Creating a ajava script array in given format with carousel? - javascript

Creating a ajava script array in given format with carousel ?
Iam using carousel.js & carousel.css, its working fine with static data, but when im trying to put dynamic data its hot happening. Im not able to create the value array in given format.
var carousel2 = new widgets.Carousel( {
uuid : "carousel2",
widgetDir : "carousel/",
args : { "theme" : "gray", "scrollCarousel" : true, },
value : [
"image" : "images/banner/big_banner_01.jpg",
"image" : "images/banner/big_banner_02.jpg",
"image" : "images/banner/big_banner_03.jpg",
"image" : "images/banner/big_banner_04.jpg",
"image" : "images/banner/big_banner_05.jpg",
} );
I need to pass the value for "value" key dynamically. How can i form this dynamically .IM TRYING WITH THE BELOW ONE
<repeat index="index.value" ref="DATA">
<repeat ref="VAL">
<choose ref="LANGUAGE">
<when value="${lang}">hiii
val[index.value] = "{"+"'image' :" +${IMAGE}+"}";</script>
This is not working.

var generateCaroseul = {
getData: function(){
//loop through html to create an object with the data.
var dataObj = null;
$('li').each(function(index) {
var imgUrl = $(this).attr("src");
dataObj.add("image", imgUrl);
return dataObj;
var carousel2 = new widgets.Carousel( {
uuid : "carousel2",
widgetDir : "carousel/",
args : { "theme" : "gray", "scrollCarousel" : true, },
value : generateCaroseul.getData()
} );


Convert document.querySelector() into Reactjs

I'am try to convert my code bellow into Reactjs. I use this code bellow to embed THEOplayer to my website, as long as i know we can use "ref" to replace the document.querySelector('.classname') instead to target particular DOM to change or modifiying it but i'm still confused and getting error, what is the best practice to change my code bellow.
var playerConfig = {
"libraryLocation": "//",
ui: {
fluid: true
var element = document.querySelector('.video-container');
var player = new THEOplayer.Player(element, playerConfig);
player.source = {
sources : [{
src : '//', // sets HLS source // //
type : 'application/x-mpegurl' // sets type to HLS
textTracks : [{
default: true, //optional
kind : 'subtitles',
src : '',
srclang : 'en'
player.addEventListener('sourcechange', function() {
player.removeEventListener('playing', firstplay);
player.addEventListener('playing', firstplay);
You could simple write a react component and add your custom event listeners in componentDidMount method
const playerConfig = {
"libraryLocation": "//",
ui: {
fluid: true
class App extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const player = this.player;
player.addEventListener('sourcechange',() => {
player.removeEventListener('playing', this.firstplay);
player.addEventListener('playing', this.firstplay);
this.playerSrc = new THEOplayer.Player(player, playerConfig);
this.playerSrc.source = {
sources : [{
src : '//', // sets HLS source // //
type : 'application/x-mpegurl' // sets type to HLS
textTracks : [{
default: true, //optional
kind : 'subtitles',
src : '',
srclang : 'en'
render() {
return <div className={video-container} ref={(ref) => this.player = ref}/>

How to create create JSON object ( of form elements) of dynamic html form?

Trying to create dynamic HTML forms and save them, I can create dynamic forms using bootstrap but on submit i am struggling to create JSON of this dynamic form.
I am looking to save something like this
"form" :
"name" : "username",
"id" : "txt-username",
"caption" : "Username",
"type" : "text",
"placeholder" : "E.g."
"name" : "password",
"caption" : "Password",
"type" : "password"
"type" : "submit",
"value" : "Login"
I am not sure how i can achieve this.
This should do it:
function getAttrs(DOMelement) {
var obj = {};
$.each(DOMelement.attributes, function () {
if (this.specified) {
obj[] = this.value;
return obj;
$("form").each(function () {
var json = {
"form": []
$(this).find("input").each(function () {
$(this).find("select").each(function () {
var select = getAttrs(this);
select["type"] = "select";
var options = [];
$(this).children().each(function () {
select["options"] = options;

how to access function in Json

I am able to access the onclick properties function for the printButton property at the end of the block. Although I am unable to initiate the onclick functions under the exportButton property.I have the following code.
B.exporting = {
type : "image/png",
url : "",
width : 800,
enableImages : false,
buttons : {
exportButton : {
symbol : "exportIcon",
x : -10,
symbolFill : "#A8BF77",
hoverSymbolFill : "#768F3E",
_titleKey : "exportButtonTitle",
menuItems : [{
textKey : "downloadPNG",
onclick : function() {
}, {
textKey : "downloadJPEG",
**onclick : function() {
type : "image/jpeg"
}, {
textKey : "downloadPDF",
onclick : function() {
type : "application/pdf"
}, {
textKey : "downloadSVG",
onclick : function() {
type : "image/svg+xml"
printButton : {
symbol : "printIcon",
x : -36,
symbolFill : "#B5C9DF",
hoverSymbolFill : "#779ABF",
_titleKey : "printButtonTitle",
onclick : function() {
I am binding keyboard controls to the click events using the jquery plugin this is what I used to print. This Works!:
Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', function(e) { B.exporting.buttons.printButton.onclick(this.print());
This code is what I tried to access an individual onclick function under the exportButton property in the json above
Mousetrap.bind('*', function(e) {B.exporting.buttons.exportButton.menuItems[0].onclick;});
The result i get is the value but i want to run the function as the onclick property does.Does anyone know how to run a function under a json property?I Appreciate any help here thanks folks.
Mousetrap.bind('click', B.exporting.buttons.exportButton.menuItems[0].onclick);
Your ctrl-s binding also looks wrong, it should be:
Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+s', B.exporting.buttons.printButton.onclick);
The printButton.onclick function doesn't take an argument. Your binding calls this.print before calling the printButton.onclick function, and then the printButton.onclick function
does it again.

Need to retain dynamically created option in combo box using Knockout.js

I have a codeset that dynamically creates an "option" in a select box. But, since we're using Knockout, when I go to SELECT that newly created option, and click on it, it gets removed, e.g. DISAPPEARS! Poof!!!!
So, here's the create script:
function createNewGroup()
var htmlSelect = document.getElementById('groups');
var optionValue = document.getElementById('newgroupname');
if (optionValue.value === '')
alert('Please enter group name.');
return false;
if (isOptionAlreadyExist(htmlSelect, optionValue.value))
optionValue.value = "";
alert('Group name already exists.\n\nPlease try again.');
return false;
var selectBoxOption = document.createElement("option");
selectBoxOption.value = optionValue.value;
selectBoxOption.text = optionValue.value;
htmlSelect.add(selectBoxOption, null);
optionValue.value = "";
alert("New group has been added successfully.");
return true;
Since this is a KNOCKOUT observable, how to keep it in the box when I select it, moreover, how do I send that new value back to JSON object. Here's an example of that:
"groupname" : "Administrator",
"attr" : { "id" : "li.attr.node_1",
"href" : "#",
"data-bind" : "click: grpMgmt('Administrator');" }
"groupname" : "Guest",
"attr" : { "id" : "li.attr.node_2",
"href" : "#",
"data-bind" : "click: grpMgmt('Guest');" }
Hence, the admin user can create a new user so it can look like this:
"groupname" : "Administrator",
"attr" : { "id" : "li.attr.node_1",
"href" : "#",
"data-bind" : "click: grpMgmt('Administrator');" }
"groupname" : "Guest",
"attr" : { "id" : "li.attr.node_2",
"href" : "#",
"data-bind" : "click: grpMgmt('Guest');" }
"groupname" : "Joes Users",
"attr" : { "id" : "li.attr.node_1",
"href" : "#",
"data-bind" : "click: grpMgmt('Joe');" }
OK, I'll stop writing for now... thanks...
If you're using knockout (which I can't actually see) all you need to do is bind your select box to an observable array and when you need to add a new item just push it onto the array and knockout will add it to the list for you.
Knockout should essentially replace that script you've included with a lot less, much more simplistic code.

how to use JSON in clientside only

I have created an Object.. please tell me If I'm doing it right:
{"images": {
image1 : {
"small_image" : "images/1.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/1.png"
image2 : {
"small_image" : "images/2.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/2.png"
image3 : {
"small_image" : "images/3.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/3.png"
Now, I saved it with the name images.json
How will I call it on my HTML file using jQuery?..
I want to test it on a console first..
I use this code and it does'nt display anthing on console..
$.getJSON("js/images.json", function(data){
$.each(data, function (index, value) {
console.log("asdfasdf " +value);
You need to modify your object Literal to make it a JSON String. It should look more like this:
{"images": {
"image1" : {
"small_image" : "images/1.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/1.png"
"image2" : {
"small_image" : "images/2.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/2.png"
"image3" : {
"small_image" : "images/3.png",
"large_image" : "images/big/3.png"
That along with the javascript you already have should work, assuming your webserver is setup to properly serve .json files.

