Javascript syntax checker for Text Area text? - javascript

Im working on a project and one of the requirements is that users can write their own javascript code, on a simple text area component.
This is easy, but I have to validate the syntax, something like 'error: missing ; at the end'... like most syntax checkers do.
I dont want to develop it, cause it would take a lot of time.
Does anybody know if a plugin exists for that?
I found one called Javascript Lint but it is a .exe file and it doesnt have native integration with Java (its a java ee project, jsp files, etc)
Thanks for the help!

Here is a simple top-down parser:
A more complicated parser is JSLint: JSLint is half parser, have C-style "lint" tool (for checking for common mistakes), but you can just make use of the parser half by not reporting 'lint' results to your users. You can also turn off all of the "lint" checks.
The major difference is that JSLint will do things like checking that variables are defined and in scope and checking for other mistakes/common bad practices.

If the data is not critical, you can ask users to paste their data in (Doug Crockford's site) and it displays the errors within the JSON.
We had used YUI in our JS application, so we used YAHOO.lang.JSON.parse(your textarea's json content) to validate the user's Json. However, we were never able to give them an exact list of errors within the Json, we could only tell them if it was valid Json.


php logic expression evaluation from string

I want a user to enter a string into a form (or use a js interface to build the string for them) which can then be logically evaluated server side.
For example: The event admin writes into a text area "((36&&37)||(37&&38))&&~42" which goes into a fee_option table. A registrant picked options 37 and 38. The registrant is then charge a certain fee because the expression evaluates true. I can see a basic option of replacing each number with the result of in_array($one_number,$options_selected_by_user) and then running that through some kind of regex security and then sticking that into an eval($str), but this is really just a dumb example.
My questions are then:
Is there a conventional syntax for writing expressions to be evaluated apart from writing code to stick into an eval statement?
Is there a PHP library, script, or even blog post that provides help when writing such a thing? Put another way - does everyone write user entered conditional statements for form builders and such from scratch everytime?
Is there a javascript library specifically designed to build logical statements via a user interface, ie. grouping ors, ands, and nots, with a little math too probably.
Symfony Expression Language does the great job for your task. Give it a try.

Semi-obfuscate/uglify JavaScript

I know about JS minfiers, obfuscators and minifiers. I was wondering if there is any existing tool (or any fast-to-code solution) to partially obfuscate JavaScript. By partially I mean that it should become difficult to read, but not appear as uglified/minified. It should keep indentation, but lose comments, and partially change variable names, making them unclear without converting them to "a, b, c" like an obfuscator.
The purpose of this could be to take an explicit and reusable code and make it implicit and difficult to be reused by other people, without making it impossible to work with for yourself.
Any idea from where to start to achieve this ? Maybe editing an existing obfuscator ?
[This answer is a direct response to OP's request].
Semantic Designs JavaScript obfuscator will do what you want, but you'll need two passes.
On the first pass, run it as obfuscator; it will rename identifiers (although you can control how much or how that is done), strip whitepspace and comments. If you limit its ability to rename the identifiers, you lose some the strength of the obfuscator but that's your choice.
On the second pass, run it as a prettyprinter; it will introduce nice indentation again.
(In fact, the idea for obfsucation came from building a prettyprinter; if you can print-pretty, surely it is easy to print-ugly).
From the point of view of working with the code, you are better off working with your master copy any way you like, complete with your indentation and nice commentary as documentation. When you are ready to obfsucate, you run the obfuscator, shipping the obfuscated result. Errors reported in the obfuscated result that involve obfuscated names can be mapped back to the original names, using the map of obfuscated <--> original names produced during the obfuscation step.
This a product of my company. I'd provide a link but SO hates it when I do that, so you'll have to find it via my bio or googling.
PS: It works exactly as #georg suggests, by parsing to an AST, mangling, and prettyprinting. It doesn't use esprima.
I'm not aware of a tool that would meet your specific requirements, but it seems to be relatively easy to create, given that the vital parts already exist.
parse the source into an AST, using esprima or similar
manipulate the tree in the way you want (eg. remove comments, mangle identifiers etc)
rebuild the source from the tree using escodegen

Javascript library to manage translation forms

Is anybody aware of any javascript tool (compatible with jQuery, tinymce or any other clientside library) able to manage the following requirements?
I need to show translation forms in which every field (either input or textarea) could contain some segment variables or code sections (mostly HTML).
For example:
"Hello {{firstname}}, this is your personal page."
"You improved your personal score of <strong>{{n}} points</strong>."
Of course I obtain these segments from a template parser and I need to show them to a set of translators that will perform localization towards many languages. I know that in many cases I can (and should!) avoid variables and code inside translation segments, but in many other cases I really can't.
The problem is: I would like to manage coherence about variables and code directly on the browser (I trust my translators but a bit more of UI/UX help is always a good thing!).
A nice approach could be providing the set of variables and code tags, ready to be inserted by means of a single click (in order to avoid mispelled variables or incorrect code syntax) and a bit of pre-submit validation to be sure everything was inserted.
I've seen this approach in other websites, such as Facebook or (who have the power and the ability to reimplement the whole thing from scratch!).
Do you know about any almost-ready tool/library for this purpose?
Thank you all in advance for any suggestion.
If you are asking for a library to translate text - here is Google Translate API:
If you are asking for a library which can take user input, perform validation, and insert into the DOM - then Jquery has everything you need.
If you are asking for something else, let me know and I'll edit my question.

Is it possible to write a program to grab the online search result?

Is it possible to write a program to grab the online search result?
Specifically, I want the data from
sample data are application numbers, for example 9078871,10595401
Yes, they have CAPTCHAs, and I'm willing to type those in by hand. The problem is I have more than 500 application numbers, what shall I do? Are there any easier way for me to do this?
Thanks in advance! Also, the search engine seems to be written in javascript, but I am not exactly sure.
Sure it is possible and why should it not.
I do not know your gap in knowledge that would enable you to archieve this task as you didn't pointed that out.
Step by Step...
Analyze the Website' s code to see how links and content are generated.
Download the source code programaticly
Generate the hyperlinks to your search results
Parse the related data (I have always done this with some ugly regular expressions)
I have digged a little bit in the site you mentioned and what really can be said is that it won't be a 1-hour action as it's writte in Java (JSP; Java Server Pages).
What I so far found out is that you first have to write an equivalent of the function getDossier or use a Webbrowser control that enables you to call javascript manually to get the search results. Then you can simply bake some regular expressions together to parse the data out of the table.

Syntax / Logical checker In Javascript?

I'm building a solution for a client which allows them to create very basic code,
now i've done some basic syntax validation but I'm stuck at variable verification.
I know JSLint does this using Javascript and i was wondering if anyone knew of a good way to do this.
So for example say the user wrote the code
moose = "barry"
base = 0
if(moose == "barry"){base += 100}
Then i'm trying to find a way to clarify that the "if" expression is in the correct syntax, if the variable moose has been initialized etc etc
but I want to do this without scanning character by character,
the code is a mini language built just for this application so is very very basic and doesn't need to manage memory or anything like that.
I had thought about splitting first by Carriage Return and then by Space but there is nothing to say the user won't write something like moose="barry" or if(moose=="barry")
and there is nothing to say the user won't keep the result of a condition inline.
Obviously compilers and interpreters do this on a much more extensive scale but i'm not sure if they do do it character by character and if they do how have they optimized?
(Other option is I could send it back to PHP to process which would then releave the browser of responsibility)
Any suggestions?
The use case is limited, the syntax will never be extended in this case, the language is a simple scripted language to enable the client to create a unique cost based on their users input the end result will be processed by PHP regardless to ensure the calculation can't be adjusted by the end user and to ensure there is some consistency.
So for example, say there is a base cost of £1.00
and there is a field on the form called "Additional Cost", the language will allow them manipulate the base cost relative to the "additional cost" field.
base = 1;
if(additional > 100 && additional < 150){base += 50}
elseif(additional == 150){base *= 150}
else{base += additional;}
This is a basic example of how the language would be used.
Thank you for all your answers,
I've investigated a parser and creating one would be far more complex than is required
having run several tests with 1000's of lines of code and found that character by character it only takes a few seconds to process even on a single core P4 with 512mb of memory (which is far less than the customer uses)
I've decided to build a PHP based syntax checker which will check the information and convert the variables etc into valid PHP code whilst it's checking it (so that it's ready to be called later without recompilation) using this instead of javascript this seems more appropriate and will allow for more complex code to arise without hindering the validation process
It's only taken an hour and I have code which is able to check the validity of an if statement and isn't confused by nested if's, spaces or odd expressions, there is very little left to be checked whereas a parser and full blown scripting language would have taken a lot longer
You've all given me a lot to think about and i've rated relevant answers thank you
If you really want to do this — and by that I mean if you really want your software to work properly and predictably, without a bunch of weird "don't do this" special cases — you're going to have to write a real parser for your language. Once you have that, you can transform any program in your language into a data structure. With that data structure you'll be able to conduct all sorts of analyses of the code, including procedures that at least used to be called use-definition and definition-use chain analysis.
If you concoct a "programming language" that enables some scripting in an application, then no matter how trivial you think it is, somebody will eventually write a shockingly large program with it.
I don't know of any readily-available parser generators that generate JavaScript parsers. Recursive descent parsers are not too hard to write, but they can get ugly to maintain and they make it a little difficult to extend the syntax (esp. if you're not very experienced crafting the original version).
You might want to look at JS/CC which is a parser generator that generates a parser for a grammer, in Javascript. You will need to figure out how to describe your language using a BNF and EBNF. Also, JS/CC has its own syntax (which is somewhat close to actual BNF/EBNF) for specifying the grammar. Given the grammer, JS/CC will generate a parser for that grammar.
Your other option, as Pointy said, is to write your own lexer and recursive-descent parser from scratch. Once you have a BNF/EBNF, it's not that hard. I recently wrote a parser from an EBNF in Javascript (the grammar was pretty simple so it wasn't that hard to write one YMMV).
To address your comments about it being "client specific". I will also add my own experience here. If you're providing a scripting language and a scripting environment, there is no better route than an actual parser.
Handling special cases through a bunch of if-elses is going to be horribly painful and a maintenance nightmare. When I was a freshman in college, I tried to write my own language. This was before I knew anything about recursive-descent parsers, or just parsers in general. I figured out by myself that code can be broken down into tokens. From there, I wrote an extremely unwieldy parser using a bunch of if-elses, and also splitting the tokens by spaces and other characters (exactly what you described). The end result was terrible.
Once I read about recursive-descent parsers, I wrote a grammar for my language and easily created a parser in a 10th of the time it took me to write my original parser. Seriously, if you want to save yourself a lot of pain, write an actual parser. If you go down your current route, you're going to be fixing issues forever. You're going to have to handle cases where people put the space in the wrong place, or perhaps they have one too many (or one too little) spaces. The only other alternative is to provide an extremely rigid structure (i.e, you must have exactly x number of spaces following this statement) which is liable to make your scripting environment extremely unattractive. An actual parser will automatically fix all these problems.
Javascript has a function 'eval'.
var code = 'alert(1);';
It will show alert. You can use 'eval' to execute basic code.

