How write this in javascript - javascript

I have problems for insert dynamic id into function of JavaScript the code:
$('#scroll-up1, #scroll-down1').bind({ ..............
In this example I need the function to take values of id I send across the function
$('#scroll-up+id, #scroll-down+id').bind({ ..............
The problem it´s the quotes as " or ' no works for me and I can´t use right for function works fine , this script let me scroll text ok but only problem with this because no let me send values right from id of function.
for ($i=0;$i<sizeof($fil_comments);$i++)
if ($i%2==0)
<div id="web_comment_<?php echo $back?>">
<div id="web_comment_name"><?php echo $line[0];?></div>
<div class="web_comment_texto" id="scroll<?php echo $i;?>"><?php echo $line[1];?></div>
<div class="web_comment_arrow" style="margin-left:260px;" id="scroll-down<?php echo $i;?>"><img src="imagenes/comments/arrow_up.png"></div>
<div class="web_comment_arrow" style="margin-left:288px;" id="scroll-up<?php echo $i;?>"><img src="imagenes/comments/arrow_down.png"></div>
scroll_diver(<?php echo $i;?>);
<script type="text/javascript">
function scroll_diver(id)
$(function() {
var ele = $('#scroll'+id);
var speed = 30, scroll = 5, scrolling;
$('#scroll-up'+id).mouseenter(function() {
// Scroll the element up
scrolling = window.setInterval(function() {
ele.scrollTop( ele.scrollTop() - scroll );
}, speed);
$('#scroll-down'+id).mouseenter(function() {
// Scroll the element down
scrolling = window.setInterval(function() {
ele.scrollTop( ele.scrollTop() + scroll );
}, speed);
//var a='#scroll-up'+id;
//var b='#scroll-down'+id;
var a='#scroll-up'+id;
var b='#scroll-down'+id;
//$('#scroll-up1, #scroll-down1').bind({
$('#scroll-up'+id+', #scroll-down '+id).bind({
click: function(e) {
// Prevent the default click action
mouseleave: function() {
if (scrolling) {
scrolling = false;
Basically the problem it´s in the line of JavaScript function for send id, if you see the PHP code, I use bucle for for create scrolling tips with informations and in each I can scroll his content, for this I call function into the bucle with:
scroll_diver(<?php echo $i;?>);
But in this line no send right information for works ok, if I use out bucle for one specific id, works ok , with this works yes but scroll up and down crazy fast , and the controls no works fine.

Then you need to look at something like this:
$('#scroll-up' + id + ', #scroll-down' + id).bind({ ..............
As a commentor mentioned, jQuery selectors are simply strings. You can put them together as you see fit. In this case, I'm concatenating the id (which for simplest examples, I'm assuming is a number or other unique identifier) to the #scroll-up selector, so if your id was "1", you would end up with a string, effectively, that looks like:
'#scroll-up1, #scroll-down1'
after the string concatenation occurs.
Also, it might be worth noting that you'd probably get better bang for your buck if you simply gave both objects the same class, then inside your binding function, work out which item called and perform your scrolling appropriately.
So, if you had:
<div class="container">
<div id="scroll-up1" class="scroller"><!-- and code --></div>
<div id="scroll-down1" class="scroller"><!-- and code --></div>
then your javascript could look like this, avoiding the need for concatenation:
$('.container').on("mouseover",'.scroller', function(){
var thisId = $(this).attr("id");
if(thisId == "scroll-up1"){
// do your up-scroll
} else if(thisId == "scroll-down1") {
// do your down-scroll
Mind you, that uses .on(), which is preferred over .bind(), but the idea is to handle it based on a common class, rather than having to modify your selector every time you go to bind your event handler for those items.

Recommended solution: use CLASS NAMES for COMMON FEATURES
$('.scroll-up, .scroll-down').bind({
or even:

var id = 38;
$('#scroll-up' + id + ', #scroll-down' + id).bind({ ..............


Change location.href with jQuery

I need to change the location.href of some URLs on my site. These are product cards and they do not contain "a" (which would make this a lot easier).
Here is the HTML:
<div class="product-card " onclick="location.href=''">
I mean it is pretty simple, but I just cannot get it to work. Did not find any results from Google without this type of results, all of which contain the "a":
$("a[href='']").attr('href', '')
Any ideas on how to get this to work with jQuery (or simple JS)?
I cannot change the code itself unfortunaltely, I can just manipulate it with jQuery and JS.
To change the onClick for all the class='product-card', you can do something like this:
// All the links
const links = document.getElementsByClassName('product-card');
// Loop over them, function(el) {
// Set new onClick
el.setAttribute("onClick", "location.href = ''" );
<div class="product-card " onclick="location.href=''">Test</div>
Will produce the following DOM:
<div class="product-card " onclick="location.href = ''">Test</div>
Another option, is to loop over each <div> and check if something like is present in the onClick, if so, we can safely change it without altering any other divs with the same class like so:
// All the divs (or any other element)
const allDivs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
// For each
Array.from(allDivs).forEach(function(div) {
// If the 'onClick' contains '', lets change
const oc = div.getAttributeNode('onclick');
if (oc && oc.nodeValue.includes('')) {
// Change onClick
div.setAttribute("onClick", "location.href = ''" );
<div class="product-card" onclick="location.href=''">Change me</div>
<div class="product-card">Don't touch me!</div>

Do I need to create multiple functions for multiple actions or can they all be housed in the same function?

I'm working on a script to simulate a page change in a Questionnaire I'm building. I figured maybe I could use a bunch of "if" statements to house all the logic but it's not working right, before I go and create separate functions I'd like to know if it's possible to put them all in one single function.
So far this is the script
function pageChange(){
var chng1 = document.getElementById("p1next");
var chng2a = document.getElementById("p2back");
var chng2b = document.getElementById("p2next");
var chng3a = document.getElementById("p3back");
var chng3b = document.getElementById("p3next");
var pg1 = document.getElementById("page01");
var pg2 = document.getElementById("page02");
var pg3 = document.getElementById("page03");
if ({"none";"block";
if ({"block";"none";
the "p1next, p2back, p2next etc." are IDs I gave the buttons on the pages, which I have in DIVs that I respectively named "page01, page02, page03 etc."
Without the 2nd if statement the script works exactly how I want it, it changes the display for "page01" to none and the div for "page02" to block. When I add the second if statement it doesn't work.
The reason I want to do it like this rather than making actual pages is because I don't want the data to get lost when they load another page. Am I on the right track or do I need to create a new function for each page?
Not exactly on the right track, you should use onclick events, instead of if ( like this:
var chng1 = document.getElementById("p1next");
var pg1 = document.getElementById("page01");
var pg2 = document.getElementById("page02");
// Events
chng1.onclick = function(){"none";"block";
This will save your function until the element is clicked and then execute that function. In your case, it is executed on page load, and at that moment the user is not clicking anything.
Why not try something like this:
<div class="page" data-pg="1">...</div>
<div class="page" data-pg="2">...</div>
<div class="page" data-pg="3">...</div>
<input id="btnPrev" type="button" value="Prev" />
<input id="btnNext" type="button" value="Next" />
var pageNum = 1;
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnPrev").on("click", function () { ChangePage(-1); });
$("#btnNext").on("click", function () { ChangePage(1); });
function ChangePage(p) {
pageNum += p;
$(".page[data-pg='" + p + "']").show();
if (pageNum === 1) $("#btnPrev").attr("disabled", "disabled");
if (pageNum === $(".page").length) $("#btnNext").attr("disabled", "disabled");
That way you can easily grow your number of pages without changing the script. My apologies by the way for doing this in jQuery.
Have a lot of time on my hands today and have not coded for while using vanilla Javascript. Here's the version of the code using plain js:

how to repeat same Javascript code over multiple html elements

Note: Changed code so that images and texts are links.
Basically, I have 3 pictures all with the same class, different ID. I have a javascript code which I want to apply to all three pictures, except, the code needs to be SLIGHTLY different depending on the picture. Here is the html:
<div class=column1of4>
<img src="images/actual.jpg" id="first">
<div id="firsttext" class="spanlink"><p>lots of text</p></div>
<div class=column1of4>
<img src="images/fake.jpg" id="second">
<div id="moretext" class="spanlink"><p>more text</p></div>
<div class=column1of4>
<img src="images/real.jpg" id="eighth">
<div id="evenmoretext" class="spanlink"><p>even more text</p></div>
Here is the Javascript for the id="firsttext":
$('#first, #firsttext').hover(function(){
So when a user hovers over #first, #firsttext will appear. Then, I want it so that when a user hovers over #second, #moretext should appear, etc.
I've done programming in Python, I created a sudo code and basically it is this.
text = [#firsttext, #moretext, #evenmoretext]
picture = [#first, #second, #eighth]
for number in range.len(text) //over here, basically find out how many elements are in text
$('text[number], picture[number]').hover(function(){
The syntax is probably way off, but that's just the sudo code. Can anyone help me make the actual Javascript code for it?
try this
Why not
function() {
// in
function() {
// out
It doesn't even need the ids.
You can do it :
$(this); // the current object
$(this).children('img'); // img in the current object
or a loop :
Dont use Id as $('#id') for multiple events, use a .class or an [attribute] do this.
If you're using jQuery, this is quite easy to accomplish:
$('.column1of4 .spanlink').hide();
$('.column1of4 img').mouseenter(function(e){
$('.column1of4 img').mouseleave(function(e){
Depending on your markup structure, you could use DOM traversing functions like .filter(), .find(), .next() to get to your selected node.
$(this).find(".spanlink, img").show();
So, the way you would do this, given your html would look like:
$('.column1of4').on('mouseenter mouseleave', 'img, .spanlink', function(ev) {
$(ev.delegateTarget).find('.spanlink').toggle(ev.type === 'mouseenter');
But building on what you have:
var text = ['#firsttext', '#moretext', '#evenmoretext'];
var picture = ['#first', '#second', '#third'];
This is a traditional loop using a closure (it's better to define the function outside of the loop, but I'm going to leave it there for this):
// You could also do var length = text.length and replace the "3"
for ( var i = 0; i < 3; ++i ) {
// create a closure so that i isn't incremented when the event happens.
(function(i) {
$([text[i], picture[i]].join(',')).hover(function() {
}, function() {
And the following is using $.each to iterate over the group.
$.each(text, function(i) {
$([text[i], picture[i]].join(', ')).hover(function() {
}, function() {
Here's a fiddle with all three versions. Just uncomment the one you want to test and give it a go.
I moved the image inside the div and used this code, a working example:
$('div', $(this)).each(function(){
$('img', $(this)).show();
$('img', $(this)).hide();
The general idea is 1) use a selector that isn't an ID so I can iterate over several elements without worrying if future elements will be added later 2) locate the div to hide/show based on location relational to $(this) (will only work if you repeat this structure in your markup) 3) move the image tag inside the div (if you don't, then the hover gets a little spazzy because the positioned is changed when the image is shown, therefore affecting whether the cursor is inside the div or not.
Updated fiddle for additional requirements (see comments).

Showing/hiding div onload

So I have a class of div's that i want to be shown or hidden depending on a variable i get.
I have this code:
<div class="div_estado" >
testing that
<div class="div_estado" >
testing this
var estado= 4; //instead of 4 i have "<?php echo $_GET['estado']; ?>" but let's supose its' value is 4
if (parseInt(estado)==5)
$('.div_estado').show; // not working
else {
$('.div_estado').hide; // not working
However it doesn't work properly, can you help me solve this?
hide and show are methods, not properties. The syntax for invoking a JavaScript function requires a set of parentheses after the function name.
Updated JSFiddle
You should use "show()" and not just "show". Check the jQuery API info here.
var estado= 4; //instead of 4 i have "<?php echo $_GET['estado']; ?>" but let's supose its' value is 4
if (parseInt(estado)==5)
$('.div_estado').show(); // not working
else {
$('.div_estado').hide(); // not working
You are forgetting () . It is a function not a property. Please change it to...
You are simply missing brackets, it is show() and hide().
Use CSS to hide div {
IN JS Show div on load
$(document).ready(function () {

How to show and hide DIV based on URL. in Javascript

I have two URL's
url 1 =
url 2 =
I want to show a div(left) when PAGE URL is
In the page form.php I wrote the following code:
var locate = window.location;
if (locate=="http://localhost/school/form.php") {
} else {
<body onload="function()">
<div id="left">
Why is this not working?
Just make php condition
$('#left').toggle(window.location.href !== "http://localhost/school/form.php");
You need to make a show/hide function the proper javascript way. What you are doing at first with the (I assume) jQuery is beyond me - just declare a simple function containing the code you already have to show/hide and attach it to the onload-event.
If you just want to hide the div when the query string is empty, you could use the search property of the window.location object:
if ( === "") {
} else {
Anything more complicated (i.e. a different div for each page value) and I recommend you look at regex
You need to use the href property of the window.location object.
var locate = window.location.href,
myElement = $('#left');
locate == "http://localhost/school/form.php"
: myElement.hide();

