IndexedDB Fails when adding objects that contain element references - javascript

I'm writing an application for Google Chrome (targeted audience is an internal team) that allows a user to manipulate elements from within an iframe. The user is able to use her mouse to select DOM elements and to perform various actions to them, such as changing colors, fonts, etc.
I'm using a nodeIterator method to select only elements that have IDs or class names. Then for each of those elements, I add some element-specific properties to an object, and push that object to an array. Then, I open an IndexedDB database and add each object in the array to the database.
My problem is this: Everything works fine so long as I don't include a reference to the element in the object.
// Works fine
width : currentNode.offsetWidth,
height : currentNode.offsetHeight,
top :;
left :;
// Doesn't work
elem : currentNode,
width : currentNode.offsetWidth,
height : currentNode.offsetHeight,
top :;
left :;
Google chrome fails silently (nothing in the console at all) after trying to add the first element to the IndexedDB store.
My question is this: Has anyone else experienced this behavior and is this a browser-specific bug?
I'll distill my code to JSfiddle tomorrow. Thanks in advance.

IndexedDB store structured clone of your object. Basically your data will converted into JSON object, these exclude Element or Node data type.
However fail silently is not an expected behaviour. Accordingly to the structured clone algorithm, it should throw DataCloneError.

Is it necessary to save the DOM element? Can you just save the ID of the DOM element and retrieve the element back by its ID?
The indexeddb is only capable of storing data that doesn't have circular references. There is maybe one thing you can try. Sometime ago I wrote a blog post on how you can serialize and deserialize functions to JSON. Maybe this can help you, but I would advace you not to store complete elements unless there is no other option. This will add a lot of unnecessary data into your database, and it's possible you'll lose information when serializing to JSON.

You should get an exception in chrome (I just tried on Chrome 23) from the put() itself, which means if you have an onerror handler, it won't get called because the exception gets called first:
i.e. if you have
req = db.transaction("foo", "readwrite").objectStore("foo").put({ with dom nodes })
req.onsuccess = ...
req.onerror = ...
The exception will be thrown by the first line.


Why is my console.log in LWC showing variable data in proxy handler

I'm trying to console.log a variable's value but on the browser console instead of printing the variable (an object in my case), I am getting a Proxy container with format like
Proxy {}[[Handler]]: En[[Target]]: Array(0)[[IsRevoked]]: false
On opening the [[Handler]], I get some inner properties which contains an originalTarget property.
On expanding the originalTarget , my data is shown.
How do I get this data to show properly in console and also access it in my LWC ?
this.variableName returns value in a Proxy
If you want to view proxy data so use this :
And further if you want to use it in your lwc use this:
let cases = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.caseList))
I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark it as Best Answer to help others too.
Reason : whenever we mark any Javascript object as #track, Salesforce wraps the object inside creating proxy objects.
Solution: #Rajat Jaiswal answer.

JSON in localforage, efficient way to update property values (Binarysearch, etc.)?

I would like to come straight to the point and show you my sample data, which is around the average of 180.000 lines from a .csv file, so a lot of lines. I am reading in the .csv with papaparse. Then I am saving the data as array of objects, which looks like this:
I just used this picture as you can also see all the properties my objects have or should have. The data is from Media Transperency Data, which is open source and shows the payments between institiutions.
The array of objects is saved by using the localforage technology, which is basically an IndexedDB or WebSQL with localstorage like API. So I save the data never on a sever! Only in the client!
The Question:
So my question is now, the user can add the sourceHash and/or targetHash attributes in a client interface. So for example assume the user loaded the "Energie Steiermark Kunden GmbH" object and now adds the sourceHash -- "company" to it. So basically a tag. This is already reflected in the client and shown, however I need to get this also in the localforage and therefore rewrite the initial array of objects. So I would need to search for every object in my huge 180.000 lines array that has the name "Energie Steiermark Kunden GmbH", as there can be multiple and set the property sourceHash to "company". Then save it again in the localforage.
The first question would be how to do this most efficient? I can get the data out of localforage by using the following method and set it respectively.
localforage.getItem('data').then((value) => {
localforage.setItem('data', dataObject);
However, the question is how do I do this most efficiently? I mean if the sourceNode only starts with "E" for example we don't need to search all sourceNode's. The same goes of course for the targetNode.
Thank you in advance!
Thanks for the answeres already! And how would you do it the most efficient way in Javascript? I mean is it possible to do it in few lines. If we assume I have for example the current sourceHash "company" and want to assign it to every node starting with "Energie Steiermark Kunden GmbH" that appear across all timeNode's. It could be 20151, 20152, 20153, 20154 and so on...
Localforage is only a localStorage/sessionStorage-like wrapper over the actual storage engine, and so it only offers you the key-value capabilities of localStorage. In short, there's no more efficient way to do this for arbitrary queries.
This sounds more like a case for IndexedDB, as you can define search indexes over the data, for instance for sourceNodes, and do more efficient queries that way.

How do I iterate through objects stored in a firebase array in JavaScript?

At the moment I am storing a few objects in Firebase. After successfully retrieving the items from Firebase and storing them in a firebaseArray, I want to further thin out the unwanted elements by deleting the elements in the firebaseArray that do not have the desired property. Consider my code at the moment, that does not do as wanted, however there are no errors in the console:
var querylatestPosts = firebase.database().ref("Topics");
$scope.latestPosts = $firebaseArray(querylatestPosts);
console.log($scope.latestPosts) ;
$scope.latestPosts.forEach(function(el) {
if ($scope.checkWorldview(el) == false) {
delete $scope.latestPosts.el ;
(Note I am unable to log 'el' in the console, nor does the forEach seem to execute, as I can log nothing in the function in the console)
The 'checkWorldview' function behaves as expected when elements are fed in different instances and returns false if the required property is not present in the element under consideration. Thus if the function returns false, I want to delete the specific element in $scope.latestPosts that does not contain the wanted property.
I hope this is clear, thank you in advance for any help you can offer!
The way you are using the $firebaseArray isn't recommended by the docs (see here), which state that $firebaseArray is read only and should not be manipulated.
So you have a few options:
Instead of filtering the array on the client-side, you should modify the query you're using to retrieve data from Firebase to only get elements that have the desired property (ex: use 'equalTo' in the query)
Don't use a $firebaseArray because you're not using it in the way it was intended. Use a regular, good ol' fashion JavaScript array instead.
** Also, just a general comment: don't delete elements from an array as you loop through it as this is generally bad practice (we don't expect arrays to have elements added/removed while we loop through them). Instead, use Array.filter.

Avoiding duplicate JS object properties from a single assignment operation?

I am running a script on a large dataset to expand existing information. e.g:
id : 1234567890
id : 1234567891
id : 1234567890,
Name : "Joe"
id : 1234567891,
Name : "Bob"
I am doing this via the following code:
for(var cur in members)
curMember = members[cur];
// fetch account based on to 'curAccount'
if(curAccount != null)
curMember.DisplayName = curAccount.DisplayName;
For the most part, this works as expected. However, once in a while (in the order of tens of thousands of entries), the result looks like this:
id : 1234567891,
Name : "Bob",
Name : "Bob"
I now have data which is in an invalid format and cannot be read by the DB, since duplicate property names doesn't make sense. It is occurring for random entries when the script is re-run, not the same ones every time. I need either a way to PREVENT this from happening, or to DETECT that it has happened so I can simply reprocess the entry. Anyone know what's going on here?
EDIT: After further investigation, the problem appears to occur only when the objects being modified come from a MongoDB query. It seems that if code explicitly sets a value to the same element name more than once, the field will be duplicated. All elements of the same name appear to be set to the most recently specified value. If it is only assigned once as in my original problem, it is only duplicated very rarely. I am using MongoDB 2.4.1.
Got it all figured out. MongoDB has a bug up to shell version 2.4.1 which allows duplicate element names to be set for query result objects. Version 2.4.3, released just this Monday, has a fix. See
I don't really get your problem. If you apply identical property names to an object in ECMAscript, that property will just get overwritten. The construct in your snippet, can never be exist in that form on a live-object (excluding JSON strings).
If you just want to detect the attempt to create a property which is already there, you either need to have that object reference cached beforehand (so you can loop its keys) - or -
you need to apply ES5 strict mode.
"use strict";
at the top of your file or function. That will assure that your interpreter will throw an exception on the attempt to create two identical property keys. You can of course, use a try - catch statement to intercept that failure then.
Seems like you cannot intercept errors which get thrown because of strict mode violation.

Safari Extension Get Tab Position or Identifier

I am working on a safari extension in which I need to parse a particular array element to each instance of a tab that is created. I, however, need to be able to iterate through the array so that each tab receives a different element to work with in an injected script. I using the receive and send message structure to do this, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to iterate through the array elements. I tried creating an array that would act as an index, and then incrementing it each time the message responder function was fired, but this didn't work for some reason. I also tried simply shifting the array each time an element was pulled from it, but I believe this didn't work because the function is fired too quickly as tabs are created.
I want to be able to use some sort of enumerator function on each injected script instance to figure out the tab number and then parse that with the message to the global page to return the proper element in the array.
Thanks so much for any and all help.
I think you are trying to iterate through all tabs in all windows -- please clarify which array you are having trouble with. In order to iterate through all of them, you should be able to do it like this, first through the windows in the application, then through the tabs:
var bWindows = safari.application.browserWindows;
var tabs = bWindows[i].tabs;
var tab = tabs[j];
//Do something in each tab.'message', data);

