Django get last GET parameter - javascript

I've been working with Django for a few months now so I'm still new at it.
I want to get the last GET parameter from the URL. Here is and example of the URL:
Is there a way to get the last inserted GET parameter with django? It could be filter1, filter2 or filter3..
Maybe there is a way to do this after the initial refresh with javascript/jQuery?

You can try to parse url parameters yourself. For example:
from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl
full_url = ''.join([request.path, '?', request.META['QUERY_STRING']])
parameters = parse_qsl(urlparse(full_url)[4])
#[(u'q', u'Something'), (u'filter1', u'Test'), (u'filter1', u'New'), (u'filter2', u'Web'), (u'filter3', u'Mine')]
last_parameter = parameters[-1]
#(u'filter3', u'Mine')
var params ="&");
//["?q=Something", "filter1=Test", "filter1=New", "filter2=Web", "filter3=Mine"]
var last_param = params[params.length-1].replace("?","").split("=");
//["filter3", "Mine"]
This example do not use jQuery and provides basic knowledge of url parsing. There are a lot of libraries, that can do it for you.


Retrieving ID atribute from URL

In my django project i have a url:
This url will lead user to particular post on my page, this is an example how it works on stackoverflow:
What is the "N+1 selects problem" in ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)? (it is a link to particular answer, and your browser will move you right to this answer.)
My goal is to get this #123 id from url.
I can't do it with django's META data by request.META it doesn't show this #123 id, it only returns me
How can i get this #123 id?
I would prefer making it with django, but javascript is also acceptable.
Update: as follows from the comments, thanks to –
Willem Van Onsem and Ankit Tiwari, this task is unsolvable by server-side (by django) How to access url hash/fragment from a Django Request object
Yes, only with JavaScript. E.g. using an example from here:
const url = new URL('');
console.log(url.hash); // Logs: '#123'
Or reference the hash of the current URL in a browser:
You could use and URLSearchParams.
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const id = parseInt(params.get("id"));
You can read more about here:

How to pass URL query string to website header?

I have this type of URL:
I must place this part:
inside WP header, more accurate inside JS snippet, as follows:
window.HashedEmail = 'somethingsomething';
EDIT: Suggested answer shows how to extract particular data but not how to place extracted data into header, for example - how to manipulate with extracted dataset
Maybe I missed something but this looks like a solution for me
const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
const emailid = urlSearchParams.get('emailid');
window.HashedEmail = emailid;

Get part of the url and insert it in the button

There is an address of the type I need to get part of the URL, namely /userlist/?getlist=XXXX&userid=XX and insert the button with the ID reg_button.
I'm leaning towards jquery and apparently regex, but I haven't found a suitable method yet or I don't understand it, I'm just learning)
let url_test=new URL('');
This takes the url minus base (domain) aswell as the query part, and also URN if exists
console.log(window.location.href.replace(window.location.origin, ""))
There are many ways to do it. I have included 2 ways here. URL class can also be used as mentioned by one of the answerer but the URL string needs to be complete with http prefix.
If you want it using regex you check this Stackoverflow thread.
var siteurl = "";
function method1(){
var paths = siteurl.split('/');
var basePath = paths.join('/');
function method2(){
var basePath = siteurl.substring(siteurl.indexOf('/'));
<button onclick = 'method1()'>Method1</button>
<button onclick = 'method2()'>Method2</button>

Passing an id value into a URL

My company hosts user created surveys on our server. When they are uploaded, they are given a key number as an identifier. I am trying to create a facebook app that people can post a simple survey to and distribute. I can set the canvas URL to the default URL of our server, but I need to pass that key to the query string at the end of the app URL.
<input type="hidden" id="SurveyKey" name="SurveyKey" value="130633791306">
so, the end link needs to be
or value
I am very new to JavaScript and didn't know if there was some get function that could just pull that from the source code and pass it into a new URL. I'm sure this is something easy, but as I am not sure how to word my question, my search result is coming up with a lot of unrelated material.
The URLs for our surveys look like this:
where k is a unique value for every survey. I want to be able to pull that value from the source code and pass it into the URL of my facebook app (which has the canvas URL set as our URL). So, it would look like
To get the query string in JavaScript you could use a code snipet like this:
function querySt(ji) {
hu =;
gy = hu.split("&");
for (i=0;i<gy.length;i++) {
ft = gy[i].split("=");
if (ft[0] == ji) {
return ft[1];
Then you just define a variable to store the key, ie
var surveyKey = querySt("k");
Now you can use the surveyKey anywhere, so for example:
var url = "" + surveyKey;

Parameter retrieval for HTTP PUT requests under IIS5.1 and ASP-classic?

I'm trying to implement a REST interface under IIS5.1/ASP-classic (XP-Pro development box). So far, I cannot find the incantation required to retrieve request content variables under the PUT HTTP method.
With a request like:
PUT http://localhost/rest/default.asp?/record/1336
how do I read Department and Name values into my ASP code?
Request.Form appears to only support POST requests. Request.ServerVariables only gets me to header information. Request.QueryString doesn't get me to the content either...
Based on the replies from AnthonyWJones and ars I went down the BinaryRead path and came up with the first attempt below:
var byteCount = Request.TotalBytes;
var binContent = Request.BinaryRead(byteCount);
var myBinary = '';
var rst = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Recordset');
rst.Fields.Append('myBinary', 201, byteCount);
var binaryString = rst('myBinary');
var contentString = binaryString.Value;
var parameters = {};
var pairs = HtmlDecode(contentString).split(/&/);
for(var pair in pairs) {
var param = pairs[pair].split(/=/);
parameters[param[0]] = decodeURI(param[1]);
This blog post by David Wang, and an HtmlDecode() function taken from Andy Oakley at, also helped a lot.
Doing this splitting and escaping by hand, I'm sure there are a 1001 bugs in here but at least I'm moving again. Thanks.
Unfortunately ASP predates the REST concept by quite some years.
If you are going RESTFull then I would consider not using url encoded form data. Use XML instead. You will be able to accept an XML entity body with:-
Dim xml : Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")
xml.async = false
xml.Load Request
Otherwise you will need to use BinaryRead on the Request object and then laboriously convert the byte array to text then parse the url encoding yourself along with decoding the escape sequences.
Try using the BinaryRead method in the Request object:
Other options are to write an ASP server component or ISAPI filter:

