jQuery Countdown - Daily Countdown, with secondary countdown as well? - javascript

1. Daily Countdown
I'm trying to use Keith Wood's jQuery countdown plugin (http://keith-wood.name/countdownRef.html) in order to create a page of daily countdowns. E.g.:
A - counts down to 07:00 each day
B - counts down to 09:00 each day
C - counts down to 11:00 each day
I'm doing in a fairly hacky way:
var foo = new Date();
$('#fooCountdown').countdown({until: foo});
Basically, I just create a new Date object which defaults to now, then set the time to the time I want for today.
However, this is pretty hacky, and also it doesn't reset at the end of the day - once the new day ticks over, it's still counting down to the time on the previous day.
Is there a cleaner or better way of doing daily countdowns with this plugin?
2. Secondary Countdown
Secondly - I also want each countdown, when it expires, to count down to a second later time that day.
E.g. for A - once it reaches 07:00, it then starts counting down to 15:00 for that day.
I'm doing this using the onExpiry function:
$('#officeCountdown').countdown({until: officeOpens, onExpiry: OfficeOpen, alwaysExpire: true});
function OfficeOpen() {
$('#officeCountdown').countdown('option', {until: officeCloses, onExpiry: OfficeClose, alwaysExpire: true});
function OfficeClose() {
alert('Office has closed')
The first part - counting down down until officeOpen seems to work.
However, the second part - counting down until OfficeClose doesn't - it seems to always start counting down the difference between officeOpens and officeCloses, instead of using the current time - and also, the function OfficeCLose never seems to trigger.
Any thoughts?

I would suggest you use the excellent Datejs plugin for creating/handling dates.
(read the getting-started and the docs because it is really extensive)
This way you could do
until: Date.today.set({hour:7})
until: Date.today.set({hour:9})
until: Date.today.set({hour:11})
As for the countdown, the plugin does not seem to be friendly to re-using countdowns..
Perhaps you are better off creating dummy elements and inserting them in the dom to hold the countdown, and destroying them on expiry..


How to shift fullcalendar's display time by several minutes

This could be an embarrassingly easy question but I am new to Moment.js and fullcalendar.
The goal: Get fullcalendar to operate on a Moment/DateTime that is a few minutes offset from local computer time.
The rationale:
We want to synchronize the display time and nowIndicator with the old clocks in a building as opposed to the desktop's time.
Tried so far:
// Get current offset:
var localOffset = moment().utcOffset();
// Shift by 7 minutes for illustration
localOffset -= 7;
// Set new offset for moment
As of now it prints back the original UTC offset and the nowIndicator matches my system clock. This is using Moment.js 2.19.0.
Thanks for looking.
moment().utcOffset() is creating a new moment with the default offset. It has nothing to do with the object you previously set an offset on. momentJS works using individual objects which are instantiated by using the moment() constructor. It's not a static or global thing.
What you need to do is work with the moment object which you set the offset on:
var offsetMoment = moment();
ADyson's answer cleared the misconception about a moment object and its scope.
To answer the original problem of shifting FullCalendar's time by an arbitrary amount, use the 'now' option when initializing:
// Get current time as moment object and add 7 minute offset
var shiftedTime = moment().add(7, 'minutes');
// Set 'now' option in calendar initialization to new moment object
// put your options and callbacks here
now: shiftedTime,
defaultView: 'agendaDay',
nowIndicator: true
The display of the calendar and the now indicator will be shifted 7 minutes relative to local machine time.

Laravel Carbon - Reloading Current Time

I could not find any document in relation to what I am trying to solve, hence I am asking it here.
My controller pulls a Carbon Date using this:
$utctime = Carbon::now()->toTimeString();
That code allows me to display the UTC time on my page. The problem comes in the fact that Carbon only loads the time once (on page load) and it stays at that time. What I want is to Carbon to display the real-time and not require the page to reload.
I am guessing it might not be possible the update the time, as Carbon is not front-end? If so, how would you go about making the time update every second instead of it not updating at all? - Maybe there is something for the front-end that I can use?
Adding a basic ticking clock in Javascript is fairly straightforward:
<div id="time"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showTime() {
var date = new Date(),
utc = new Date(Date.UTC(
document.getElementById('time').innerHTML = utc.toLocaleTimeString();
setInterval(showTime, 1000);
This would be entirely front-end based, and ensure there isn't a "jump" between the initially rendered server-time and the user's local time.
You can use moment.js, you can also define the timezone or display UTC time

Recurring function to reset variable/counter at midnight (moment.js, node.js)

I want to reset a variable during midnight. Every night.
I'm trying to build this function with Moment.js for Node but I can't seem to get the recurring part to work properly.
This is what I got so far.
// Calculate time to midnight
function timeToMidnight(){
var midnight = new Date();
var now = new Date();
var msToMidnight = midnight - now;
console.log(' it is ' + msToMidnight + 'ms until midnight');
return msToMidnight;
// Reset counter at midnight
console.log("midnight, do something");
}, timeToMidnight());
How can I best make it recurring at midnight, every night?
Thanks in advance.
If you're using moment, consider instead this implementation
var moment = require('moment');
function timeToMidnight() {
var now = new Date();
var end = moment().endOf("day");
return end - now + 1000;
Like your function, this takes now milliseconds and calculates the number of milliseconds until midnight, but this is supported directly when using moment, which is nice. Add 1 extra second (1000 milliseconds) to get to the next day.
A typical pattern is for a function to call itself after a timeout.
function roundMidnight() {
console.log('at midnight');
Pretty generic, in fact depending on the value returned, you could schedule anything anytime, pretty useful, seem like someone must have thought of that.
A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.
And they did. Maybe what you really want is node-schedule. It looks like it's not really actively developed now, though.

Start a function at a specified date

I m working on a TV player on raspberry pi/raspbian
The player part work, my playlist work too, but I m stuck at this:
I get the playlist with a start date (parsing is ok), but I have no idea how I could do to replace the previous playlist by the new one at the scheduled date.
Is there a way to start a function only at a specified time without eating all the cpu by a false "wait"?
I was wondering about setTimeOut function, but is there better way than this?
Take a look at node-cron. It will make a call to your callback at the specified cron time. Take a look at some sample code:
var cronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
new cronJob('00 30 11 * * 1-5', function(){
// Runs every weekday (Monday through Friday)
// at 11:30:00 AM. It does not run on Saturday
// or Sunday.
}, null, true, "America/Los_Angeles");

Javascript countdown - not counting down

I have a countdown script that gets the live time and subtracts it from a set time. It all works apart from the fact that it doesn't update unless you refresh your page. The setInterval at the bottom of my function instructs the function to run every one second, but it doesn't seem to be doing that...
Can anybody help?
Here is my jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/4yMZy/
Each time cCountDown runs, its is calculating the time left like so:
nDates = new Date(datetime);
xDay = new Date("Fri, 26 May 2012 16:34:00 +0000");
timeLeft = (xDay - nDates);
The value of datetime there never changes from one run to another. So cCountDown is constantly running, but is always comparing the difference between the same two dates. Since the same two dates are used, the difference is always the same, so you do not see any countdown occur.
You could change nDates = new Date(datetime); to nDates = new Date(); and it will start counting down, but I am not sure why you are getting datetime from some server in the first place.
There are some other issues with your code as well. You should run it through jslint or jshint.
If changed your code to http://jsfiddle.net/4yMZy/7/
So it fetches the time and updates the seconds according to the set interval.
jsfiddle actually provides a button for that on the top.

