How to stop CSS3 transition - javascript

I want to stop a transition that is in progress.
I have found a few references[1][2] scattered around the internet but I can't seem to piece it together.
Here's a fiddle of the first suggestion (With jQuery and CSS Transit for context):

So I figured it out:
The trick is to set each css property you are animating to its current value (possibly mid transition) like: $(this).css('prop', $(this).css('prop')); (Probably would want to store all properties in an object in the element with $(this).data(props); and loop through them).
Once you have explicitly set the properties you can run a 0s animation to override the previous animation and effectively halt the element.

There's a much simpler solution. If you want to just stop the transition (and not pause it). Just set the css to current computed style. For example in a custom scrolling solution, where top is transitioned property.;
and that's it.


How to trigger an SVG animation on scroll?

So I've finally cracked SVG animations (totally through cheating) and like most sites that use them if they're halfway down the page they begin automatically and you miss it, so how is it possible to trigger the animation on scroll to that div container?
Any help would be great,
You can use
beginElement() function to starts animations manually.
for this to work, you have to set the begin attribute of animate element to indefinite
a simple example would be something like
window.onscroll = function(){
var anime= document.getElementsByTagName('animate')[0];
// check for the amount of scroll
You could also make use of beginElementAt()
read more about svg Animation Timing Control
side note: Can't be more accurate since you haven't shared much info or code samples, and not sure what you meant by 'cheating'

JS and Animate.css interval Issue

I am using animate.css for a feed. I have a div named feed that uses uses the slideInLeft class, remains for 3 seconds, then uses the fadeOut class. At this point, I need to change the content of the div and start again. Here's what I've got:
<div id="feed"></div>
var myCars=new Array("Saab","Volvo","BMW");
var wIndex = 0;
setInterval(function () {
if (wIndex >= myCars.length) {
wIndex = 0;
$('#feed').removeClass('animated slideInLeft');
$('#feed').addClass('animated fadeOut').addClass('hidden');
$('#feed').removeClass('animated fadeOut').removeClass('hidden');
$('#feed').addClass('animated slideInLeft');
}, 3000);
The initial change from the first element in the array to the second works properly, fade out, slide in. All the following transitions just change the text in the div with no fade out, slide in. Animate.css is the preferred method for completing this task. Can anyone help figure out how to make it work properly?
I think you're looking to remove the animated and slideInLeft classes prior to applying subsequent classes. Maybe remove those classes right off, then in a timeout of say, 25ms, do the rest of the logic.
Here's a demo:
When animating with CSS this is a fairly common thing since you need to give the browser time to calculate the new layout without those classes before applying new classes, otherwise the correct state won't exist in the layout for the new class to properly animate.
Also, that honestly seems like too much CSS for a simple animation... the trickiest thing about animations is having to re-write your CSS declarations for 4 different vendor prefixes as well as the standard declaration.
Another way to handle this would be to set a timeout at the end of the loop that is at least as long as the animation (the slide-in) and remove the unnecessary classes then.

Why does this webkit animation look sketchy?

I shamelessly tried to rip JQTouches solution for animating a flip between two internal pages (div's). But did I miss something, a CSS rule perhaps? Cause I think it looks a bit funny..
Have a look:
Here's the original:
The 2 animations need to be separate, and then you add 2 event handlers for the animation endings; once the first div is hidden, show the other one.

how to stop CSS animation without javascript

This is the jsFiddle. What I would like is stop the box when it reaches its end position. I know there is a transition function available also but that does not seem to work. Are all animation functions type also available for transition? I am using rotate function in my actual work.
Just set animation-iteration-count to 1. A value of infinite causes the animation to be repeated infinitely. And remember to style the object the way it should be AFTER the animation (top: 200px;).
I've updated the fiddle:
More information is provide by the MDN:
Remove the infinite from animation:mymove infinite; and set the final place as top:200px. Demo

need help understanding this code in book "jquery in action"

This code in the book jQuery in action, on page 156.
I don't understand this part:
Can toggle be an opacity value?
$.fn.fadeToggle = function(speed){
return this.animate({opacity:'toggle'},speed);
From the documentation:
In addition to numeric values, each
property can take the strings 'show',
'hide', and 'toggle'. These shortcuts
allow for custom hiding and showing
animations that take into account the
display type of the element.
Using toggle will animate the opacity of the element at the speed you specify -- hiding it if it's visible, showing it if it's hidden.
The toggle is a short-cut string that toggles between the show/hide state of the element.
In addition to numeric values, each property can take the strings 'show', 'hide', and 'toggle'. These shortcuts allow for custom hiding and showing animations that take into account the display type of the element.
jQuery doc:
In addition to numeric values, each property can take the strings 'show', 'hide', and 'toggle'. These shortcuts allow for custom hiding and showing animations that take into account the display type of the element." Source
So yes, it can be a value.
Toggle, toggles between show and hide. From the same book:
In addition to specific values, we can also specify one of the strings hide, show, or
toggle; jQuery will compute the end value as appropriate to the specification of
the string. Using hide for the opacity property, for example, will result in the
opacity of an element being reduced to 0. Using any of these special strings has
the added effect of automatically revealing or removing the element from the display
(like the hide() and show() commands).
Did you notice when we introduced the core animations that there was no
toggling command for the fade effects? That’s easily solved using animate() and
toggle as follows
To help you maybe get around the English problem, here is a page that has a couple of demos right next to the code. Click once and it fades or slides. Click again and it returns to its original state.
If it's opaque it becomes transparent.
If it's transparent it becomes opaque.

