how to add time plus and recalculate the datetime - javascript

i have this datetime format:
Oct 31, 2012 08:59:52
i would like to re-calculate the datetime incremented (for example) of 2 hours or 50 minutes plus how can i do that?
i need to return the same datetime format showed above and not a timestamp!

var date = new Date("Oct 31, 2012 08:59:52");
var timeInMillis = date.getTime();
Now that you have time in milliseconds, you can just add the time you want in millis.
Eg: 2 hours? So, 2*60*60*1000 + timeInMillis
var newDate = new Date(2*60*60*1000 + timeInMillis);
If you want to convert your newDate into the original format, which is a long process, you can some guidance from here:
Where can I find documentation on formatting a date in JavaScript?
My pick of the answers would be:
Use MomentJS

You could first parse this to a date:
var d=new Date("October 31, 2012 08:59:25").getTime();
Then add the offset:
d+= (seconds)*1000 + (minutes)*60000 + (hours)*3600000;
var result = new Date(d);
I am just not sure wether it accepts 'Oct' instead of 'October'

time_start = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
time_finish = new Date() - time_start;
Set the Date using the format listed above. To calculate the interval between two points of time, just subtract the current date from the past date.


Getting same unix time stamp for two different times in javascript

I had two ical format timestamps and I want to convert them to normal time first and then to unix time.
Here this is the function I've been using to convert normal time to unix timestamp:
var normal_to_unix = function (date_string) {
var date = new Date(date_string);
return date.getTime() / 1000;
This function is fine since date is already in UTC and I need not do any conversions.
Now this is the function I've been using to convert ical time to unix time. The ical time in my case is like "20180603T150000Z".
var ics_to_unix = function (ics_string) {
var year = ics_string.slice(0, 4);
var month = ics_string.slice(4, 6);
var date = ics_string.slice(6, 8);
var hours = ics_string.slice(9, 11);
var minutes = ics_string.slice(11, 13);
var seconds = ics_string.slice(13, 15);
var milliseconds = 0;
console.log(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds); // This is example output 2018 06 03 15 00 00 0
return normal_to_unix((new Date(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)).toDateString())
Now the problem is I'm getting the same unix time for "20180603T150000Z" and "20180603T160000Z" which are supposed to give different timestamps and it is 1530576000 for both of them.
Is there anything that I'm missing ? Thanks in advance.
Please have a look at this for live example
Several points here:
The toDateString() method returns the date portion of a Date object in human readable form in American English. For your example it is `Tue Jul 03 2018', perhaps that is not what you want.
new Date creates date in your local timezone, which could play well if you use it together with toString(), which will also return the string for date in your local timezone. But it will be subject to daylight saving changes, so I'd avoid using that method.
Another thing I'd like to avoid converting back and forth between strings and dates, since it does a lot of unnecessary computations.
I'd suggest to use the following:
var ics_to_unix = function (ics_string) {
var year = parseInt(ics_string.slice(0, 4));
var month = parseInt(ics_string.slice(4, 6)) - 1; // Jan is 0
var date = parseInt(ics_string.slice(6, 8));
var hours = parseInt(ics_string.slice(9, 11));
var minutes = parseInt(ics_string.slice(11, 13));
var seconds = parseInt(ics_string.slice(13, 15));
return Date.UTC(year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds) / 1000;
I have added explicit conversion of strings to numbers, adjusted the month to match what is used in javascript and also removed the extra call.

moment.js timezone get milliseconds

I'm trying to get number of days passed. I'm storing epoch (milliseconds) for date.
I'm reading startDate from database (date value of first record) in milliseconds and I want to find current epoch in specified timezone.
I tried this:
var startDate = rows[0]['MIN_DATE'];
var endDate = moment().tz("America/New_York");
Then to calculate difference, I used:
var oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
var daysCount = Math.ceil((endDate - startDate) / (oneDay));
The value of startDate is:
1522821600000 which is: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 2:00:00 AM GMT-04:00 DST
The value of endDate is:
Moment_d: Wed Apr 04 2018 22:24:45 GMT-0400 (EDT)_isAMomentObject: true_isUTC: true_isValid: true_locale: Locale_offset: -240_pf: Object_z: Zone__proto__: Object
The value of daysCount is 2, how?
How can I get milliseconds instead of object from:
To directly answer your question, use .valueOf() to get the value of"America/New_York")
var endDate ="America/New_York").valueOf()
I'm having difficulty understanding your question, but I believe you're trying to get the difference between the days considering the correct timezone. The following gives an accurate result using .diff() (
var timeZone = "America/New_York"
var startDate = 1522821600000
var momentStartDate =,timeZone)
var momentEndDate =
alert(momentEndDate.diff(momentStartDate, 'days') );
Use fromNow() function. It is very straight-forward.
Do like this :
It will give you number of days passed if date is past as well as number of days to go if date is future.
Below are is example:
var date = 1522821600000; // your date
<script src="//"></script>
Solved this with following statement:
var endDate = moment().tz("America/New_York").valueOf();

Issue with converting string which is of DateTime to javascript Date

I have a string which contains DateTime as "20140121230000" . If i try to convert this into a Date.
var oDate = new Date(20140121230000);
i'm getting the year as 2068! Is there a way to convert this into a Date which is of year 2014, month 01 Date 21 Time 23:00:00 ?
Is it possible to directly convert this without doing any parsing in the string ?
Unless you use a library there is no way to convert the value without manually splitting the string.
var year = +oDate.slice( 0, 4);
var month = +oDate.slice( 4, 2) - 1; // Month is zero-based.
var day = +oDate.slice( 6, 2);
var hour = +oDate.slice( 8, 2);
var minute = +oDate.slice(10, 2);
var second = +oDate.slice(12, 2);
// This will interpret the date as local time date.
var date = new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
// This will interpret the date as UTC date.
var utcDate = Date.UTC(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
The constructor you used takes millisecond since 1st Jan, 1970, try using :
var oDate = new Date(2014, 01, 21, 23, 00, 00, 00);
Note, month 01 will be Feb, not Jan.
Constructing a Date object with a string
new Date(string)
expects a date string that Date.parse can understand:
ISO 8601 (e.g. 2011-10-10T14:48:00), or
RFC2822 (e.g., Mon, 25 Dec 1995 13:30:00 GMT)
See MDN for more information on Date and Date.parse.
Yours is not a recognized format. You can either
reformat the string to fit one of the formats above
split the string manually and call Date with individual parameters, as in new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)
use a library like moment.js
Using moment.js would look something like this:
moment("20140121230000", "YYYYDDMMHHmmss")
See moment.js string + format for more information about the format syntax.
Given '20140121230000', you can split it into bits and give it to the Date constructor:
function parseSToDate(s) {
var b = s.match(/\d\d/g) || [];
return new Date( (b[0] + b[1]), --b[2], b[3], b[4], b[5], b[6]);

javascript - UTC date object manipulation

The UTC thing is really making me crazy... I am trying to have date and time on site in UTC so it has no affect of any timezone.
What I do, I create a date object
var d = new Date();
//convert it to utc
var utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000);
var utc_date = new Date(utc);
console.log(utc_date.getTime()) // I want this to be same irrespective of timezone, but don't know why it is changing
Please guide where I am doing wrong..?
I wanted to create a dropdown of time like on the concept here is I use a timestamp either from client side of selected date or from db and then I generate this dropdown dynamically. So I want the timestamp to be similar on both server/client thats why I am trying to use UTC date object.
You can retrieve the UTC datetime from local time like this (example timezone = GMT+0100):
var currentUTC = new Date; //=>Mon Mar 18 2013 13:53:24
//=> currentUTC now: Mon Mar 18 2013 12:54:06
var someUTC = new Date('1998/03/18 13:52'); //=> Wed Mar 18 1998 13:52:00
//=> someUTC now: Wed Mar 18 1998 12:52:00
Or as a Date Extension with a one liner:
Date.prototype.UTCFromLocal = function(){
var a;
return new Date(Date.prototype.setMinutes
.call(a = this,a.getMinutes()+a.getTimezoneOffset()));
// usage (current date and time = Mon Mar 18 2013 14:08:14 GMT+0100
var d = new Date().UTCFromLocal(); //=> Mon Mar 18 2013 13:08:14
And to retrieve (from a UTC datetime) you could use:
Date.prototype.LocalFromUTC = function(){
var a;
return new Date(Date.prototype.setMinutes
.call(a = this,a.getMinutes()-a.getTimezoneOffset()));
Please guide where I am doing wrong..?
You are building a utc_date that is a completely different time, somehow biased by the getTimezoneOffset. Just do
var d = new Date();
d.getTime(); // milliseconds since epoch
And if you're working in UTC-land, you should use d.setUTCHours instead of the local-timezone-dependent setHours.
Actually what I was expecting the JS to do was if I pass the timestamp in the Date constructor it should make object w.r.t that timestamp but it converts it to localtimezone which was making issues for me.
So what I did for solving this problem I get the date object by passing the string of the selected date.
var date = new Date(selected_date_str); rather than passing the timestamp
as I was making dropdown of time with UTC timestamp as its value. The start hour:min of dropdown was dynamic, which I was passing as argument in the function, it was from_hr like if I want to create dropdown of time from 20:00 then I pass from_hr = 20
so now I set hour for the selected date
date.setHours(from_hr, 0, 0);
then I made a utc_time variable for making the the value for dropdown
var utc_time = Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), from_hr, 0, 0, 0);
this will retain in all timezones, this is what I am going to use as the base. Then in the loop I was adding 15 mins in the time
var count = 0;
while(count <= 95){
var option = '<option value="{0}">{1}:{2}</option>'.format(utc_time/1000, ('0' + date.getHours()).slice(-2), ('0' + date.getMinutes()).slice(-2)); //here i used a format prototype, which you can find in the jsfiddle link of my question
utc_time += 15 * 60 * 1000; //adding 15 mins in the utc timestamp
date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + 15)
count++; }
I was dividing the utc_time with 1000 to make it php compatible, because I was going to retrieve value from here and save in db.

JavaScript New Date()

I have the following JavaScript code but for some reason time is not including minutes:
var austDay = $("#<%= hiddenFieldTime.ClientID %>").val().split(" ");
var year = austDay[0];
var months = austDay[1];
var days = austDay[2];
var time = austDay[3];
var timeUntil = new Date(parseInt(year), parseInt(months),
parseInt(days), parseInt(time));
When I debug using firebug these are my value:
$("#ctl00_hiddenFieldTime").val() = "2011, 5, 6, 14:20:00"
year = "2011,"
months = "5,"
days = "6,"
time = "14:20:00"
timeUntil = Date {Mon Jun 06 2011 14:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)}
As you can see, timeUntil is set to 14:00:00 instead of 14:20:00
parseInt(time) is the problem
Here are the few dates initialization format
var d = new Date();
var d = new Date(milliseconds);
var d = new Date(dateString);
var d = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);
According to the Mozilla documentation for Date, the following constructors are supported:
new Date()
new Date(milliseconds)
new Date(dateString)
new Date(year, month, day [, hour, minute, second, millisecond ])
This means that in your constructor, when you pass parseInt(time), that parameter is only used for the hour parameter. You need to pass a separate parameter for minutes, and yet another one if you happen to want seconds.
Also, you should always pass a base parameter to parseInt, like so:
parseInt(hours, 10)
Otherwise when you go to parse a value with a leading 0 such as parseInt('08'), the value will be interpreted as an octal number.
Your last conversion is going to drop everything after the colon:
parseInt("14:20:00"); // 14
The whole conversion is rather bloated, I suggest trying to format the string initially in a format you can pass as is to JS's Date constructor, which will make life easier.
parseInt ("14:20:00") returns 14

