IE8 Dot versus Bracket Notation - javascript

I'm having a strange issue in IE8 where I'm trying to grab something by simply doing:
window.frames.frames[0].name; // get the name of the inner iFrame object
Nothing fancy, but when script is ran, IE7-8 interpret it like this:;
// which in-turn gives the error
// '' is null or not an object (which is not true)
Why and how is it converting this, and why isn't it even working anymore??
If I type the first one window.frames.frames[0].name; into the console of IE8, it grabs the correct iFrame. But typing in what IE8 interprets (;), doesn't work at all... (strangely says, "Expected ';'", which makes zero sense haha.
Anyone ever run into an issue like this?

That dot notation in the error message is just a string the browser uses, poor choice on the browser developers.
The line `window.frames.frames[0].name` does not make sense.
I would expect
or if it is nested frame in a frame

window.frames is an array, is it not? Shouldn't you be indexing the first frame?

Does it work if you put parentheses around the the call? like this:
(window.frames.frames[0]).name; // get the name of the inner iFrame object
Also do you really mean do reference window.frames.frames[0] and not just window.frames[0]?
Or do you mean:
window.frames[0].frames[0].name; // get the name of the inner iFrame object


javascript expression expected

I am still new a Javascript tried earching and tried the development tool in Chrome, too see if I could find the problem.
Working in Intellij IDEA 13, Java, javascript and xhtml.
My problem is that I have a piece of javascript, then in IDEA when moused over, says that
Expression Expected
the javascript code looks the following
<script type="text/javascript>
function nameOfFunction(){
this.cfg.series[].pointLabels = {
show: false
the method in the if sentence is a java method with a boolean return value.
the error is shown when hovering
if Had a look at the following questions, before :
Expected Expression
boolean in an if statement
But didnt get me a solution.
what Iam I doing wrong ?
It looks as though the problem is the part that you've got within the #{...} block. Without knowing the context, it's hard to be sure, but is this something in a view/JSP page that's supposed to be replaced with a property at runtime? The if block will expect the part inside the brackets to be a boolean value, so if that's rendered to either 'true' or 'false' it would execute at runtime but would likely show the error you're seeing in your IDE as it's not actually a valid piece of JavaScript. If, on the other hand, you're expecting to be able to call your Java method/property from your JavaScript code, you're going to need to do something that requests that value from the server-side code - AJAX or similar.
Also worth noting that we can't see what this.cfg is supposed to represent. If that's your entire script block, then there's nothing that defines the cfg object within the current scope.
One last thing, you should change the <\script> end element to as it won't be understood properly by some browsers.

JSON return error as undefined when the value is numeric

not sure where the errors lies in what I am trying to achieve.
I am working with someone else's code and unfortunately they have used numbers for div ids in some places.
These number ids are used in various places and if I can, I want to find a way to keep things as they are.
returning the following in JSON:
editorID: "1000"
And in my AJAX call i use that return like so:
var editorID = response.editorID;
CKEDITOR.instances.editorID.insertHtml('<br><img class="buildimage" src="'+response.imageName+'"><br>');
However this gives me an error saying that the editorID is undefined.
As you can I already use a JSON response in my code, this works fine so its not a problem with datatypes etc.
I also tried to do:
which gave me the correct value.
When I tried putting a number directly into CKEditor insertHTML code it was showing my syntax errors so maybe thats the issue. If so, any work around for it?
Thanks. Craig.
To use a variable as a property, you have to use [] notation:
CKEDITOR.instances[editorID].insertHtml('<br><img class="buildimage" src="'+response.imageName+'"><br>');
When you use .editorID, it's looking for a property named editorID, not 1000.
You also have to use this syntax when the property isn't a valid identifer. So if you wanted to put the number directly, you would write:
CKEDITOR.instances['1000'].insertHtml('<br><img class="buildimage" src="'+response.imageName+'"><br>');

Get full DOM stack as a string

I want to get the full DOM stack as a string. As an example, please open Chrome, press F12 and type "document.all". This object represents the full DOM. I want to convert this object as a string. In Chrome you're able to explore the object, expand sections and view their content in the web debugger console. Is there any possibility to convert document.all as a string? Or a similar solution with gives me the full DOM stack? I don't just want the innerHTML/outerHTML, I want the content of literally everything what's defined in the current DOM. Any ideas? Thanks in advance...
EDIT: Okay, I think my question is kind of confusing, sorry for that. To clarify this: I want to get every property of every object which is defined, including stuff like "document.location", "document.location.hash", "window.innerHeight", "document.body.innerHTML", and so on, by using JavaScript.
As far as I know, there's no way to get every property of every object.
In at least some browsers (Chrome, for instance), you can get most of the DOM with outerHTML on documentElement (the root element, e.g., html):
var html = document.documentElement.outerHTML;
You'd have to check whether your other target browsers do. At a minimum, they'll have innerHTML on body:
var bodyHTML = document.body.innerHTML;
But in terms of the other things, I don't believe there's any way to get every property of every object. For instance, you can find the properties on window like this:
var key;
for (key in window) {
// ...'key' is the property name, window[key] is the value...
...but that will only give you enumerable properties, not non-enumerable ones. And of course, you'd have to recurse into objects to get their properties (allowing for the fact that you can get to an object in more than one way — for example, window === window.window and there's also top, self, etc. to worry about; and similarly for document.all, document.forms, ...).
So unfortunately, while you can get a lot of the information you're talking about, I don't believe you can get it all.
You can implement this yourself using Object.getOwnPropertyNames, which will even include non-enumerable properties. I made a small example showing how this might be done.

Javascript json, check all keys for undefined ('null') and set default

Firstoff I'd like to add I've been learning javascript for like only 2 days now. I'm pretty much way ahead of myself with what I'm trying to get but here goes.
I have a json array from which I get data to replace/insert in my page. The first problem I have is that if it comes across an empty ('null') key it will just stop. Will not even try to continu.
document.getElementById("id3"); is empty ('null' response from json.). javascript will then not replace "id2" but it also won't replace "id3".
I'm now trying to find a solution where it will if nothing else at least set a default.
The script is not continuing executing because it comes to an error --trying to access property link of an undefined object
document.getElementById('id2').src = json.img2 ? : 'defaultLink';
This way your are checking for undefined (ie null) object in img2 and assigning the default value. This assumes that what is not defined (null) is the img2 object.
Actually I don't think your code should work at all, you are missing the. before the src So, try
and let us know if that doesn't solve the problem.
Btw, +points for learning JavaScript and not just straight into jQuery!

Prototype - "Insert is not a function"

I'm going berserk with this. Although is far from being the best documentation page ever, I struggle with a really stupid simple implementation:
$('account').insert({'top':new Element('a')});
I also tried with a plain HTML string instead of new Element(a), but it doesn't change anything... Can you spot what's wrong with what I'm doing ?
Prototype returns null from $("foo") if no element with "id" value "foo" is on the page. If you're using the "id" value "account" on multiple elements, anything might happen, so don't do that. Otherwise make sure there's an element with "id" value "account" on the page when that code runs.
In JavaScript, the semicolon terminates a statement. You don't want to terminate the statement there, you wanted to call .insert on the result of $('account'), so don't put a semicolon there.
According to the documentation you linked, you're also missing a set of curly braces and some quotes.
$('account').insert({'top': new Element('a')});

