Decoding http link in .NET - javascript

I am opening a page from my javascript and passing variable to it like below
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFunction(what) {
var valu = what.value;
var w ="playaudio.aspx?" + what.value);
return false;
Now on my playaudio.aspx i am doing this to decode back the %2f and %3f etc into / and ?
string FilePath = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Request.QueryString.ToString());
but the problem is that the string FilePath remains unchanged . Any advice on how to change the %2f into / .

That's because URLs are not HTML encoded.
You need UrlDecode.

See HttpUtility.UrlDecode - I believe that's what you're after.


How to convert string from ENV to hex in JavaScript? [duplicate]

I have a string in JS in this format:
How can I get the decoded string out of this? I tried unescape(), string.decode but it doesn't decode this. If I display that encoded string in the browser it looks fine (, but I want to manipulate this string before displaying it.
You could write your own replacement method:
String.prototype.decodeEscapeSequence = function() {
return this.replace(/\\x([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g, function() {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(arguments[1], 16));
There is nothing to decode here. \xNN is an escape character in JavaScript that denotes the character with code NN. An escape character is simply a way of specifying a string - when it is parsed, it is already "decoded", which is why it displays fine in the browser.
When you do:
var str = 'http\x3a\x2f\';
it is internally stored as You can manipulate this directly.
If you already have:
var encodedString = "http\x3a\x2f\";
Then decoding the string manually is unnecessary. The JavaScript interpreter would already be decoding the escape sequences for you, and in fact double-unescaping can cause your script to not work properly with some strings. If, in contrast, you have:
var encodedString = "http\\x3a\\x2f\\";
Those backslashes would be considered escaped (therefore the hex escape sequences remain unencoded), so keep reading.
Easiest way in that case is to use the eval function, which runs its argument as JavaScript code and returns the result:
var decodedString = eval('"' + encodedString + '"');
This works because \x3a is a valid JavaScript string escape code. However, don't do it this way if the string does not come from your server; if so, you would be creating a new security weakness because eval can be used to execute arbitrary JavaScript code.
A better (but less concise) approach would be to use JavaScript's string replace method to create valid JSON, then use the browser's JSON parser to decode the resulting string:
var decodedString = JSON.parse('"' + encodedString.replace(/([^\\]|^)\\x/g, '$1\\u00') + '"');
// or using jQuery
var decodedString = $.parseJSON('"' + encodedString.replace(/([^\\]|^)\\x/g, '$1\\u00') + '"');
You don't need to decode it. You can manipulate it safely as it is:
var str = "http\x3a\x2f\";
​alert(str.charAt(4)); // :
alert("\x3a" === ":"); // true
alert(str.slice(0,7))​; // http://
maybe this helps:
function URLDecode (encodedString) {
var output = encodedString;
var binVal, thisString;
var myregexp = /(%[^%]{2})/;
while ((match = myregexp.exec(output)) != null
&& match.length > 1
&& match[1] != '') {
binVal = parseInt(match[1].substr(1),16);
thisString = String.fromCharCode(binVal);
output = output.replace(match[1], thisString);
return output;
You can use decodeURI or decodeURIComponent and not unescape.

How to replace / except in http://

I have a string and I need to replace %2f with /, except in http://.
var str = "http://locahost%2f";
str = str.replace(/%2f/g, "/");
Somehow I got str to output http:/locahost/.
Thanks in advance!
What should be used
You should use decodeURIComponent or decodeURI functions to decode encoded strings like yours. For example, decodeURIComponent("http://locahost%2f") will return http://localhost/.
That being said, decodeURIComponent should be used to decode components of a URI and not a full URI like http://locahost/.
You should look at this answer, it explains what is the difference between decodeURIComponent and decodeURI and when each should be used.
A workaround
As the first / are not encoded, it makes it difficult to find a Javascript functions doing exactly what you want. A working solution to decode your %2f after http:// would be to use String.prototype.split.
Working example:
var encoded = "http://localhost%2f";
var encodedArray = str.split("://");
var decoded = encodedArray[0] + "://" + encodedArray[1].replace(/%2f/g, "/");
This should work:
str = str.replace("%2f", "/");

Javascript - "history.pushState" replaces regular "&" with "&". How to avoid it?

I am doing an AJAX request in Rails and after executing it, I'd like to modify the URL and put there all there parameters.
So this is how I obtained the relative URL in the Rails controller:
#url_params = request.original_fullpath
# => /members/info/detail?currency=usd&year=2016
Then, in the JS file:
console.log("<%= #url_params %>");
# => /members/info/detail?currency=usd&year=2016
So I tried:
var url = "<%= #url_params %>";
var replaced_url = url.replace("&", "&");
# => /members/info/detail?currency=usd&year=2016
but it doesn't work neither.
When I do history.pushState("", "", replaced_url);, in the URL is still the $amp; instead of only &.
How to push the URL without the & characters?
Thank you
I believe by default rails html encodes your output to get the unencoded output try
var url = "<%=raw #url_params %>";
var replaced_url = url.replace("&", "&");
var replaced_url = url.replace(/&/g, '&');
it seems like, url has multiple &'s, because of which single replacement of string would not work, so consider group replace for such things.
know more about :

Javascript replacing /, str.replace not working

I'm having a really stupid issue where javascript is replacing every '/' with '%2F' in a url. Here is what i have now:
var url;
url = $(this).val();
url = str.replace('%2F', '/');
window.location.href = $(this).val();
What have I done wrong here?
You need to decode the url to convert the special characters back to what they should be (like changing %2F back to /). To do this, you can use decodeURI:
url = $(this).val();
url = decodeURI(url);
However, sometimes spaces get replaced by + instead of %20. So, to handle these cases, you must replace all + with %20 before decoding your url.
url = $(this).val();
url = url.replace('+', '%20');
url = decodeURI(url);
And now url is the decoded version of the url.

Escape Base64 String in URL?

For some reason I need to put a Base64 encoded string in the URL, i.e.
var URL = "localhost:8080/MyApp/order?z=AAAAAAAEJs4"
The URL is generated by Java, problem here is I can only use java to make the Base 64 encoded string to be URL friendly, but not javascript friendly, so fire bug give me the following error:
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal
Apparently there are charactors in the Base64 string requires escaping. However I cannot use escape() or URLencoding() method as the request will directly deliver to the controller and manipulated by java code, so there is no "next page" in this situation.
So how to make this work then?
If your're trying to convert that z url attribute into an understandable string/variable, you have to use a library to convert that. Below is a link to a base64 library for Javascript that you must load in.
You maybe also need a library to access the z attribute in your url. I would recommend this:
Just in case it helps, here is a short JS code requiring no dependency:
String.prototype.base64EncodeUrl = function () {
var str = this;
str = window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent( str )));
return str.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/\=+$/, '');
String.prototype.base64DecodeUrl = function () {
var str = this, str_pad = (str + '===');
str = str_pad.slice(0, str.length + (str.length % 4));
str = str.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
return decodeURIComponent(escape(window.atob( str )));

