Javascript fullcalendar prod server vs dev machine issue - javascript

<div id='calendar'></div>
Is the html tag that the fullcalendar uses to insert a calendar and do its magic. It's a great tool, but something weird is happening.
My calendar is created with events from the DB and all that stuff works well. Here's the issue...
Calendar on 2 pages - both work great on dev workstation.
Deployment - works on one page, but not on the other. The calendar div gets populated with some complex tables etc for rendering. Except this doesn't happen - ONLY on one page, ONLY on the production server - same browser. All the db stuff is there, pages coming back are identical other than the table stuff that gets inserted on my dev machine, but not when server from production. But again, the same control works just fine from prod on another page - stumped! Web server is IIS 7
Any thoughts or even wild speculations most welcome!!

Just to make it an official answer...
Commonly when something doesn't render in either a development or production settings but does in the other environment you're experiencing an absent resource. This is usually something along the lines of requiring the following:
<script type="text/javascript" src="..path/to/script.js"></script>
Since one location has the file in that location and the other doesn't, you can run in to scenarios where it works in one spot but not the other.
Easiest method to confirm this is to open the debugger in your favorite browser and use the "networking" section to determine if all the resources are loading correctly (and are resolved). Otherwise, chances are the page that's not working is getting a 404 (or other error) when trying to retrieve the file it needs and thus the page fails to operate.


Can JS be used to check for and log temporary page changes by end users via dev tools or the console?

The setup for this will be a Chrome instance on a VM I control (and thus can install anything I need onto it) for the purposes of monitoring changes to a web page that were not made by the web code itself. I will be testing a web site (on a Linux build, in Apache using a Tomcat or Jetty instance) which displays data from a backend database (I won't bore anyone with the details). That data once displayed can of course be edited by anyone who knows how to use dev tools and inspect element features in certain browsers, and while the changes made won't propagate back to the backend and can be wiped out with a refresh, I would like to monitor to see if those changes were nonetheless attempted.
I have already managed to find a way to monitor if the Dev Console has been opened using Chrome by using an extension that specifically hooks into its' toggle. Coupled with some JS code, I can then act upon when it is opened, closed or both, and for example, force a refresh of the page in the event that someone used the inspect element to make changes to the rendering of the page.
I would like to then check to see if any of the client-side elements have been altered, capture the changed values, and then retrieve the original data from the back-end to compare against (I can manage the back-end stuff). I've seen a few examples of the use of InnerText and InnerHTML as a means of checking, and will try it out later, but wanted to know if anyone had any experience with anything similar.

Force Cache Refresh for Web Resources

I have several web resources that are displayed on forms in Microsoft Dynamics. The web resources are html files that include JavaScript/CSS files. When I update the JavaScript files, I am seeing that the latest changes are not getting pulled to end user computers on their next use of the form. I believe this is because the previous version of the web resource has been cached on their machine.
According to this SO question, the solution would be to add a version to the script tag. However, according to the comments on the question, this solution does not work on Chrome and is considered a hack. I have also read here that Dynamics should automatically handle caching when web resources are updated, but does not do so reliably (which is my experience).
How can I force end user computers to get the latest version of my code on their next use of the form when I push out updates?
If you are only changing the files for development (ie. Once they are finished they won't change), then most browsers will allow you to disable the cache. In Chrome, this can be done as long as developer tools are open and you click the "disable cache" button in the network tab.
If they are going to change for the client with each request, then you can generate a random ID to be sent with the file (eg To allow this, just put some js in your html file (not in an external script) to import all the other files.

Duplicated Mapped Javascript Source not Saving Changes on Chrome's Dev Tools

I'm making a local web page (.html) that loads a few .js files and am having trouble using Google Chrome's Developer Tools.
The problem I'm having has to do with the Source Panel: I have one source tab open with a specific file and when I open this file by clicking the console or the source file at the left, randomly a duplicate is created instead of just redirecting it to the one already open.
Both will have the same file-path:
Both will allow me to write and save the file (even showing/hiding the asterisk correctly)
Only one of them will correctly save the contents to disk.
I have to fix it by closing both files and opening it again, but sometimes I can't see that there is a duplicated file and it causes me to fix a problem only to find out that the file wasn't actually saved, reverting completely every change I made to that file when I refresh the page.
Example of the problem
The most common appearance of the bug is when I'm doing the following:
I identify a console.warn / console.error / syntax error log in the console
I click the line that caused that log (at the rightmost of the console) and I'm redirected to the source panel, where a new source file tab opens and I begin editing it.
Somewhere in the source tabs is another source file of that same file (with the same filepath): That tab should be the one I was editing: only this original tab will correctly save changes made to the file.
I fix the random javascript problem in the file that I was lead to by clicking the console.
I hit Ctrl+S (or Right Click > Save), the asterisk that indicates a unsaved file disappears. At that point Chrome expects to have saved the file successfully, but it didn't (I can check by opening the file in Notepad)
I hit F5 to refresh the page.
Chrome loads the old, unsaved file, erasing all the changes I made in the source file.
Sometimes the very same steps doesn't create a duplicate file, but all I have to do is refresh and try again until it does. Recreating this bug is a matter of chance, I can't predict or pinpoint its causes either.
When refreshing the page with the Dev Tools open, there's a small chance that it will creates a broken mapping, where the mapped project becomes only partially mapped
even though it was fine seconds before: (only restarting chrome fixes that)
This last paragraph may or may not have something to do with the problem but I can clearly select and open the "fake" file and the "real" file even though they have the same file path.
I made this gif to show how the file paths are identical to each other in the Dev Tools:
Details of the setup
I'm using the local file system (file:///) strictly, there is no localhost or server being used to host my application, it is pure HTML + Javascript.
I'm using Google Chrome 57 for Windows without any extensions, but I've been having that problem since December, 2016.
My project was mapped by adding the folder to the workspace and mapping it to a local file, which used to work in the past.
Here's a picture of my configurations:
Things I've tried
Clearing Chrome's Cache
Removing the project from the Source Panel workspace and adding it again
Reinstalling Chrome
Moving the project path to somewhere else
Searching on Google
Letting go / Accepting defeat (I've grown too dependent on the tool)
Waiting 2 months for someone to have this problem too and post it somewhere in the internet
Questions I need help with
Can I minimize/fix this problem in any way?
Has anyone dealt with this before?
Does someone know if this is a Chrome bug or am I doing something wrong with my workflow?
Found the answer myself after several months working with web development.
The duplicated file has been fixed in Chrome since the time I made this question, but files keep loosing "connection" with the local file system (green dot that marks them as sync'd with local) randomly, which made me investigate and I finally found the reason:
What's happening is that Dev Tools is trying to save the file and, when it retrieves it it loads from cache (because my local web server was sending cache-specific headers), which makes the browser think that file file is not actually the one it saved, so it stops its syncronization!
To solve it, all I had to do is ensure my local web server is disabling any form of cache for my javascript files, which I can check from the network panel:
My local web server was sending cache headers for 1 hour, which made chrome open the cached file, which was different from my edited file which was an indication that the file is not the one it saved.
After changing the server to serve static content without the cache headers, everything went smoothly and files kept sync'd correctly!

Changes do not show up on google cloud compute engine VM

When I upload any changes in javascript files to my deployed site on Google cloud compute engine, the changes do not show up right away, if I load the js files in browser. The changes are physically there, validated by RDPing to the server. B
These changes sometime take 6 to 8 hours to show up in browser, and sometimes show up sporadically. What can I do to ensure that my changed js files take effect immediately on load?
I dont face this problem when I upload on my test server, which is not under cloud. Happens only on the google cloud server.
Try opening your builtin browser debugger (for example right-click on your page, if using Chrome, and click "Inspect"). Now select the Network tab. Now reload. Now look at the sizes of the files. If they are very small, then probably the browser loaded cached copies. You can verify this by checking the "Disable cache" option in the Inspector.
If it works correctly and the file updates right away when you have the browser cache disabled, then you need to investigate with your web server software to see how to cause it to invalidate caches. One mechanism you can look into is called "ETags."
What worked was invalidating the cloud cache for the file. Lesson learnt: always add version numbers to your js files.

Browser using cached JavaScript assets despite them being modified in Rails 3.1

I've just upgraded my application to Rails 3.1. I have a fairly complex JavaScript codebase and have opted to concatenate it into a single file to be compiled by Sprockets. Every so often, I'll make changes to one of my CoffeeScript files, refresh the page, and notice my changes weren't reflected. Looking at the Chrome debugger, I notice the files aren't being read from the server (the 'Network' tab shows '(from cache)' on the corresponding files). This seems to happen at random, which makes it very, very frustrating to develop. The only solutions I've found are to clear the browser cache or restart the browser.
Any ideas? I've tried turning :debug on in my javascript_include_tag calls, but was getting the same results. In fact, when I had multiple tags, it seemed that the only assets returning '(from cache)' were those I had changed! That's some irony right there.
Chrome offers an option to disable caching in it's developer tools. Go to Settings, and under Network, there should be a checkbox to disable cache.
I'm unable to replicate. I just created a new Rails 3.1 project, then did
rails generate controller welcome index
deleted index.html, uncommented
root :to => 'welcome#index'
from routes.rb, added the line
console.log 1
to, then fired up Chrome and loaded I got 1 on the console. Changed the number to 2, saved, refreshed the page, and got 2. And so on. Doesn't seem to matter whether I hit Cmd+R or just type type in the address; either way I get the latest welcome.js served to me.
Could you "view source" for me? Does your script include look like
<script src="/assets/welcome.js?body=1" type="text/javascript"></script>
or is it different?

