Escape works, but I've added a custom close button to the popup. It includes javascript to close FancyBox.
<a id="mylink" href="#mypopup">link style button</a>
<div id="mybutton">button</div>
<div style="display:none">
<div id="mypopup">
<h1>My Title</h1>
<p>My Message</p>
<!--... other complex html can go here ...-->
<input type="button" onclick="$.fancybox.close();" value="Custom Close Button" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#mybutton').click(function() {
'orig' : $(this),
'href' : '#mypopup'

using a tag to replace div

my site has 2 pages both have hyperlinks to each other but when user click on that hyperlink I just need a certain div of that page to be replaced by certain div on other page, please guide me how to program it.
<div id="no_replace">
page 2
<div id="replace">
//page one stuff
<div id="no_replace">
page 1
<div id="replace">
//page two stuff
so on page one when usr clicks on link "page two" ... I want the 'replace' div of page one to be replaced by 'replace' div of page2.html and there should be fade in and fadeout
Use the load() method.
Try this in Page1.html
success: function(data){
$("#replace").html($("#replace", $(data)).html());
first give your link an id or class. I'm going to call it .loadpage
var div = $('#replace');
div.fadeOut(300).load($(this).attr('href'), function(){ div.fadeIn(300); });
First you need to stop the default behavior of the link by doing e.preventDefault(). Then you need to use the load() method to bring in the contents of the page you're trying to load.

