jQuery Events get skipped - javascript

I built a slideshow-menu (using Slide JS - http://www.slidesjs.com/ ) and added a hover-event, so images will already switch when moving the mouse over the menu point. Additionally, when moving out of the whole block, there's a mouseleave event, which sets the image and menu point back to the first one.
Now when I quickly switch between menu points (hover event) and then leave the whole block (mouseleave), it usually skips the mouseleave event (- or it never reaches it because the hover events (including a fade effect) take up too long).
Is there a way to thoroughly work off each event (or at least the last one in a row - e.g. mouseleave or last hover)?
Maybe an image of the website layout helps?
Red: Hover-Event (changes green content)
Blue: Mouseleave-Event (green goes back to default)

If the fade effect is the culprit, then try adding a stop(true, true) function before your fade effect.
$(slideshow-menu-selector).on('mouseleave', function(){
// Reset code here
$(element-selector).stop(true, true).fadeOut();
This is just a sample code, based on your question. If you can put up a Fiddle, it would help a lot!


jQuery.kinetic animated move to position

I'm using jQuery.kinetic to allow a div to be scrolled within its parent div by dragging the mouse, just like the demo on the author's site
I want to add a button, which upon clicking it, moves the jQuery.kinetic activated div to a certain position, however I could not find how to do this. I know the scrollLeft and scrollRight methods can be called to change the position, exactly as I want:
$("container-selector").kinetic("scrollLeft", 50);
$("container-selector").kinetic("scrollTop", 480);
However I wish the change in positions to be animated, not immediate like how the code above does it.
Would anybody know how to smoothly move the draggable div to a specified position upon the clicking of a button, and have this animated? Thanks!
From the demo page HERE
$('#yourButtonIdOrClass').click(function() {
$('.container-selector').kinetic('start', { velocity: -10 }); // code to move your container
From the Doc's
Start movement in the scroll container at a particular velocity.
This velocity will not slow until the end method is called.
So you need to call the end() method to stop the div from scrolling either to the end of the right hand side or end of the left hand side, you might want to use the moved event and check how much the container has moved something like the below:
moved : function() {
if() // check moved position {
The above code will go inside the initialization of the plugin.
NOTE:: you can use the dev tools to check the event listeners attached to the left or right buttons.

jQuery cycle photos in div background

I've accomplish successfully when the mouse overs a div to cycle and change the background-image and stop the other divs from cycle.
What happens is that, this div have a title which appears when the mouse is hovering the div, and if I grab the cursor and put it over the title and then move the cursor again to the other div title, the cycle continues in both divs, and I would like not to.
I'm clearing the interval cycle this way: clearInterval(theInterval);
But, somehow, when the title is being hovered it doesn't stop the others cycle.
The problem can be seen in JSFiddle.
Simulate the problem:
Put your cursor over the title
Move your cursor quickly to the other div title
You'll see that both divs continue the cycle independently (and I want only one to cycle)
Simulate how it works:
Put your cursor over the div (without being in the title)
Move your cursor to the other div
You'll see that only one div cycles
I believe it's a problem with the nature of the mouseover event, and the divs being in such close proximity. Try using the hover event instead. See this fiddle
In essence:
// mouse over stuff here
}, function() {
// mouse out stuff here

weird jQuery UI Slider behavior

I'm developing a simple one page website and I'm integrating the jQuery UI Slider. The website I'm integrating it in is : Website.
It seems like I'm having a little problem with the slider. If you look closely at the slider when navigating with the left and right arrow ( or the left and right keyboard keys ) you will notice that when going backward, before the last step, the min range jumps ahead the handle with a few pixels ( the background image ).
And also the animate property attached to the handle it doesn't work when using the mouse cursor to move the handle, per say the handle is in position 0 and you click on the last position, normally it should animate to the last position but it jumps there.
Could someone tell me how to fix these bugs ? I tried working on the CSS for the first problem but it doesn't seem to be because of that.
"min range jumps ahead the handle" - I've reduced the bug here: http://jsfiddle.net/jefferyto/Gd5dn/
This is a bug in jQuery.animate() when animating non-pixel values; Slider uses percentages. Before animating, jQuery converts the element's starting value (in pixels) into the end value's units, and assigns this non-px starting value to the element (lines 8601-8605 in jQuery 1.7.2 (unminified)).
The calculation is flawed for small end values (like 0%), and so the range's starting width is larger than what it should be.
I've opened a pull request with a fix; the same fix can be applied to the current stable version of jQuery.
Update: You can find a plugin that fixes this bug (for jQuery 1.7.2) here: http://jsfiddle.net/jefferyto/zbkQX/
Copy from (at the top)
// Start jQuery.animate() fix
to (before the test code)
// End jQuery.animate() fix
It should work if you paste this code into your plugins.js.
"it should animate to the last position but it jumps there" - this is because the Slider and jPages plugins are connected with circular callbacks.
When the user clicks on the slider, Slider triggers a slide event then animates the handle and range. The slide event handler calls jPages to change to the new page. jPages calls its assigned callback function, which passes the current page number back to Slider. Slider sets its value and starts to animate the handle/range.
After the slide event, Slider goes back to animating the handle and range (which is actually the second time it is animating). Slider calls .stop(1, 1) on the elements before animating, which causes the first animation to stop and jump immediately to its end value. (The second .animate() does nothing since the elements are already in the correct position.)
(I hope that made sense :-) )
I suggest adding logic in the jPages callback to call Slider with the new page number only if the trigger isn't originally from Slider.
Update: I think you'll need to update both callbacks:
For Slider:
slide: function(event, ui) {
if (!self.paging) {
self.paging = true;
self.paging = false;
For jPages:
callback: function(pages) {
var data = {
current_page: pages.current,
total_pages: pages.count
self.set_local_storage_data(self.data_key, JSON.stringify(data));
if (!self.paging) {
self.paging = true;
$(self.shop_slider_class).slider("value", pages.current);
self.paging = false;
Please let me know if this works for you.
The simplest answer is probably to just not use jQueryUI's slider.
Having looked at your code it looks like you're easily competent enough at JS and CSS to replicate its appearance and core behaviour yourself, and make it work exactly how you want it to.

How do I force the mouse cursor to change without a mouse movement in Javascript?

In my webpage, testing on Chrome, I have a button div. The button is styled so that it has a hover state in a different colour, and a hand-shaped mouse pointer. All this is fine.
When the button is pressed, it triggers an animation, and I don't want to let the user press the button again until it's done, so I put a semi-opaque div over the top to block the button.
The problem comes when the animation completes and the div is removed. The mouse pointer is over the button but the hover state isn't active until the user actually moves the mouse, then the mouse pointer changes and all is well.
Note that the click still works - this is a purely cosmetic (but annoying) aberration.
Can I force the browser to re-evaluate the point under the cursor?
The correct way to prevent input to a button is to disable it. You can toggle the cursor style with the CSS cursor property.
var theButton = document.getElementById('theButton');
theButton.disabled = true;
// animation is complete
theButton.disabled = false;
var $theButton = $('#theButton').prop('disabled',true).css('cursor','default');
// animation is complete
Check the position of the mouse when the animation ends and you remove the div, or just always store them and check that value when it ends to see if the cursor is still over your button. You could do this with event.clientX, event.clientY or event.pageX, event.pageY something similar to those(not completely sure just did some quick research but those seemed to work in chrome,IE, and firefox). Then if the mouse is still over the button, trigger the on.hover for the button element again.
Try to set the curser of all elements using the * wildcard in jquery. See if this will update the cursor.
It seems like the root of your question was to how to prevent double animating. Instead of placing a <div> over it, you can just do it with JavaScript.
Set a global variable called isAnimating to true when you start your animation. At the top of your click handler add this line if (isAnimating) return false; Obviously, you need to set isAnimating to false as soon as the animation is completed, either through a timer or in some kind of callback function.
This will prevent double animating, without doing anything silly with the DOM that would affect the hover states, or so I'd hope!
Let me know if that's not what you meant and I'll take another look at it!

jQuery .prepend behaves wierd within my animation loop

If you check the following link for my working example:
You can see that when prepend() is invoked the positioning is lost within the animation and the order in which elements are placed seems to get distorted; (check HTML to see output);
$('#container .animateMe').prepend($('#container .animateMe .copy ').clone().removeClass('copy').removeClass('active'));
I have a solution, but it doesn't solve the prepend problem. If you click any button when the animation is still happening, the squares become offset.
This is an edit where the click event becomes unbinded to your left and right buttons as the animation is happening. This stops another animation running at the same time, and the squares don't get offset. The event gets rebinded at the end of the animation callback.
Check it out :
I have merged your left and right click methods into a single handler since they were doing the same thing, apart from the position offset.

