Javascript Custom Alert Box with Image alignment - javascript

I Have created Custom Alert Box in Javascript . I Have added text with images. but It is not align proberly. It came some thing like this.
I am trying to add the correct mark and text with same line, how can I achieve this. can anyone please help me. I have added my Custom alert box Function below.
function createCustomAlert(txt, string_url,fd) {
// shortcut reference to the document object
d = document;
// if the modalContainer object already exists in the DOM, bail out.
if (d.getElementById("modalContainer")) return;
// create the modalContainer div as a child of the BODY element
mObj = d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(d.createElement("div")); = "modalContainer";
// make sure its as tall as it needs to be to overlay all the content on the page = document.documentElement.scrollHeight + "px";
// create the DIV that will be the alert
alertObj = mObj.appendChild(d.createElement("div")); = "alertBox";
// MSIE doesnt treat position:fixed correctly, so this compensates for positioning the alert
if (d.all && !window.opera) = document.documentElement.scrollTop + "px";
// center the alert box = (d.documentElement.scrollWidth - alertObj.offsetWidth) / 2 + "px";
// create an H1 element as the title bar
h1 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("h1"));
btn2 = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("img")); = "fd";
btn2.src = fd;
// create a paragraph element to contain the txt argument
msg = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("p"));
msg.innerHTML = txt;
// create an anchor element to use as the confirmation button.
//btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("a"));
// = "closeBtn";
//btn.href = "";
btn = alertObj.appendChild(d.createElement("img")); = "closeBtn";
btn.src = 'new-go-next2.png';
// set up the onclick event to remove the alert when the anchor is clicked
btn.onclick = function () { removeCustomAlert(); window.location = string_url; return false; }

well yes creating a table would be a great approach to solve your problems , btw u can also try some internal divs with proper position anf the element having correct float attribute

Rather creating div element create table with two Columns. First of which will contain 'Image' for OK and Second one will contain your 'Text'.
Check if this helps.


appendChild odd behavior in javascript

In the procedure of creating and appending elements to a webpage, I faced an odd behavior of javascript, that is replacing a child with another instead of appending. here is the code:
var window = document.createElement("div"); //the minesweeper game window
window.setAttribute("class", "window");
var title_bar = document.createElement("div");//the title bar of the window
title_bar.setAttribute("class", "title-bar");
var game_title = document.createElement("span");//the title of the game
game_title.setAttribute("id", "game-title");
game_title.innerHTML = "Minesweeper Online - Beginner!";
var right_corner_div = document.createElement("div");// right corner buttons
var btn_minimize = document.createElement("span");//the minimize button
btn_minimize.setAttribute("class", "btn");
btn_minimize.setAttribute("id", "btn-minimize");
btn_minimize.innerHTML = "-";
var btn_close = document.createElement("span");//the close button
btn_close.setAttribute("class", "btn");
btn_close.setAttribute("id", "btn-close"); = "3px";
btn_close.innerHTML = "×";
var top = document.createElement("div");//top of window div, underneath the title bar
title_bar.setAttribute("class", "top");
but unlike what I expect to see as the result, the latest div with the class attribute of top replaces the first div with the class attribute of title-bar. why does this happen?
You have title_bar here instead of top (second last line in your question):
var top = document.createElement("div");
*title_bar*.setAttribute("class", "top");
Replace that with top and it should work.
By the way, don't name a variable window in a browser, since that is what the global object reference is assigned to. Call your variable game_window or something else along those lines instead.
Also you probably don't care about the actual HTML class attribute of your elements and should set the className property directly instead:
top.className = "top"; // instead of top.setAttribute("class", "top");

On search/highlight click -> existing div becomes wrapped with existing span

I have a problem with javascript search and highlight text.
For example, there is existing span element and existing div element.
Problem is that if I click on search button for some reason div element becomes a child of span element.
To explain it better I have created JS fiddle to show the problem:
function highlightSearch() {
var text = document.getElementById('query').value;
var query = new RegExp("(\\b" + text + "\\b(?!([^<]+)?>))", "gim");
var e = document.getElementById("searchText").innerHTML;
var enew = e.replace(/(<span class='highlighted'>|<\/span>)/igm, "");
document.getElementById("searchText").innerHTML = enew;
var newe = enew.replace(query, "<span class='highlighted'>$1</span>");
document.getElementById("searchText").innerHTML = newe;
Check problem on : JSfiddle
Well, you are removing all </span> tags from the innerHTML in this line:
var enew = e.replace(/(<span class='highlighted'>|<\/span>)/igm, "");
And therefore also the </span> of .glyphicon. This is why the element becomes wrapped.
Btw: An exception is thrown: ReferenceError: highlightSearch is not defined

Any way to prevent losing focus when clicking an input text out of tinymce container?

I've made this tinymce fiddle to show what I say.
Highlight text in the editor, then click on the input text, highlight in tinyMCE is lost (obviously).
Now, I know it's not easy since both, the inline editor and the input text are in the same document, thus, the focus is only one. But is there any tinymce way to get like an "unfocused" highlight (gray color) whenever I click in an input text?
I'm saying this because I have a customized color picker, this color picker has an input where you can type in the HEX value, when clicking OK it would execCommand a color change on the selected text, but it looks ugly because the highlight is lost.
I don't want to use an iframe, I know that by using the non-inline editor (iframe) is one of the solutions, but for a few reasons, i can't use an iframe text editor.
Any suggestion here? Thanks.
P.S: Out of topic, does any of you guys know why I can't access to tinymce object in the tinyMCE Fiddle ? looks like the tinyMCE global var was overwritten by the tinymce select dom element of the page itself. I can't execute a tinyMCE command lol.
Another solution:
P.S: Out of topic, does any of you guys know why I can't access to
tinymce object in the tinyMCE Fiddle ? looks like the tinyMCE global
var was overwritten by the tinymce select dom element of the page
itself. I can't execute a tinyMCE command lol.
Well, you can access the tinyMCE variable and even execute commands.
this line is wrong
var colorHex = document.getElementById("colorHex")
colorHex contains input element, not value.
var colorHex = document.getElementById("colorHex").value
now it works ( neolist couldn't load, so I removed it )
I had to do something similar recently.
First off, you can't really have two different elements "selected" simultaneously. So in order to accomplish this you're going to need to mimic the browser's built-in 'selected text highlight'. To do this, you're going to have to insert spans into the text to simulate highlighting, and then capture the mousedown and mouseup events.
Here's a fiddle from StackOverflow user "fullpipe" which illustrates the technique I used.
$(document).ready(function() {
var keylist = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789";
function randWord(length) {
var temp = '';
for (var i=0; i < length; i++)
temp += keylist.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*keylist.length));
return temp;
for(var i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
var len = Math.round(Math.random() * 5 + 3);
document.body.innerHTML += '<span id="'+ i +'">' + randWord(len) + '</span> ';
var start = null;
var end = null;
$('body').on('mousedown', function(event) {
start = null;
end = null;
start = $(;
$('body').on('mouseup', function(event) {
end = $(;
if(start && end) {
var between = getAllBetween(start,end);
for(var i=0, len=between.length; i<len;i++)
alert('You select ' + (len) + ' words');
function getAllBetween(firstEl,lastEl) {
var firstIdx = $('span').index($(firstEl));
var lastIdx = $('span').index($(lastEl));
if(lastIdx == firstIdx)
return [$(firstEl)];
if(lastIdx > firstIdx) {
var firstElement = $(firstEl);
var lastElement = $(lastEl);
} else {
var lastElement = $(firstEl);
var firstElement = $(lastEl);
var collection = new Array();
var siblingID = $(this).attr("id");
if (siblingID != $(lastElement).attr("id")) {
} else {
return false;
return collection;
As you can see in the fiddle, the gibberish text in the right pane stays highlighted regardless of focus elsewhere on the page.
At that point, you're going to have to apply your color changes to all matching spans.

Clicking with element on other element

I know it sounds silly, but what I want to do is trigger click with some html element hovering over another element.
Lets say we got .cursor that is hovering anchor text. In this case click on .cursor should open a google page.
<div class="cursor"></div>
<div class="htmlPage">
Any ideas how to do that?
and this don't count
$('.htmlPage a').click();
Cursor should be movable and should be able to click on other links.
Cursor is that blue circle hovering Google button.
Here I have cursor on google, now on click this should link to google, If i were to click on stack then stack should have opened.
If you are not using IE you can use pointer-events:none in CSS. Then your element will be unresponsive to any mouse interaction (and acting like a ghost foreground element).
The workaround for IE is someting like that:
var x = event.pageX;
var y = event.pageY;
var here = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
// Do what you want with the element here
// Find the parent a element needed with here.parentNode and here.tagName === "A"
// And then fire the click function
I've never use jQuery but I think it should work.
Hope it could help
you can try to get the ".cursor" position on click and compare to each ".htmlPage a" positions and change the window.location.href with the one of the element that overlaps
var cursor=$(this);
var cl = cursor.offset().left;
var cr = cl+cursor.width();
var ct = cursor.offset().top;
var cb = ct+cursor.height();
$(".htmlPage a").each(function(){
var page=$(this);
var pl = page.offset().left;
var pr = pl+page.width();
var pt = page.offset().top;
var pb = pt+page.height();
$('.htmlPage a').click();
Attach an event handler to the cursor class.
window.location.href = $(this).siblings('.htmlPage').attr('href');
This gets the sibling of the element and makes the location equal to that sibling
To be a little more explicit, this might be best.
Try this:
// Target link in the next div, following div.cursor
$("div.cursor").click(function() {
var link = $(this).next(".htmlPage").children("a").attr("href");
window.location.href = link;

Jquery: Blur function does not work with Div tag

I am trying to create a Jquery Tree plugin for my current project. In the plugin, there are 3 compomnents: a text box containing the result selected from the tree , a div containing the tree and a button to show the div. It works fine, except that i cannot make it auto lose the popup div if the tree lose its focus.
Here is the code to create the div
createTree = function() {
$.getJSON(_options.jsonSrc, function(data) {
nDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "divRootAd";
$(nDiv).css('display', 'none');
jsonObj = data["treeJson"];
nUl = document.createElement("ul");
repositionDiv = function() {
if ($('#divRootAd').is(':hidden')) {
// get the field position
var sf_pos = $("#txtAdVal").offset();
var sf_top =;
var sf_left = sf_pos.left;
// get the field size
var sf_height = $("#txtAdVal").height();
// apply the css styles - optimized for Firefox
$("#divRootAd").css("left", sf_left);
$("#divRootAd").css("top", sf_top + sf_height + 5);
alert("lose focus");
} else {
The line alert("lose focus") does not work when i move the mouse outside the div. Can anyone suggest a solution for this ?
Instead of blur you could use mouseout
alert("lose focus");
Hope it helps

