Sinatra not recognising javascript for session - javascript

I'm trying to log into a Sinatra app with jQuery, but Sinatra is just not seeming to recognise it at all for some reason, here is my code to see if the user is logged in:
Sinatra app:
get '/logged_in' do
if session[:logged_in] == true
status 200
status 200
When I browse to /logged_in in my browser, I see OK, but when I execute the following Javascript, I get False printed to the console - seems bizarre to me.
var r = $.ajax({
type: "GET",
url: ""
r.success(function(msg) {
Any insight would be appreicated!

It would be good if you could give more details. (Browser, chronological request log including HTTP status codes, or even a dump from wireshark.) However here is my guess:
var r = $.ajax({
cache: false,
type: "GET",
url: "/logged_in",
success: function(msg) {
Some browsers aggressively cache AJAX requests, in particular GET requests. So you may want to try cache: false. Adding the success function later also seems odd to me, I have never seen that in any code.
Edit: Is the server answering the AJAX request on the same domain? (The domain must be the same as in your browser test.) Usually it should not be necessary to specify the domain inside the URL, so I removed it in the code here. So after all it might be a problem due to the Same Origin Policy.

I would place my bet on this being a jQuery issue rather than a Sinatra issue. Check that the cookie is being sent for the ajax request. There are a number of reasons why the cookie is not getting sent.


Cross Origin ajax "POST" request failing

I have a webservice(REST) running on localhost:8080, to call the webservice I use this jquery code:
type: "POST",
url: "http://localhost:8080/user/register",
data: '{"name": "' + name + '","email": "' + email + '","password": "' + password + '"}',
beforeSend: function(x) {
if(x && x.overrideMimeType) {
Accept : "application/json",
contentType: "application/json",
success: registerUser_success_callback,
error: registerUser_error_callback
When I try to call this javascript from the same domain(i.e. localhost:8080), it work just like a charm!. Here is the screen shot of the same:
But when I try to access the same from a different domain(i.e localhost:80), it fails, and surprisingly instead of a POST, it sends out a GET and I also get a log in my server's log file, saying that the GET method not supported for REST resource. Here is the screen of the same:
From what I have read on internet(especially here, great article!), cross domain request should first send out an OPTIONS request(which is cached for later usage.) What is going wrong in my case?
I have tried calling the rest service with same parameters using FireFox's plugin RESTClient, I was able call the rest service(POST method) successfully, so this mostly is the issue with ajax part.
Help me resolve this cors hell! and do lemme know if I need to share any more details on this.
PS: After #A. Wolff Suggested, I changed the data tyoe from jsonp to json, now my browser sends out OPTIONS, but after that it doesn't send the actual POST request!!!
Well, some more digging and I found the solution to this!
After the change A. Wolff suggested, browser was sending out an OPTIONS request and was receiving a 200 response, but after that actual POST request was not being sent to the server.
Problem was, if you send any specific headers, "Content-Type" in my case, server has to add that header in "Access-Control-Allow-Headers" field of the response(response of OPTIONS request). I changed my server side code to populate that field in the response header, and VOILA!
Hope this will be helpful to others, too!
Happy Coding.

Jquery ajax 'patch' doesn't seem to be sending data

I have the following javascript code...
function editShipment(){
var method = "PATCH";
var serializedData = $form.serialize();
type: "PATCH",
url: Routing.generate('api_1_shipment_patch_shipment', {api_key: API_KEY, id:$('#caddress-shipmentID').val()}, true),
data: serializedData,
success: newShipmentSuccess,
error: newShipmentError
When I run this code the Chrome developer tools "network" tab shows a patch method with data being sent to the correct URL.
however my application never receives this data.
Is it possible that the network tab is somehow wrong and that my browser isn't actually sending the data.
I'm using the latest jQuery and the receiving application is a Symfony2 web app.
Thanks in advance,
EDIT: It also worth noting that i have a test case passing for this patch method within my symfony codebase. so thats why I'm looking at Javascript as the culprit.

Call similar to $.get in $.ajax

I have the following code:
$.get(url, {}, checkResponse)
And the following function:
function checkResponse(content) {}
The parameter "content" here is the result of the "get". I wanted to implement $.ajax to able to wait for the process to complete before it jump to the next chunk of code. I tried the following code but it didn't work.
async: false,
type: 'GET',
url: url,
success: function (data) {
error: function (data) {
Here's what happened, the alert for the data.toString() gives empty string value while it should give me the url page content, and after it hits the alert it jumps to the error section and displays the alert "error".
According to the discussion in the comments section you are trying to send cross domain AJAX calls to arbitrary urls on the internet. Due to the same origin policy restriction that's built into the browsers this is not possible.
Possible workarounds involve using JSONP or CORS but since you will be sending requests to arbitrary urls that you have no control over they might not be an option. The only viable solution in this case is for you to write a server side script that you will host on your domain acting as a bridge. This script will receive an url as parameter and send an HTTP request to this url in order to retrieve the result. Then it will simply return the result back to the response. Finally you will send an AJAX request to your own server side script.

Verify the existence of a twitter account using AJAX/JSON

I am trying to build a simple check that will accept a string and check to see if a twitter account exists by that string.
I have successfully managed to get a positive result, but I can't seem to get a negative one. $.ajax() has an error element, but it is not firing.
Working Example
var testTwit = function(username){
url: ''+username+'&count=1&callback=?',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(){
alert("username is valid");
error: function(){
alert("username is valid");
You are using the JSONP transport. In this transport, the requested URL is simply added as a <script> tag in the document. If the URL returns a non-200 status code, the browser won't execute it: that's why you can't see negative responses.
One solution is to use the suppress_response_codes parameter, so that the API always return a 200 status code.
See Things Every Twitter Developer Should Know:
suppress_response_codes: If this parameter is present, all responses will be returned with a 200 OK status code - even errors. This parameter exists to accommodate Flash and JavaScript applications running in browsers that intercept all non-200 responses. If used, it’s then the job of the client to determine error states by parsing the response body. Use with caution, as those error messages may change.
BTW, Twitter is suppressing non-authenticated access to the API, so JSONP access may be suppressed too.
Just a summarize of arnaud576875's answer:
Add a suppress_response_codes=1 parameter
Check for ID returned
So, the result will be something like this:
var testTwit = function(username){
url: ''+username+'&count=1&callback=?',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(d){
if (d &&
$('span').html('username is valid!');
$('span').html('username is not valid.');
Usually API's always returns a response when a request is received. That's why no error is given. You should parse the response coming from the API to find out if a user exists or not.
Errors are not triggered when using JSONP-requests. Read more at jQuery Forums.

Ajax call from Greasemonkey to a Servlet: response failure

Though I've programming experience, am completely new to GS, JS, or anything related to UI.
Scenario: Making an AJAX call from Greasemonkey script to a Servlet
Greasemonkey/JS Code:
function getResultsData(query){
alert("Getting the Data");
cache: false,
data: {"q":query},
url: "",
success: processData
}); //end of $.ajax }
function processData(data){
alert("Got the data");
var myResultDiv = document.getElementById("searchRes");
myResultDiv.innerHTML = data; }
Servlet Code:
System.out.println("-----------This is an AJAX call------------------");
//Commented the original logic
resp.getWriter().write("Text from Servlet");
GS/JS code works perfectly if the url (in $.ajax) is some other existing API. Response reflects in the UI
However, when I give my server's url, I can observe in the Firebug.Console that there's no http response for that call but the status says 200 OK with the whole entry turned 'RED'.
When I test the url copied from Firebug's 'http call entry', it's working perfectly as I can see the response 'Text from Servlet' on the new tab.
Can someone please help.
NOTE Website on which greasemonkey runs, and my server belong to same domain, i.e.
Greasemonkey website:
My server:
Thanks to #mattedgod. His comment triggered me to research more and I found the answer.
Add the following snippet to make it work.
response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
Surprisingly, it doesn't work if I explicitly specify my own server's full http address in the header. I yet to find out why.

