JavaScript key hooking issue on Chrome and Opera - javascript

I'm doing a video interface web with HTML5 and JavaScript.
I'm having problems with JavaScript because I need to control the video with keys so when someone press a key from the keyboard, for example 'P', the video will be on 'Play' or 'Pause'.
The problem is that it's not working on Chrome and Opera but does on Firefox.
The excerpts below are parts of the total code:
<video width="775" id="player" preload controls timeupdate="timeupdate()" onclick="repro()" onMouseOver="mostrarControles()" onMouseOut="ocultarControles()">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="video.theora.ogv" type="video/ogg" />
<source src="video.webmvp8.webm" type="video/webm" />
<div id="controls" onMouseOut="ocultarControles()" onMouseOver="mostrarControles()" >
<!-- Buttons of control-->
Java.JS - Function where I have problems on Chrome and Opera:
document.getElementById("controls").addEventListener('keydown',function(event) {
}, true);
I have detected that Chrome and Opera don't access inside the .addEventListener() and I don't know why, any idea?
function controlTeclado(evento) {
mostrarControles(); // show controls on the web page
if (evento.keyCode==80) {
alert(" Key: "+evento.keyCode);
repro(); //play video

<div> elements do not receive key events by default. Only focusable elements such as form inputs and contenteditable elements do. To make a regular <div> able to fire key events, assign it a tabIndex (a value of zero means that the element is in the regular tab order):
<div id="controls" tabindex="0"
onMouseOut="ocultarControles()" onMouseOver="mostrarControles()">


Don't preload video, but still show "thumbnail"

I'm trying to display many video thumbnails/posters without actually loading the video...
Bascially what I've got is the following:
<div class="col-sm-3" style="padding: 20px;" onclick='location.href="/videoDetails/{{ #video.ID }}"'>
<video width="100%" style="cursor:pointer;"
<source src="/{{ #video.path }}">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
That hole thing is in a foreach loop and with that, it loads up to 100 videos on one page...
My problem now is that this gets super slow, the more videos there are load at once..
Now I found this answer on a StackOverflow thread, where it says to use the attribute preload="none" on the video tag... That seems to speed up the loading (because it doesn't preload the videos), however, it doesn't display any image (preview) at all..
In my case, there's no reason to load the hole video though, because (as you can see in the code), the actual video is then displayed on another page, when clicking on the div.
Also, just to make sure you got me right, I want to display the auto generated preview of the first frame of the video. I can't upload a seperate image to display it with the poster attribute, it has to be the default image..
Is there any way I can achieve this? I'm also open to Javascript/jQuery solutions...
You can get video frames in different time periods with append #t in the video source url. But with the attribute preload none value you cannot get the video frames. So You need to use the metadata value in the preload attribute.
These are the three values you can use in the preload attribute:
none - Hints to the browser that the user likely will not watch the video, or that minimizing unnecessary traffic is desirable.
metadata - Hints to the browser that the user is not expected to need the video, but that fetching its metadata (dimensions, first frame, tracklist, duration, and so on) is desirable.
auto - Hints to the browser that optimistically downloading the entire video is considered desirable. - Hints to the browser that optimistically downloading the entire video are considered desirable.
You can check the below results with these three values.
<video width="300" height="150" controls="controls" preload="metadata">
<source src="" type="video/mp4" />
<video width="300" height="150" controls="controls" preload="none">
<source src="" type="video/mp4" />
<video width="300" height="150" controls="controls" preload="auto">
<source src="" type="video/mp4" />
I would say that creating so many video HTML elements will affect performance anyhow, loading or not, since the DOM is under quite heavy pressure.
A different (and more advance) approach I would recommend is the following.
If you want that one image will load when the user clicks on it, you can "create" a video in that specific moment, triggering only the video requested.
instead of the video tag, load an image with onclick listener, that will pass an ID to a JS function
when the user clicks it will create the video element.
at the same time, hide the image (or maybe a gif?)
Try to run the snippet here below :)
function myFunction(id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
var videlem = document.createElement("video");
element.innerHTML = '';
source = '';
var sourceMP4 = document.createElement("source");
sourceMP4.type = "video/mp4";
sourceMP4.src = source;
videlem.autoplay = true;
<p>Click on the image</p>
<div id="img242">
<img onclick="myFunction('img242')" src="">

How to solve the non-playing audio in HTML in various browsers

I am playing the following mp3 in various browsers and sometimes it plays and sometimes it doesn't. Specifically now it doesn't play in Chrome anymore but it plays in Firefox:
Here's the code for it:
The second auditory story is titled, “The Most Precious Possession.” Press the “Play Story” button to begin listening to the story; after you have finished listening to the story, you will answer a set of questions about the story.
<audio id="audio3" src="" style="width:50%">Canvas not supported</audio>
<p> </p>
<div><button name="play" onclick="disabled=true" style="height:25px; width:200px" type="button">Play Story</button></div>
Here's the javascript:
/*Place Your Javascript Below This Line*/
var aud = document.getElementById('audio3');
this.questionclick = function(event,element){
if((element.type == "button") && ( == "play"))
So I am not sure what's the fix. I am using Qualtrics for creating an audio survey.
Eventhough I changed the code to the following it doesn't say the browser doesn't support this format. I am not sure what I am missing. Here's a screenshot:
<audio controls="">< id="audio3" src="" style="width:50%" type="audio/mpeg">Your browser does not support this audio format.</audio>
You could just use this:
<audio controls>
<source src=""type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support this audio format.
It should work on any modern browser (HTML5 is needed). Hope that helps.
Edit: To make it work with the button, and not show the HTML5 controls, you could use:
The second auditory story is titled...
<audio controls id="reader" style="display:none">
<source src=""type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support this audio format.
<input id="Play Story" type="button" value="Play Story" onclick="document.getElementById('reader').play();" />

Play Video button

I want to trigger play function of the video. . Can you suggest the javasript function to play this video ?
jsfiddle code is given here. To play the video I need to rightclick the video and they click play function of flashplayer.
I have the below video code in html:
<div class="content flowplayer is-splash is-closeable" id="vid1">
<video src="" tabindex="0">
<source type="video/mp4" src=""></source>
<source type="video/webm" src=""></source>
I have update your code. It's working now.
You have to get element's id of tag video and then just say .play()
More example here.
Get a reference to the video element (e.g. by giving it an id then using document.getElementById), then call the play() method on it.

Add event on html5 video play button

So I only want to access the play button of the video controls, no action when pressing the track bar or volume. I want something like this but with html5 video
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
$('.vids').each(function () {
<video controls="controls" class="vids" id="1">
<source src ....>
<video controls="controls" class="vids" id="2">
<source src ....>
So now all videos stop except the one I clicked but when I press the trackbar or volume, it also stops. Any solutions without making my own controls or making use of another videoplayer? I found different solutions but not as I want :S
I think you have to target the current item which you are clicking so that the clicked target get the command to process to do this try this one and see if this works for you:

MediaElement.js + Reveal JQuery modal: how to pause video/audio on <a="close-reveal-modal">×</a>

How do I simultaneously pause the player AND cause the the containing modal to slide up/away (to "un-reveal")?
Presently, after the play button is clicked, and the modal's upper-left (x)...the & #215; clicked...the modal slides away, but the video continues to play. To avoid this, the user must: 1) pause the video, and THEN 2) close the modal. I'd like a click or tap on any of the modal's triggers--for instance, clicking the (x)--to do both actions at the same time. I'm trying to find a solution that will work across platforms / devices.
Here's what I got so far, which is not working...
document.getElementById("pauseX").onclick = function () {
Click here to reveal modal.
<div id="vid-1" class="reveal-modal">
<div class="center">
<video width="480" height="270" id="player2" poster="../media/vid-1.jpg" controls="controls" preload="none">
<source type="video/mp4" src="../media/vid-1-480x320.mp4" />
<source type="video/webm" src="../media/vid-1-640x480.webm" />
<object width="480" height="270" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="../build/flashmediaelement.swf">
<param name="movie" value="../build/flashmediaelement.swf" />
<param name="flashvars" value="controls=true&file=../media/vid-1-480x320.mp4" />
<img src="../media/vid-1.jpg" width="480" height="270" alt="Vid 1"
title="No video playback. Update browser, enable Javascript, or install Flash." />
<a id="pauseX" class="close-reveal-modal">×</a>
Already tried many other solutions, including...
Javascript to stop HTML5 video playback on modal window close any help is appreciated. I think it's possible either the MediaElement.js or Reveal.js file may need to be tweaked or something?
Incidentally, clicking anywhere outside of the modal--i.e., on the "gloss"--causes it to slide up/away; hitting the escape key on the keyboard does the same. Clicking anywhere on the video player causes it to pause. Would love it if all of these functions are retained along with tapping on mobile devices. (Haven't tested that yet.)
if you have document.getElementById("pauseX").onclick... at the top of your document probably the code doesn't work because element with id pauseX is not already on the dom. Look at the javascript console, you should see some related error
Try to move these instructions on the bottom or on DOM ready event
Got it solved with this script...
$('.close-reveal-modal').click(function() {
$('video, audio').each(function() {
There were multiple MediaElement.js vids on each page (one for each potential modal)...each vid being identified with the same id="player2" attribute...which was also keeping the page from validating. Tried switching that in my original script from getElementByID to getElementByName...didn't work. Created a class in lieu of an ID for each player...that didn't work. Irregardless of the validation issues: the above solution--simply inserting the .close-reveal-modal class directly into the "stop all" script for MediaElement.js works great. (Thanks #Fabrizio for suggesting I examine my ID attributes to begin with...)

