enable disable stylesheet using javascript in chrome - javascript

Rephrase of question: What is the best way to provide alternate stylesheets for a document?
I have a list of stylesheets, all of which are referenced in the html file.
I use javascript to disable all but one file.
style1 disabled = false
style2 disabled = true
In practice, the last stylesheet to load (style2) is the active one, regardless of the disabled property.
How can I alternate between stylesheets on a document in chrome?
I tried to set the value of href attribute, but it seems to be read only.
example of code I have been using: (I am using an object called MenuStyles that is storing various css information)
function setActiveStyleSheet(name) {
var selectedSheet;
var currentSheet;
for (var i = 0; i < MenuStyles.styleSheets.length; i++) {
currentSheet = MenuStyles.styleSheets[i];
if (currentSheet.name === name) {
selectedSheet = currentSheet.sheetObj;
currentSheet.disabled = false;
} else {
currentSheet.disabled = true;
return selectedSheet;
EDIT: it turns out the problem was due entirely to bugs in the code. disabled property works fine. below is the fixed function:
function setActiveStyleSheet(name) {
var selectedSheet;
var currentSheet;
for (var i = 0; i < MenuStyles.styleSheets.length; i++) {
currentSheet = MenuStyles.styleSheets[i];
if (currentSheet.name === name) {
selectedSheet = currentSheet.sheetObj;
currentSheet.sheetObj.disabled = false;
} else {
currentSheet.sheetObj.disabled = true;
return selectedSheet;

In general you'd subclass off the BODY tag and use a single stylesheet that uses these classes. Then just swap the BODY class, not the sylesheet. Otherwise, you should be doing this server-side.
<body class="sheet1">
sheet1.h1 {
sheet2.h1 {

If you know the order of your stylesheets you can use-
document.styleSheets[i].disabled=true or
If you have 2 stylesheets you can toggle between them with-
var S=document.styleSheets;

Current browsers offer reasonable ability to dynamically enable/disable stylesheets through the use of either the 'disabled' DOM property (Gecko) or by adding/removing the disabled attribute (Webkit and IE).
Unfortunately, these approaches only reliably work on 'link' tags that reference an external stylesheet (not 'style' tags), unless you are using IE10+. Yes - I said that - only IE does the right thing here.
For inline CSS using 'style' tags on non-IE browsers, you need to find a more crude way to enable/disable like those discussed above (remove the style element, etc).

I was able to get this to work with setting the disabled property and by including a 'title' attribute the stylesheets.
title property makes the stylesheet PREFERRED rather than PERSISTENT. see http://www.alistapart.com/articles/alternate/

I've found a great way (IMHO) to achieve this:
Let's suppose you know the exactly order of your stylesheet. Let's say you want to alternate stylesheet 0 and 1 (first and second):
To get a stylesheet state (enabled/disabled) you can try this (i.e. testing the second one):
...and it returns trueor false.
So to alternate you can write this code in an onclick event:
document.styleSheets[0].disabled = !(
document.styleSheets[1].disabled = !(document.styleSheets[1].disabled)

For me if the link is disabled, document.styleSheets does not return the link in the collection ( in Chrome) . Only the enabled links are returned.
I use document.head.getElementsByTagName('LINK'), to get them all, out of HEAD.
private changeStyle(styleName: string): void {
const links = document.head.getElementsByTagName('LINK');
for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
const link = links[i] as any;
if( !link.href) continue;
if (link.href.indexOf(styleName) === -1) {
link.disabled = true;
} else {
link.disabled = false;


Event target should be anchor but is image instead

I am working on a dialog script in Vanilla JS. I ran into a problem with the click event on the video image. Even tough the image is surrounded with an anchor tag it shows the image as the event.target on the "trigger-dialog-open" event.
Here is the HMTL:
<a class="trigger-dialog--open thumbnail" data-dialog-id="dialog-video" href="javascript:;">
<img src="http://i.ytimg.com/vi/id/sddefault.jpg" alt="" />
And this is the event in JS:
var openTriggers = document.getElementsByClassName('trigger-dialog--open');
for (var i = 0; i < openTriggers.length; i++) {
openTriggers[i].addEventListener("click", function (event) {
}.bind(this), false);
The event handler wants to know the dialog-id from the anchors data attribute. It can't be found because it thinks the image is the event.target, not the actual anchor. How can I correct this? Thanks!
Use event.currentTarget. The event.target is supposed to be the img element since that is what the user has clicked on. The click then bubbles up through the image's containers. event.currentTarget gives you the element that the click handler was actually bound to.
(Or if you didn't bind this to some other object you could use this within the click handler and it should also be the current target.)
I have a few questions is the var openTriggers supposed to be a part of a module hash? Because if it's global then you don't use a this, you only add a this, if it's referencing a variable that the function is also contained in. For example:
var aThing = {
openTriggers: document.getElementsByClassName('trigger-dialog--open'),
openModal: null,
openDialog: function(clickedThingAttr){
if(this.openModal !== null){
this.openModal.style.display = 'none';
this.openModal = document.getElementById(clickedThingAttr);
this.openModal = document.getElementById(clickedThingAttr);
this.openModal.style.display = 'block';
setEventListenersNStuff: function(){
for (var i = 0, n = this.openTriggers.length;i < n; i++) {
this.openTriggers[i].addEventListener("click", function (event) {
};//end of aThing hash object
There are a few issues here:
1. why are you using .bind I think that is a jQuery thing, you want to pass a string to another function when an object is clicked, there no need for binding at all.
2. Also make sure that if you want to do something like open a modal, there is no need to call another method unless it's kinda complex.
3. What about other potential dialogs, it seems that when a .trigger-dialog--open is clicked you're just showing that one one modal with the embedded id, but what about others? Make sure all modals are closed before you open a new one, unless you want to have like 10 modals are open.
A thing to note: I added the line var i = 0, n = openTriggers.length;i < n; i++, now in this case it's silly optimization, and I heard for modern browsers this doesn't apply, but to explain why I added it, is because i < openTriggers.length would count and integrate the array N times. (This may be an outdated optmiziation).
If you meant global
Below I added a different set of code, just in case you meant that var openTriggers is global, kinda like you wrote above. Also I used querySelectorAll for this which is like jQuery's $('.thing') selector.
anyhoo, I also added
var openTriggers = document.querySelectorAll('.trigger-dialog--open');
var n = openTriggers.length;
function openDialog(ddId){
for (var i = 0;i < n; i++) {
openTriggers[i].style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById(ddId).style.display = 'block';
for (var i = 0;i < n; i++) {
openTriggers[i].addEventListener("click", function (event) {
So for the question of hiding already open modals I would suggest you could either cache the open Dialog within a module, or you could toggle a class, which would be less efficient since it would require an extra DOM search. Additionally you could add a if this.openModal.id === clickedThingAttr to hide if open, that way you got a toggle feature.
Anyways I suggest you read up on this stuff, if you want to use plain JS but would like the features of jQuery: http://blog.romanliutikov.com/post/63383858003/how-to-forget-about-jquery-and-start-using-native
Thank you for your time.
You can use a closure
var openTriggers = document.getElementsByClassName('trigger-dialog--open');
for (var i = 0; i < this.openTriggers.length; i++) {
(function(element) {
element.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
}, false)

turning CSS on / off globally

My goal is to have a button (controlled by a javascript function) that would toggle the entire CSS on the website on and off. I thought this was a common practice and was surprised when I couldn't find a complete solution here or on the web.
Here is what I got.
$("#button").click(function() {
var css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled = true);
if (css == true)
document.styleSheets[0].disabled = true;
css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled = false);
else if (css == false)
document.styleSheets[0].disabled = false;
A simple Jquery function that targets the button by ID and performs an if test. I could've ommited the variable, but this way I am able to check the value easily in console.log. I am able to turn the CSS off, but not back on. The program doesn't even get to the else condition.
I am aware that the else if is not really appropriate, but with just else (and even just with another if condition) the function doesn't run at all.
Second option that I thought of, and which might be much easier is just dynamically changing the contents of the link href attribute, where the path to the css file is given.
But I am struggling to target the href element with Javascript.
This is a simple Boolean toggle so write it as a simple toggle
$("#button").click(function() {
var sheet = document.styleSheets[0];
sheet.disabled = !sheet.disabled;
As for why your code isn't working as is,
var css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled = true);
// same as
var css;
document.styleSheets[0].enabled = true;
css = true;
which means
if (css == true)
// same as
if (true == true)
which always holds so you'll always follow this code path
Well, for one you need to loop through all of the stylesheets.
Also, you can save some lines of code by using a counter, then on each button click increment the counter and use the % modulo operator to turn that into a 1 or a 0, which you can then coerce a boolean from using !!.
var count = 0;
var sheets = document.styleSheets;
$("#button").click(function() {
for(var i in Object.keys(sheets)) sheets[i].disabled = !!(++count % 2);
.demo {
background: #888;
color: blue;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="demo">Some Text</div>
<button id="button">Click It</button>
Your problem is that you are doing an assignment when you should be doing an equality check.
You have
var css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled = true);
But you are really trying to do an equality check, i.e.,
var css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled == true);
Notice the extra =. The single = does an assignment, so your current code is equivalent to this:
document.styleSheets[0].enabled = true
var css = document.styleSheets[0].enabled; // i.e., true
Because you set enabled to true, your if (css == true) condition is always satisfied, so your code always turns the CSS off and never turns it back on.
The fix, as Paul S. wrote in his answer, is just to toggle the value of document.styleSheets[0].disabled, as in:
$("#button").click(function() {
document.styleSheets[0].disabled = !document.styleSheets[0].disabled;
There's no need to set and track a new property enabled.
The issue seems to be that you are doing assignment, and not comparison, on this line:
var css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled = true);
It should be
var css = (document.styleSheets[0].enabled == true);
Probably simpler, since you have a jquery tag on the question, to just do:
$stylesheets = $('link[rel="stylesheet"]');
$("#button").click(function() {
$stylesheets.attr('disabled', !$stylesheets.attr('disabled'));
If you want to modify every href in your DOM,
just use
$('a[href*=]').each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
$this.attr('href', $this.attr('href').replace();

Check css file loaded or not using document.styleSheets

I am checking document.styleSheets for finding whether the file is loaded or not. I am doing,
for (var i = 0, iLen = document.styleSheets.length; i < iLen; i++) {
var sheet = document.styleSheets[i];
if (!sheet.href) {
if (sheet.href.indexOf('mypath') > -1 && sheet.rules.length > 0) {
// do something
But its not working. Is there a way?
I tried your code ant it works for me, ( on chrome, with internal css ), but it fails when using external css loaded from CDN's, so i would guess your problem is "rules" property as mentioned by #PatrickEvans.
If you don't find any other good way, then you may add an element to the page that doesn't affect the page display, but can be checked for a change.
e.g add a specific css rule like this.
html body div#my_stylesheet_name {
width: 112px !important;//random width that is unlikely overwritten by another css
<div id="my_stylesheet_name" style="height:0; width: 0;display: none;"></div>
//then use javascript timer/interval to check if
element with id of "my_stylesheet_name" has width of 112, if so, then it means css has loaded.
Edit - If you dont have any other option, you may consider something like this ( i havent used it myself before so test browser compatibility before using it )
1) create the element using JS
2) add on error and onload events, and use those to do your magic
var link;
link = document.createElement("link");
link.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
link.onload=function( evt ) {
console.log("LINK LOADED", evt );
link.onerror=function( evt ) {
console.log("LINK Error", evt );
link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
link.setAttribute("href", "https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css");

How to use Javascript to check and load CSS if not loaded?

I need to check (in Javascript) if a CSS file is loaded and if not then to load it. jQuery is fine.
Just check to see if a <link> element exists with the href attribute set to your CSS file's URL:
if (!$("link[href='/path/to.css']").length)
$('<link href="/path/to.css" rel="stylesheet">').appendTo("head");
The plain ol' JS method is simple too, using the document.styleSheets collection:
function loadCSSIfNotAlreadyLoadedForSomeReason () {
var ss = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0, max = ss.length; i < max; i++) {
if (ss[i].href == "/path/to.css")
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.href = "/path/to.css";
I just had to write something like that and I wanted to share it. This one is prepared for multiple cases.
If there is no request for the css file (css file isn't linked ...)
If there is a request for the css file, but if it failed (css file is no longer available ...)
var styles = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
// checking if there is a request for template.css
if (styles[i].href.match("template")) {
console.log("(Iteration: " + i + ") Request for template.css is found.");
// checking if the request is not successful
// when it is successful .cssRules property is set to null
if (styles[i].cssRules != null && styles[i].cssRules.length == 0) {
console.log("(Iteration: " + i + ") Request for template.css failed.");
// fallback, make your modification
// since the request failed, we don't need to iterate through other stylesheets
} else {
console.log("(Iteration: " + i + ") Request for template.css is successful.");
// template.css is loaded successfully, we don't need to iterate through other stylesheets
// if there isn't a request, we fallback
// but we need to fallback when the iteration is done
// because we don't want to apply the fallback each iteration
// it's not like our css file is the first css to be loaded
else if (i == styles.length-1) {
console.log("(Iteration: " + i + ") There is no request for template.css.");
// fallback, make your modification
TL;DR version
var styles = document.styleSheets;
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
if (styles[i].href.match("css-file-name-here")) {
if (styles[i].cssRules != null && styles[i].cssRules.length == 0) {
// request for css file failed, make modification
} else if (i == styles.length-1) {
// there is no request for the css file, make modification
Update: Since my answer got a few upvotes and this led me to revise the code, I decided to update it.
// document.styleSheets holds the style sheets from LINK and STYLE elements
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
// Checking if there is a request for the css file
// We iterate the style sheets with href attribute that are created from LINK elements
// STYLE elements don't have href attribute, so we ignore them
// We also check if the href contains the css file name
if (document.styleSheets[i].href && document.styleSheets[i].href.match("/template.css")) {
console.log("There is a request for the css file.");
// Checking if the request is unsuccessful
// There is a request for the css file, but is it loaded?
// If it is, the length of styleSheets.cssRules should be greater than 0
// styleSheets.cssRules contains all of the rules in the css file
// E.g. b { color: red; } that's a rule
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules.length == 0) {
// There is no rule in styleSheets.cssRules, this suggests two things
// Either the browser couldn't load the css file, that the request failed
// or the css file is empty. Browser might have loaded the css file,
// but if it's empty, .cssRules will be empty. I couldn't find a way to
// detect if the request for the css file failed or if the css file is empty
console.log("Request for the css file failed.");
// There is a request for the css file, but it failed. Fallback
// We don't need to check other sheets, so we break;
} else {
// If styleSheets.cssRules.length is not 0 (>0), this means
// rules from css file is loaded and the request is successful
console.log("Request for the css file is successful.");
// If there isn't a request for the css file, we fallback
// But only when the iteration is done
// Because we don't want to apply the fallback at each iteration
else if (i == document.styleSheets.length - 1) {
// Fallback
console.log("There is no request for the css file.");
for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
if (document.styleSheets[i].href && document.styleSheets[i].href.match("/template.css")) {
if (document.styleSheets[i].cssRules.length == 0) {
// Fallback. There is a request for the css file, but it failed.
} else if (i == document.styleSheets.length - 1) {
// Fallback. There is no request for the css file.
Something like this will do (using jQuery):
function checkStyleSheet(url){
var found = false;
for(var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++){
$('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + url + '" />')
Peer to the comment made by JFK about the accepted answer:
I understood the question as "how to check whether a css file is
loaded or not" rather than "how to check if the element
The element may exist (and the path may be correct too) but it
doesn't mean that the css file was successful loaded.
If you access a link Element via getElementById you'll not be able to check/read the style defined inside the CSS file.
In order to check if a style has been successfully loaded we have to use getComputedStyle (or currentStyle for IE).
//somewhere in your html document
<div id="css_anchor"></div>
//somewhere in your main stylesheet
//js function to check the computed value of a style element
function get_computed_style(id, name){
var element = document.getElementById(id);
return element.currentStyle ? element.currentStyle[name] : window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(name) : null;
//on document ready check if #css_anchor has been loaded
$(document).ready( function() {
if(get_computed_style('css_anchor', 'display')!='none'){
//if #css_anchor style doesn't exist append an alternate stylesheet
var alternateCssUrl = 'http://example.com/my_alternate_stylesheet.css';
var stylesheet = document.createElement('link');
stylesheet.href = alternateCssUrl;
stylesheet.rel = 'stylesheet';
stylesheet.type = 'text/css';
Part of the answer comes from: myDiv.style.display returns blank when set in master stylesheet
Demo here: http://jsfiddle.net/R9F7R/
Apart from all the nice answers above, you can simply put a dummy element inside your markup and in your css file, give it any style other than default. Then in the code check if the attribute is applied to the dummy element, and if not, load the css. Just a thought though, not a neat way to do that thing you want done.
My 2 cents. This checks whether there are any rules set on the css or not, meaning that it was or not successfully loaded
if(jQuery("link[href='/style.css']").prop('sheet').cssRules.length == 0){
//Load the css you want
The document object contains a stylesheet collection with all the loaded stylesheets.
For a reference see http://www.javascriptkit.com/domref/stylesheet.shtml
You can loop this collection to verify that the stylesheet you want to verify is in it and thus loaded by the browser.
document.styleSheets[0] //access the first external style sheet on the page
There are some browser incompatibilities you should look out for though.
One way: use document.getElementsByTagName("link") iterate over each and check if its href is equal to the CSS file you check.
Another way: if you know some CSS rule being set only in that file, check if this rule really apply e.g. check if background of something is really red.
You can either check if the filename is within your markup, like:
var lnks = document.getElementsByTagName('link'),
loadcss = true;
for(var link in lnks) {
href = link.getAttribute('href');
if( href.indexOf('foooobar.css') > -1) ){
loadcss = false;
return false;
if( loadcss ) {
var lnk = document.createElement('link'),
head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.documentElement;
lnk.rel = 'stylesheet';
lnk.type = 'text/css';
lnk.href = '//' + location.host + 'foooobar.css';
head.insertBefore(lnk, head.firstChild);
or you could check for a specific className which should be available, if the stylesheet was loaded. This probably comes a little closer to a feature detection.
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('link');
var file = 'my/file.css';
var found = false;
for ( var i in links )
if ( links[i].type == 'text/css' && file == links[i].href ) {
found = true; break;
if ( !( found ) ) {
var styles = document.getElementsByTagName('style');
var regexp = new RegExp('/\#import url\("?' + file + '"?\);/');
for ( var i in styles )
if ( styles[i].src == file ) {
found = true; break;
} else if ( styles[i].innerHTML.match(regexp) ) {
found = true; break;
if ( !( found ) ) {
var elm = document.createElement('link');
elm.href = file;
For a nice consistent and repeatable experience, I've written these two jQuery plugins that mimic the $.getScript(url, callback) jQuery method (however they will NOT force reloading from the server like $.getScript(). There are two methods: one that will load a CSS file anytime it's called, and one that will only load it once. I find the former handy during development when I'm making changes, and the latter great for a speedy deployment.
* An AJAX method to asynchronously load a CACHED CSS resource
* Note: This removes the jQuery default behaviour of forcing a refresh by means
* of appending a datestamp to the request URL. Actual caching WILL be subject to
* server/browser policies
$.getCachedCss = function getCachedCss(url, callback)
$('<link>',{rel:'stylesheet', type:'text/css', 'href':url, media:'screen'}).appendTo('head');
if (typeof callback == 'function')
* An AJAX method to asynchronously load a CACHED CSS resource Only ONCE.
* Note: This removes the jQuery default behaviour of forcing a refresh by means
* of appending a datestamp to the request URL. Actual caching WILL be subject to
* server/browser policies
$.getCachedCssOnce = function getCachedCssOnce(url, callback)
if (!$("link[href='" + url + "']").length) {
$.getCachedCss(url, callback);
if (typeof callback == 'function')
Usage example:
$(function() {
Usage example with callback:
$(function() {
$.getCachedCssOnce("pathToMyCss/main.css", function() {
// Do something once the CSS is loaded
use .sheet in jQuery:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="custom.css">
//custom.css was not loaded, do your backup loading here
simple way using javascript..,
function loadCssIfNotLoaded(url) {
var element=document.querySelectorAll('link[href="' + url + '"]');
if (element.length == 0)
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.href = url;
In one line, with jQuery.
If the #witness div is visible, we have to load the css file.
In the HTML, we have a:
<div id="witness"></div>
In the CSS file to load, we have:
So, if the css file is loaded, the #witness div is not visible. We can check with jQuery and make decision.
!$('#witness').is(':visible') || loadCss() ;
As a snippet:
function loadCss(){
console.log('Css file required');
!$('#witness').is(':visible') || loadCss();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="witness"></div>

Removing or replacing a stylesheet (a <link>) with JavaScript/jQuery

How can I do this?
I tried
and although the element is removed, the styles are still applied to the current page (in both Opera and Firefox).
Is there any other way?
To cater for ie you have to set the stylesheet to be disabled as it keeps the css styles in memory so removing the element will not work, it can also cause it to crash in some instances if I remember correctly.
This also works for cross browser.
document.styleSheets[0].disabled = true;
//so in your case using jquery try
I managed to do it with:
$('link[title="mystyle"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
it seems this is the only way to remove the styles from memory.
then I added:
to remove the element too.
To disable your selected stylesheet:
$('link[title="mystyle"]').prop('disabled', true);
If you never want that stylesheet to be applied again, you can then .remove() it. But don’t do that if you want to be able to re-enable it later.
To re-enable the stylesheet, do this (as long as you didn’t remove the stylesheet’s element):
$('link[title="mystyle"]').prop('disabled', false);
In the code above, it is important to use .prop, not .attr. If you use .attr, the code will work in some browsers, but not Firefox. This is because, according to MDN, disabled is a property of the HTMLLinkElement DOM object, but not an attribute of the link HTML element. Using disabled as an HTML attribute is nonstandard.
no jQuery solution
if you can add id to your link tag
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/animations.css" id="styles-animations">
document.getElementById("styles-animations").disabled = true;
if you know index position of your css file in document
document.styleSheets[0].disabled = true; // first
document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1].disabled = true; // last
if you want to disable style by name you can use this function
* #param [string] [styleName] [filename with suffix e.g. "style.css"]
* #param [boolean] [disabled] [true disables style]
var disableStyle = function(styleName, disabled) {
var styles = document.styleSheets;
var href = "";
for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
href = styles[i].href.split("/");
href = href[href.length - 1];
if (href === styleName) {
styles[i].disabled = disabled;
note: make sure style file name is unique so you don't have "dir1/style.css" and "dir2/style.css". In that case it would disable only first style.
Using pure javascript:
var stylesheet = document.getElementById('stylesheetID');
To remove a stylesheet:
To Replace a stylesheet:
If you want to do it only with the href attribute:
ES6 solution:
const disableStyle = styleName => {
const styles = document.styleSheets;
let href = "";
for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
if (!styles[i].href) {
href = styles[i].href.split("/");
href = href[href.length - 1];
if (href === styleName) {
styles[i].disabled = true;
Use it like disableStyle("MyUnwantedFile.css");.
Here's both an add & remove using the disabling principle mentioned in a number of these other posts to prevent cross browser issues. Note how my add checks to see if the sheet already exists, in which case it just enables it. Also, in contrast to some answers, this is designed to work using the url to a .css file as the sole argument to the functions (insulating the client from the use of id or title attributes).
function element( id ){ return document.getElementById( id ); }
function addStyleSheet( url ){
var id = _styleSheetUrlToId( url );
if( !_enableStyleSheet( id ) ) {
var link = document.createElement("link");
link.href = url;
link.type = "text/css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.id = id;
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild( link );
function removeStyleSheet( url )
{ _enableStyleSheet( _styleSheetUrlToId( url ), false ); }
// "protected" function
function _styleSheetUrlToId( url ){
var urlParts = url.split("/");
return urlParts[urlParts.length-1].split(".")[0]
+ "-style";
// "protected" function
// returns if the sheet was found
function _enableStyleSheet( id, enable ) {
if( typeof(enable) == "undefined" ) enable = true;
var sheet = element( id );
if( sheet ) {
sheet.disabled = !enable;
return true;
return false;

