ThreeJS - how to set current time in Animation - javascript

I'm using skinning / skeletal animation in ThreeJS. I have an animation, and I want to be able to move backward and forward through it, and jump to different locations within it, rather than the usual looping behaviour.
The animation is created like this, as in the example:
var animation = new THREE.Animation( mesh, );
I have tried updating the animation with negative deltas, as well as setting animation.currentTime directly:
animation.currentTime = animationLocation;
These appear to work only if I move forward in time, but if I go backward the animation breaks and I get an error:
THREE.Animation.update: Warning! Scale out of bounds: ... on bone ...
One thing that does actually work without error is to call stop() and then play() with a new start time:
animation.stop(); true, animationLocation );
...however when I look at what these functions are actually doing, they involve many many function calls, looping, resetting transforms etc. This seems like a horrible way to do it, even if it works as a hack.
It may be that this functionality does not exist yet, in which case I'll try to dig in and create a function that does a minimal amount of work, but I'm hoping there is another way that I haven't found.
Can anyone help with this?
As an update on my progress, I'll post the best solution I have at this time...
I pulled out the contents of the stop() and play() functions, and stripped out everything I could, making some assumptions about certain values having already been set by 'play()'.
This still seems like it is probably not the best way to do it, but it is doing a bit less work than by just calling stop() then play().
This is what I was able to get it down to:
THREE.Animation.prototype.gotoTime = function( time ) {
//clamp to duration of the animation:
time = THREE.Math.clamp( time, 0, this.length );
this.currentTime = time;
// reset key cache
var h, hl = this.hierarchy.length,
for ( h = 0; h < hl; h ++ ) {
object = this.hierarchy[ h ];
var prevKey = object.animationCache.prevKey;
var nextKey = object.animationCache.nextKey;
prevKey.pos =[ h ].keys[ 0 ];
prevKey.rot =[ h ].keys[ 0 ];
prevKey.scl =[ h ].keys[ 0 ];
nextKey.pos = this.getNextKeyWith( "pos", h, 1 );
nextKey.rot = this.getNextKeyWith( "rot", h, 1 );
nextKey.scl = this.getNextKeyWith( "scl", h, 1 );
//isPlaying must be true for update to work due to "early out"
//so remember the current play state:
var wasPlaying = this.isPlaying;
this.isPlaying = true;
//update with a delta time of zero:
this.update( 0 );
//reset the play state:
this.isPlaying = wasPlaying;
The main limitation of the function in terms of usefulness is that you can't interpolate from one arbitrary time to another. You can basically just scrub around in the animation.

You can use THREE.Clock and assign startTime, oldTime, elapsedTime.


How can I create multiple instances of a class without defining them?

So, I'm making a game on HTML5 canvas. It's a top down shooter, and I need to create a bullet every time you click to make the character shoot.
Initially, I just prevented the player from firing another bullet until it went out of bounds or it hit an enemy, as seen here. This worked percetly, but of course, makes for uninteresting gameplay.
Then, I began researching about JS classes, and I thought that it would be the key to the problem. I created a bullet class, and moved all the logic for the bullet to the class. Then, I created an instance of it, and called it in other parts of the code to execute its logic. This worked exactly as it did before, which is good, because it meant I could translate the thing I had before to a class, but it had a similar issue.
This is how the class is defined:
class bullet{
constructor(_img, _piercing){
this.bulletPic = document.createElement("img");
this.img = this.bulletPic.src = _img;
this.piercing = _piercing;
this.bulletAngle = playerAngle;
this.bulletX = playerX;
this.bulletY = playerY;
bulletShot = true;
shots = 0;
canvasContext.translate(this.bulletX, this.bulletY);
canvasContext.drawImage(this.bulletPic, -this.bulletPic.width / 2, -this.bulletPic.height / 2);
this.bulletX += Math.sin(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
this.bulletY -= Math.cos(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
And here is the object definition:
let bullet1 = new bullet("Textures/player.png", true);
If I want to shoot another bullet at the same time, I need to have already defined a new instance of the bullet class, is there any way for me to define a new instance every time I click?
Edit: The shoot and draw methods are called in another file that follow logic that's not shown here. Mainly what this other code does, is detect when it hits an enemy or when it goes out of bounds to set "bulletShot" to false, that makes it "despawn", and I can shoot another bullet. This is part of the 1 bullet at a time limitation I'm trying to remove here, but that can go once this central issue is fixed.
If I understand your situation, you could use a function that returns a new class:
function bulletFactory( className ) {
return new className();
If you want to achieve that there could be several bullets in "mid-air", after a series of fast consecutive clicks, then create an array of bullets. You would initialise that array like this:
const bullets = Array({length: ammo}, () => new Bullet());
ammo would be the number of bullets that the user can shoot in total.
NB: I simplified the call of the constructor. Add the arguments you want to pass. Secondly, it is common practice to start class names with a capital.
Then add a state property in the Bullet instances that indicates whether the bullet is:
Hidden: it is not visible yet, but part of the total ammunition that can still be used in the future
Ready: it is the one bullet that is visible at the start location, ready to be fired by the user
Shot: a bullet that has been shot and is currently flying through the game area
At first this state is "hidden":
constructor(_img, _piercing){
this.state = "hidden";
// ...
draw() {
if (this.state === "hidden") return; // Don't draw bullets that are not available
// ...
Then at the start of the game, make one bullet visible (where it should be clicked):
bullets[0].state = "ready"; // From now on it will be drawn when `draw()` is called
In the click handler do the following:
// Fire the bullet the user clicked on:
bullets.find(bullet => bullet.state === "ready").shoot(playerAngle, playerX, playerY);
// See if there is a next bullet remaining in the user's ammo:
const nextBullet = bullets.find(bullet => bullet.state === "hidden");
if (nextBullet) nextBullet.state = "ready"; // Otherwise ammo is depleted.
The shoot method should not rely on global variables, but get the necessary external info as arguments:
shoot(playerAngle, playerX, playerY) {
this.bulletAngle = playerAngle;
this.bulletX = playerX;
this.bulletY = playerY;
this.state = "shot";
Don't use global variables inside your class methods (shot, ammo,...). Instead use arguments or other instance properties.
The draw method should also work with that state:
draw() {
if (this.state === "hidden") return; // Don't draw bullets that are not available
// ...
if(this.state === "shot") {
this.bulletX += Math.sin(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
this.bulletY -= Math.cos(this.bulletAngle) * BULLET_SPEED;
In your animation loop, you should call draw on all bullets. Something like:
bullets.forEach(bullet => bullet.draw());
I did not see any code for when a bullet has left the game area, either by hitting something or just flying out of range. In such case the bullet should be removed from the bullets array to avoid that the draw method keeps drawing things without (visual) significance.
Here is how you could delete a specific bullet:
function deleteBullet(bullet) {
const i = bullets.indexOf(bullet);
if (i > -1) bullets.splice(i, 1);
I hope this gets you going on your project.
I ended up making an array that contains multiple instances of the class. I defined a variable that I used as a limit and then set up a for statement to create all the objects, then, I can call them using the array name and the position.
for(var i = 0; i < arraySize; i++){
arrayName[i] = new className(parameters);
Examples of usage:

Most performant way to call update loop of a javaScript physics engine

I've written my own HTML5 canvas - javaScript based physics engine to simulate a number of points connected by springs. The current general structure of the program is
function init(){
// A bunch of event listeners
var frameTime = 1;
function physics(){
// iterate the physics
setTimeout(physics, frameTime);
// render loop
function renderer(){
// draws a rectangle over the last frame
// renders the objects themselves
// update the timeout according to an onscreen slider
frameTime = Math.ceil(101 - speed_r.value) / 2;
setTimeout(renderer, 15);
The rationale behind the 2 different loops is that the human eye only needs to see 60fps, but doing more updates per second yields better physics.
I've since done more research, and found that the standard way to render animations with javaScript is to call requestAnimationFrame(), which as I understand it has the advantage of not rendering while the tab is deselected, improving battery life. However, due to the dual loop structure, the physics will continue to be calculated and will probably outweigh the renderer overhead.
The question is: What is the most performant and ideally most efficient way to achieve this?
To sync your physics simulation with the wall clock, and render the animation smoothly, you need to use a fixed time step and interpolation. Read this excellent article (see also: about both subjects.
Using requestAnimationFrame is a good idea to save battery (it will lower the frame rate if the battery is low on most devices). You can use it for both the physics and rendering loop.
What you have to do is compute the time elapsed since the last frame and then use zero or many fixed steps to keep the physics loop in sync with the current (wall-clock) time. This is how all real-time physics engines work, including Box2D and Bullet Physics.
I made a complete JSFiddle using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript that implements what you need, based on the article mentioned above. See the code below or open it on JSFiddle.
The integrate function is where you update your physics. In the code it is used to step a spring simulation forward.
var t = 0;
var dt = 0.01;
var currentTime;
var accumulator = 0;
var previousState = { x: 100, v: 0 };
var currentState = { x: 100, v: 0 };
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// start animation loop
function animate(newTime){
if (currentTime) {
var frameTime = newTime - currentTime;
if ( frameTime > 250 )
frameTime = 250;
accumulator += frameTime;
while ( accumulator >= dt )
previousState = currentState;
currentState = integrate( currentState, t, dt );
t += dt;
accumulator -= dt;
var alpha = accumulator / dt;
var interpolatedPosition = currentState.x * alpha + previousState.x * (1 - alpha);
render( interpolatedPosition );
currentTime = newTime;
// Move simulation forward
function integrate(state, time, fixedDeltaTime){
var fixedDeltaTimeSeconds = fixedDeltaTime / 1000;
var f = (200 - state.x) * 3;
var v = state.v + f * fixedDeltaTimeSeconds;
var x = state.x + v * fixedDeltaTimeSeconds;
return { x: x, v: v };
// Render the scene
function render(position){
// Clear
ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
// Draw circle
ctx.fillStyle = 'black';
I think I'd look at putting the physics part in a web worker, and having it post updates to the main UI thread, which renders them on a requestAnimationFrame callback. That allows the physics code to run constantly (you don't even need setTimeout looping; although having it yield periodically so it can access messages from the front end — not least "stop"! — would be a good idea), while only updating the display as often as actually needed.
2018 update: As of ES2018, the worker and the main thread could share memory via a SharedArrayBuffer and the features of the Atomics object. Rather than having to break the work up so the worker could process messages, it could just check a location in the shared memory for flags (for instance, the flag saying it needs to stop). The worker could even be suspended right in the middle of the calculation (even in the middle of a standard loop, such as a for or while) and then resumed via Atomics.wait and Atomics.notify.

on which parameters depend requestAnimationFrame? -- slowness

because of my amount of data, I try to display them in few times, by smallest amount, thanks to requestAnimationFrame.
I'm new with this method and have some issue with it.
It works well for small database, with less than 1000 entries, that is smooth. But when I try it with bigger databases, the loop isn't smooth anymore.
I don't understand this slowness because normally render does the same thing, regardless of the size of "data".
function paths(data, ctx, count) {
var n = data.length,
i = 0,
reset = false;
var lastRun=0;
var fps;
function render() {
var max = d3.min([i+60, n]);
data.slice(i,max).forEach(function(d) {".foreground")
.attr("d", function(p){ return path(d);
.attr("stroke", "steelblue");
i = max;
console.log("end render");
(function animloop(){
if (i >= n || count < brush_count) return;
lastRun = new Date().getTime();
// Returns the path for a given data point.
function path(d) {
return line( {
return [position(p), y[p](d[p])]; }));
I tried to see where the slowness comes from, thanks to console.log(), but actually the lapse is after render. On the console are printed blocks of "end render - animloop" / a lapse / "end render - animloop". I don't understand this lapse...
When I try to use the debugger step by step, I can't see any difference between the cases "few data" and "big data".
If someone sees a problem in my code or knows the origin of the problem, I'll be very grateful.
PS: speedness now : 50fps for 500 entries, 15fps for 7,000, 5fps for 20,000 (I don't need 60fps but 5 is really not enough).
If you don’t need your animation’s frame rate to be equal to display’s frame rate (or cannot provide acceptable performance), then consider skipping some frames (to prevent performing time-consuming computations at each frame) based on the time passed to the requestAnimationFrame()’s callback in the DOMHighResTimeStamp format. trigger event at key point of animation

I'm trying to trigger an event half-way through the progress (not time) of a transition. It sounds simple, but since the transition can have any curve it's quite tricky. In my particular case it's not going to be paused or anything so that consideration is out of the way.
(Simplified) essentially I could trigger an animation on a modifier like this:
function scaleModifierTo(stateModifier, scale, animationDuration) {
Transform.scale(scale, scale, scale),
duration: animationDuration,
curve: this.options.curve
When the interpolated state of the Transitionable hits 0.5 (half-way through) I want to trigger a function.
I haven't dug that deep behind in the source of yet, but maybe need to do something like
subclass something and add the possibility to listen when the state passes through a certain point?
reverse the curve defined and use a setTimeout (or try to find a proximity using a few iterations of the chosen curve algorithm (ew))
Is it possible to do this easily? What route should I go down?
I can think of a couple of ways to achieve such, and both lend to the use of Modifier over StateModifier. If you are new, and haven't really had the chance to explore the differences, Modifier consumes state from the transformFrom method which takes a function that returns a transform. This is where we can use our own Transitionable to supply state over the lifetime of our modifier.
To achieve what you wish, I used a Modifier with a basic transformFrom that will alter the X position of the surface based on the value of the Transitionable. I can then monitor the transitionable to determine when it is closest, or in my case greater than or equal to half of the final value. The prerender function will be called and checked on every tick of the engine, and is unbinded when we hit the target.
Here is that example..
var Engine = require('famous/core/Engine');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
var Modifier = require('famous/core/Modifier');
var Transform = require('famous/core/Transform');
var Transitionable = require('famous/transitions/Transitionable');
var SnapTransition = require('famous/transitions/SnapTransition');
var snap = { method:'snap', period:1000, damping:0.6};
var context = Engine.createContext();
var surface = new Surface({
surface.trans = new Transitionable(0);
surface.mod = new Modifier();
return Transform.translate(surface.trans.get(),0,0);
function triggerTransform(newValue, transition) {
var prerender = function(){
var pos = surface.trans.get();
if (pos >= (newValue / 2.0)) {
// Do Something.. Emit event etc..
console.log("Hello at position: "+pos);
surface.on('click',function(){ triggerTransform(400, snap); });
The downside of this example is the fact that you are querying the transitionable twice. An alternative is to add your transitionable check right in the transformFrom method. This could get a bit strange, but essentially we are modifying our transformFrom method until we hit our target value, then we revert back to the original transformFrom method.. triggerTransform would be defined as follows..
Hope this helps!
function triggerTransform(newValue, transition) {
pos = surface.trans.get()
if (pos >= newValue/2.0) {
// Do something
console.log("Hello from position: " + pos)
return Transform.translate(surface.trans.get(),0,0);
return Transform.translate(pos,0,0)
Thank you for your responses, especially #johntraver for the prerender event, I wasn't aware of the existence of that event.
I realised it made more sense that I should handle this logic together with my move animation, not the scale one. Then, I ended up using a (very hacky) way of accessing the current state of the transition and by defining a threshold in px I can trigger my function when needed.
* Move view at index to a specified offset
* #param {Number} index
* #param {Number} xOffset xOffset to move to
* #param {Object} animation Animation properties
* #return void
function moveView(index, xOffset, animation) {
var rectModifier = this._views[index].modifiers.rect;
var baseXOffset = rectModifier._transformState.translate.state[0];
// After how long movement is reflow needed?
// for the sake of this example I use half the distance of the animation
var moveThreshold = Math.abs(baseXOffset - xOffset)/2;
* Callback function triggered on each animation frame to see if the view is now covering
* the opposite so we can trigger a reflow of the z index
* #return void
var prerender = function() {
var numPixelsMoved = Math.abs(baseXOffset - rectModifier._transformState.translate.state[0]);
if (numPixelsMoved > moveThreshold) {
Engine.removeListener('prerender', prerender);
// trigger a method when this is reached;
Transform.translate(xOffset, 0, 0),
function() {
Engine.removeListener('prerender', prerender);
Engine.on('prerender', prerender);
Obviously the ._transformState.translate.state[0] is a complete hack, but I couldn't figure out of getting this value in a clean way without adding my own Transitionable, which I don't want. If there is a cleaner way of finding the current state as a Number between 0.0-1.0 that would be ace; anyone knows of one?

Canvas getImageData() For optimal performance. To pull out all data or one at a time?

I need to scan through every pixel in a canvas image and do some fiddling with the colors etc. For optimal performance, should I grab all the data in one go and work on it through the array? Or should I call each pixel as I work on it.
So basically...
data = context.getImageData(x, y, height, width);
data = context.getImageData(x, y, 1, 1); //in a loop height*width times.
You'll get much higher performances by grabbing the image all at once since :
a) a (contiguous) acces to an array is way faster than a function call.
b) especially when this function isa method of a DOM object having some overhead.
c) and there might be buffer refresh issues that might delay response (if canvas is
on sight... or not depending on double buffering implementation).
So go for a one-time grab.
I'll suggest you look into Javascript Typed Arrays to get the most of the
imageData result.
If i may quote myself, look at how you can handle pixels fast in this old post of mine
(look after 2) ):
Nice ellipse on a canvas?
(i quoted the relevant part below : )
You can get a UInt32Array view on your ImageData with :
var myGetImageData = myTempCanvas.getImageData(0,0,sizeX, sizeY);
var sourceBuffer32 = new Uint32Array(;
then sourceBuffer32[i] contains Red, Green, Blue, and transparency packed into one unsigned 32 bit int. Compare it to 0 to know if pixel is non-black ( != (0,0,0,0) )
OR you can be more precise with a Uint8Array view :
var myGetImageData = myTempCanvas.getImageData(0,0,sizeX, sizeY);
var sourceBuffer8 = new Uint8Array(;
If you deal only with shades of grey, then R=G=B, so watch for
and you can set the i-th pixel to black in one time using the UInt32Array view :
set to any color/alpha with :
sourceBuffer32[i]= (A<<24) | (B<<16) | (G<<8) | R ;
or just to any color :
sourceBuffer32[i]= 0xff000000 | (B<<16) | (G<<8) | R ;
(be sure R is rounded).
Listening to #Ken's comment, yes endianness can be an issue when you start fighting with bits 32 at a time.
Most computer are using little-endian, so RGBA becomes ABGR when dealing with them 32bits a once.
Since it is the vast majority of systems, if dealing with 32bit integer assume this is the case,
and you can -for compatibility- reverse your computation before writing the 32 bits results on Big endian systems.
Let me share those two functions :
function isLittleEndian() {
// from TooTallNate / endianness.js.
var b = new ArrayBuffer(4);
var a = new Uint32Array(b);
var c = new Uint8Array(b);
a[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
if (c[0] == 0xef) { isLittleEndian = function() {return true }; return true; }
if (c[0] == 0xde) { isLittleEndian = function() {return false }; return false; }
throw new Error('unknown endianness');
function reverseUint32 (uint32) {
var s32 = new Uint32Array(4);
var s8 = new Uint8Array(s32.buffer);
var t32 = new Uint32Array(4);
var t8 = new Uint8Array(t32.buffer);
reverseUint32 = function (x) {
s32[0] = x;
t8[0] = s8[3];
t8[1] = s8[2];
t8[2] = s8[1];
t8[3] = s8[0];
return t32[0];
return reverseUint32(uint32);
Additionally to what GameAlchemist said, if you want to get or set all the colors of a pixel simultaneously, but you don't want to check endianness, you can use a DataView:
var data = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
var view = new DataView(;
// Read or set pixel (x,y) as #RRGGBBAA (big endian)
view.getUint32(4 * (x + y*canvas.width));
view.setUint32(4 * (x + y*canvas.width), 0xRRGGBBAA);
// Read or set pixel (x,y) as #AABBGGRR (little endian)
view.getUint32(4 * (x + y*canvas.width), true);
view.setUint32(4 * (x + y*canvas.width), 0xAABBGGRR, true);
// Save changes
ctx.putImageData(data, 0, 0);
It depends on what exactly you're doing, but I'd suggest grabbing it all at once, and then looping through it.
Grabbing it all at once is faster than grabbing it pixel by pixel, since searching through an array is a lot faster than searching through a canvas, once for each pixel.
If you're really in need of speed, look into web workers. You can set each one to grab a specific section of the canvas, and since they can run simultaneously, they'll make much better use out of your CPU.
getImageData() isn't really slow enough for you to notice the difference if you were to grab it all at once or individually, in my experiences using the function.

