Hiding button using jQuery - javascript

Can someone please tell me how I can hide this button after pressing it using jQuery?
<input type="button" name="Comanda" value="Comanda" id="Comanda" data-clicked="unclicked" />
Or this one:
<input type=submit name="Vizualizeaza" value="Vizualizeaza">

Try this:
function ()
For doing everything else you can use something like this one:
function ()
For hidding any other elements based on their IDs, use this one:
function ()

You can use the .hide() function bound to a click handler:
$('#Comanda').click(function() {

jQuery offers the .hide() method for this purpose. Simply select the element of your choice and call this method afterward. For example:
One can also determine how fast the transition runs by providing a duration parameter in miliseconds or string (possible values being 'fast', and 'slow'):
In case you want to do something just after the element hid, you must provide a callback as a parameter too:
$('#comanda').hide('fast', function() {
alert('It is hidden now!');

It depends on the jQuery selector that you use. Since id should be unique within the DOM, the first one would be simple:
The second one might require something more, depending on the other elements and how to uniquely identify it. If the name of that particular input is unique, then this would work:


Why is jQuery select event listener triggering multiple times?

Please run this sample in Google Chrome browser.
Stack Snippet
$(function() {
$(":input").select(function() {
$("div").text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$("button").click(function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button>Click To Select</button>
<input type="text" value="Some text">
Here why jQuery select event listener is triggering multiple times? Does anyone know the reason behind this? And is there any workaround solution for this without using timeout?
The $(":input") selector is selecting the button too, so it causes recursion. Either use just $("input"), or $(":input:not(button)").
I noticed when the three events are fired, the first doesn't have originalEvent property, so we definitely can dismiss it, and the second two has very similar (however not identical) timestamp. You can store the last timestamp in some variable and in event listener compare it with the event's timestamp. If the rounded values of these two are the same, you can dismiss this event.
$(function() {
var lastTimeStamp;
$("input").select(function(event) {
if (!event.originalEvent ||
lastTimeStamp === Math.round(event.timeStamp)) return;
lastTimeStamp = Math.round(event.timeStamp);
$("div").text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$("button").click(function() {
See updated JS Fiddle.
It appears the issue is a combination of:
the :input selector gets the input and the button, hence multiple events triggered.
even when using just input as the selector there is some odd event propagation being triggered on related elements which is raising the select event handler multiple times.
To avoid both of the above, use input as the selector and also use preventDefault() in the event handler. stopPropagation() may also be required, depending on your HTML stucture.
$(function() {
$('input').select(function(e) {
// e.stopPropagation(); // optional
$('#message').text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$('button').click(function() {
Working example
UPDATE: We were all fooled. The select() function needs a prevent default.
Rory McCrossan figured it out. Well done mate.
Incidentally, I'm not sure what the benefit of select() actually is! Something like focus() or on('focus',) might make more sense. Not Sure what the context is however. The below still follows:
Why waste time using generalised tag/type selectors which may change? Use an ID, and pick out only the one you want.
If you want to detect multiple, use a class. If you want to use multiple, but figure out which one you clicked, use a class and an ID. Bind with the class, and identify using $this.attr('id').
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<button>Click To Select</button>
<input type="text" value="Some text" id="pick-me">
$(function() {
$("#pick-me").select(function(event) {
$("div").text("Something was selected").show().fadeOut(1000);
$("button").click(function() {

How to make 1 button with changing ids do different things?

I have a button that when pressed besides doing something it changes its own id so when pressed again it does something different as if it is a different button. The problem is that after changing the id for the first time the prev button click function throws an error because the id doesn't exist anymore.
$("#button1").click(function() {
//do something
document.getElementById("#button1").id = "button2";
$("#button2").click(function() {
//do something different
document.getElementById("#button2").id = "button1";
You can accomplish this by using jQuery on, but like mentioned in comments, this might be a sign you need to change your approach. However, if you must do it this way, here is a solution using jQuery's 'on'.
$('#outerContainer').on('click', '#button1', function () {
alert('button 1 clicked!');
$(this).attr('id', 'button2');
$('#outerContainer').on('click', '#button2', function () {
alert('button 2 clicked!');
$(this).attr('id', 'button1');
Some additional notes - If you take smerny's approach, you will still need to use the 'on' function in order to bind events to changing attributes unless you have the onclick attribute set directly on the html tag. Kristian's approach would let you use the click functions like you are currently using.

Toggling one thing with two different elements

In my previous question I asked about how can I toggle a textarea with a paragraph. I got the answer. Now I want to do the opposite of it. First I was showing the already hidden textarea + 2 buttons by a click of a hyperlink. Now on the click of one of the buttons I want to hide the text + 2 buttons and show the paragraph that was first already shown.
I have tried this JS so far but it's not working:
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".no_link").click(function (e) {
$(".edit_offer").on('click', function () {
$("#cancel_edits").on('click', function () {
function toggleEditPanel(link) {
But its not working. How can I solve this error?
If I am trying to call the function toggleEditPanel() again. Its not working then aswell.
You can find the markup in the fiddle. Here's the fiddle.
Just came up with a solution. I can use the $.siblings() function to toggle the elements beside the button. Still, is there any better solution?
Here's the code that I came up with:
$("#cancel_edits").on('click', function () {
The problem in the above code is that if there are more than one panels like this then the code is not working. How can I solve that issue aswell?
You are using Id for selector $("#cancel_edits") .
Id selectors returns only first element , so if there are multiple pannel it will work only for first.
Instead give some class name and use it for selector. Further you can use chaining and caching in your code for better performance.
$(".cancel_edits").on('click', function () {
var elm=$(this);
I would recommend referencing your elements by ID:
$("#cancel_edits").on('click', function () {
The great thing about using IDs is that you are guaranteed they are unique - no need to use closest() to find the element you want. If, however, you're using classes instead, closest() might be necessary or helpful.

Single .on click for multiple elements

I have the following jquery...
$(".parentElem").on("click", "input[id*='myitem']", function() {
$(".parentElem").on("click", "input[id*='myotheritem']", function() {
These both work fine, but I don't want to have to list every clickable element separately... I'd much rather list them all at once - something like this...
$(".parentElem").on("click", "input[id*='myitem'], input[id*='myotheritem']", function() {
Is this possible? It doesn't seem to work for me.
The second argument in the .on() method is a CSS selector. So you don't have to pass in each individual element with their ID. You could just use a generic class or selector like this:
$('.parentElem').on('click', 'input', function(event) {
// Function body here
Simply don't use the delegation feature, instead do your own checking:
$(".parentElem").on("click", function() {
// check if event.target matches an element that you want to trigger on
This works for me:
$(".parentElem").find("input[id*='myitem'], input[id*='myotheritem']").each(function(){

Identical JQuery function is working for one link, not another

I have the function:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#subbutton').click(function() {
It simply makes this button hide when clicked:
<a id="subbutton" class="button" href="javascript:TINY.box.show({url: 'follow',width:600,height:170,openjs:'initPopupLogin',opacity:30})"><span>Button</span></a>
Now, if i try to use the identical function, but with a link later on the page, it doesnt work (i have erased the original button at this point) Here is the code:
<div id="subbutton">
I have tried putting the id in the anchor and in the span, nothing seems to be working for this link. Any idea why this isn't working? (I have deleted the original button so that this second button is a unique id on the page)
Try using .on instead to attach your event handler. I am suspecting the button is not in the dom at the time you attach the event handler.
$(document).on('click', '#subbutton', function() {
EDIT now that i understand the problem. You are better off giving the buttons a class and using a class selector.
.hide doesn't remove the element from the page so your selector will still be matching on the first element. You need to use .remove to remove the first element from the DOM so the second selector can work.
Also, little jQuery optimization. The nested call to $('#subbutton') is not needed. At best, it is harder to maintain, at worst, it could cause performance issues if you put this in a large loop. This is better.
$(function() {
$('#subbutton').click(function() {
You are missing a " after this:
<a id="subbutton" class="button
and Id has to be unique. Then it should work.
Don't reuse ids, they must be unique. pass the id to the function
Change your javascript to:
$(function() {
$('#subbutton').live("click",function() {
also don't reuse id's. use a class for multiple DOM elements that you want to be able to select together.

