Retrieving parameters from a JQuery Ajax call when calling a JS file - javascript

I am trying to utilise JQuery Ajax to call a javascript file. I need to pass it some parameters but I am not certain how to when using javascript (PHP seems simpler). Here is my call:
function getDocument(parameters) {
type: "GET",
url: "js/document.js",
dataType: "script",
data: "info=hellothere",
success: function(msg) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
All I would like to do, is print out the contents of the parameter 'info' in document.js
So essentially is should print 'hellothere'.

You're better off using PHP.
Change the URL to document.php, and within that file do the following:
echo $_GET['info'];

url: "js/document.js"
Should be the path to the Server file
You cannot send ajax request to your .js file using Ajax request
Send the request to the .php file and write up your method in there to process the data.
Ajax Request is primarily used to send data to and forth from the Client side to server side ..
If you want to access the data between two .js files better store that data in a cookie or a local storage


why i cant send data to .json format file by ajax

I'm making a simple server to send data to a .json file and receive that data from another page but I have problem how to store data in .json file
I used following code but it didn't work
<script src="jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
var _lname = "x";
var _fname = "y";
var _mname = "x";
type: "POST",
url: "data.json",
data: "{'lastName':'" + _lname + "','firstName':'" + _fname + "','middleName':'" + _mname + "'}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function () {
Simply POSTing data to a JSON file won't work, as sending a POST request requires the server to listen for requests and do something with the payload you sent. You could make a simple NodeJS or PHP script (or any other server-side language for that matter) that could handle saving the payload to a JSON-file.
When you make a POST request, you send data to a web server.
The web server can do something with the data in the POST request.
By default, it does nothing. Imagine the problems that would be caused if anybody could make a POST request to anyone else's web server and write a new file to it. Google's homepage would be defaced every other second.
If you want to store the results of a POST request, then you need to write server-side code to do it (and you almost certainly will want to perform authentication and authorisation when you do so).
Note that the value of data: in your example code will never be valid JSON. Don't try to write JSON by mashing strings together. Use a library function like JSON.stringify.

making api request in php through ajax call in js file

I want to make an api request in my php file.
But my api request depends on the user's input which will be passed from the front-end.
And in order to do so, my front-end js file is making ajax call to the php file. But php file is keep returning null in its global variable, $_POST.
in function.js file, I have
type: "POST",
url: "/model/validate.php",
data: data,
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(response){
error: function(response){
console.log("Error: " + response);
and in my validation.php file i have
<? php
echo "ajax works"
function is_ajax() {
return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) &&
strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) == 'xmlhttprequest';
is_ajax is a helper function that checks if there was any ajax call.
So every time I run these files, I get error and i'm not sure why.
Once this is done, I plan to make api call using curl in my php file but for some reason, $_POST is always returning null. Can anyone help?

jquery mobile web application developement( need help)

Can any one please tell me how to send data to web service using jquery and receive data from web service?
If we are using web service should we need to use url to get records?
type: "GET",
url: "testing.json",
dataType :'json',
contentType:'application/json; charset =utf-8',
$j.each(data, function(index,element){
$j('#json').append("<li class='ui-li ui-li-static ui-btn-up-c ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-li-last'>"+element+"</li>");
I am developing web application using jQuery mobile.
Can any one please tell me how to send data to web service using jquery
Put it in a data property on the object you pass as the first argument to ajax().
How you format the data will depend on the particular web service.
Your existing code claims that it will be JSON so the data you pass to data should be a string representation of a JSON Text.
You will need to change the type to POST in order to do this though. The content-type request header describes the request body and you don't get one of those with a GET request.
(If the web service does not expect to receive JSON data then you will need to change the code to represent whatever it does expect).
and receive data from web service?
Read it from the first argument to the callback function you pass to the success function.
If it is in a known data format (XML, HTML or JSON), then jQuery should automatically parse it. Note that you have dataType: 'json' which will override whatever the server says it is sending back and try to parse it as JSON data regardless.
If we are using web service should we need to use url to get records?
Yes. URLs are how web server end points are identified.
a liitle example to get data from a web service using jquery ajax call
function GetData() {
type: "POST",
url: "Members.asmx/GetMemberDetails",//your webservice call
data: "{'MemberNumber': '" + $("#txt_id").val() + "'}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: OnGetMemberSuccess,
error: OnGetMemberError
function OnGetMemberSuccess(data, status) {
//jQuery code will go here...
function OnGetMemberError(request, status, error) {
//jQuery code will go here...
Example: Introduction to using jQuery with Web Services

How to parse XML from another server using JavaScript or jQuery?

I am new to Javascript. I need to parse XML using javascript or jQuery which is another server. I tried by using the below code. But when I executed it, it was not going to success method.
I was able to parse the XML which is in the same folder. Is it possible in javascript to access content from another server. I read the Same Origin Policy.
I was able to get the success message, but cant get the xml data
type: 'GET',
url: '',
dataType: "xml",
success: function(data){
$(data).find("Node").each(function() {
error: err
function err(xhr, reason, ex)
alert('xhr.status: ' + xhr.status);
alert('ex "'+ex);
You cannot load something from another server due to cross-domain security checks.
However for javascript, there is a workaround: the JSONP technique:
It is used for JSON data but it can just as well be used for any string data. But it will only work if you have some degree of control (i.e. can install a script) on that server.
Another alternative is to proxy that URL on your own server. That might be easier.

How do I ensure jQuery ajax call does not send a local copy of file?

type: 'GET',
url: "string.txt",
cache: false,
success: function(str){
alert("Data is: "+ str);
In this example, string.txt is sent to the cache (\Temporary Internet Files)
How do I ensure that the file is not sent. I do not want copy to be sent.
Only a read from the server. Am I missing an option?
I set cache to false but that does not block it from being sent to client.
For example, ajax POST does not send a local copy.....
Here is some background info to what i am trying to do, but with jQuery.
I am curious as to why the standard ajax post seems to have the desired functionality I am looking for and am unable to do that with jQuery?
Or set a no cache header server-side.

