Function was used before it was defined - JSLint - javascript

JSLint does not like this code saying "'b' was used before it was defined"
var a = function () {
b = function () {
alert("Hello, world!");
but perfectly happy with this
var a, b;
a = function () {
b = function () {
alert("Hello, world!");
But I am not defining anything in my second code snippet. I am merely declaring variable b.
So why is JSLint doing this? Is there a reason I should be declaring all my functions first?
PS I understand I could have just changed order of a and b, but in real project my functions are event handlers and sometimes they call each other, so it is probably not possible.

If your code is well-written and object-oriented, it is possible to declare your functions before they are used. But JSLint sets a lot of standards that really have little relevance to the functionality of your application, and I really doubt there are any performance implications declaring functions one way or the other.

So why is JSLint doing this? Is there a reason I should be declaring all my functions first?
Yes, otherwise there might be some unexpected errors. Your code works because of JavaScript's "Hoisting". This mechanism pulls up all declarations, implicit or explicit and can cause some unexpected results.
Consider this code:
var s = "hello"; // global variable
function foo() {
document.write(s); // writes "undefined" - not "hello"
var s = "test"; // initialize 's'
document.write(s); // writes "test"
It's being interpreted as follows:
var s = "hello"; // global variable
function foo() {
var s; // Hoisting of s, the globally defined s gets hidden
document.write(s); // writes "undefined" - now you see why
s = "test"; // assignment
document.write(s); // writes "test"
(example taken from the german Wikipedia page:

In C it is what we call forward declaration, looks like it could be the same in JSLint.
JSLint is aware of b and at that point b could be a function for all it cares (but if it isn't a function, it would throw an error of course)


module.exports.variable vs module.exports={variable} [duplicate]

Original Question:
JSHint complains when my JavaScript calls a function that is defined further down the page than the call to it. However, my page is for a game, and no functions are called until the whole thing has downloaded. So why does the order functions appear in my code matter?
EDIT: I think I may have found the answer.
I am groaning inside. Looks like I need to spend ANOTHER day re-ordering six thousand lines of code. The learning curve with javascript is not steep at all, but it is very loooooong.
tl;dr If you're not calling anything until everything loads, you should be fine.
Edit: For an overview which also covers some ES6 declarations (let, const):
This weird behavior depends on
How you define the functions and
When you call them.
Here's some examples.
bar(); //This won't throw an error
function bar() {}
foo(); //This will throw an error
var foo = function() {}
function bar() {
foo(); //This will throw an error
var foo = function() {}
function bar() {
foo(); //This _won't_ throw an error
function foo() {}
function bar() {
foo(); //no error
var foo = function() {}
This is because of something called hoisting!
There are two ways to define functions: Function declaration and function expression. The difference is annoying and minute, so let's just say this slightly wrong thing: If you're writing it like function name() {}, it's a declaration, and when you write it like var name = function() {} (or an anonymous function assigned to a return, things like that), it's a function expression.
First, let's look at how variables are handled:
var foo = 42;
//the interpreter turns it into this:
var foo;
foo = 42;
Now, how function declarations are handled:
var foo = 42;
function bar() {}
//turns into
var foo; //Insanity! It's now at the top
function bar() {}
foo = 42;
The var statements "throws" the creation of foo to the very top, but doesn't assign the value to it yet. The function declaration comes next in line, and finally a value is assigned to foo.
And what about this?
var foo = 42;
function bar() {}
var foo;
function bar() {}
foo = 42;
Only the declaration of foo is moved to the top. The assignment comes only after the call to bar is made, where it was before all the hoisting occurred.
And finally, for conciseness:
function bar() {}
//turns to
function bar() {}
Now, what about function expressions?
var foo = function() {}
var foo;
foo = function() {}
Just like regular variables, first foo is declared at the highest point of the scope, then it is assigned a value.
Let's see why the second example throws an error.
function bar() {
var foo = function() {}
var foo;
function bar() {
foo = function() {}
As we've seen before, only the creating of foo is hoisted, the assignment comes where it appeared in the "original" (un-hoisted) code. When bar is called, it is before foo is assigned a value, so foo === undefined. Now in the function-body of bar, it's as if you're doing undefined(), which throws an error.
The main reason is probably that JSLint does only one pass on the file so it doesn't know you will define such a function.
If you used functions statement syntax
function foo(){ ... }
There is actually no difference at all where you declare the function (it always behaves as if the declaration is on the beginning).
On the other hand, if your function was set like a regular variable
var foo = function() { ... };
You have to guarantee you wont call it before the initialization (this can actually be a source of bugs).
Since reordering tons of code is complicated and can be a source of bugs in itself, I would suggest you search for a workaround. I'm pretty sure you can tell JSLint the name of global variables beforehand so it doesn't complain about undeclared stuff.
Put a comment on the beggining of the file
/*globals foo1 foo2 foo3*/
Or you can use a text box there for that. (I also think you can pass this in the arguments to the inner jslint function if you can meddle with it.)
There are way too many people pushing arbitrary rules about how JavaScript should be written. Most rules are utter rubbish.
Function hoisting is a feature in JavaScript because it is a good idea.
When you have an internal function which is often the utility of inner functions, adding it to the beginning of the outer function is an acceptable style of writing code, but it does have the drawback that you have to read through the details to get to what the outer function does.
You should stick to one principle throughout your codebase either put private functions first or last in your module or function. JSHint is good for enforcing consistency, but you should ABSOLUTELY adjust the .jshintrc to fit your needs, NOT adjust your source code to other peoples wacky coding concepts.
One coding style that you might see in the wild you should avoid because it gives you no advantages and only possible refactoring pain:
function bigProcess() {
var step1,step2;
step1 = function() {...};
step2 = function() {...};
This is exactly what function hoisting is there to avoid. Just learn the language and exploit its strengths.
Only function declaration are hoisted not function expression (assignment).

Why Self-Executing Anonymous Functions

Today I came a cross the self executing functions, than somehow I ended up knowing about
Self-Executing Anonymous Functions, then I've read this article:
The thing is that I don't know WHY to use Self-Executing Anonymous Functions because if I need to do something like:
var test = "a";
(function(foo) {
I could just make something like:
var test = "a";
Or did I miss anything?
also this can be done to any code inside the function, but I used alert() to make simple
Even thought I've already accepted and answer I would like to share something I've found, if anyone came across this question later :)
Using this notation we can also make an endless loop like following:
(function loop(){
// do something here
There are a couple of reasons why one would use an IIFE:
1) No littering
var a = 'foo';
(function() {
var a = 'foo';
Both examples do the same thing, but in the second example there is no a variable inside the outer scope.
2) State capturing
var a = 'foo';
window.setTimeout(function() { alert(a); }, 1);
a = 'bar';
var a = 'foo';
window.setTimeout( (function(a_copy) {
return function() { alert(a_copy); }
}(a)), 1);
a = 'bar';
The first example alerts bar, while the second alerts foo. You will find this technique used especially with loops.
Your initial example isn't worth to be executed in an anonymous function, so its a bad example to understand WHY to use this technique. Here is a good example to explore state capturing:
var list = [{id: 1, data: null}, ...];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
(function(item) {
// start async request, for each item in the list, in the order of the list
asyncAjax("get-data-from-somewhere.json?what=" + list[i].id, function (response) {
// thats the on success callback, which gets executed when the server responded
// each item will have different response times, therefore the order of response is various
// if we would use simply list[i].data, it wouldn't work correctly, because "i" would has the value of list.length, because the iteration has been finished yet. = response;
})(list[i]); // the function will preserve the reference to the list item inside, until the function has been fully executed
When writing sync. code, you can always fallback to classic object oriented style of structering your code. So you can avoid closures / instant-anonymous function calls. But as soon as you use async. mechanics, closures get very handy and make your code looking more clean, off course only if you can read and understand closures :)
By the way, you could also simply write:
function(private) {}(outer)
is the same as
(function(private) {})(outer)
but the second is better, because its simply more obvious for the reader.
The syntax you describe is commonly referred to as an "immediately invoked function expression", or IIFE.
One of the common use cases is to emulate private variables:
var ns = (function () {
var x = 1; // "private"
return {
getX: function () {
return x;
ns.getX(); // 1
ns.x; // undefined because x is "private"
In that example the x variable is local to the IIFE. It's not directly accessible outside of it. However, since it is referred to by the getX method, which is accessible outside of the IIFE (because it's part of the returned object) a reference to x is kept alive. This is what is usually meant by the term "closure".
Self executing functions are not really useful if you just do an alert inside.
Consider something like this:
(function(foo) {
var a = ..
// do something with a and foo
The advantage here is that a is "private" inside the method and cannot be used outside the method. So a doesn't end up as a global variable and can't be overwritten by some other piece of javascript which uses a variable of the same name.

How does putting 'module.exports = foo' work before foo is defined?

I won't claim that I'm terribly well versed in Node, or even Javascript, but I've seen several modules of the form
module.exports = foo;
function foo() {
Now, I could see this working perhaps in this case, but I'm really confused when that module returns a function that is excuted.
module.exports = bar();
function bar() {
What is this witchcraft?
Functions are defined at parse time, assignments are assigned at runtime. See this article for more.
In short, the compiler makes 2 passes. With the following code:
var a = x;
function x( ) { }
In the first pass, var a and function x are declared and available in a symbol table (or some other form depending on the interpreter) after which the compiler makes a second pass performing the assignment of function x as to var a. At this stage, at any point (but limited to the language rules), function x is known.

JavaScript function order: why does it matter?

Original Question:
JSHint complains when my JavaScript calls a function that is defined further down the page than the call to it. However, my page is for a game, and no functions are called until the whole thing has downloaded. So why does the order functions appear in my code matter?
EDIT: I think I may have found the answer.
I am groaning inside. Looks like I need to spend ANOTHER day re-ordering six thousand lines of code. The learning curve with javascript is not steep at all, but it is very loooooong.
tl;dr If you're not calling anything until everything loads, you should be fine.
Edit: For an overview which also covers some ES6 declarations (let, const):
This weird behavior depends on
How you define the functions and
When you call them.
Here's some examples.
bar(); //This won't throw an error
function bar() {}
foo(); //This will throw an error
var foo = function() {}
function bar() {
foo(); //This will throw an error
var foo = function() {}
function bar() {
foo(); //This _won't_ throw an error
function foo() {}
function bar() {
foo(); //no error
var foo = function() {}
This is because of something called hoisting!
There are two ways to define functions: Function declaration and function expression. The difference is annoying and minute, so let's just say this slightly wrong thing: If you're writing it like function name() {}, it's a declaration, and when you write it like var name = function() {} (or an anonymous function assigned to a return, things like that), it's a function expression.
First, let's look at how variables are handled:
var foo = 42;
//the interpreter turns it into this:
var foo;
foo = 42;
Now, how function declarations are handled:
var foo = 42;
function bar() {}
//turns into
var foo; //Insanity! It's now at the top
function bar() {}
foo = 42;
The var statements "throws" the creation of foo to the very top, but doesn't assign the value to it yet. The function declaration comes next in line, and finally a value is assigned to foo.
And what about this?
var foo = 42;
function bar() {}
var foo;
function bar() {}
foo = 42;
Only the declaration of foo is moved to the top. The assignment comes only after the call to bar is made, where it was before all the hoisting occurred.
And finally, for conciseness:
function bar() {}
//turns to
function bar() {}
Now, what about function expressions?
var foo = function() {}
var foo;
foo = function() {}
Just like regular variables, first foo is declared at the highest point of the scope, then it is assigned a value.
Let's see why the second example throws an error.
function bar() {
var foo = function() {}
var foo;
function bar() {
foo = function() {}
As we've seen before, only the creating of foo is hoisted, the assignment comes where it appeared in the "original" (un-hoisted) code. When bar is called, it is before foo is assigned a value, so foo === undefined. Now in the function-body of bar, it's as if you're doing undefined(), which throws an error.
The main reason is probably that JSLint does only one pass on the file so it doesn't know you will define such a function.
If you used functions statement syntax
function foo(){ ... }
There is actually no difference at all where you declare the function (it always behaves as if the declaration is on the beginning).
On the other hand, if your function was set like a regular variable
var foo = function() { ... };
You have to guarantee you wont call it before the initialization (this can actually be a source of bugs).
Since reordering tons of code is complicated and can be a source of bugs in itself, I would suggest you search for a workaround. I'm pretty sure you can tell JSLint the name of global variables beforehand so it doesn't complain about undeclared stuff.
Put a comment on the beggining of the file
/*globals foo1 foo2 foo3*/
Or you can use a text box there for that. (I also think you can pass this in the arguments to the inner jslint function if you can meddle with it.)
There are way too many people pushing arbitrary rules about how JavaScript should be written. Most rules are utter rubbish.
Function hoisting is a feature in JavaScript because it is a good idea.
When you have an internal function which is often the utility of inner functions, adding it to the beginning of the outer function is an acceptable style of writing code, but it does have the drawback that you have to read through the details to get to what the outer function does.
You should stick to one principle throughout your codebase either put private functions first or last in your module or function. JSHint is good for enforcing consistency, but you should ABSOLUTELY adjust the .jshintrc to fit your needs, NOT adjust your source code to other peoples wacky coding concepts.
One coding style that you might see in the wild you should avoid because it gives you no advantages and only possible refactoring pain:
function bigProcess() {
var step1,step2;
step1 = function() {...};
step2 = function() {...};
This is exactly what function hoisting is there to avoid. Just learn the language and exploit its strengths.
Only function declaration are hoisted not function expression (assignment).

Trouble using 'eval' to define a toplevel function when called from within an object

I've written (in JavaScript) an interactive read-eval-print-loop that is encapsulated
within an object. However, I recently noticed that toplevel function definitions specified to the interpreter do not appear to be 'remembered' by the interpreter. After some diagnostic work, I've reduced the core problem to this:
var evaler = {
eval: function (str)
return eval(str);
eval("function t1() { return 1; }"); // GOOD
evaler.eval("function t2() { return 2; }"); // FAIL
At this point, I am hoping that the following two statements wil work as expected:
print(t1()); // => Results in 1 (This works)
print(t2()); // => Results in 2 (this fails with an error that t2 is undefined.)
What I get instead is the expected value for the t1 line, and the t2 line fails with an error that t2 is unbound.
IOW: After running this script, I have a definition for t1, and no defintion for t2. The act of calling eval from within evaler is sufficiently different from the toplevel call that the global definition does not get recorded. What does happen is that the call to
evaler.eval returns a function object, so I'm presuming that t2 is being defined and stored in some other set of bindings that I don't have access to. (It's not defined as a member in evaler.)
Is there any easy fix for this? I've tried all sorts of fixes, and haven't stumbled upon one that works. (Most of what I've done has centered around putting the call to eval in an anonymous function, and altering the way that's called, chainging __parent__, etc.)
Any thoughts on how to fix this?
Here's the result of a bit more investigation:
tl;dr: Rhino adds an intermediate scope to the scope chain when calling a method on an instance. t2 is being defined in this intermediate scope, which is immediately discarded. #Matt: Your 'hacky' approach might well be the best way to solve this.
I'm still doing some work on the root cause, but thanks to some quality time with jdb, I now have more understanding of what's happening. As has been discussed, a function statement like function t1() { return 42; } does two things.
It creates an anonymous instance of a function object, like you'd get with the expression function() { return 42; }
It binds that anonymous function to the current top scope with the name t1.
My initial question is about why I'm not seeing the second of these things happen when I call eval from within a method of an object.
The code that actually performs the binding in Rhino appears to be in the function org.mozilla.javascript.ScriptRuntime.initFunction.
if (type == FunctionNode.FUNCTION_STATEMENT) {
scope.put(name, scope, function);
For the t1 case above, scope is what I've set to be my top-level scope. This is where I want my toplevel functions defined, so this is an expected result:
main[1] print function.getFunctionName()
function.getFunctionName() = "t1"
main[1] print scope
scope = ""
However, in the t2 case, scope is something else entirely:
main[1] print function.getFunctionName()
function.getFunctionName() = "t2"
main[1] print scope
scope = "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeCall#23abcc03"
And it's the parent scope of this NativeCall that is my expected toplevel scope:
main[1] print scope.getParentScope()
scope.getParentScope() = ""
This is more or less what I was afraid of when I wrote this above: " In the direct eval case, t2 is being bound in the global environment. In the evaler case, it's being bound 'elsewhere'" In this case, 'elsewhere' turns out to be the instance of NativeCall... the t2 function gets created, bound to a t2 variable in the NativeCall, and the NativeCall goes away when the call to evaler.eval returns.
And this is where things get a bit fuzzy... I haven't done as much analysis as I'd like, but my current working theory is that the NativeCall scope is needed to ensure that this points to evaler when execution in the call to evaler.eval. (Backing up the stack frame a bit, the NativeCall gets added to the scope chain by Interpreter.initFrame when the function 'needs activation' and has a non-zero function type. I'm assuming that these things are true for simple function invocations only, but haven't traced upstream enough to know for sure. Maybe tomorrow.)
Your code actually is not failing at all. The eval is returning a function which you never invoke.
print(evaler.eval("function t2() { return 2; }")()); // prints 2
To spell it out a bit more:
x = evaler.eval("function t2() { return 2; }"); // this returns a function
y = x(); // this invokes it, and saves the return value
print(y); // this prints the result
In response to:
Is there another way to create an interactive read-eval-print-loop than to use eval?
Since you're using Rhino.. I guess you could call Rhino with a java Process object to read a file with js?
Let's say I have this file:
function tf2() {
return 2;
Then I could run this code, which calls Rhino to evaluate that file:
process = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec('java -jar js.jar test.js');
result =;
print(result.readLine()); // prints 2, believe it or not
So you could take this a step further by WRITING some code to eval to a file, THEN calling the above code ...
Yes, it's ridiculous.
The problem you are running into is that JavaScript uses function level scoping.
When you call eval() from within the eval function you have defined, it is probably creating the function t2() in the scope of that eval: function(str) {} function.
You could use evaler.eval('global.t2 = function() { return 2; }'); t2();
You could also do something like this though:
t2 = evaler.eval("function t2() { return 2; }");
var someFunc = evaler.eval("function t2() { return 2; }");
// if we got a "named" function, lets drop it into our namespace:
if ( this[] = someFunc;
// now lets try calling it?
// returns 2
Even one step further:
var evaler = (function(global){
return {
eval: function (str)
var ret = eval(str);
if ( global[] = ret;
return ret;
evaler.eval('function t2() { return 2; }');
t2(); // returns 2
With the DOM you could get around this function-level scoping issue by injecting "root level" script code instead of using eval(). You would create a <script> tag, set its text to the code you want to evaluate, and append it to the DOM somewhere.
Is it possible that your function name "eval" is colliding with the eval function itself? Try this:
var evaler = {
evalit: function (str)
return window.eval(str);
eval("function t1() { return 1; }");
evaler.evalit("function t2() { return 2; }");
I modified to use #Matt's suggestion and tested. This works as intended.
Is it good? I frown on eval, personally. But it works.
I think this statement:
evaler.eval("function t2() { return 2; }");
does not declare function t2, it just returns Function object (it's not function declaration, it's function operator), as it's used inside an expression.
As evaluation happens inside function, scope of newly created function is limited to evaler.eval scope (i.e. you can use t2 function only from evaler.eval function):
js> function foo () {
eval ("function baz() { return 'baz'; }");
print (baz);
js> foo ();
function baz() {
return "baz";
js> print(baz);
typein:36: ReferenceError: baz is not defined
I got this answer from the Rhino mailing list, and it appears to work.
var window = this;
var evaler = {
eval : function (str) {, str);
The key is that call explicitly sets this, and this gets t2 defined in the proper spot.

